Cough is a classic symptom of a cold that causes a lot of inconvenience. At the same time, pharmacies sell a lot of medicines without prescriptions that can significantly alleviate the patient's condition. Phlegm pills help to cope with this common and unpleasant manifestation of bronchitis, tracheitis, pneumonia.
It is important to note that the choice of this or that drug depends on a large number of nuances, the main of which is the nature of the cough. In this article, we will try to deal with them. Despite the availability of cough medicines, before taking any medicine, it is recommended to consult with your doctor, who knows all the features of the disease that has arisen.
Type of cough
Before you start taking phlegm pills, it is important to understand what type of cough you have experienced.
Specialists distinguish two main types of it - dry and wet. At the first, which in medical language is called an unproductive cough, a person is tormented by constant systematic attacks, accompanied byunpleasant sore throat. In this case, you need to take antitussive drugs. We present a list of them below.
Wet cough (productive in medical terminology) helps loosen phlegm. If it is excreted poorly, you should start taking expectorant drugs that will increase its production. Another option is to drink mucolytics, which thin the mucus, making it easier to expel from the respiratory system.

A strong wet cough with a lot of phlegm is a sure sign of acute inflammation in a cold. It indicates that the pathology has already reached the bronchi, and in some cases the alveoli with bronchioles. In the worst case scenario, a wet cough can lead to pneumonia. The illness usually begins with a dry cough, which turns into a wet cough in a few days as the infection spreads.
In adult patients, this symptom is caused by a cold, which results in acute inflammation. In addition, there is the so-called "smoker's cough", which occurs due to the ingestion of dangerous tars and other substances into the lungs. It can be observed in a completely he althy person. It is important to start treating the disease on time, since a slow and prolonged inflammatory process can lead to the formation of irreversible changes in the bronchi.
Among extrapulmonary causes of cough may be diseases of the cardiovascular system.
Possible Complications
You must be prescribed pills for sputum by a doctor, otherwise the development of a pulmonary disease without proper treatment can lead to serious complications. Mucus forms in the bronchi. If there are difficulties with its discharge, then this becomes a reason for the reproduction and growth of microbes. As a result, bacterial flora joins the inflammatory process, which was originally caused by a respiratory virus.
The development of a secondary bacterial infection is generally regarded as a complication of the current disease. The most common of them is pneumonia, purulent bronchitis. These are quite serious illnesses that can cause death of a person even in our time with a significant development of modern medicine.
Indirect symptoms may indicate the occurrence of complications. Among them, a deterioration in well-being, a repeated wave of a significant increase in temperature, an increase in the volume of expectorated sputum, especially in cases where it acquires a yellow-greenish hue with a characteristic purulent character.

Source of wet cough
For effective treatment, it is important to find out what is the source of dangerous wet cough. During the development of the inflammatory process, the normal functioning of the ciliated epithelium, which lines the bronchi from the inside, is disrupted.
Its main function is aimed at naturally cleansing the surface of the mucosa from the smallest foreign particles. With inflammation in the bronchi accumulatesmucus, its stagnation begins. As a result, viscous mucus is formed. Its clots in the lumen of the bronchi cause chest cough. The body is trying to push them out of the respiratory tract in order to restore the normal respiratory process.
It turns out that sputum acts as a foreign object, which must be removed from the lungs with the help of mechanical contractions. When its accumulations become viscous and thick, it is much more difficult to push it out. The cough is dry. The patient's condition begins to improve only if the mucus clots begin to move away. As soon as the viscosity of sputum decreases, the process of its withdrawal becomes much easier, and the cough becomes bubbling and wet. At this stage of the development of the disease, the most important thing is to thin the sputum as quickly as possible in order to facilitate its removal from the lungs. As a rule, wet cough increases in the morning after a night's sleep, and also when the patient's body position changes.
Complex treatment
Pills for phlegm should not be the only remedy for the treatment of the disease. Comprehensive medical care is required. The fight against the inflammatory process should be carried out in several directions.
It is important to start the fight against the inflammatory process itself, to stimulate the removal of sputum from the bronchi, to help thin it if it turns out to be too viscous, to eliminate spasms in the bronchi when they appear.
In this article we will talk about the most effective and common cough tablets with phlegm. These are Ambroxol, Bromhexin, Libeksin,"Muk altin", "ACC". Consider each drug in more detail.

One of the most popular cough tablets with sputum is Ambroxol. It is a mucolytic agent that is widely used during colds of the respiratory tract, as well as for productive coughs.
This drug effectively promotes sputum discharge, treats acute and chronic bronchitis. It is important that it can be combined with most other drugs, increasing the effectiveness of antibacterial and anti-inflammatory therapy. It is believed that this remedy is very safe, so it is prescribed for both adults and children.
"Ambroxol" in the form of cough tablets with sputum should be taken after meals with a significant amount of liquid. Adults are advised to set the dose at the rate of one tablet three times a day. In consultation with the doctor, it can be increased to two tablets twice a day. Also, the drug is produced in the form of a syrup and a solution for inhalation.
These tablets for phlegm in the throat have contraindications that must be taken into account. True, there are very few of them. Drinking this drug is prohibited only in the first trimester of pregnancy and in case of hypersensitivity to the substances that make up its composition. These are ambroxol hydrochloride (active element), lactose, silicon dioxide, potato starch, calcium stearate.
These phlegm pills should be used with cautiontake while breastfeeding, in the second and third trimesters of pregnancy, and if you have liver or kidney failure.

