"Levothyroxine sodium" is a hormonal medicine. You can buy this tool in almost any pharmacy at an affordable price. Of course, officially the drug is dispensed exclusively by prescription. However, in fact, anyone can buy "Levothyroxine sodium". It is worth noting that this drug is very often taken for other purposes. This can be explained by the properties of the drug. Most often it is used as a means for weight loss. Levothyroxine sodium is in great demand among athletes during competitions, as well as during preparation for them.

Thyroid hormone
The main component of the drug is thyroxine. This substance is produced in the body of any person. The synthesis of the hormone is carried out by the thyroid gland, along with others, no less active. Thyroxine is able to have many actions on the human body, including:
- Tissue Growth Stimulation.
- Improving the functional state of the cardiovascular and nervous system.
- Acceleration of metabolic processes.
- Increase the effect of somatotropin and adrenaline.
- Stimulation of the process of formation of new cellsblood.
- Increased blood glucose levels.
- Increase in mental activity.

Medical preparation "Levothyroxine sodium"
Reviews show that this drug is very popular. To date, several drugs based on thyroid hormones have been created. These are "Levothyroxine sodium" and "Triiodothyronine". Usually, doctors prefer the first drug, since the second, although more effective, is more toxic and has many side effects. "Levothyroxine sodium" with adequate use and in the presence of certain indications usually does not cause disturbances in the operation of all systems. Naturally, with a correctly calculated dosage, the drug does not cause any side effects.
Reception features
"Levothyroxine sodium", reviews of which are mostly positive, has a therapeutic effect. Of course, his actions are weakly expressed. When ingested, the drug is converted in the brain, muscles and liver into a more active form of the hormone - into triiodothyronine.

It is also worth considering that any food can significantly reduce the bioavailability of the drug. That is why experts recommend using "Levothyroxine sodium" two hours after or one hour before a meal. In addition, the dosage of the drug is selected individually and depends on laboratory parameters, clinical picture and indications.
Whenoverdose is carried out symptomatic treatment. There is no specific antidote in this case. If your blood pressure has increased or your heart rate has increased, you can take one of the beta-blockers. If severe diarrhea occurs, then Mebeverin and Loperamide will help eliminate it. If necessary, induce vomiting so that the remnants of the drug do not enter the bloodstream and worsen the patient's condition.
When Levothyroxine sodium is prescribed
This drug is usually indicated for:
- Destruction of the thyroid gland with radioactive iodine or its removal. In this case, lifelong replacement therapy is required.
- Hypothyroidism - decreased thyroid function.
- Goiter - an increase in the size of the gland.

Weight loss drug
Very often use "Levothyroxine sodium" for weight loss. Reviews show that this drug allows you to quickly get rid of extra pounds. However, in fact, this drug is not intended to combat obesity. It is for this reason that the instructions for the drug do not contain any recommendations for taking it.
Most often, "Levothyroxine sodium" for weight loss is taken at a dose of 100-300 micrograms per day. At the same time, you should be careful. After all, the greater the dosage of this drug, the higher the likelihood of side effects. The most dangerous of them are those that can affect the functioning of the cardiovascular system. bring them downthe probability is allowed by β-blockers, for example, Metoprolol and Atenolol. You need to use them regularly.
How Levothyroxine sodium works
For weight loss, many use the drug in question. In this regard, it is quite effective. The drug provides weight loss through the following mechanisms:
- Increase endurance. This allows you to significantly increase not only the duration, but also the effectiveness of training.
- Decreased appetite.
- Stimulation of mental activity. This allows you to increase your calorie consumption.
- Speed up metabolism.
- The occurrence of sweating and diarrhea, as well as stimulation of urination. So some of the weight goes with the liquid.
- Increase heat generation.
- Stimulation of lipolysis. This is the process of breaking down fats.

Is it a he alth hazard
"Levothyroxine sodium" is very popular among athletes. However, many do not even think that this drug is able to break down not only fats, but also muscles. Of course, this is not the most dangerous side effect. You may experience:
- High heart rate.
- Irregular heart rhythm.
- Angina.
- Fever and sweating.
- Increased intraocular and blood pressure.
- Diarrhea.
- Painful menstruation in women
- Conflict, anxiety and irritability.
- Muscle twitches, hand tremors, and in some cases convulsions.
Often, not all side effects are indicated in the instructions for the drug. Indeed, when using the drug strictly according to the indications, as well as in the correct dosage, such phenomena do not occur. "Levothyroxine sodium", the instruction to which contains only information about the properties of the drug, is safe. Of course, if you take it correctly according to the recommendations of experts.

Like any drug, "Levothyroxine sodium" has contraindications. As consumer reviews show, this drug should not be taken even for the purpose of losing weight for those who:
- Diabetes mellitus.
- Heart disease.
- Hypertension.
- Infectious acute diseases.
- Adrenal insufficiency.
In addition, the drug should not be used by persons over 55 years of age. In this case, the use of "Levothyroxine sodium" is fraught with negative consequences.
Are there any analogues?
Not every pharmacy can buy Levothyroxine Sodium without a prescription. The analogues of this medicinal product contain the same active substance. The main difference lies in the auxiliary components. If necessary, you can replace "Levothyroxine sodium" with "L-thyroxine", "Bagotirox", "L-Thyroxine", "Eutirox" and so on.
However, do not forget that taking anymedicines without the recommendation of specialists can lead to negative consequences. Therefore, before using drugs, you should consult a doctor. In addition, there are a number of recommendations, the observance of which allows you to increase the production of natural thyroxine by the body. This method of losing weight is safer and does not cause unpleasant consequences for a person.