Bronchitis is one of the most well-known diseases that affects all segments of the population, regardless of age. But, despite this, most people do not know how to properly eliminate this condition, and whether antimicrobials are needed for bronchitis.
Bronchitis is an inflammatory lesion that occurs in the bronchi and affects the mucous cavity or the entire thickness of the wall of the respiratory system.
Cause inflammation in the bronchi can:
- Immune weakening.
- Influenza (an acute viral disease that can affect the upper and lower respiratory tract, is accompanied by severe intoxication and can lead to serious complications and deaths, mainly in the elderly and children).
- Acute respiratory infections (a group of clinically and morphologically similar acute inflammatory respiratory diseases caused by pneumotropic viruses).
- Adenovirus (acute pathology caused by adenovirus, which is manifested by general intoxicationorganism, inflammation of the nasopharynx, signs of keratoconjunctivitis, tonsillopharyngitis and mesadenitis).
- Staphylococcus.
- The presence of excessively humid or too cold air indoors or outdoors.
- Sudden temperature changes.
- Radiation, as well as smoke or excessive dust.
- The presence of chemical vapors in the environment.
In addition, bad habits, in particular alcohol abuse and smoking, increase the likelihood of the disease. What is the best antibiotic to drink for bronchitis?

When antibiotics are needed
From the above it is known that the disease can have both viral and bacterial etiology. And if in the first situation the use of antimicrobial drugs is unlikely to be able to influence the course of the disease, then in the second case it will not be possible to recover without them.
In addition, antibiotic therapy for bronchitis in adult patients is advised to start at:
- A strong and prolonged rise in temperature (as a rule, if the temperature does not drop for more than three days).
- Increased rate of sedimentation of red blood cells in the blood.
- Strong excess of white blood cells.
- Strong symptoms of intoxication.
- Heavy breathing.
- Protracted course of the disease.
In addition, medical experts recommend the use of antimicrobial agents for bronchitis for people over sixty years of age. The point is that over timeimmunity weakens, and the protective functions of the body are no longer able to cope with the pathogen without effective outside help. Subsequently, bronchitis in people of retirement age can lead to various complications, including pneumonia and bronchopneumonia.
Chemical bronchitis also requires antibiotic therapy. This is a kind of inflammatory process, which is provoked by the inhalation of vapors of chemical compounds. This influence often affects the respiratory mucosa and causes a bacterial infection.
Include antimicrobials in the treatment of chronic obstructive bronchitis, which, as a rule, suffer from smokers. The exacerbation of this disease is accompanied by a general deterioration in he alth, characterized by an increase in body temperature, increased sweating, general weakness, as well as severe coughing attacks, which are accompanied by the release of purulent pathological secretions. This situation can be changed only with the help of antibacterial agents. What is the best antibiotic for bronchitis?
The variety of antimicrobials falls into several categories:
- Aminopenicillins.
- Macrolides.
- Fluoroquinolones.
- Tetracyclines.
- Cephalosporins.
They belong to beta-lactam antimicrobial agents and fight pathogens by destroying their walls. At the same time, allergic manifestations are considered the most common negative effect. To aminopenicillinsrefer to:
- "Amoxiclav".
- "Augmentin".
- "Flemoxin".
These are the latest generation of antibacterial drugs with a reduced risk of adverse reactions, which are able to actively neutralize intracellular pathogenic microflora. Macrolides are among the best antibiotics for bronchitis and pneumonia.
They prevent the production of proteins in bacterial cells, thereby preventing them from growing and spreading further. However, they do not permanently eliminate pathogens, so therapy can take quite a long time.
The best antibiotics for acute bronchitis are:
- "Azithromycin".
- "Clarithromycin".
- "Wilprafen".
- "Rovamycin".
- "Erythromycin".
Broad-spectrum antimicrobial drugs. They affect bacteria at the level of their DNA, preventing pathogens from spreading.
But at the same time they have a significant disadvantage - they adversely affect not only pathogenic, but also beneficial bacteria, which often leads to dysbacteriosis. Fluoroquinolones are also considered among the best antibiotics for bronchitis.
Among the drugs of this group, the most famous are:
- "Levofloxacin".
- "Moxifloxacin".
- "Ciprofloxacin".
- "Cifran".
Tetracyclines are medicines thatinhibit protein synthesis of bacteria. Previously, they belonged to drugs with a wide spectrum of effects, but gradually pathogens became the least sensitive to the active components of this group. Therefore, now tetracyclines are used very rarely.
The list of the best antibiotics for treating bronchitis includes:
- "Tetracycline".
- "Doxycycline".
Slow down the connection of components, prevent the formation of cell membranes in bacteria, thereby preventing the spread of microorganisms. These antimicrobials are prescribed in both tablet and injectable form.
The most popular drugs of this series:
- "Supraks".
- "Cephalexin".
- "Ceftriaxone".
- "Cefazolin".
But, despite such a number of drugs, it is dangerous to start using them on your own without a prescription from a medical specialist, since each group has its own specifics.
Duration of therapy
It is definitely impossible to say which antibiotic is more effective or better for bronchitis, since different forms of bronchitis require the use of different medications.
It is impossible to determine the source of the disease by the first signs of acute inflammation in the bronchi. Therefore, antibacterial drugs are usually not used on the first day of illness.
After everything becomes clear with the cause of the inflammatory process in the bronchi, with acute bronchitis in adultsFor patients, the doctor may prescribe penicillin group medications or macrolides.
In chronic bronchitis, antibacterial drugs are used much more often than in the acute course of the disease. The same drug groups are most effective in this course of the disease.
Effective antibacterials
The best antibiotics for bronchitis, pneumonia, as a rule, include "Amoxicillin" and "Biseptol" - cheap drugs that affect a huge number of known pathogens.
"Amoxicillin" belongs to the group of penicillins. The drug is produced in tablets, capsules and granules. "Work" the drug begins within thirty minutes after use. The duration of action is approximately six hours.
"Biseptol" refers to sulfonamides, it is an inexpensive medicine. It is included in the combined treatment to eliminate bronchitis and other otorhinolaryngological diseases. With all its advantages, it has many restrictions on reception.
In addition, the following names of good antibiotics for bronchitis in adult patients and children have also positively proven themselves:
- "Ofloxacin".
- "Flemoxin-Solutab".
- "Augmentin".
- "Sumamed".
- "Cefazolin".
- "Lincomycin".
- "Ceftazidime".

