Drugs 2024, October

A good migraine remedy: a review of the most effective drugs, action, reviews

A good migraine remedy: a review of the most effective drugs, action, reviews

In this article you will learn about the remedies for migraine fast acting. Migraine is a disease of the nervous system, which is characterized by severe pain in the head. The headache can be so severe that it causes people to stop all activities and force them to hide from the outside world

Reserve antibiotics and their use

Reserve antibiotics and their use

Rational choice of antibiotic is the task of the treating doctor. Due to the increasing resistance of pathogens of various pathologies to antibacterial agents, doctors have to increasingly use reserve antibiotics in everyday practice. These are drugs to which microorganisms have not developed drug-resistant strains. However, they are more toxic and bacterial resistance quickly develops to them

A good antibiotic for bronchitis: a review of drugs, features of use, contraindications

A good antibiotic for bronchitis: a review of drugs, features of use, contraindications

Bronchitis is one of the most well-known diseases that affects all segments of the population, regardless of age. But, despite this, most people do not know how to properly eliminate this condition, and whether antimicrobial agents are needed for bronchitis

Candles for hemorrhoids "Relief": composition, instructions for use, course of treatment, reviews

Candles for hemorrhoids "Relief": composition, instructions for use, course of treatment, reviews

Hemorrhoids is a disease that causes varicose veins in the rectum. Mostly in the lower part. Sometimes it is accompanied by the formation of nodes and cracks, which can bleed from time to time. Based on statistics, this disease affects more than 20% of the population worldwide. Treatment of hemorrhoids requires qualified assistance. To date, the most popular means in the fight against it are candles and ointments. The most effective, according to experts, there are candles for hemorrhoids

Hemostatic drugs. Hemostatic drugs in gynecology

Hemostatic drugs. Hemostatic drugs in gynecology

Today, different hemostatic drugs are used: for uterine bleeding, capillary damage to the nose and other localizations. Against the background of a number of pathologies, disorders of a generalized type develop. For example, with aplastic anemia, Werlhof's disease, capillary toxicosis and others

Drug "Senade": instructions for use, analogues and reviews

Drug "Senade": instructions for use, analogues and reviews

"Senade" is one of the most popular such drugs. The safe composition, minimally toxic to the body, makes these tablets a real find for people with constipation problems. From this article you will learn information from the instructions for use, analogues of "Senade", its cost, reviews on the effectiveness of this drug

"Creon": instructions for use, reviews, analogues

"Creon": instructions for use, reviews, analogues

Every day in the world, hundreds of thousands of people face pancreatic insufficiency. If this organ does not secrete enough enzymes to ensure that the digestion process is normal, then patients are prescribed special drugs to facilitate the digestion of food. One of them is Creon. Instructions for use "Creon 10000", reviews, analogues and dosing regimens you can find in this article

Milk thistle for the liver: indications, instructions for use, reviews

Milk thistle for the liver: indications, instructions for use, reviews

The milk thistle plant is familiar to almost every gardener. This is a simple weed that loves shady places, although it also thrives in the sun. It is also called thorn or thistle. Since ancient times, flowers and fruits of the plant have been used to treat various diseases. This is a real natural healer that can help hearts and diabetics. But milk thistle is most commonly used for the liver

"Zirtek": instructions for use, indications, release forms

"Zirtek": instructions for use, indications, release forms

Allergy is a non-specific response of the immune system to an irritant. It can take place in a variety of forms. But if earlier pills that caused side effects were used to treat the problem, now they are releasing new generation drugs that do not have such an effect on the body. These include the drug "Zirtek", the instructions for use for which clarifies that its use is possible even in infancy

Ointment "Butadion": instructions for use, reviews, analogues

Ointment "Butadion": instructions for use, reviews, analogues

Everything you need to know about Butadion ointment before you start using it: indications and contraindications, properties, analogues, reviews and application features

Candles "Depantol": instructions for use, analogues and reviews

Candles "Depantol": instructions for use, analogues and reviews

Drugs in the form of suppositories are actively used not only in proctology, but also in gynecological practice. Such drugs are considered one of the best in terms of local effects. Unlike oral agents, as well as sprays, ointments and gels, metered suppositories, which remain solid at room temperature and melt at body temperature, contribute to the complete envelopment of the mucosa and its rapid recovery

"Actovegin": instructions for use, composition, analogues and reviews

"Actovegin": instructions for use, composition, analogues and reviews

In a modern pharmacy, you can easily buy Actovegin gel, tablets or injections with instructions. The tool belongs to the class of antioxidants, prevents the lack of oxygen, is considered an effective reparant. The active components of the drug affect the transformation, movement of glucose in the body, thereby activating oxygen consumption by cells affected by ischemia. At the same time, the amount of ADP, ATP increases

