Fibrocystic mastopathy of the mammary glands: treatment. Fibrocystic mastopathy: signs

Fibrocystic mastopathy of the mammary glands: treatment. Fibrocystic mastopathy: signs
Fibrocystic mastopathy of the mammary glands: treatment. Fibrocystic mastopathy: signs

Dishormonal disease, in which there is excessive growth of tissues and the formation of cysts, is called fibrocystic mastopathy of the mammary glands. Treatment, causes, symptoms of this pathology will be considered in the article.

Every year about a million women hear the terrible diagnosis of breast cancer. And, unfortunately, these numbers are steadily growing. Not everyone knows that such a disease is often preceded by fibrocystic mastopathy. What it is? As mentioned above, this is a hormone-dependent disease, which is characterized by various changes in the mammary gland - both proliferation (increase) and regression (decrease) in tissues can be observed. Also in the gland there are changes in the ratio of connective tissue and epithelial components, as a result of which either cystic or fibrous components may predominate.


Causes of pathology

Formations in the mammary gland most often develop due to hormonal cyclic changes in a woman's body. Hormones workon the mammary gland, which as a result undergoes various changes - from the onset of puberty and the gradual growth of the gland to pregnancy and breastfeeding.

If hormones for some reason do not control these processes, dysfunction occurs in the mammary gland, changes occur in the tissues - fibrous or cystic.

Provoking factors of imbalance in the hormonal background of the female body are:

  • stress;
  • overwork;
  • pregnancy;
  • birth;
  • sexual abuse;
  • liver disease;
  • endocrine and gynecological pathologies;
  • heredity.

The main reason for the development of mastopathy is an increase in the body's level of the hormone estrogen and a decrease in the hormone progesterone.

In the event that for some reason the content of progesterone in the body decreases, edema occurs in the mammary gland, the connective tissue increases in volume, and cysts form in the gland.

The following categories of women are at risk:

  • overweight, especially those with high blood sugar and high blood pressure;
  • women over 35;
  • who did not give birth before the age of 30;
  • multiple abortions;
  • early stop breastfeeding;
  • being in a state for a long period of timenervous tension, stress survivors.


Mastopathy is often accompanied by such ailments as endometrial hyperplasia, uterine fibroids, endometriosis, inflammatory diseases of the uterine appendages.

Classification of mastopathy

There are various forms of the disease "fibrous cystic mastopathy":

  • fibrous form (fibroadenosis) - the fibrous component predominates;
  • fibrocystic - dominated by the cystic component;
  • adenosis - the glandular component predominates;
  • mixed form (all components);
  • adenosis sclerosing.

All this refers to diffuse mastopathy. There is also nodular fibrocystic mastopathy. With this form of the disease, limited painful seals are found, over time they can increase in size.

Signs of fibrocystic breast disease

The diffuse form is the initial stage of the disease, it is characterized by the appearance of pain in the mammary glands before menstruation (a few days before). Many women complain that they have breast pain during the premenstrual period. Symptoms of mastopathy are most often mild and therefore they can easily be mistaken for a typical monthly swelling of the mammary glands. As a rule, the pain disappears with the onset of "critical days".

Gradually, the pains intensify, their duration and intensity increase. Painful discomfort often extends to the shoulder blade, armpit, neck, anytouching the chest is unpleasant.

Mastalgia (mazoplasia, mastodynia) is the initial stage of such an ailment as diffuse fibrocystic mastopathy. Reviews of women indicate soreness and thickening of the tissue. Palpation of the mammary glands confirms these symptoms. This condition occurs most often in women under 35 years of age. All manifestations disappear after the onset of menstruation.


Over time, the painful signs of fibrocystic mastopathy weaken. In the mammary glands, areas of compaction that do not have clear boundaries are felt, coarsening of the glandular lobes, fine graininess. When pressing on the nipples, discharge of a different nature appears. In the premenstrual period, discharge from the nipples and painful seals increase, with the onset of menstruation they decrease. However, the complete softening of the glands to a normal state does not occur.

The next stage of the disease is nodular mastopathy. Nodular formations in the chest with this form become clearer, large cysts are often found. Such neoplasms can be localized in one mammary gland or in both, be single or multiple.

Nodular seals are formed with diffuse mastopathy with the preservation of all its symptoms: coarse lobulation, heaviness, granularity, discharge from the nipples. The seals can be easily felt in the standing position, in the prone position their borders are not defined, the surrounding compacted mammary gland tissues hide the nodules. This form of mastopathy is diagnosed most often in women older than 30-50.years.


We discussed the symptoms, causes and forms of such an ailment as fibrocystic mastopathy, we know what it is. Now let's talk about methods for diagnosing this pathology.

When making a diagnosis of fibrocystic mastopathy of the mammary glands, treatment can be prescribed only after a thorough examination. The initial examination involves the implementation of palpation of the mammary glands. To exclude possible diagnostic errors, it is preferable to schedule a visit to a mammologist on the 7th-10th day of the menstrual cycle. In addition to the breast glands, the doctor examines the axillary and clavicular lymph nodes.


