Neuroleptic is Action of neuroleptics. List of antipsychotics

Neuroleptic is Action of neuroleptics. List of antipsychotics
Neuroleptic is Action of neuroleptics. List of antipsychotics

Neuroleptic is a special drug that is used for various mental disorders. As a rule, such drugs are used to treat neurotic syndromes, psychoses, and the medication can also be used for hallucinations. In addition, antipsychotic drugs are prescribed to prevent the main manifestations of a person's mental illness.

action of neuroleptics
action of neuroleptics

Main effects of the drugs in question

The effects of neuroleptics are multifaceted. The main pharmacological feature is a kind of calming effect, which is characterized by a decrease in response to external stimuli, a weakening of affective tension and psychomotor agitation, suppression of fear, and a decrease in aggressiveness. Antipsychotic drugs can suppress hallucinations, delusions and other psychopathological symptoms, have a therapeutic effect in patients suffering from schizophrenia and other psychosomatic ailments.

Certain drugs in this grouphave antiemetic activity, such an effect of neuroleptics is achieved due to selective inhibition of chemoreceptor trigger (trigger) areas of the medulla oblongata. Some neuroleptics can have a sedative or activating (energizing) effect. A number of these funds are characterized by elements of normothymic and antidepressant action.

Pharmacological properties of various neuroleptic drugs are expressed to varying degrees. The combination of the main antipsychotic effect and other properties determines the profile of their action and indications for use.

How do antipsychotics work?

Neuroleptics are drugs that have a depressing effect on the reticular formation of the brain. The action of these drugs is also associated with the effect on the occurrence and conduction of excitation in various parts of the central and peripheral nervous system. Today, the most studied effect of neuroleptics is the effect on mediator processes in the brain. Scientists have accumulated enough data on the effects of these drugs on adrenergic, serotonergic, dopaminergic, cholinergic, GABAergic and other neurotransmitter processes, which include the effect on the neuropeptide systems of the brain. Particularly much attention has recently been paid to the process of interaction between dopamine brain structures and neuroleptics. With the inhibition of the mediator activity of dopamine, the main side effect of these drugs manifests itself, the so-called neuroleptic syndrome develops, which is characterized by extrapyramidal disorders, for example,such as involuntary muscle contraction, akathisia (restlessness), parkinsonism (tremor, muscle stiffness), motor restlessness, fever. This effect is achieved due to the blocking effect of neuroleptics on the subcortical formations of the brain, where a large number of receptors that are sensitive to dopamine are localized.

The side effects of neuroleptics that appear are a reason for correcting treatment and prescribing special correctors (drugs "Akineton", "Cyclodol").

side effects of neuroleptics
side effects of neuroleptics


An antipsychotic is a drug that, acting on central dopamine receptors, provokes some endocrine disorders, including stimulation of lactation under their influence. When neuroleptics block the dopamine receptors of the pituitary gland, the secretion of prolactin increases. By acting on the hypothalamus, these drugs interfere with the secretion of growth hormone and corticotropin.

Neuroleptics are drugs that have a relatively short half-life in the body and after a single injection they have a short effect. Scientists have created special preparations with a longer action (Moditen-Depot, Geloperidol Decanoate, Piportil L4, Clopixol-Depot). Often antipsychotics are combined with each other: in the first half of the day they take a stimulating drug, in the second - a sedative. In order to stop the affective-delusional syndrome, it is recommended to take antidepressants and antipsychotics in combination.

Indications for use

Neuroleptics are prescribed primarily for the treatment of nosogenic paranoid reactions (sensitive reactions) and chronic somatoform pain disorder.

Rules for prescribing these drugs

Treatment with antipsychotics begins with the appointment of an average therapeutic dose, then the effect is evaluated and a decision is made on the need to change the dose. The dosage of antipsychotics is quickly increased to a certain value, which is subsequently gradually reduced by 3-5 times, and the therapy becomes anti-relapse, supportive. Change the prescribed amount of the drug strictly on an individual basis. Maintenance doses are switched after the desired therapeutic effect is achieved. It is more expedient to carry out anti-relapse therapy with drugs that have a prolonged action. The route of administration of psychotropic drugs is of great importance. At the initial stage of treatment, parenteral administration is recommended, in which the relief of symptoms occurs faster (intravenous jet, intravenous drip, intramuscular). Further, it is preferable to take antipsychotics orally. A list of the most effective drugs will be given below.


