Curcumin is a naturally occurring dye found in the roots and leaves of the turmeric plant in the ginger family. It is obtained by isolating the extract in the form of a powder from the roots with the help of petroleum ether or alcohol. It is curcumin that gives the smell and specific taste of the famous seasoning. It tastes bitter and slightly pungent, smells like camphor. The substance is practically insoluble in water, therefore it is most often used in alcohol solutions. Exposure to direct sunlight and alkali destroys the coloring properties. Reviews of "Curcumin" from "Evalar" will be considered below.

Healing properties
Recent studies have scientifically proven that it is not only a dye, but also a substance that hasmedicinal properties. In China, it is used in the field of medicine as a tonic, stimulant, hemostatic and analgesic agent. The composition of "Curcumin" from "Evalar" is of interest to many.
Regular intake provides an increase in the concentration of cathelicidin in the body. This substance is a protein that has an antimicrobial effect on the body, contributing to the destruction of fungi, viruses and bacteria, even after the first use of Curcumin. Undoubtedly, its use is useful for cholelithiasis, peptic ulcers, gastritis and migraines.
This confirms the instructions for use for Evalar Curcumin.
Daily dosage
Specialists believe that the daily dosage should be calculated based on body weight (100 mg of powder per kilogram of weight). Thus, a person weighing 70 kilograms should consume approximately 7 grams.

Curcumin acts on the body at the molecular level, balancing the balance of enzymes that help relieve inflammation and regenerate tissues. Natural dye stimulates increased production of collagen, creating new vessels of the circulatory system. For this reason, scientific researchers are inclined to argue that regular intake can become a complete analogue of medications, and in some cases remove a diagnosis that requires surgical intervention. Description of "Curcumin" from "Evalar" can be found in the abstract.
Research scientists
Polish and Irish scientists conducted a studythe results of which were shocking. They found that curcumin can have a detrimental effect on malignant cancer cells in the esophagus and stomach. Within a day after application, the substance showed increased activity towards cancer cells, after which pathogenic microorganisms began to self-destruct. Such incredible discoveries give hope to scientists around the world to create a drug based on it, which will be used to treat oncological diseases of the esophagus and stomach.
The growth of a malignant tumor slows down under the influence of curcumin by 60%. The substance is also active against cancer cells in the breast, prostate and pancreas.
Among other things, it increases the rate of metabolic processes in the body and resists the harmful effects of pesticides. It has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antiviral and anti-arthritic effects. It normalizes blood pressure, relieves pain and inflammation in arthrosis and rheumatism, and slows down the development of vascular atherosclerosis. The beneficial properties of "Curcumin" from "Evalar" are known to many.

Powerful Antibiotic
It is also a powerful antibiotic. Its molecules are able to create a protective field that resists infections of various origins. Getting into the cell membrane, curcumin molecules streamline cells, increasing their protective qualities, making it possible to resist harmful microflora.
Using curcumin capsules on a regular basisbasis reduces the level of cholesterol in the blood, has a suppressive effect on the adhesion of platelets and stops the process of oxidation of blood lipids. It also has a fat-burning effect by stopping the synthesis of fatty acids and forcing their oxidative process.
The substance is certainly useful in vascular and cardiac pathologies. With hypertension, it can lower blood pressure. Another positive effect of the dye is its ability to shrink the gallbladder.
Not so long ago, the Russian company "Evalar" brought to the market of dietary supplements the drug "Curcumin" in the form of capsules for oral administration. The substance in this preparation is absorbed much more efficiently than the spice used in its pure form. Reviews about "Curcumin" from "Evalar" abound.
It is a monopreparation, which consists of 93 percent of the extract of the substance of the same name and auxiliary components such as gelatin, glycerin and vegetable emulsifier. Thus, each capsule contains 40 mg of curcumin, which is almost the entire minimum possible daily dosage. The maximum daily dosage can be very high, but three capsules per day are considered optimal.

