Every day in the world, hundreds of thousands of people face pancreatic insufficiency. If this organ does not secrete enough enzymes to ensure that the digestion process is normal, then patients are prescribed special drugs to facilitate the digestion of food. One of them is Creon. You can find instructions for using Creon 10000, reviews, analogues and dosing regimens in this article.
Composition and shape

"Creon" is an enzyme that helps the body quickly and efficiently break down food entering the small intestine. "Creon" prevents a number of serious diseases and improves the digestibility of food. This effect gives pancreatitis, which is the main active substance in the drug. In addition to it, the following auxiliary components can be found in the composition:
- macrogoal;
- methyl alcohol;
- hypromellose;
- triethylcitrate.
In pharmacies, "Creon" is sold in the form of capsules with granules, inside which there are three digestive enzymes:
- lipase;
- amylase;
- protease.
Capsules "Creon" dissolve directly in the intestine, which allows the enzymes not to lose their properties on the way. The pharmacokinetics of the drug has not been studied, but it begins its action immediately after administration. Therefore, it is recommended to take the capsules with meals. Small patients can dissolve the capsules in water, but then their effectiveness is significantly reduced.
On sale you can find Creon capsules packed in blisters of 10 and 25 pieces, as well as the drug in opaque bottles of 25, 50 and 100 pieces. The instructions for use of Creon say that the drug should be stored out of the reach of sunlight, at a temperature not exceeding +25 degrees.
How Creon affects the body
The effect of "Creon" on the body is based on the action of digestive enzymes, which are part of the drug. Amylase, lipase and protease partially replace the body's own enzymes, which for some reason are not produced in the right amount. A special form of the drug allows you to bring the active substances to the small intestine. In it, the gelatin shell dissolves and the contents of Creon begin their work. The drug contains a double shell, which allows it to reach the desiredbody unchanged.

This property of "Creon" explains the effectiveness of the drug. Due to its bioavailability, it begins its action immediately after it enters the intestines. But "Creon" has not only a digestive stimulating effect. It contains trypsin, which affects the secretory functions of the pancreas. The use of the drug after injuries or surgical operations helps not only to support the body, but also to restore the normal functioning of the pancreas.
It is important to understand that digestive enzymes should not be taken without indications, as in this case the pancreas can reduce its activity and stop producing the necessary elements. For which diseases is the drug recommended?
- Cystic fibrosis is a genetic disease in which the digestion of certain substances, in particular gluten, is disturbed. Patients are given lifelong maintenance therapy.
- Inflammation of the pancreas - significantly affects the body: the body stops producing the right amount of enzymes, because it needs to fight its own inflammation.
- Surgical operations on the stomach or intestines temporarily disrupt the natural processes of the body, digestion of food is difficult, so the body needs additional support.
- Dyspepsia.
- Oncological diseases of the pancreas.
- Chronic pancreatitis.
- Cirrhosis of the liveror hepatitis, which is accompanied by indigestion.
- Blockage or obstruction of the pancreatic ducts.
- Symptomatic digestive disorders in elderly patients.
- Cholestatic hepatitis.
- Gastrectomy.
In the instructions and reviews on the use of "Creon 25000" you can find the same indications for children. But the use of pancreatitis for babies under 4 years of age should be under the careful guidance of the attending physician.
Instructions for the use of "Creon"
Doctors recommend drinking "Creon" during or immediately after a meal, washing down the capsule with a small amount of water. This time is not chosen by chance, because taking enzymes with food can help digestion. You need to take the drug every time with meals, that is, 5-6 times a day. In no case should the integrity of the drug shell be damaged, since in this case its effectiveness will decrease. If taking a whole capsule is not possible due to a swallowing disorder (or we are talking about a child), then experts advise carefully opening the shell and pouring the microspheres into water or liquid food. Swallowing them will not be difficult.
The dosage of "Creon" is selected by a specialist based on the tests and the severity of the patient's condition. It is important to prescribe exactly the amount of enzymes that the body lacks. The average daily dose for adults is 150 thousand units of medication. On average, these are 15 tablets of the drug, 10,000 units each. There are situations in which the pancreas does not produce anyenzymes. In this case, the body needs maximum support, and the daily dosage of the drug is 400,000 units. This figure fully satisfies the need of an adult organism for lipase and protease. The dosage can also be calculated based on the weight of the patient. In this case, the maximum amount of Creon should not exceed 15,000 units per kilogram. In pharmacies, you can find a drug with a dosage of 10,000, 40,000 and 25,000. Reviews of Creon and instructions for use prove that it is better to choose 25 thousand units for the treatment of adult patients, and 10 thousand units for children.