This remedy has a sedative effect, reduces anxiety and motor activity. The drug is used for borderline disorders in patients with somatic pathology, if there are anxiety, phobic disorders, obsession. Take the medicine inside 2-3 times a day, 25 mg, if necessary -the dose can be increased to 100-150 mg per day. When using small doses, the development of manifestations of parkinsonism, as a rule, is not observed.

antipsychotic drugs
antipsychotic drugs

Etaperazine preparation

The drug has an antipsychotic activating effect and affects syndromes that are characterized by lethargy, lethargy, apathy. In addition, the drug "Etaperazine" is used to treat neurosis, accompanied by tension, fear, anxiety. The daily dose of the drug is 20 mg.

Means "Triftazin"

The drug has a noticeable anti-delusional effect, stops hallucinatory disorders. The drug has a moderate stimulating (energizing) effect. It can be used in the treatment of atypical depressive states with the phenomenon of obsession. For the treatment of somatoform disorders, the drug "Triftazin" is combined with antidepressants and tranquilizers. The dosage of the drug is 20-25 mg per day.


The drug has antihistamine and antipsychotic activity. The drug "Teralen" is a mild sedative and has a positive effect on synestopathic-hypochondriac signs of the borderline register, with psychosomatic symptoms that develop against the background of infectious, somatogenic, vascular manifestations, with neurovegetative pathologies. It is widely used in gerontological practice and pediatrics. Recommended for use in allergic diseases and skin itching. Take the drug orally at 10-40 mg per day,intramuscularly used in the form of a 0.5% solution.

Means "Tiridazine"

The drug has an antipsychotic effect with a calming effect, without causing lethargy and lethargy. Also, the drug has a moderate thymoleptic effect. The drug shows the greatest effectiveness in emotional disorders, which are characterized by tension, fear, excitement. In the treatment of borderline conditions, 40-100 mg of the drug is used per day. With such phenomena as neurasthenia, increased irritability, anxiety, neurogenic functional gastrointestinal and cardiovascular disorders, take the medicine 2-3 times a day, 5-10-25 mg. With premenstrual nervous disorder - 25 mg 1-2 times a day.

Drug "Chlorprothixen"

The drug has an antipsychotic and sedative effect, enhances the effect of sleeping pills. A medication is used for psychoneurotic conditions characterized by fears, anxieties. The use of the drug is indicated for neurosis, including against the background of a variety of somatic ailments, in case of sleep disturbance, skin itching, subdepressive states. The dose of the drug is 5-10-15 mg, take the medicine after meals, 3-4 times a day.

neuroleptic is
neuroleptic is

Drug "Fluanxol"

This remedy has an antidepressant, activating, anxiolytic effect. In the treatment of depressive, apathetic conditions take 0.5-3 mg of medication per day. For the treatment of psychosomatic disorders with subdepression, asthenia, hypochondriacal manifestationsthe daily dose is 3 mg. Fluanxol does not cause daytime sleepiness and does not affect attention.

Means "Eglonil"

The drug has a regulatory effect on the central nervous system, has a moderate antipsychotic activity, which is combined with some stimulating and antidepressant effects. It is used in conditions that are characterized by lethargy, lethargy, anergy. It is used in patients with somatoform, somatized disorders on the background of subdepressive mood and in skin ailments accompanied by itching. This medication is especially indicated for use in patients who have a latent form of depression, senestopathic disorders. It is also recommended to use the drug "Eglonil" for depression with a pronounced cephalgic syndrome, in the presence of sensations such as dizziness and migraines. The tool also has a cytoprotective effect on the gastric mucosa, so it is used to treat conditions such as gastritis, duodenal ulcer and gastric ulcer, irritable bowel syndrome, Crohn's disease. The recommended dose of the drug is 50-100 mg per day, the daily dose, if necessary, can be increased to 150-200 mg. The drug can be taken in combination with sedative antidepressants.

Side effects of antipsychotics

Like any other medicine, antipsychotics also have negative sides, the reviews of those who used such drugs indicate the possible development of undesirable effects. Long-term or incorrect use of these drugs canprovoke the following phenomena:

  • All movements accelerate, a person moves for no reason in different directions, usually at high speed. You can get rid of obsessive thoughts, calm down, find a comfortable position only after taking psychotropic drugs.
  • There is a constant movement of the eyeballs, facial muscles and various parts of the body, grimacing.
  • Due to damage to the muscles of the face, its features change. A “skewed” face may never return to normal, remain with a person for the rest of his life.
  • As a result of intensive therapy with antipsychotics and depression of the nervous system, severe depression develops, which significantly affects the effectiveness of treatment.
  • An antipsychotic is a drug that has a direct effect on the gastrointestinal tract, so when treated with this medication, discomfort in the stomach, dry mouth may be felt.
  • Such substances that are part of antipsychotics, such as thioxanthene and phenothiazine, adversely affect human vision.

