Ointment "Butadion": instructions for use, reviews, analogues

Ointment "Butadion": instructions for use, reviews, analogues
Ointment "Butadion": instructions for use, reviews, analogues

Ointment "Butadion" is an analgesic, anti-inflammatory non-steroidal agent, which is usually found in every medicine cabinet due to its wide spectrum of action. After all, there is probably no such person who has not received mechanical skin injuries at least once in his life, and this drug perfectly copes with such problems. In general, this medicine is also produced in the form of tablets, but it is the ointment that is famous for its effectiveness and speed of action.

Composition of the product

Ointment "Butadion" belongs to the category of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. The product has a homogeneous consistency, snow-white color and an unobtrusive, but very specific smell.

The drug is produced in aluminum sealed tubes of 50 grams. The main active ingredient of the drug is phenylbutazone. Each tube contains about a gram of this component. All other ingredients of the drug are considered auxiliary:

  • polysorbate;
  • glycerol;
  • methyl parahydroxybenzoate;
  • propylene glycol;
  • distilled water;
  • carmellose sodium;
  • liquid paraffin;
  • colloidal silicon dioxide.
The composition and form of release of the ointment "Butadion"
The composition and form of release of the ointment "Butadion"


The mechanism of action of the "Butadion" ointment is arbitrary inhibition of cyclooxygenases and preventing the production of prostaglandins. These substances are direct mediators of inflammatory processes, so inhibition of their production helps to eliminate the phenomenon and reduce pain.

Ointment "Butadion" has decongestant, analgesic and antibacterial properties. Use it only as a local remedy, externally. After undergoing a course of therapy with Butadion ointment, according to reviews, patients notice a significant improvement in joint mobility, as well as the absence of morning stiffness of the limbs.

In the case of proper local use, the ointment entering the systemic circulation is negligible. An important property of the drug is considered to be rapid absorption into biological fluids. The drug is absorbed in just a couple of hours and is quickly excreted from the body along with urine. But taking into account the individual characteristics and age of the patient, these terms may vary, so it is best to visit a specialist before using the drug.

Absorption of the drug into the body with proper use does not exceed 5%. As a rule, drug derivatives are excreted mainly through the kidneys and only partially through the digestive tract.

Indications for use

According to the instructions, "Butadion" ointment should be used for various joint pathologiespathogenesis: rheumatism, osteoarthritis, polyarthritis simple and rheumatoid, arthralgia, thrombophlebitis, gout.

Among other things, it is recommended to use the product when:

  • inflammatory processes in hemorrhoids;
  • degenerative diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  • inflammation of the skin and all kinds of dermatitis;
  • minor burns;
  • injuries and hematomas;
  • prolonged sun exposure;
  • for injuries after injections;
  • local swelling;
  • pain after limb amputation;
  • stretch tendons and muscles;
  • bites of various insects;
  • fever during flu or other colds.
Indications for the use of ointment "Butadion"
Indications for the use of ointment "Butadion"

The use of Butadion ointment gives an analgesic and antipyretic effect when applied to a specific area of the skin. In addition, the drug gives an impulse to start the mechanism for the production of interferon.

Instructions for using Butadion ointment

Feedback on the method of using the drug is extremely positive. Indeed, in its properties, this ointment does not differ from other similar medicines and is applied very easily. Instructions for use of Butadion ointment describe in some detail the principle of working with the drug: first you need to open the tube, squeeze out a small amount of the substance and cover the damaged skin or the location of the pathology with a thin layer. Rub the product should be as thoroughly as possible,achieving complete absorption.

Instructions for use ointment "Butadion"
Instructions for use ointment "Butadion"

The procedure must be performed every day several times (within 2-3 repetitions) until the problem that bothers the patient completely disappears. Doctors strongly recommend not to exceed the maximum allowable daily dosage of 600 mg of ointment. In addition, it is very important not to lubricate open wounds with the drug: abscesses, ulcers and deep cuts. With caution, the ointment should be used for people with violations of the integrity of the skin. The course of therapy using "Butadion" can last from 20 days or more.