Further diagnostics involves the following procedures:

  • Ultrasound. The procedure is absolutely safe and can be used repeatedly for a short period of time. The study can be done during pregnancy and lactation. The use of this technique is difficult with a large amount of adipose tissue in the glands.
  • X-ray mammography. This procedure is the leading method for diagnosing breast pathologies: it is highly informative, makes it possible to identify small neoplasms, and makes it possible to analyze the dynamics of the disease. However, an x-ray will not be informative enough when examining young women whose mammary glands have a dense texture. Also, this procedure is contraindicated during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  • Doppler sonography. The method allows you to more clearly differentiate between various diseases of the breast.
  • Puncture and cytological examination of the obtained biomaterial. The procedure is performed with suspicion of a tumor disease and atypia.

With such an ailment as fibrocystic mastopathy of the mammary glands, treatment should be started after consultation with related specialists: a gynecologist, endocrinologist, psychotherapist.



Since there are various forms of the disease "fibrous cystic mastopathy" (fibrous form or nodular), then the treatment is carried out by different methods. First of all, it is necessary to eliminate the causes and factors due to which mastopathy has developed.

Treatment of diffuse fibrocystic mastopathy is carried out by conservative methods. Drug therapy involves the use of hormonal and non-hormonal agents. Hormonal drugs are prescribed in case of urgent need and based on the results of a comprehensive examination.

Moderate fibrocystic breast disease requires a certain diet: exclusion of too fatty foods, caffeine, alcoholic beverages.

Non-hormonal therapy

Use for mastalgia:

  • Decongestants, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, analgesics (Ibuprofen, Nurofen, etc.).
  • Medicines that improve blood circulation (B vitamins).
  • Calming andsedatives (motherwort, valerian).
  • Perform physiotherapy (electrophoresis using potassium iodide).
  • Perform herbal medicine based on such drugs as Mastodinon, Vitokan, Tazalok.

It is extremely important to wear comfortable underwear. Using the wrong size or shape of a bra can cause breast deformity, pain, and swelling.

Hormone Therapy

Mastopathy can develop as a result of hormonal imbalance in the body. To normalize female sex hormones, antihormones are prescribed - the drugs "Tamoxifen" and "Toremifen". For the same purpose, oral contraceptives are used - medicines "Marvelon" and "Janine", under the influence of which the production of steroids, estrogens, androgens is suppressed and the hormonal level in the body is stabilized. Also, the doctor may prescribe the use of gestagens - progesterone preparations (Dufaston, Utrozhestan), these drugs inhibit the growth of cysts and contribute to the subsequent gradual regression. In some cases, specialists prescribe antiprolactins (Parlodel), androgens (Methyltestosterone), gonadotropin antagonists (Buserelin and Zoladex).

Remember, only a qualified specialist should treat fibrocystic mastopathy! Drugs recommended by a specialist should be taken strictly according to the instructions.



In the treatment of this disease, varioushomeopathic remedies. Patients and doctors who treated fibrocystic mastopathy with these drugs leave mostly positive reviews: these drugs effectively reduce prolactin levels without causing any side effects. These medicines include Cyclodinon, Remens, Mastodinon.


With this disease, it is very important to adjust the diet. All products containing methylxanthines should be excluded: coffee, tea, chocolate of any kind, cola, cocoa. It is also recommended to refuse the use of smoked products, pickles. Fresh vegetables rich in fiber, fruits, citrus fruits, cereals must be present in the daily diet. In addition to 2 liters of water per day, it is also recommended to drink herbal teas that have a diuretic and decongestant effect. S alt should be limited, as it contributes to the accumulation of fluid in the body and tissue swelling.

Alternative medicine

Not only medical, but also non-traditional methods are used to treat fibrocystic mastopathy. Reviews of acquaintances and girlfriends about folk methods of treating this disease should not become a guide to action. Any therapeutic measures should be carried out only after consultation with a specialist.

As an addition to the main treatment, the attending physician may recommend proven folk recipes.

  • Antineoplastic effect is exerted by such herbs as burdock, wormwood, immortelle, elderberry, thistle, celandine, cinquefoil, birch.
  • Immunomodulating action - aloe, echinacea, elecampane, propolis.


Surgical intervention for nodular mastopathy

Surgical treatment is used if aspiration biopsy reveals atypical cells or proliferative changes in the breast epithelium in the punctate. Sectoral resection (linear tissue excision) and mastectomy (removal of a portion of the gland) are used.

It is important to remember that fibrocystic disease is a precancerous condition. Therefore, in no case should you ignore regular visits to the doctor and conduct medical examinations. Self-medication, in turn, can lead to the development of he alth-threatening conditions, including breast cancer. Treatment in this case is much more serious: breast chemotherapy, radiation therapy, complex surgery.


After reading this article, you learned more about such a disease as fibrocystic mastopathy of the mammary glands, treatment, causes and symptoms of the pathology were considered by us. We hope you find the information useful. Take care of yourself, be attentive to your condition, immediately responding to the slightest changes in the body. And stay he althy!