Atypical Antipsychotics

Such drugs act more on serotonin receptors than dopamine receptors. Therefore, their anti-anxiety and calming effect is more pronounced than antipsychotic. Unlike typical antipsychotics, they affect the brain to a lesser extent.

Let's look at the main atypical antipsychotics.

Medication "Sulpiride"

This drug is used to treat conditions such assomatized mental disorders, hypochondriacal, senestopathic syndromes. The drug has an activating effect.

atypical antipsychotics
atypical antipsychotics

Drug "Solian"

The action of this remedy is similar to the previous drug. It is used in conditions with hypobulia, apathetic manifestations, in order to stop hallucinatory-delusional disorders.


The drug has a pronounced sedative effect, but does not cause depression. The medication is used in the treatment of catatonic and hallucinatory-delusional syndromes.

Means "Olanzalin"

The drug is used for psychotic disorders and catatonic syndrome. Long-term use of this medication may cause obesity.


This atypical remedy is the most widely used. The drug has an elective effect in relation to hallucinatory-delusional symptoms, catatonic symptoms, obsessive-compulsive states.

Means "Rispolept-consta"

This is a long-acting drug that stabilizes the well-being of patients. Also, the tool shows high efficiency in relation to acute hallucinatory-paranoid syndromes of endogenous genesis.

Medication "Quetiapine"

This drug, like other atypical antipsychotics, acts on both dopamine and serotonin receptors. It is used for paranoid, hallucinatory syndromes, manic excitement. The drug has an antidepressant and moderatelypronounced stimulating effect.


The drug affects dopamine D-2 receptors, 5-HT-2 receptors, and also blocks the reuptake of norepinephrine and serotonin. This determines its effectiveness in the treatment of acute hallucinatory-delusional, as well as affective disorders. The use of the drug is contraindicated in arrhythmia and the presence of pathologies of the cardiovascular system.

Means "Aripiprazole"

The drug is used for all kinds of psychotic disorders. The drug helps to restore cognitive functions in the treatment of schizophrenia.

Means "Sertindole"

The drug is used for sluggish-apathetic states, the drug improves cognitive functions, has antidepressant activity. Sertindole is used with caution in cardiovascular pathologies - it can provoke arrhythmia.

Invega drug

The drug prevents exacerbation of catatonic, hallucinatory-delusional, psychotic symptoms in patients with schizophrenia.

neuroleptic treatment
neuroleptic treatment

Side effects of atypical antipsychotics

The action of drugs such as Clozapine, Olanzapine, Risperidone, Ariprazol is accompanied by the phenomenon of neurolepsy and significant changes in the endocrine system, which can cause weight gain, the development of bulimia, and an increase in the level of certain hormones (prolactin). When treated with Clozapine, epileptic seizures and agranulocytosis may occur. Taking Quetiapine is oftencauses drowsiness, headaches, elevated liver transaminases, weight gain.

It is worth noting that today scientists have accumulated enough evidence that the superiority of atypical antipsychotics over typical ones is not so significant. And their reception is prescribed when, with the use of typical antipsychotics, a significant improvement in the patient's condition is not observed.

Neuroleptic withdrawal syndrome

Like any other drug with psychoactive properties, antipsychotic drugs cause strong psychological and physical dependence. Abrupt withdrawal of the drug can provoke the development of severe aggression, depression. The person becomes too impatient, whiny. There may also be signs of a disease for which antipsychotics were used.

From a physiological point of view, the manifestations of the withdrawal of antipsychotics are similar to the symptoms of drug withdrawal: a person is tormented by pain in the bones, he suffers from headaches, insomnia. Nausea, diarrhea and other intestinal disorders may develop.

Psychological addiction does not allow a person to refuse to use these drugs, because he is tormented by the fear of returning to a gloomy, depressive life.

antipsychotic drugs
antipsychotic drugs

How to stop taking antipsychotics without disturbing the normal state of he alth? First of all, you should know that it is contraindicated to use antipsychotics without a doctor's prescription. Only an experienced specialist can adequately assessthe patient's condition and prescribe the necessary treatment. Also, the doctor will give recommendations on reducing the dose of the medication consumed. The dosage of the drug should be reduced gradually, without causing a strong feeling of discomfort. Further, the specialist prescribes antidepressants that will support the patient's emotional state and will prevent the development of depression.

An antipsychotic is a drug that allows you to normalize a person's mental state. However, in order to avoid the development of side effects, be sure to follow the doctor's recommendations and do not self-medicate. Stay he althy!
