"Procto-Glivenol": instructions for use, release forms, analogues, reviews

"Procto-Glivenol": instructions for use, release forms, analogues, reviews
"Procto-Glivenol": instructions for use, release forms, analogues, reviews

"Procto-Glivenol" is the optimal drug for the treatment of internal and external hemorrhoids, anal fissures. This ointment has a softening effect on the anorectal zone, it is also combined with suppositories. Suppositories fight well with swelling, eliminate the process of inflammation in the tissues of the rectum, while the ointment is used in the treatment of hemorrhoids, has a pronounced venotonic effect.


The drug "Procto-Glivenol" perfectly copes with the process of inflammation and reduces its intensity, and also relieves tissue swelling. The main active substances of the drug are tribenoside and lidocaine. Their combination makes it possible to get rid of intense pain, eliminate burning and itching in the rectum and anorectal region.

procto glivenol reviews
procto glivenol reviews

In addition, the effectiveness of the drug helps to reducevenous stasis, and reduce vascular permeability. The medicinal properties of the drug are determined by the pharmacological characteristics that are combined in the composition of its substances.

First results

The first results from the use of the product most often appear 2-3 hours after the introduction of a candle or application of an ointment. Usually, the therapeutic effect is manifested in the elimination of pain and tissue swelling. Of course, the complete elimination of the acute phase of hemorrhoids is not observed after one application. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to complete the full treatment course with Procto-Glivenol. If all recommendations for using the medicine are followed, the active ingredients will have the required effect on the problem area for 10-14 days. When the treatment is over, the mucosal tissues can be completely healed and the hemorrhoids can be eliminated.

Form and composition

According to the instructions for use, "Procto-Glivenol" has two forms of release, so you can choose the most effective method of treatment, due to the nature, degree and course of the disease. Ointments and suppositories are used, and if necessary, both forms are combined.

procto glivenol analogues
procto glivenol analogues

The drug contains two main active substances:

  • Lidocaine is a special component that is an excellent local anesthetic. It stabilizes cell membranes and suppresses impulses in nerve structures, thereby reducing pain. In addition, lidocaine, when used locally, does not affect the myocardium.
  • Tribenoside- Synthetic substance. According to its characteristics, it reduces stagnant processes in the veins and improves their tone. In addition, this component eliminates puffiness and inhibits inflammation processes in tissues. The substance has an analgesic effect. Tribenoside also prevents thrombosis.

The drug contains excipients: Witepsol W 35 and E 85. These components hold the drug in the desired shape, creating a homogeneous structure. One suppository contains four hundred milligrams of tribenoside, forty milligrams of lidocaine and auxiliary components. The plate is divided into five cells, one cardboard pack includes ten candles.

procto glivenol instructions for use
procto glivenol instructions for use

One gram of ointment contains 0.02 grams of lidocaine and 0.05 grams of tribenoside. "Procto-Glivenol" in this form is packaged in aluminum tubes, each of which contains thirty grams of the drug. In a cardboard pack there is one tube and one applicator, with which the ointment is applied. One tube is enough for thirty applications.

Features of the use of ointment and suppositories

Suppositories are used sequentially:

  • The bowels are emptied first, using laxatives and an enema.
  • The anorectal area should be washed with soap and warm water.
  • The suppository with clean hands should be inserted deeper into the anal canal, the nails should be cut short so as not to injure the mucous membrane. The use of an applicator is allowed for insertion.
  • The suppository is inserted in the supine position.

Duration of therapy, frequency of administration of suppositories and the required dosage should be established by the attending physician. Most often, adults are given one suppository twice a day. If there is a noticeable effect and the patient's condition improves, the dosage is halved.

Procto-Glivenol cream is used twice a day. The patient also needs to empty the intestines before starting the manipulation, to do all hygiene procedures. One application requires approximately one gram of ointment. If the ointment is administered orally, then it is applied by means of an applicator. For external use, the patient should apply it to a clean piece of gauze and apply it to the painful area.

procto glivenol suppositories reviews
procto glivenol suppositories reviews

When symptomatic manifestations decrease, the ointment is applied not twice, but at bedtime once a day. If a person has a strong pain syndrome, a specialist can increase the dosage of the drug. Reviews of Procto-Glivenol are mostly positive.


The drug is indicated for conservative treatment of hemorrhoids. The instructions say that the medicine is used in the treatment of moderate and mild hemorrhoids. Suppositories and ointment allow you to treat both internal and external types of pathology. The drug is also prescribed in the case when surgical treatment of complex types of hemorrhoids is impossible. In some cases, the drug is prescribed to treat a complex type of disease in pregnant women. It is advisable to use "Procto-Glivenol" also in the treatment of other diseases of the anorectal region, including in the presence of anal fissures.

