Sleeping pills "Donormil": reviews of doctors and patients

Sleeping pills "Donormil": reviews of doctors and patients
Sleeping pills "Donormil": reviews of doctors and patients

According to medical statistics, about 20% of people have trouble going to bed. Insomnia comes in many forms and durations. All of them are similar in that it is difficult to solve the problem without a quality drug. One of the most modern and popular drugs for sleep problems is Donormil. Should it be taken? Reviews about this drug are mixed, from this article you can learn about the details.

Form of release of the drug and its pharmacological action

Release form "Donormila" - effervescent tablets and dragees. The drug is produced and packaged by the French pharmaceutical concern Bristol-Myers Squibb.

The main active ingredient is doxylamine succinate. Within one hour after taking the dragee, and about forty minutes after taking the dissolved effervescent tablet, this component is completely absorbed, getting from the organs of the gastrointestinal tract into the bloodstream. There it interacts with the nervousendings and receptors, affecting the processes of falling asleep and the duration of the sleep phase.

"Donormil" has a rather powerful hypnotic effect. Do not take this drug lightly, as it has quite a few contraindications and side effects.

treatment with Donormil
treatment with Donormil

Indications for use "Donormila"

Instructions for use of the drug states that its administration is effective in the following conditions and pathologies:

  • sleep disorders (insomnia) of any etiology;
  • problems falling asleep;
  • hyperactivity, restlessness;
  • increased anxiety and excitement;
  • combination therapy for allergic reactions.

The term "insomnia" implies many different conditions. This includes waking up too early, not being able to sleep, and short sleep periods between nocturnal awakenings. The drug is active in any of these problems.

The hypnotic effect begins immediately after most of the drug is absorbed, i.e. about thirty to fifty minutes later. If the patient has a slender physique (low weight and short stature, weight up to fifty kilograms), then we can expect a faster effect from Donormil. The active ingredient begins its journey through the nerve cells about twenty minutes after taking the pill, then you should expect drowsiness.

insomnia treatment reviewsDonormil
insomnia treatment reviewsDonormil

Side effects and contraindications

A direct contraindication to taking the drug is pregnancy and children under the age of fifteen. Contraindications that are indirect:

  • chronic liver failure;
  • chronic kidney disease;
  • pathology of the cardiovascular system;
  • memory lapses and dementia;
  • chronic alcoholism and drug addiction;
  • prostate hyperplasia;
  • Angle-closure glaucoma.

Before using sleeping pills, you should consult a neurologist. In many cases (for example, if insomnia is provoked by mental disorders or cerebrovascular pathologies), taking Donormil may not be enough: neuroleptics, nootropics, and vasodilators should be added to therapy. A serious course of drugs, dosage and total duration of administration can be prescribed by a doctor.

insomnia therapy
insomnia therapy

Why do people of all ages have trouble sleeping?

Here is a list of reasons why you have problems waking up or falling asleep, and why the order of sleep phases is disturbed:

  • Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine leads to circulatory disorders. This can provoke the development of many pathologies and problems with the functioning of the nervous system, among which are problems with sleep.
  • Neurotic, constant anxiety and thoughts about traumatic past events. With such an anamnesis, it is necessary to work withpsychotherapist.
  • Vegetative-vascular dystonia is a common cause of insomnia, hyperhidrosis, migraine.
  • Differences in blood pressure can provoke sleep phase disturbances, because of this, the patient will wake up several times a night.
  • In chronic alcoholism, insomnia is a constant phenomenon. A sick person may fall asleep either after taking a sleeping pill or after taking a dose of an alcoholic beverage.
  • Itchy skin caused by allergies often interferes with sleep.
  • Pathologies of the nervous system in the elderly lead to getting up before dark - at three to five in the morning. As a result, sleep phases are disturbed, and the patient cannot feel well enough.

Whatever the reason, taking doxylamine-based tablets helps to quickly fall asleep and sound sleep (reviews of "Donormil Upsa" confirm this fact). With some psychiatric pathologies, sleep will have to wait a little longer, but it will certainly overtake the patient.

will "Donormil" help with anxiety and insomnia
will "Donormil" help with anxiety and insomnia

"Donormil": reviews of the treatment of insomnia in the elderly

People in old age often suffer from early awakenings. Then, during the day, sleep does not come, and patients feel weak and tired. Reviews of "Donormil" confirm that the drug has shown itself effectively in such pathologies.

If an elderly person drinks one tablet at night, sleep becomes strong and long. Sleep phases are restored. Suddenawakenings cease to torment the patient.

