The best cough medicines for kids

The best cough medicines for kids
The best cough medicines for kids

Which cough medicines will help? What can you try if a child is sick, and what remedies will save an adult? There are many options: on the pharmacy shelves there is a large selection of drugs to improve the condition of the throat and bronchi, and special publications with folk recipes are full of tips on how to put your he alth in order in one evening. However, many people drink tea with honey and lemon in the old fashioned way. But what else will help, besides this reliable and safe remedy? Consider different options.

Pills: many options

The following types of cough medicines are presented on pharmacy shelves in tablet form:

  • stopping cough reflex;
  • stimulating expectoration;
  • antihistamines;
  • mucolytics.

Each type has its own characteristics, advantages, indications and contraindications.

And more details?

Antitussives are substances that affect the brain center, activating the cough reflex. Some drugs in this class are narcotic drugs. Mostly they are used by adults and only in a serious case. You cannot buy these medicines without a prescription. Sometimes they are prescribed in childhood, but only if other means are ineffective. There are non-narcotic antitussive medicines. They are not addictive, but are used only after the doctor's recommendation.

Expectorants - these are cough medicines that stimulate the cough reflex, which means that sputum leaves faster, along with it - pathological microscopic life forms. There are many tablets on sale based on herbal ingredients - marshmallow, thermopsis.

Mucolitics are medicines that can change the quality and consistency of sputum, making the secret less viscous. Coughing up such a substance is much easier.

Antihistamines as cough medicines are prescribed if the cause of the disturbing manifestation is an allergic reaction.

Effective and time tested

What cough medicines do doctors usually recommend to a sick child and an adult? Perhaps the most famous is Codelac. The drug belongs to the class of antitussives, reduces the activity of the center of the brain responsible for the cough reflex. At the same time, active components affect the quality of sputum, so its discharge is simplified. Codelac can be used by children and adults, and the medicine contains natural substances - extracts obtained from licorice root, thermopsis. Such a tool can be used from the age of two.

cough medicines for children
cough medicines for children

Reliablethe drug "Libeksin" is considered. This cough medicine is suitable for children and adults. It has a pronounced peripheral effect, that is, it reduces the sensitivity of receptors located in the respiratory system. Under the influence of active substances, the bronchial lumens expand. For children, the dosage is chosen based on the patient's weight, age.

At the age of over twelve years, the cough medicine "Terpinkod" is often used for children. Currently, it belongs to the number of almost the best-selling funds. It contains codeine, terpinhydrate. The substance simultaneously depresses the brain centers responsible for coughing and stimulates the effective discharge of sputum.

Does not have a narcotic effect and effectively affects the brain centers responsible for coughing, the drug "Tusuprex". Can be used in therapy for children from the age of two years. The application must be coordinated with the doctor - the remedy is strong.

Omnitus will help with central cough. This effective cough medicine can be used from the age of six. It affects the bronchi, expanding the gaps, and also stops inflammation (the effect is estimated as moderate).

Stoptussin is popular. These tablets allow you to reduce the activity of the brain section initiating the cough. Under the influence of active components, the glands of the respiratory system actively produce mucus. You can use tablets from the age of twelve.

Wet cough

In the productive process, mucolytics come to the rescue, medicines that facilitate sputum discharge. Among the mostknown is "Muk altin". The tool is based on an extract obtained from the rhizome of marshmallow. To enhance efficiency, the manufacturer used sodium bicarbonate. An effective cough preparation stimulates the discharge of the mucous secretion of the respiratory system, stops inflammation, envelops the mucous membranes of the respiratory system. You can use the medication from the age of three. For babies, the tablets are first crushed, then mixed with water.

The list of drugs for wet cough necessarily includes "Termopsol". The drug is made on sodium bicarbonate, an extract obtained from the thermopsis herb. Under the influence of such components, sputum is more actively generated in the bronchial system, the productivity of the coughing process increases. For young children, the doctor should choose the dose, focusing on age and weight, especially the case.

