Most of us are sure that lichen is a harmless disease. Moreover, we believe that it is most often observed in our smaller brothers, and allegedly has nothing to do with us. But is it? And what if the disease affected us directly? How to treat lichen in humans?
Friends, of course, our guesses that only animals suffer from deprivation are an erroneous opinion! This is an infectious disease characterized by inflammation of the skin. Before you and I learn how to treat lichen in humans, let's look at its forms.
It is worth noting that the variety of types of lichen in humans is simply amazing! That is why we will focus only on its most common forms.
- Pityriasis rosea Zhibera. Women suffer from this disease in the autumn-spring period. It is usually associated with hypothermia and seasonal immune weakening. Outwardly, these are pink scaly spots on the skin.
- Ringworm. Hispathogens - viral fungi called trichophytons. They mainly affect the hairline (head, beard), hair loss is typical.
- Girdle. Its causative agent is the herpes virus. The skin in the area of the chest and ribs is affected.
- Lichen planus. Mucous membranes and skin are affected.
How to treat lichen in humans?

First of all, you need to see a doctor (dermatologist) who will determine the type of disease. For this, a scraping is done from the affected area. Then the specialist will prescribe the appropriate treatment. It is productive and is the same for adults and children, and even for pregnant women.
How to treat lichen in humans? Ointments prescribed by the doctor! The treatment of this disease is local in nature: the necessary ointments are rubbed into the foci of inflammation.
Which remedy for depriving a person to choose? You can buy ready-made ointments "Apit", "Irikar" and others at the pharmacy, or you can use the "Yam" ointment prepared according to the prescription.
Attention! Before using these drugs, carefully read the accompanying instructions. It clearly states age limits.
How to treat lichen in people with folk remedies?
- Ringing lichen can be removed by rubbing rye flour, well sifted through a nylon cloth, into the affected area.
- Regardless of the form of lichen, you can rub the inflamed areas with raisins cut in half.
- An excellent tool in the fight against this disease is nicotine, which can be taken from the pipe of a heavy smoker.
- Juice of red viburnum berries can be lubricated with pityriasis versicolor.
- If you add garlic juice to castor oil, you can quite easily and effectively cure ringworm on a person's head.

They say the disease goes away in a couple of days.
Who is at risk?
It is worth noting that anyone can be at risk, however, for example, ringworm children get sick more often than others. This is due to the fact that during street walks they pick up stray cats and dogs - the main carriers of this infection. In addition, children follow the rules of personal hygiene worse than adults.