If Creon was prescribed to a child for the treatment of cystic fibrosis, then the dosage should be approximately 1000 units / kg. If the baby is not yet 4 years old, then this dose should be halved. Instructions for the use of "Creon" for children recommends starting with a small amount of medication and gradually increasing it, observing the patient's condition. If he gets better, then the optimal dose is selected. The course of taking "Creon" can be different: from a week to several months and even years. But if the patient does not have a complete deficiency in the production of enzymes, experts recommend taking a break after a few months of therapy in order to allow the body to adjust the digestion process on its own.

Side effects
In the reviews and in the instructions for use of "Creon" can be foundvarious side effects that may begin after taking the medicine. Basically, they concern the digestive tract:
- Abdominal pain.
- Stool disorders (constipation, diarrhea).
- Nausea, bloating.
- Allergic reactions (very rare).
- Increase in blood uric acid (at too high doses).
- Individual intolerance to the drug.
Most side effects can be avoided if you take the medicine exactly as directed and at the dosage recommended by your doctor.
Who should not take Creon?
Despite the fact that Creon is prescribed for many serious diseases, there are a number of contraindications for its use. Although there are not so many of them, this imposes certain restrictions on taking the medicine. According to the instructions for the use of "Creon" for adults, it is highly undesirable for pregnant women to take it. The fact is that the effect of the active substance on the fetus has not yet been studied, so doctors usually refrain from using this drug. It can only be prescribed if the intended benefit outweighs the possible harm. As for women who have a baby, there are no contraindications, since enzymes are not transmitted through mother's milk.