From the age of 12, the drug for the treatment of cough "Ambroxol" is allowed. It is a pronounced mucolytic. No less reliable and popular composition from the same class is Bromhexine. It can be used from the age of three. Has an expectorant effect. To some extent, Lazolvan and Flavamed, based on the same active ingredient, are similar to Ambroxol. It is also used by the manufacturer "Ambrobene". In the form of tablets, these funds are allowed from the age of 12.

One of the best cough medicines is Ascoril. Assign it to adults and children over the age of six. The agent belongs to the class of combined drugs, at the same time it is a mucolytic agent, stimulates liquefaction and sputum discharge, expands bronchialgaps, significantly facilitating the patient's condition.

From the number of inexpensive cough medicines, Pectusin is worth noting. These tablets are able to stimulate sputum discharge, stop inflammatory processes in the respiratory system, and inhibit the activity of the brain areas responsible for coughing. The manufacturer used menthol, natural eucalyptus oil in the manufacture of the product. You can use the remedy from the age of seven. For one pack of pills in pharmacies they ask for no more than 50 rubles.

dry cough medicines
dry cough medicines

Important nuances

In order for medicines to show the most pronounced effect, you need to drink a lot, maintain high humidity in the room. This has a positive effect on sputum, contributes to its softening and discharge. The combination of antitussive drugs for dry cough with mucolytics, expectorants is strictly prohibited. Such a combination can provoke a sharp deterioration in the condition, unpredictable complications, as it depresses the respiratory system.

When taking measures to get rid of a cough at home, you need to adequately assess your capabilities. If the chosen strategies did not show a pronounced result on the third day of treatment, you need to make an appointment with the doctor, otherwise the condition will worsen, which means that the treatment will be the more difficult the longer the patient delays visiting the doctor. If a barking cough bothers you at night, there are difficulties with breathing, a high temperature rises, and inclusions of pus and blood are visible in the effluent, you need to urgently passexamination in a hospital setting.

Not just pills

For adults, for children, dry cough and wet cough preparations come in three forms:

  • tablets already described;
  • syrups;
  • drops.

Syrups are considered the safest. They are easy to use, which is especially important in childhood. Medicines taste pleasant, so even a baby will not be difficult to persuade to be treated. Almost all cough medicines for up to a year are syrups, but they are also suitable for children older than a year, for adults.

Cough pills come in different flavors. Some are neutral-coated, while others are sweet or sour.

A good alternative to syrup is cough drops. The main advantage is the possibility of using formulations for inhalation. Most pharmacy products are made from plant ingredients.

Nature to help the sick

Dry cough preparations for children and adults based on herbal ingredients are special collections presented in any modern pharmacy. They are coded by numbers: 1, 2, 3, 4 - all are suitable for coughs of different types, differ in components. Instructions, manufacturer's recommendations can be seen on the packaging. When compiling these fees, the manufacturer was guided by information about the expectorant effects of pine, anise and wild rosemary, sage and marshmallow, ivy and plantain. Actively used in the pharmaceutical industry are licorice, oregano and thyme. Special fees include seasoned thermopsis, thyme, coltsfoot. One of the main featuressuch fees - their maximum security. True, you need to carefully study their list, especially if the patient is allergic to any product used by pharmacists.

dry cough preparations for children
dry cough preparations for children

But antitussive drugs for dry cough are often used combined. However, there are also those for the case of a productive cough. They contain not only plant substances, but also synthetic compounds. Of the natural products, I most often use anise, thermopsis, thyme. Chemicals that alleviate the condition of a person suffering from a cough - potassium bromide, sodium bicarbonate, ammonium chloride.

Cold Ointment

In this form, dry cough preparations are rarely used. The composition of medicines contains antiseptic substances, as well as having a warming, irritating effect. Perhaps the most famous drug of this group is Doctor MOM. Balsam Dr. Theiss also has a good reputation. They should be used when the cough is just starting to bother.

cough medicine for adults
cough medicine for adults

Ointments are not intended for children under two years of age. Both of these preparations contain eucalyptus and camphor, and additional components are also used by manufacturers. In the ointment "Doctor MOM" it is turpentine, thymol, menthol, and in the second ointment - coniferous essential oil. Such funds stimulate sputum discharge and effectively stop the foci of inflammation.