Effective tablets from sputum discharge - "Bromhexine". This drug helps with a productive (wet) cough. In a pharmacy, it can be found in the form of tablets or a mixture (the latter option is considered more preferable for children). This drug causes liquefaction of sputum and an expectorant process. As a rule, the result appears five days after the start of the drug.
Bromhexine is used for wet cough, acute or chronic bronchopulmonary diseases, for example, emphysema, tracheobronchitis, cystic fibrosis, chronic pneumonia, bronchial asthma. Here are some phlegm pills to take.
It is worth noting that they are contraindicated for pregnant women during the first trimester and children under the age of six. In some cases, it is allowed to take this drug for a whole month without interruption. These phlegm-thinning cough tablets should be used with extreme caution in young children.
Among the obvious advantages: increased expectorant effect, complex treatment of the disease, the minimum number of contraindications. The drug should not be taken by patients with stomach ulcers. Also, it cannot be combined with drugs that include codeine.
Take one tablet three times a dayday.

What other pills to drink from sputum? Doctors often prescribe Libeksin to patients. This is an effective remedy, the effect of which is somewhat different from that of mucolytics. The composition of "Libexin" includes:
- Prenoxdiazine (active element).
- Povidone.
- Lactose monohydrate.
- Talc.
- Glycerin.
- Magnesium stearate.
- Corn starch.
The drug acts like codeine (it is an opium alkaloid), but does not affect the functioning of the nervous system and is not addictive. The medicine is able to slightly expand the bronchi, which reduces the pressure of mucus on the receptors, reduces their irritation. The activity of the cough center located in the medulla oblongata also decreases. Thus, "Libexin" does not help to remove sputum, but significantly reduces coughing. This drug helps in the treatment of respiratory diseases, regardless of the stage of the disease. It is very effective in blocking cough, gives a person the opportunity to sleep, helps to cope with a cold faster.
"Libeksin" should not be taken for a long time.
Adults and children over 12 years of age are recommended to take one tablet (100 mg) three to four times daily. If the situation is severe, the dose may be doubled, but only after consultation with the doctor.
Children under 12 years of age, the drug is prescribed at a dose of 25 to 50 mg 3-4 times a day.
This remedy is forbidden to be taken in the postoperative period, when the patient is undergoing inhalation anesthesia, as well as with abundant bronchial secretion.
Side effects include allergic reactions, dry throat or mouth, constipation, stomach pain, nausea. In some cases, fatigue and mild sedation appear.
This remedy is not recommended for patients with lactose intolerance, as each tablet contains up to 0.38 mg of this substance.
Muk altin

Effective cough tablets with sputum - "Muk altin". The drug is a compound of polysaccharides based on marshmallow, has an expectorant property. Due to reflex stimulation, the activity of the ciliated epithelium is significantly increased.
These mucus-removing cough tablets are recommended for chronic and acute respiratory diseases, accompanied by a large amount of sputum, which is difficult to excrete, too viscous. Such ailments include tracheitis, pneumonia, obstructive bronchitis, tracheobronchitis of the lungs.
These phlegm pills should be taken orally by adults, two pieces three times a day before meals. The course of treatment is from one to two weeks, depending on the severity of the patient's condition. Children from 3 to 12 years old are recommended to give one tablet. The pills can be sucked like a lozenge or dissolved in a glass of warm water.
AmongContraindications to this drug indicate hypersensitivity to certain substances that make up this drug, as well as peptic ulcer of the duodenum and stomach.
The main side effect to watch out for is an allergic reaction.
Cough tablets "ACC" will help to remove sputum. In a pharmacy, you can find this drug in granules, which are designed to prepare a solution. The manufacturer also produces the drug in the form of effervescent tablets. They also need to be dissolved (1 pill per glass of water).

These effective cough tablets with phlegm have a high expectorant and mucus thinning effect, and are considered one of the most effective remedies for combating wet cough.
The drug "ACC" is safe and effective in the treatment of diseases of the bronchopulmonary system and nasopharynx, such as bronchitis, pneumonia, lung abscess, cystic fibrosis, tracheitis, sinusitis. These phlegm-thinning cough tablets have an anti-inflammatory and antitussive effect, help to thin sputum, especially purulent and mucopurulent, which many other drugs are unable to cope with.
"ACC" is often given to children. For them, there is a drug available in the form of granules for making syrup with orange flavor.
It is important to remember that ACC is contraindicated for pregnant women. During lactation, it should be consumed with the utmostcaution. The drug can not be combined with other antitussives. With complex therapy with antibiotics, you need to take a break of at least 2 hours between taking these drugs and ACC.
These are very good cough tablets. Among their obvious advantages, one should single out a pleasant taste, practical packaging. This medicine quickly and effectively relieves cough and sputum, helps with a large number of various ailments associated with the respiratory system.
At the same time, patients should be wary of the development of allergies. ACC has a lot of contraindications. It can not be taken with a fairly wide list of diseases and pathological conditions. These include:
- Hemoptysis.
- Ulcer of the duodenum and stomach in the acute stage.
- Pregnancy.
- Pulmonary bleeding.
- Increased sensitivity to acetylcysteine, as well as other components of the drug.
- Effervescent tablets should not be given to babies under 2 years old, and granules - up to 6 years old.
With caution, "ACC" should be taken by minors, as well as patients with an increased risk of developing hemoptysis and pulmonary hemorrhage, with esophageal varicose veins, with diseases of the adrenal glands, bronchial asthma, renal failure.
Adults and adolescents over 14 years of age should take two effervescent tablets or two packets of granules two to three times daily. At the age of 6 to 14 years, it is recommended not to exceed the dose at the rate of one effervescent tablet three times a At the age of two to five years, the dosage is prescribed by the doctor. When prescribing this drug to children under the age of 14, it is necessary to discuss the rationale for choosing this particular drug with a doctor.
When diagnosed with cystic fibrosis and total body weight up to 30 kg, consider increasing the dose to 800 mg acetylcysteine per day. This issue also requires coordination with your doctor.
We looked at which phlegm pills to take.