"Procto-Glivenol": instructions for use, release forms, analogues, reviews

"Procto-Glivenol": instructions for use, release forms, analogues, reviews

"Procto-Glivenol" is the optimal drug for the treatment of internal and external hemorrhoids, anal fissures. This ointment has a softening effect on the anorectal zone, it is also combined with suppositories. Suppositories fight well with swelling, eliminate the process of inflammation in the tissues of the rectum, while the ointment is used in the treatment of hemorrhoids, has a pronounced venotonic effect

Effective sputum pills: list, instructions for use, contraindications

Effective sputum pills: list, instructions for use, contraindications

Pills for sputum help to cope with one of the most common and unpleasant manifestations of bronchitis, tracheitis, pneumonia. When choosing a drug, it should be borne in mind that the cough is dry and wet. We offer a list of cough medicines with sputum production

Instructions for the use of Zolpidem. Reviews and analogues

Instructions for the use of Zolpidem. Reviews and analogues

What is Zolpidem? Instructions for use, synonyms and indications of this medication will be discussed further

Drug "Relaxon": instructions for use, description, reviews, analogues

Drug "Relaxon": instructions for use, description, reviews, analogues

At what dose is the drug "Relaxon" prescribed? Instructions for using the medication will be discussed below. You will also learn about whether this medicine has analogues, how much it costs, in what cases it is not prescribed, etc

What is phenobarbital? Indications for use and analogues of the drug

What is phenobarbital? Indications for use and analogues of the drug

Phenobarbital was recently classified as a dangerous drug and banned in some countries. And funds based on it began to gradually disappear from sale. Now the drug "Phenobarbital" and its analogues are used only on prescription. After all, this is one of the most effective anti

Sleeping pills "Donormil": reviews of doctors and patients

Sleeping pills "Donormil": reviews of doctors and patients

According to medical statistics, about 20% of people have trouble going to bed. Insomnia comes in many forms and durations. All of them are similar in that it is difficult to solve the problem without a quality drug. One of the most modern and popular drugs for sleep problems is Donormil. Should it be taken? Reviews about this drug are mixed, from this article you can learn about the details

Strong cough remedy. Preparations "Toff plus", "Coldact broncho", "Bronholitin", "Coldrex"

Strong cough remedy. Preparations "Toff plus", "Coldact broncho", "Bronholitin", "Coldrex"

Cough is a common symptom of a cold or an allergic reaction. The reflex action helps clear the airways of accumulated mucus and irritants. It is possible to cope with a pathological phenomenon only if its cause is found. To help relieve bronchospasm, doctors usually recommend taking a strong cough medicine. Select drugs depending on the characteristics of the course of the disease

The best cough medicines for kids

The best cough medicines for kids

Which cough medicines will help? What can you try if a child is sick, and what remedies will save an adult? There are many options: on the pharmacy shelves there is a large selection of drugs to improve the condition of the throat and bronchi, and special publications with folk recipes are full of tips on how to put your he alth in order in one evening

Instructions for using "Sodium Citrate"

Instructions for using "Sodium Citrate"

A product called "Sodium Citrate" is an anticoagulant drug specifically designed to normalize the acid-base state and alkalinize the urine

"Bromhexine". Analogues of the drug are cheap and effective

"Bromhexine". Analogues of the drug are cheap and effective

Viruses and bacteria can cause the phenomenon of coughing. In the initial stages of its appearance, few people pay attention to it. The opinion "has caught a cold, it happens" in every second patient's mind. But all is well when the symptom of tickling has passed after two or three days

Loperamide hydrochloride. Loperamide hydrochloride - instructions for use

Loperamide hydrochloride. Loperamide hydrochloride - instructions for use

What is Loperamide Hydrochloride? You will find an exhaustive answer to the question posed in the materials of the presented article. In addition, we will tell you in detail about how to take this medication, in what cases and in what dosage

The best expectorants for bronchitis: a list

The best expectorants for bronchitis: a list

Expectorants for bronchitis are one of the components of a quality treatment for any kind of such disease. Which drug will be most effective in each case? Only the attending physician will decide. And about what drugs can be found in pharmacies, the article will tell

"For the Nose": instructions for use. "For Nos": description of the drug, reviews

"For the Nose": instructions for use. "For Nos": description of the drug, reviews

Often colds, viral and bacterial diseases are accompanied by nasal congestion. Specialists in these cases prescribe medications that help relieve symptoms. The drugs may be in the form of drops or a nasal spray. Also, the concentration of the active substance is different

Zinc paste: instructions, reviews, analogues

Zinc paste: instructions, reviews, analogues

Diaper rash on the skin, herpes simplex, prickly heat and other rashes bring not only a lot of physical discomfort, but also spoil the appearance of a person. Therefore, most people suffering from such diseases try to eliminate their visible signs in the shortest possible time. Most often, zinc paste is used for these purposes

What is camphor ointment used for and how is it used?

