Vitamins "Pregnacare". Reviews and features of the reception of the complex

Vitamins "Pregnacare". Reviews and features of the reception of the complex
Vitamins "Pregnacare". Reviews and features of the reception of the complex

Pregnancy is a wonderful time in a woman's life. Every mother will confirm this. After all, despite all the physical and psychological difficulties that pregnancy brings to the existence of a woman, she realizes that here and now a new life is born in her. However, this wonderful condition entails a number of not so pleasant accompanying symptoms. The main reason for their occurrence is the lack of vitamins in the body of a young mother.

pregnacare reviews
pregnacare reviews

Hypo- and beriberi can manifest themselves in completely different ways: from simple malaise to problems with hair and teeth, night blindness, anemia, osteoporosis and even premature birth.

How to prevent beriberi and hypovitaminosis during pregnancy?

You can avoid such unpleasant surprises if you start taking vitamin complexes in advance, including Pregnacare. The composition of the drug is combined in such a way that it is precisely those substances that are so often lacking in the body,contained in it in a predominant amount. Less demanded are presented in a slightly smaller volume. The most common vitamins, which enter the body quite often with many foods, contain Pregnacare vitamins in very small quantities.

pregnacare instructions
pregnacare instructions

Thus, taking them will help prevent not only beriberi, but no less dangerous hypervitaminosis, which, in turn, also gives rise to many he alth problems.

Features of the use of "Pregnacare"

Of course, to read, purchasing any drug, which includes "Pregnacare", reviews will be absolutely superfluous. After all, nothing will give such a complete picture of the effectiveness of taking a drug as reviews of those who have already experienced its effect. There is also an instruction in each package of the Pregnacare vitamin complex, after reading which you can get specific information regarding the composition of the drug, its mechanism of action, indications and contraindications for its use.

pregnacare composition
pregnacare composition

For example, after reading the annotation, you can find out that these vitamins contain a lot of useful betacarotene, which is the key to the sharp vision of the expectant mother, will protect against many ailments, including oncology and glaucoma, and will also act as stimulator of the child's immune system and will contribute to its full and timely growth and development in the womb. Vitamin D will also bring invaluable benefits,standing in second place in terms of its quantity in the preparation and also referred to as colecalciferol. After all, as you know, it is extremely difficult to get it from food, since the human body synthesizes it through the skin.

In third place is vitamin E, then - a group of vitamins B. In addition, the drug contains a significant amount of vitamin K, as well as ascorbic and folic acids, nicotinamide, magnesium, iodine, copper, iron and zinc.

In what cases is the use of "Pregnacare" necessary, and in what - undesirable

As stated earlier, in one case, the use of a complex of vitamins is a vital necessity, in the other it is undesirable, if not completely unacceptable. On account of "Pregnacare" reviews are mostly positive. Only occasionally women were forced to refuse to take the drug. The main reason for this turned out to be that the vitamin complex did not suit them at all. In order not to get into such an unpleasant situation, you should first familiarize yourself with the contraindications and indications for use. Information on this subject about "Pregnacare" instructions attached to the drug contains in full.

pregnacare for pregnant women
pregnacare for pregnant women

Indications for use "Pregnacare"

  • Planning a woman's pregnancy.
  • Lack of nutrients in the female body, especially during pregnancy and breastfeeding.


However, if you have the following symptomsit is better to do without the regular use of Pregnacare. User reviews provided the objective basis for this list:

  • Increased sensitivity of the body to the components of the multivitamin complex, as well as to soy and peanuts.
  • Overabundance of vitamins A and D.
  • Pernicious anemia.
  • Disorders of the kidneys.
  • Kidney stones, including urolithiasis.
  • Disorders of metabolism in the body of copper and iron.
  • Excessive calcium in urine and blood plasma,
  • High magnesium levels in the blood.

Features of reception

Pregnacare may be dangerous for pregnant women with ulcers, ischemic symptoms, diabetes, and thyroid problems, and for those using laxatives, antacids, and anticoagulants.

A pregnant woman should not drink other vitamin-containing preparations and other complexes with copper or iron in parallel with the complex, since in this case there is a risk of hypervitaminosis.

pregnacare vitamins
pregnacare vitamins

It should also be borne in mind that when using the complex together with tetracycline, there is a noticeable deterioration in the absorption of the antibiotic and iron. If it is impossible to separate the use of two drugs, you need to at least ensure that a break of at least two hours is observed between the use of each of them. In other cases, there are no barriers to the use of Pregnacare vitamins. Reviews of many grateful women who are still bearinga child and those who have already given birth, speak for themselves: Pregnacare is, if not the best multivitamin complex, then at least quite reliable. Proper use of it allows you to avoid many problems that threaten a pregnant woman, prevent them even before they appear, makes it possible to feel confident in your he alth and the he alth of your baby throughout the entire period. You just need to drink the drug one capsule a day after meals, and no problems and disturbances in the body will be terrible for either mother or child.