The active ingredient of the druginhibits the enzyme of bacterial cells DNA-gyrase, which accelerates the supercoiling reaction of deoxyribonucleic acid. Ofloxacin is a broad spectrum antibacterial drug.
After using the drug, the active ingredient is instantly and completely absorbed from the intestinal lumen into the bloodstream. It is evenly distributed throughout all tissues of the body. Part of the drug is exchanged in the liver.
"Ofloxacin" is excreted mainly with urine, as a rule, unchanged. The half-life varies from four to seven hours.
Before starting therapy, you must carefully read the instructions for the medicine. There are a number of specific guidelines to pay attention to:
- The drug does not help to eliminate pneumonia, which is provoked by pneumococcus, and acute tonsillitis.
- During drug therapy, avoid exposure to the skin of the sun or ultraviolet radiation.
- Don't use Ofloxacin for more than two months.
- If pseudomembranous enterocolitis occurs, the medicine should be discontinued.
- During the use of the drug, an inflammatory process of the tendons and ligaments may occur, followed by their rupture.
- When using the medication, women should not use tampons during menstruation due to an increased risk of thrush caused by opportunistic fungal flora.
- Increasedsensitivity to the active component.
- Epilepsy.
- Children under 18.
- Pregnancy.
- Lactation.
Which antibiotic is best to take for chronic bronchitis, the doctor will tell.

The drug belongs to the group of broad-spectrum penicillin antibiotics.
Patients who are prone to drug allergies should definitely test for sensitivity before starting treatment with Flemoxin-Solutab. The drug is not prescribed to people who previously had violent negative phenomena for penicillin.
"Flemoxin-Solutab" is the best antibiotic for chronic bronchitis, which is most often prescribed by doctors. The course must be completed to the end. Interruption of therapy ahead of time can lead to the emergence of resistance of pathogens to "Amoxicillin", the transition of the disease to the chronic stage.
In this case, the doctor prescribes a different, more powerful antibacterial medication to the patient. You can not use the drug for more than two weeks, since in this situation the likelihood of superinfection and exacerbation of all signs of the disease increases. In the absence of the pharmacological action of the drug, you must consult a doctor to clarify the diagnosis and adjust the prescribed therapy.
- liver disease;
- kidney damage;
- age of children under 12;
- individualintolerance;
- pregnancy in the first trimester.

Pills are a long-acting drug, which distinguishes them significantly from other drugs based on amoxicillin. With the help of which the medication can be used to eliminate the source of pneumonia, which are resistant to penicillins. Powder for the preparation of a suspension is prescribed for children from two years of age. The drug shows increased activity in the fight against diseases.
After ingestion, the active ingredients of the drug, amoxicillin and clavulanic acid, are instantly dissolved and absorbed into the stomach and intestines. The drug has the maximum pharmacological effect in the situation when the patient takes the pill before eating.
Amoxicillin can pass into milk. According to medical research, particles of clavulanic acid were detected in it. This medication is generally not recommended for therapy in women during lactation. According to reviews, the best antibiotic for bronchitis in children is Augmentin powder. But, despite its effectiveness, the medication also has certain contraindications:
- Individual intolerance to penicillins and cephalosporins.
- Increased sensitivity.
- Severe disorders of the liver and kidneys.
- Children under two years of age.
- Infectious mononucleosis (an acute viral disease characterized by fever, lesions of the pharynx,lymph nodes, liver, spleen and peculiar changes in the composition of the blood).