Preparations are applied with soft massage movements between the shoulder blades, covered with a foot remedy. Face,it is strictly forbidden to smear the area of \u200b\u200bthe heart. In the form of an ointment, dry cough preparations are not used if the fever is disturbing, the integrity of the skin is broken. The manufacturer recommends using the product before going to bed, then wrap the patient in warm night clothes.

For children under one year of age, you can use Pulmex Baby ointment for coughing. The manufacturer indicates that the product is safe for babies older than 6 months. Active ingredients - extracts obtained from various plants growing in the tropics. It is necessary to use such a preparation once a day, gently massaging the skin on the back, chest.

Lollipops and tortillas

Suitable for both children and adults, cough drops are lollipops. They make breathing easier, relieve cough, eliminate perspiration, relieve pain. Lollipops are made using essential oils and extracts of mint, eucalyptus, anise. Strepsils and Septolete are on sale in a wide variety. Falimint has a good reputation. You can use lollipops from the age of five. Between doses, it is necessary to withstand three-hour breaks or more. In addition to lollipops, there are lozenges on sale - they can be treated from the age of two. They produce different varieties: ginger, licorice, menthol.

Cough lozenges are cough medicines suitable for children and adults, which are therapeutic compresses. Medicinal mixtures are applied to the back, chest. Some try to make cakes on their own at home, using mustard inmixtures with alcohol and vinegar. Doctors categorically do not recommend this option - there is a high probability of getting a burn, poisoning, but there will be no benefit. Much more effective honey cakes. Ready-made mixtures for applying them can be bought at a pharmacy, or you can cook it yourself. For example, gauze is impregnated with a mixture of honey and s alt and put on the chest, covered with a film on top and fixed with a warm shawl. It is necessary to hold the compress for several hours.

Alternative: honey is mixed with flour and vegetable oil. All products are taken in equal quantities. Use similarly to the composition described above.

Potions and sprays

The list of drugs for dry cough in adults, children necessarily includes potions, including dry ones. As a rule, these are combined formulations that simultaneously stimulate sputum discharge and stop inflammatory processes. Potions thin the mucus produced in the respiratory system, making it easier to clear. Pharmacy mixtures are mainly created on the rhizomes of marshmallow - a safe and effective component. You can buy a powder that is already diluted at home immediately before use. The tool is allowed from the age of two. The main benefits of the drug:

  • no side effects;
  • no preservatives, dyes used;
  • rare allergic reactions;
  • low cost.

No less popular preparations for dry cough in adults and children are aerosols. In childhood, they are allowed if the baby has learned to control breathing. Adults canapply at any age, including the elderly. Remember: spraying directly into the throat can cause spasm. Aerosols for cough (the main percentage of funds presented in pharmacies) are recommended for use by people over the age of three.

effective cough medicine
effective cough medicine

Sprays are more often used if the upper parts of the respiratory system are inflamed, the cough is dry, hysterical, the throat is irritated. The components of the aerosol moisturize the mucous membranes, eliminate swelling, relieve pain, inhibit inflammation. With pneumonia, bronchitis, aerosols are not used. The most popular of the funds presented in the pharmacy are called "Lugol" and "Tantum Verde". The medicines "Faringosept", "Chlorophyllipt", "Alvogen" have proven themselves well. The choice of a specific option is best left to the doctor. Sometimes the doctor advises to stop at Ingalipta and Shunam.

Cough Cough Drinks

Effective and safe preparations for dry cough in adults and children - herbal teas. You can cook them using pharmacy fees, or you can dry berries, herbs and flowers in season, useful for the throat and bronchi. You can drink regular tea by adding medicinal products to the tea leaves. It is customary to read teas with inclusion as the best:

  • sage;
  • violet petals;
  • licorice rhizomes;
  • plantain;
  • lime blossoms;
  • fennel;
  • pine buds.