Product properties
The drug is designed in a water-soluble form, which is easily absorbed by the body and provides the following healing effects:
- Improving the body's immune properties.
- Antibacterial action.
- Antiviral and antifungal action.
- Increasing the body's resistance to the pathogens of SARS, influenza and colds.
- Anti-inflammatory effect.
- Prevention of Alzheimer's disease.
- Improving the performance of cerebral vessels.
- Prevention of arthritis and relief of joint pain.
- Increased testosterone production in males.
- Cleansing the liver and gallbladder.
- As part of complex therapy against cancer of the esophagus and stomach.
- Strengthening the cardiovascular system of the body. This points to "Curcumin" from "Evalar" instructions for use.
Take 1-3 capsules daily before meals. Not recommended for children under the age of 14. It is necessary to take a course of at least a month, repeated therapy can be carried out with a break.

"Curcumin" from "Evalar" is contraindicated if you have an individual sensitivity to the active substance of the drug. It is forbidden to take it during pregnancy and lactation.
The drug brings great benefits to the body and its high efficiency is a proven fact, it is practically non-toxic and does not cause side effects.
According to reviews of "Curcumin" from "Evalar", when the daily dosage of 8 grams was exceeded, 30% of the subjects showed mild signs of an overdose in the form of:
- Nausea.
- Diarrhea.
- Headache.
- Rash.
- Yellow stool.
Unfortunately, there are no studies to evaluate the effect of long-term use of the drug. Therefore, while it can only be produced in the form of a dietary supplement. However, this does not prevent its use quite widely in Ayurvedic medicine.

About the manufacturer
The manufacturer of "Curcumin" "Evalar" began its activity in 1991. The company specializes in the production of dietary supplements. However, initially the company was engaged in the development and manufacture of decorative cosmetics. Only three years later, the company retrained and took its niche in the production of broad-spectrum drugs. The most popular means today are dietary supplements of the Turboslim line for weight loss. However, the company is constantly expanding its range of products with new drugs and at the moment the product catalog includes more than 200 items.
The company is constantly criticized in the media and the Internet. Most often, users are outraged by the lack of information about the proven effectiveness of the company's products. Research is not carried out, and most often "Evalar" refers to the development data of other companies. No less disputes and discussions take place on the topic that the company in advertising often presents its dietary supplements as a medicine. Among other things, the packaging, as well as the instructions, often do not contain reliable information about the amount of the active ingredient in the dietary supplement. Introduces toconfusing the company's customers with the release of some items in the form of dietary supplements and drugs.
In 2006, "Evalar" was found guilty in the case of unfair competition, and deprived of the rights to the uniqueness of the name "Red Root". In 2009, a large number of violations of hygiene norms and rules were revealed. The content of the information in the instructions of some products did not match the information presented in the certificate. The same applies to the amount of active substance, in particular, in the dietary supplement "Blueberry Forte", the amount of zinc was underestimated.
Advertising the company's products has also repeatedly raised questions from the antimonopoly service. Many drugs in advertising were called medicines, thereby deceiving consumers. In some advertising campaigns, it was openly stated that the dietary supplements presented by Evalar are more effective than similar medicines, which cannot be confirmed in any way, since there are no reliable product studies. In some commercials, dietary supplements were incorrectly compared with similar products from competing companies.

"Curcumin" from "Evalar" - reviews
The drug was put into production relatively recently. There are almost no reviews on its use. However, there are a lot of positive comments about the use of turmeric for medicinal purposes, which inspires confidence in the company's drug. Many really confirm the general strengthening and tonic effect of this spice, andrespectively, and the substances included in it. In most cases, curcumin treatment is carried out by those who are passionate about Ayurvedic medicine and Indian culture. In any case, trust in the preparations of the company "Evalar" is the business of each individual consumer. Of the shortcomings of drugs based on curcumin, almost everyone singles out its high cost, although the manufacturer offers a price several times cheaper than foreign analogues. The only question is, does the content of "Curcumin" correspond to the dosage necessary for an effective effect on the human body? However, there have been no convincing studies in this regard, and it is hardly advisable to test the effectiveness of such an expensive drug empirically.
How much does Evalar Curcumin cost?
The drug is quite expensive. You will have to pay 1100-1200 rubles for packaging. It depends where you get it from.