What is camphor ointment used for and how is it used?

What is camphor ointment for? The instruction and purpose of the mentioned tool will be presented below. You will also learn about the contraindications of this medication, its principle of action and composition

Means "Ambrobene" for inhalation. Description

Means "Ambrobene" for inhalation. Description

Means "Ambrobene" for inhalation is considered very effective in the treatment of bronchopulmonary diseases

Cold medicines. What medicines to take for a cold

Cold medicines. What medicines to take for a cold

The risk of catching an acute respiratory disease haunts people at any time of the year, even in hot summer. But especially often colds annoy us in the winter months, as well as in the off-season. What cold medicines can help get rid of it most quickly and effectively? Our review is devoted to the answer to this question

"Sildenafil citrate": turn back the clock! Reviews, price and instructions for use

"Sildenafil citrate": turn back the clock! Reviews, price and instructions for use

Problems with lack of erection can be solved. Quite often, patients are prescribed the drug Sildenafil Citrate, also commonly known as Viagra. And many people are interested in questions about what this remedy is and how exactly it affects the body. How much does the drug cost?

The most effective remedies for diarrhea: list and reviews

The most effective remedies for diarrhea: list and reviews

Diarrhea is an excessive activity of the intestinal muscles due to the influence of various factors on it, which are manifested by frequent, and at the same time loose stools. An effective remedy for diarrhea is, first of all, one whose action is directed to the cause that caused this syndrome. In our article, we will consider the most effective remedies for such an ailment, and also find out what people write about them in the reviews

Phytodrops "Sclerovish": instructions for use

Phytodrops "Sclerovish": instructions for use

Currently, cardiovascular pathologies are among the most common. This is primarily due to the way and conditions of life

Cream "Exiter": instructions for use and reviews

Cream "Exiter": instructions for use and reviews

One of the most common dermatological ailments is currently mycosis. Pathology can affect the skin and nail plates. To get rid of this problem, it is important to choose the right medicine

Tablets "Neurodiclovit": instructions for use, price, analogues, indications for use, reviews about the drug of doctors and patients

Tablets "Neurodiclovit": instructions for use, price, analogues, indications for use, reviews about the drug of doctors and patients

The drug "Neurodiclovit" instructions for use calls it an effective non-steroidal agent that has anti-inflammatory, antiaggregatory, analgesic and antipyretic effects. The above medicine perfectly eliminates the symptoms of neuralgia, degenerative diseases of the joints and relieves the pain syndrome that occurs with various types of inflammation that are of a non-rheumatic nature. Read on for details about Neurodiclovit. The price is also listed below

"Levothyroxine sodium": instructions, reviews, analogues

"Levothyroxine sodium": instructions, reviews, analogues

"Levothyroxine sodium" is a hormonal medicine. You can buy this tool in almost any pharmacy at an affordable price

Lipotropic factors: composition, indications, instructions for use, reviews

Lipotropic factors: composition, indications, instructions for use, reviews

Many are interested in the question: what are lipotropic factors? Let's figure it out in this article. Strong lipotropic factors are methionine and choline. If choline is present in the body in insufficient quantities, a situation arises in which phospholipids are not formed. This delays the assimilation of fat and provokes its accumulation in tissues

The drug "Curcumin" from "Evalar": reviews, description, instructions for use, contraindications

The drug "Curcumin" from "Evalar": reviews, description, instructions for use, contraindications

Curcumin is a naturally occurring dye found in the roots and leaves of the turmeric plant in the ginger family. It is obtained by isolating the extract in the form of a powder from the roots with the help of petroleum ether or alcohol. It is curcumin that gives the smell and specific taste of the famous seasoning. It tastes bitter and slightly pungent, smells like camphor. The substance is practically insoluble in water, therefore it is most often used in alcohol solutions

"Calcium hopantenate" (tablets): instructions for use, reviews

"Calcium hopantenate" (tablets): instructions for use, reviews

Doctors clearly state that at the first manifestations of various disorders in the body, it is necessary to start treatment. One of the effective means of nootropic and psychostimulating action is the drug "Calcium hopantenate"

"Ceraxon" - analogues. "Cerebrolysin" - price, reviews

"Ceraxon" - analogues. "Cerebrolysin" - price, reviews

Which nootropic should I prefer? The drugs "Ceraxon" and "Cerebrolysin" are popular. A qualified specialist will help you make a choice

Amoxicillin trihydrate: description of the drug, instructions for use and composition

Amoxicillin trihydrate: description of the drug, instructions for use and composition

Amoxicillin trihydrate is an antibiotic drug of the group of semi-synthetic penicillins. Has a wide spectrum of action. Very often, doctors prescribe this drug to their patients for a variety of infectious diseases. From this article you will learn information from the instructions for use of amoxicillin trihydrate