The drug belongs to the clinical and pharmacological group of macrolides. "Sumamed" is produced in the form of tablets and powder for suspension. They are used for the etiotropic treatment of various infectious diseases, which are aimed at eliminating pathogenic bacteria sensitive to this drug.
The main component, azithromycin, is considered a chemical derivative of azalide macrolides. "Sumamed" has a bactericidal effect, leads to the death of sensitive pathogens.
The drug has a pronounced activity against a large number of gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms. Unlike other antibacterial drugs, "Sumamed" eliminates specific pathogens that are characterized by intracellular parasitism.
After oral use, the active ingredient of the drug is instantly and completely absorbed from the intestine into the blood.
- Severe liver disease.
- Concomitant use of ergotamine and dihydroergotamine.
- Digestive disorders.
- Azithromycin intolerance.
- The patient is under six years of age.
Which antibiotic is better to use for bronchitis and pneumonia, the doctor should determine after the examination.

The drug is available as a powder for making a solution for injection. Persons who have had situations of allergic manifestations to drugs of the penicillin group in their medical history should consult with a medical specialist before starting treatment with Cefazolin. As a rule, such people have an increased sensitivity to cephalosporins.
Patients with chronic lesions of the gastrointestinal tract, especially with colitis, should definitely consult a doctor before starting treatment. During injection therapy, it is necessary to carefully monitor the patient's state of he alth, if signs of colitis appear, you should immediately stop taking the medication.
When properly dosed, "Cefazolin" does not have an overwhelming effect on the functioning of the central nervous system and does not slow down the speed of psychomotor reactions.
- pregnancy;
- individual intolerance to substances;
- severe allergic reactions to cephalosporins;
- severe kidney damage;
- severe liver disease;
- patients under six months old.

Which antibiotic is better to drink with bronchitis? "Lincomycin" is produced in the form of capsules and injections. The drug has an antimicrobial effect in relation to bacteria that are sensitive to it. It is also used to eliminateinfectious and inflammatory diseases of the respiratory organs, as well as the musculoskeletal and ENT systems.
It belongs to the antibacterial agents of the lincosamide group. The spectrum of action lies in the ability to provoke inhibition of the production of bacterial proteins by binding to the ribosome.
The effectiveness of "Lincomycin" is manifested in relation to:
- staphylococci;
- streptococci;
- pneumococci;
- corynebacterium diphtheria;
- clostridia;
- bacteroides;
- mycoplasma.

An antimicrobial drug is active against bacteria that are resistant to other antibiotics. Enterococci, as well as gram-negative bacteria, fungi, viruses and protozoa do not show sensitivity to it. "Lincomycin" can be purchased at the pharmacy strictly by prescription.
Prohibitions to take the drug:
- increased sensitivity to drug ingredients;
- severe liver or kidney disorders;
- Baby is less than one month old.

People with intolerance to penicillin antibacterials may react poorly to injections, so before treatment, you need to make sure that there are no allergic manifestations to the medication.
Therapy with "Ceftazidime" is not recommended to stop until the end of the course of treatment, even if the personfeels much better, and the signs of the disease have disappeared. This can lead to the resistance of the source of the disease to the remedy, the transition of the disease to a chronic form.
While injecting, patients are advised to avoid alcohol as this increases the chance of kidney and liver toxicity.
When prescribing a drug to people with severe kidney damage or chronic renal failure, it is necessary to carefully monitor the work of the organ. With a slight deterioration in he alth, antimicrobial therapy is stopped immediately.
When using the medicine intravenously, the patient may experience dizziness and drowsiness, so during therapy it is necessary to refrain from driving vehicles and operating machinery that requires increased attention.
- pregnancy first trimester;
- individual intolerance to substances;
- severe liver and kidney disease;
- allergic manifestations to antibiotics of the penicillin group.
Despite the fact that antimicrobial agents are considered one of the important discoveries, the attitude towards antibiotics is ambiguous. Some patients consider them a panacea and start using them for any ailment, while others are sure that these medicines do more harm than good.
Antimicrobial drugs are really needed to eliminate diseases that are provoked by bacteria, including bacterial bronchitis. They help speed uphealing process, help to avoid complications.
But all this is possible only if the patient takes antibiotics seriously. It must be remembered that, subject to all the rules for taking drugs, antimicrobials are practically safe and effective fighters for human he alth.