Treatment of insomnia in people of mature and young age

Effective treatment of sleep problems with this drug and in young people. How does Donormil work? Reviews reveal the secrets of what a person who takes a pill of this remedy experiences.

For about half an hour, nothing is felt: the person is in a lethargic or alert state, which usually precedes the state of insomnia. Then, in a time interval of half an hour to an hour, the patient feels a slight fatigue and a desire to lie down. An hour later, the drug reaches the peak of its action. A person who has taken a pill begins to feel sleepy, and he is not able to fight these sensations. After an hour and a half, the patient is overtaken by a strong and long (about eight hours) sleep.

feedback on the reception of "Donormila"
feedback on the reception of "Donormila"

Reviews about the drug as a sedative and anti-anxiety drug

Neurologists and psychiatrists often prescribe "Donormil" to people with increased anxiety and neuroticism. In this case, the dosage of the drug is halved, and it should be taken in half: one in the morning, and the second in the evening. This method of administration does not have a pronounced hypnotic effect. In some cases, not half, but a quarter of one tablet is enough.

Many people take the drug on the plane. Reviews about "Donormil", as a means of preventing anxiety in a passenger, are only positive: often a quarter of a tablet is enough to stop the symptoms of panic andfear. The exact dosage can be prescribed by a neurologist or psychiatrist, based on the individual characteristics of the patient.

Reviews on the duration of action after discontinuation of the drug

Patients are often interested in the question: "What happens after the withdrawal of sleeping pills?" Will normal sleep continue? Is "Donormil" addictive? Reviews of doctors claim that with strict adherence to the recommended dosages, the drug cannot provoke addiction either on a psychological or physical level.

After the complete withdrawal of the drug, some patients eventually begin to suffer from sleep problems again.

The same patients who abandoned traumatic factors and changed the environment, worked on themselves or with the help of a psychotherapist - do not return to sleep problems and live a full and happy life.

Should I take Donormil? Reviews confirm that if sleeping pills are indispensable, then yes.

Image "Donormil" for insomnia: reviews
Image "Donormil" for insomnia: reviews

Compatibility with alcoholic beverages

It is dangerous to mix sleeping pills with ethanol drinks. Reviews of doctors about Donormil and alcohol taken at the same time report the following:

  • development of a strong sedative effect, up to a coma;
  • visual and auditory hallucinations (alcoholic delirium) if the patient after drinking and he still could not fall asleep;
  • acute psychotic state: unmotivated aggression, restlessness;
  • decreaseattention span;
  • violation of the vestibular apparatus (the patient may stumble, fall, cannot get up from the floor).

Some reviews of "Donormil" after alcohol report that when taking small doses, the drug did not provoke symptoms of intoxication and even alleviated the condition, contributing to falling asleep and reducing anxiety.

alcohol and "Donormil"
alcohol and "Donormil"

What to do with alcohol intoxication and high doses of sleeping pills?

Algorithm of actions on how to help a person with poisoning with alcohol and "Donormil":

  1. Provoke vomiting by irritating the root of the tongue. This will help cleanse the stomach cavity of the remnants of the ethanol-containing drink and tablets (if they have not yet been completely digested).
  2. The patient should drink about a liter (or more) of clean cool water (gastric lavage at home).
  3. If the patient shows aggression and aggressive behavior can be traced, you should call 03 and call the ambulance team, explaining to the duty officer the reason for the request. In such cases, a brigade of orderlies arrives and takes the patient to a psychiatric hospital for the relief of acute drug poisoning.

Symptoms of "Donormil" poisoning mixed with alcohol refer specifically to drug intoxication.

There are practically no reviews on the compatibility of "Donormil" and alcohol. Often people who have taken a loading dose of sleeping pills and washed it down with alcohol lose consciousness and come to their senses already in the hospital. ATin some cases, such intoxication can be fatal.

Do I need a doctor's prescription to buy and is it possible to start taking Donormil on my own?

In private pharmacies, pharmacists can sell the drug without a prescription. It is not included in the list of medicines, the sale of which is strictly accounted for. It is important to understand that the responsibility for the consequences of an overdose or negligent use of Donormil lies entirely with the patient.

It is undesirable to self-administer doses. Before use, you should consult with a neurologist or psychiatrist. If this is not possible, it is worth starting with the smallest dose - a quarter of a tablet. Do not immediately swallow a whole tablet before bedtime: this may be too large a dose for a particular person, which will lead to too deep and prolonged sleep. As it became clear from the read article, the reviews about Donormil are mostly positive, but care should be taken when taking it, and against the background of treatment with this drug, any drinks with ethanol should be excluded from the diet.