In some cases, the use of the drug is not recommended. According to numerous reviews and instructions for Butadion ointment, there are a number of specific contraindications:

  • allergy and individual intolerance to any component of the product;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • pronounced urticaria;
  • thrombosis of limb veins;
  • open wounds and fractures;
  • eczema and other serious skin conditions;
  • patient under 14;
  • pregnancy and lactation.
Contraindications to the use of ointment "Butadion"
Contraindications to the use of ointment "Butadion"

Use the ointment very carefully around the eyes and other mucous membranes - the substance should not get on them. It is not recommended to use the drug under compresses and closed tight bandages. In addition, it is forbidden to use "Butadion" in parallelwith other medicines containing phenylbutazone.

If you neglect these rules, the patient runs the risk of experiencing such an unpleasant phenomenon as an allergic reaction, the course of which can be very unpredictable. In addition, the very problem that the patient is trying to cope with can only get worse in this case.

In case of an overdose, the ointment can cause hives, skin rashes, swelling, severe itching and other allergic manifestations. In the event of such phenomena, immediately wash off the drug from the skin and seek medical help.

During the course of treatment, protect the skin from sunlight to prevent the development of photosensitivity.

In what cases should Butadion ointment be used?
In what cases should Butadion ointment be used?

It is very important to refuse the simultaneous use of the ointment and other anti-inflammatory nonsteroidal medicines. After all, in this combination, the effect of drugs can be significantly enhanced.

Use of ointment during pregnancy

Doctors categorically do not recommend using the medication at the time of gestation and breastfeeding. After all, nonsteroidal drugs can penetrate the skin and provoke a variety of complications in the unborn baby.

Such medicines can lead to congenital disorders in the development of the child. If treatment with Butadion is necessary during lactation, it is best to refuse breastfeeding the baby. Otherwise, the currentsubstances of the drug can penetrate into breast milk and cause complications in the child.


According to a number of studies, this phenomenon is extremely rare when using Butadion. The drug has a low absorbability and does not affect the body negatively. But if the patient accidentally took the ointment inside, the development of poisoning and the appearance of signs of an overdose are likely. Most often in such situations there is a severe migraine and nausea. In this case, the patient should perform gastric lavage by seeking medical attention.

Side effects from the use of Butadion ointment
Side effects from the use of Butadion ointment

Analogues of "Butadion" ointment

It is not difficult to buy this drug, since it is found in almost all pharmacies. Moreover, the cost of the ointment is quite affordable for absolutely all segments of the population. The average price for "Butadion" ranges from 150-200 rubles.

Ointment analogs have completely identical indications for use, so you can safely replace the drug with them if you did not find it in the pharmacy.

"Diklak". A non-steroidal agent designed to treat hematomas and non-rheumatic inflammatory pathologies accompanied by pain

When to use Buiadion ointment
When to use Buiadion ointment
  • Voltaren. Belongs to the category of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. The drug is recommended for use in joint inflammation, sprains and dislocations.
  • "Ketonal". Doctors prescribe this remedy for psoriatic joint damage, neuralgia, arthritis and bursitis.
  • "Naklofen". The main active ingredient of this drug is diclofenac, which delicately affects inflammation of soft tissues, muscles, joints, ligaments and joints. Usually prescribed for injuries resulting from bruises, sprains or excessive physical exertion.


Negative feedback about the Butadion ointment is practically absent. Patients talk about the high effectiveness of the drug in the treatment of rheumatism and minor injuries. The ointment acts very gently, quickly and does not cause discomfort. Especially effective remedy for hematomas and burns.

Side effects from its use are extremely rare. The only thing that many patients using this ointment have encountered is periodic dizziness, which can interfere with driving. This factor should be taken into account by those who have a private car at their disposal.
