Currently, cardiovascular pathologies are among the most common. This is primarily due to the way and conditions of life. To prevent the development of serious ailments, many experts recommend taking herbal remedies. These funds include drops "Sclerovish". The instruction informs about the composition, indications for use and pharmacological action of the drug.
Product description
Violation of the work of blood vessels are manifested by a number of very unpleasant symptoms. Frequent headaches, dizziness, tinnitus are the first signs of a pathological condition. The most common cause of this is the development of atherosclerosis. To improve blood circulation and cleanse blood vessels, a herbal remedy is often used - "Sclerovish" (drops).

Reviews of patients suggest that the herbal medicine has a pronounced anti-sclerotic effect and has a good effect on the body as a whole. The drug has a positive effect on the functioning of the heart, dilates blood vessels, improves the supply of oxygen to the brain.
Drops were created by phytotherapist VN Vishnev. Other medicines also have similar medicinal properties,e.g. Escowish chestnut drops, vascular drops.
"Sclerovish" is a good preventive brain stroke. The tool provides a normal blood flow to neurons, eliminates the first signs of atherosclerosis, improves brain performance. Drops can be used as the main remedy or as part of complex therapy.
Composition of the medicine
The herbal medicine contains only useful components: periwinkle herb, creeping tribulus and woolly-flowered astragalus. Each of the components has a unique healing effect.

Periwinkle is widely used in medical practice due to its healing properties. It contains alkaloids, tannins, pectin, carotene, cardiac glycosides. In addition, periwinkle is rich in acids - malic, acetic and succinic.
“Sclerovish” (drops) is positioned by the instruction as an alcohol-containing agent, tincture. This should be taken into account when prescribing medication. Before using the drops, you should consult with a specialist and determine the treatment regimen.
Pharmacological action of the drug
The unique complex of medicinal herbs in the composition provides a pronounced therapeutic effect of the drug. With atherosclerosis, it was Sklerovish drops that helped many patients. The instruction says that the tincture not only cleanses the vessels of atherosclerotic plaques, but also prevents their formation.
Alkaloids, which are part of medicinal herbs, have a cytostatic effect. That is, theirthe application helps to inhibit the formation of malignant tumors.

Phytopreparation increases the resistance of capillaries, relieves spasms of arteries, prevents platelets from sticking together and provides the necessary nutrition to nerve cells. The tincture significantly reduces the ischemic zones formed during a cerebral stroke. It should be taken to improve blood circulation in all vessels and arteries. Blood circulation improves in the lymphatic system.
The diuretic effect of the drug enhances daily diuresis, which has a positive effect on blood pressure and reduces its high rates in hypertension. The nootropic effect of the drug is manifested in the form of an improvement in concentration. Negative processes occurring in the central nervous system can be overcome almost completely during treatment with the drug.
When should I take Sclerovish Drops?
Instructions for use recommends prescribing the remedy when there are signs of vascular dysfunction. After all, the work of the brain depends on their functionality. Vessels deliver useful substances and oxygen to nerve cells. If this process is disturbed, hypoxia begins to develop. This phenomenon leads to the gradual death of nerve cells and can provoke a stroke.

Pay attention to the state of he alth should be when the following signs appear:
- frequent dizziness;
- blackout eyes;
- tachycardia;
- high blood pressure;
- weather sensitivity;
- memory deterioration.
According to the annotation, drops will help with such pathologies as atherosclerosis of blood vessels, hypertension, high blood cholesterol, cardiac ischemia, migraine, diabetes, anemia, lymphostasis. The drug will also benefit patients who have had a stroke of the brain, myocardial infarction.
Sclerovish alcohol drops are shown to be taken several times a day. To do this, dilute 10 drops of the drug in the third part of a glass of water and drink. Eating does not affect the therapeutic efficacy of the herbal medicine. Therefore, you can take it both before and after a meal.
The duration of treatment depends on the severity of the pathological condition. The instruction warns that therapy cannot last more than 6 months.
Herbal ingredients may not be suitable for all patients. Some of them are poisonous, so it is not recommended to use the drug without the supervision of a specialist. Drops "Sclerovish" instruction prohibits taking during pregnancy and lactation.

You should stop using the tincture with low blood pressure and intolerance to the components. It is forbidden to give medicine to children! If you are prone to allergic reactions to plant substances, you should undergo a preliminary test to determine the sensitivity to the herbal medicine.
"Sclerovish" (drops):reviews
Herbal preparations are popular in the treatment and prevention of cardiovascular pathologies. The Sklerovish remedy developed by the phytospecialist has repeatedly proven its healing properties and is successfully used in the treatment of various ailments. Positive results of treatment can be seen within a few weeks after the start of taking the drops. According to patient reviews, the drug normalizes blood pressure, improves the functioning of the heart muscle.