Side effects

There are rare side effects with this drug, but doctors do note some possible side effects:

  • On the part of the skin and subcutaneous tissues, there may be reactions such as itching, urticaria, burning on the treated area, rash. These symptoms may also spread beyond the area of application.
  • On the part of the immune system, the patient may have conditions such as impaired activity of the heart and blood vessels, swelling of the face and other anaphylactic reactions.
procto glivenol application
procto glivenol application

No other side effects in general have been found during the entire study of the effect of Procto-Glivenol on the human body. A significant increase in the strength of side effects and intensity is observed with an overdose of the drug.


As the instructions tell us, Procto-Glivenol has few contraindications, but they still exist. The medicine cannot be used by patients with excessive sensitivity to one or another substance that is part of it. In this case, it is forbidden to use this tool. This can worsen the course of the disease, as well as increase swelling.

"Procto-Glivenol" is forbidden to be used to treat hemorrhoids in the first trimester of pregnancy, as this can affect not only the female body, but also the he alth of the developingfetus.

The drug is not used to treat patients under the age of twelve, due to the lack of information in modern pediatrics about the effect of the substances in its composition on the child's body. Therapy with this drug may not be safe for the baby.

When taking the drug, despite any contraindications, the patient may feel the occurrence of side effects or their significant increase. In addition, the disease may regress. If the patient independently decided to use Procto-Glivenol, he should definitely inform the treating proctologist about this. Only in this case, it is possible to prevent the occurrence of complications due to certain contraindications.

When Pregnant

Procto-Glivenol may not be safe during pregnancy. For patients in the first trimester, it is generally prohibited. From the fourth to the ninth month, it is also not recommended to use this drug. It is issued only when absolutely necessary. When breastfeeding, "Procto-Glivenol" is also almost never prescribed.


There are no reports of overdose with this drug. However, if the patient accidentally took it inside, you should immediately carry out a complete lavage of the stomach and intestines. In addition, you should contact a specialist to receive prescriptions and instructions for further symptomatic treatment.

Medication storage conditions

Suppositories and ointment should be stored in a dark place. Should not be allowed to hitpreparation of the rays of the sun, as this may adversely affect its therapeutic properties and structure. The storage temperature of the medicinal product should be no more than twenty degrees Celsius. Candles "Procto-Glivenol" and ointment are stored in a place where pets and children cannot penetrate. When the drug expires, it is forbidden to use it, disposal is required.

Special instructions for the use of the medicinal product

Sick should see a doctor if:

  • the disease only progresses as the drug is used;
  • disease symptoms persist;
  • appear allergic reactions in the form of burning, itching and rashes;
  • discomfort and additional symptoms occur.

When using this drug, you need to monitor the softness of the stool and the normalization of your diet. It is necessary to prevent constipation, to carry out hygiene of the anal area, to exclude all kinds of emotional and physical overstrain.

instructions procto glivenol
instructions procto glivenol

The drug does not affect the patient's ability to drive vehicles and concentrate. There was also no decrease in the rate of mental reactions. Exception: severe excess of the recommended dosage.

Greater effect can be achieved in the early stages of hemorrhoids. If the situation is more neglected, the influence of the drug and the therapeutic effect are significantly reduced.

Analogues of "Procto-Glivenol"

The drug has several analogues:

  • Ointment "Aurobin". It costs 130 rubles. It is based on such an active substance as lidocaine. Auxiliary components in the composition of the ointment - dexpanthenol and prednisolone.
  • Cream and suppositories "Doloprokt". Candles cost 120 rubles, and a cream - about 220. The drug also contains lidocaine, an additional component is fluocortolone.
  • Candles "Anuzol" - a drug more affordable and cheaper for each person. Its average cost is only thirty rubles. It does not contain tribenoside or lidocaine. The main active ingredients are xeroform, zinc sulfate and belladonna extract. The effect of the treatment is similar, but does not give the same results as obtained with Procto-Glivenol. This medicinal product must not be used during breastfeeding or pregnancy.
  • Bezornil ointment is also an inexpensive analogue. It costs about forty rubles. The active ingredients of the medicine are artificial bezoar, borneol, amber, pearls and musk. The composition of this drug is very rich, but before using it, you need to consult a specialist.
  • "Belladonna extract" in the form of suppositories. The price of an analogue is only fifteen rubles. Quite high efficiency, but the drug is not suitable for all patients and can harm the body. Suppositories should not be used during lactation and pregnancy, in addition, they are contraindicated in the treatment of children. This is due to the main active ingredient of the drug. The belladonna is a natural poison that is not dangerous in small concentrations, but it is capable ofhurt patients.
procto glivenol cream
procto glivenol cream

Reviews about "Procto-Glivenol"

The drug is positively evaluated by both doctors and patients due to the excellent quality-price ratio, as well as its low toxicity. Practical application shows high efficiency in the treatment of pathological signs of various diseases of the colon, the remedy is easily used at home. According to their reviews, Procto-Glivenol suppositories are suitable for most patients.

The drug is especially popular among women who suffer from anal fissures and hemorrhoids after childbirth. Substances in the composition of the medicine quickly eliminate pain and help from the first days.

We reviewed the instructions for use and reviews for the Procto-Glivenol medication.