The most useful berries for coughing are elderberry, raspberry, strawberry.

Phytomedications, while considered safe, should be used judiciously. An overdose can becomecausing an allergic reaction or other complications.

antitussive drugs for dry cough
antitussive drugs for dry cough

Subtleties of treatment

Medicines containing thermopsis may induce vomiting.

Syrups try not to choose if diagnosed with diabetes or fructose intolerance. In the absence of a safer alternative, such medicines are used only when the patient's condition can be controlled.

If the selected remedy provokes an allergy, a hypersensitivity reaction, its use must be urgently stopped.

If the medicine contains alkaloids, they can first stimulate the respiratory act, but then the effect turns into the opposite. This is especially pronounced if preparations with cytisine are used.

Before using the product, you need to study the instructions, especially carefully read the column containing contraindications. Most of the cough remedies are prohibited for ulcerative processes in the gastrointestinal tract, insufficiency of the functioning of the liver and kidneys. To prevent negative effects of treatment, you need to analyze the information from the manufacturer.

When using mucolytics, there is a risk not only of an allergic reaction, but also of bronchial spasm. To a greater extent, such dangers are associated with the use of compounds not according to the rules, in excess dose.

dry cough medicines for adults
dry cough medicines for adults

Folk remedies to help the sick

Specialists in alternative medicine can advise inhalation when coughing. This option is suitable for both kids andadult patients. The effect is most pronounced in the first three days of illness, with a dry cough. For inhalation, decoctions of the following herbs are used:

  • pharmacy chamomile;
  • watch;
  • marshmallow (rhizomes);
  • plantain.

You can prepare an infusion, bend over a container of hot water and cover yourself with a towel, breathe in pairs of herbs for 10-15 minutes. You can not use the decoction immediately, as soon as the water boils - the steam can be scalded. You will first have to wait a bit until the liquid cools down, and as soon as a comfortable temperature is reached, start the procedure. The infusion itself after inhalation can be drunk - it stops the inflammatory process in the throat, improves the condition of the mucous membranes.

If it was decided to prepare infusions only for drinking, it is most convenient to use a thermos. Take a spoonful of medicinal herbs or mixtures on the container, pour boiling water and let it brew for at least half an hour. You can leave the medicine on all night. To increase efficiency, add a little soda. Such infusions are used in a tablespoon at the age of less than a year, for older children - up to three tablespoons in one procedure. It is wise to consult a pediatrician before starting such treatment.

Infusions irritate the mucous membranes of the stomach, which activates the cough center in the chest. Although prescriptions are effective, they have a drawback: excessive stimulation can cause vomiting (often observed even with prolonged and severe coughing - this is explained by human anatomy). To alleviate the patient's condition, during the illness you need to eat fractionally and in small portions. Eventhere will be a gag reflex, it will be easier to transfer it. It is important to drink plenty of fluids, especially if you are throwing up - this can cause dehydration.

Wet cough: folk secrets

With this form, it is recommended to use infusions, decoctions that can thin sputum, as well as stimulate its excretion from the body. The most important rule is to drink a lot, often, plentifully. For effective cleaning of the bronchi, herbal decoctions should be used, the components of which dry the tissues and knit. Useful are:

  • lingonberry leaf;
  • sequence;
  • mint leaves;
  • licorice rhizomes, marshmallow;
  • eucalyptus;
  • ledum.

Drinks are medicines too

Heated milk sweetened with honey is useful for coughing. This drink is perhaps the oldest recipe for cough control. Take a tablespoon of sweets in a glass of liquid, use the medicine up to five times daily until the cough goes away. At a particularly tender age (2-3 years), honey is used, carefully monitoring the child's condition - this product can provoke severe allergies.

It is recommended to give the patient a compote of dried fruits, jelly, which noticeably relieves pain in the throat. It is better to cook jelly on lingonberries and cranberries. Cherry, raspberry drink will be useful. Fresh juices will also benefit - they are tasty, rich in vitamins, support the body's natural ability to recover and resist pathological bacteria.