"Creon" should never be taken during acute pancreatitis or exacerbation of a chronic disease. The fact is that during the acute form of this diseaseinflammatory processes develop in the body. Taking enzymes can worsen the situation and cause a number of unpleasant reactions:
- nausea and vomiting;
- stomach pain;
- allergic reactions.
The cost of "Creon" in pharmacies depends on the dosage of the active substance in the preparation. The medicine with the minimum dosage - 10000 IU has the lowest cost. For a package with 20 capsules, you will need to pay about 300 rubles. If you are constantly taking the drug, or you have been prescribed a long course, then you can purchase "Creon" 25,000 units. In this case, a similar package of 20 pcs. will cost you 520 rubles. In pharmacies, you can also find enzymes with a maximum dosage of 40,000 units, but they also cost an order of magnitude more expensive: about 1,800 rubles for 50 capsules. For children and in uncomplicated cases, patients usually choose Creon 10,000 IU. For long-term treatment, it is better to choose the maximum dosage of the drug - it is the most economical. In the presence of certain indications (for example, with cystic fibrosis), the medicine is given free of charge. For a prescription, you need to contact your local therapist.
Some patients are prescribed life-long Creon. This means that every month patients have to shell out a considerable amount of money from their own pockets to pharmacies. This puts many people in a difficult position, so they are looking for analogues of Creon. The instructions for use say that the drug contains protease, amylase and lipase. A similar composition can"show off" a few more drugs:
- "Mezim forte" is a well-known drug for digestion, which is made in Germany. The price for it is more than democratic: 20 pieces can be bought for 72 rubles, and 80 pieces. - for 300 rubles. In pharmacies, you can find medicine with a dosage of 10,000 and 20,000 units. Due to the fact that Mezima capsules cannot be divided in order to avoid violating the integrity of the shell, the medicine is contraindicated in children under three years of age.
- "Pangrol" contains the same active ingredient as "Creon" - pancreatitis. On sale you can find capsules of 10,000 and 25,000 IU. Due to the fact that these two drugs have almost the same composition and indications, Pangrol is often prescribed as an analogue of Creon 25000. The instructions for the use of Pangrol include diseases such as cystic fibrosis, pancreatitis, pancreatic cancer. The cost of 50 tablets with a dosage of 10,000 IU is 600 rubles.
- "Ermital" contains high-quality pancreatitis, synthesized from the pancreas of a pig. The medicine is produced in Germany, it is of high quality and the reviews about it are the most positive. The drug is sold in the form of capsules, so "Ermital" can be taken from birth, dissolving the granules in water. A package of "Ermital" 50 tablets with a dosage of 25,000 IU will cost the patient 600 rubles, and the maximum dose (36,000 IU) will cost 1,000 rubles. But a significant advantage of the drug is that an adult needs 1-2 capsules per day.to meet the daily requirement for enzymes. With long-term use, this allows you to seriously save the budget.
- "Panzinorm" - this medicine also compensates for pancreatic insufficiency. It is produced in Slovenia, in the form of capsules and tablets with a large dosage. The price of 21 capsules 10000 IU starts from 120 rubles.
- "Penzital" is also an analogue of "Creon". It is often used in pediatrics and has received many positive reviews. The cost, depending on the dosage, ranges from 80 to 150 rubles.
- "Mikrazim" is a Russian generic that is successfully used to treat pancreatitis and other diseases associated with the production of enzymes. According to the instructions for use, the analogue of "Creon 10000" can be used from several days to a couple of months to maintain digestive function. The price for a pack of 50 tablets is 450 rubles.
"Pancreatin" is one of the cheapest analogues of "Creon". This is an enzymatic agent, similar in composition to Creon, but costing several times cheaper. It can be purchased at a pharmacy for 50 rubles.

There are many analogues of Creon. The instructions for use contain the composition of the drug and the dosage of enzymes. Based on this information, you can easily find a replacement drug if it does not work for you. The main thing is to do it under the supervision of a doctor.
Customer Reviews
There are many applications for enzymesindications that can be found in the instructions for use of "Creon". Reviews of the drug confirm that the drug is very effective and instantly eliminates discomfort in the intestines. If you take the medicine as directed, your condition will quickly improve and return to normal. But there are also negative reviews. Most people complain about the high cost of the drug. Few can afford to shell out large sums for the constant use of medication. Although "Creon" can be obtained for free, for this you need to go through a lot of bureaucratic steps, and not everyone can afford it. What other pros and cons does this drug have?

- The medicine is easy to dose. Even small children can easily swallow the small microspheres.
- "Creon" is presented in a large number of dosages. Anyone can choose the one that suits them best. For example, if Creon is prescribed to a child, then it is better to opt for a dosage of 10,000 units, and if the enzyme is prescribed to an adult with chronic pancreatitis, then you can safely purchase a medicine with a dosage of 40,000 units.
- It has no taste or smell. The medicine does not cause discomfort, so it can be given to children without fear.
- "Creon" is of high quality, it has a fast effect and has few contraindications and side effects.
At first glance, Creon is an excellent drug. But why are so many people looking for its analogues?Consider its negative sides:
- The main disadvantage is its high cost;
- Short shelf life - according to the instructions for the use of Creon tablets, you can store an open package for only a month, when used in children, a large amount of medicine remains unused, and this has a bad effect on saving the family budget.
"Creon" is a drug containing pancreatin in its basis. He has helped thousands of patients to improve the processes of digestion and significantly improve the quality of life. Reception of "Creon" contributes to good he alth and complete absorption of all nutrients, which means that the medicine improves the he alth of the body as a whole. With proper use, the side effects of "Creon" are extremely rare, and it can be used (if indicated) almost from birth. But before that, you should definitely consult a doctor.