How to treat diabetes at home: folk recipes, herbal preparations, results and doctors' reviews

How to treat diabetes at home: folk recipes, herbal preparations, results and doctors' reviews
How to treat diabetes at home: folk recipes, herbal preparations, results and doctors' reviews

Many are interested in how to treat diabetes at home. However, first of all, you need to understand what exactly this disease is. With the course of diabetes, the synthesis of insulin worsens, as a result of which glucose is not fully absorbed by the body. This can lead to very serious complications.

This disease cannot be completely eliminated. But if you strictly follow all the doctor's prescriptions, dietary nutrition, pay attention to sports, inject insulin if necessary, and also treat with folk remedies, you can stop the progression of the disease and avoid many complications.

Feature of the disease

Before determining how to treat diabetes at home, you need to know exactly what the disease is. Diabetes is an endocrine pathology characterized by a lack of synthesis of the hormone insulin or a deterioration in its effect on the tissues and cells of the body. Diseaseis considered a very dangerous pathology, which is diagnosed at later stages, when bright clinical manifestations are observed, therefore it cannot be completely cured.

Symptoms of Diabetes
Symptoms of Diabetes

Diabetes is of the first and second type. They have different causes and mechanism of development. Type 1 diabetes is characterized by the fact that the pancreas cannot produce the required amount of insulin. This substance is required to regulate blood sugar levels. When carbohydrates enter the body with food, glucose levels rise slightly. The pancreas receives a signal to release insulin.

The hormone is required in order to deliver sugar molecules to cells and tissues. Due to its lack, the glucose indicator remains quite high, and the body suffers from a lack of energy. This condition is considered hypoglycemia. This is the main symptom of all types of diabetes, which can be used to make a correct diagnosis.

The development of the second type of disease is somewhat different. When it occurs, the pancreas can produce insulin, but cells and tissues lose their sensitivity to it. The affected organ tries to compensate for the condition by producing a hormone in sufficiently large quantities. In the mechanism of the onset of type 2 diabetes, a significant role is played by malnutrition, a genetic factor and an inactive lifestyle. Among the main symptoms of the disease, it is necessary to highlight such as:

  • appetite increase;
  • obesity or severe weight loss;
  • dry mouth and strongfeeling thirsty;
  • frequent urination;
  • poor wound healing;
  • vision deterioration;
  • common skin diseases and fungal diseases.

It is worth noting that the presence of these signs is not enough to make an accurate diagnosis. If you suspect a disease, you must definitely consult a doctor for diagnosis and treatment.

How can I check my sugar level?

How to treat diabetes at home, only a doctor can determine after a comprehensive diagnosis. Normally, the glucose indicator should be no more than 5.5 mmol / l. After eating, this figure rises, but soon normalizes. The test will help you determine the amount of sugar in your blood. It changes color depending on the amount of glucose in the blood.

Initially, you need to wash your hands and dry. Then put the test, needle, cotton swabs on the table. It is good to knead the finger from which the blood will be drawn.

Puncture the ball of your finger and put a drop of blood on the test. Wait a minute. After the required time has elapsed, the test must be carefully wiped from the blood and left for a few more minutes. Determine the level of glucose in accordance with the instructions.

You can also purchase a glucometer for this. It will greatly simplify the testing process. You need to drop some blood on a special test strip and place it in the glucometer. After a few seconds, the exact value will appear on the screen. With this instrument it will be possible to detect deviations and take appropriate measures.

Diabetic lifestyle

When this disease occurs, it must be treated comprehensively and competently. It is very important to make a diagnosis at the initial stages of its development, until complications appear. In this case, insulin, used in the form of injections, and properly selected nutrition help to cure the disease. It is also recommended to use folk remedies for diabetes, as many medicinal plants help to quickly stabilize and improve a person's well-being.


It is important to provide the body with carbohydrates. However, it is worth remembering that there are certain nutritional restrictions. Not to be consumed:

  • s alty, fried, spicy;
  • alcohol and sugary drinks;
  • sweet confectionery.

It is very important to strictly monitor the total calorie content of all food consumed. The body of a sick person should not experience any lack of proteins, fats or carbohydrates. It is also necessary to treat the pathology with the help of insulin injections. Diet and folk remedies are important for diabetes.

The effectiveness of therapy with folk remedies

The main predisposing factor for increasing glucose levels may be a genetic predisposition, serious illnesses, in particular, pancreatic pathology. Many are interested in how to treat diabetes at home and how folk remedies help. They are used in the insulin-dependent form, they can lower sugar and normalize general well-being, preventthe occurrence of complications.

Treatment with folk remedies and type 2 diabetes diet helps to completely get rid of the disease. Only before applying such techniques, you must first undergo a comprehensive examination. Unconventional methods are especially effective in combination with medications and strict adherence to a diet. Among the main advantages of folk remedies, it is necessary to highlight such as:

  • may give better results than drugs;
  • do not require special financial costs;
  • allows you to get rid of not only diabetes, but also related diseases;
  • strengthen the body;
  • tested by many years of experience.

However, don't expect instant results. It becomes visible only after 3-4 weeks of using the selected infusion, decoction or medicinal mixture. In addition, the same folk remedy should not be used for too long, it must be alternated every 3 months.

Folk remedies

How to treat diabetes with folk remedies - this question is of interest to many, since such methods are effective and safe. It is worth remembering that the desired result can be obtained in combination with the traditional treatment prescribed by the doctor. Many people use herbal infusions and decoctions to help lower glucose levels. However, before using them, you must first conduct a test.

Linden decoction
Linden decoction

For treatment, you can use lime infusion. To do this, take 1 tbsp. l. linden flowers, pour boiling water over them, givestand a little and drink instead of tea. A decoction of strawberry leaves helps a lot. Grind dry sheets, pour 1 tbsp. boiling water and boil for 5 minutes. Then put to infuse for 2 hours and drink 1 tbsp. l. You can prepare the remedy in advance and store it in the refrigerator.

Jerusalem artichoke

In the treatment of type 1 diabetes with folk remedies, Jerusalem artichoke should be used, as it somewhat reduces the amount of sugar. This is due to the fact that the ground pear contains inulin, which is quickly broken down in the body to form fructose. This substance penetrates tissue cells without the use of insulin.

You can also treat type 2 diabetes at home with Jerusalem artichoke. It helps stabilize glucose levels. In addition, the fiber of this plant somewhat slows down the process of its absorption and promotes rapid excretion. It is best to eat ground pear raw, adding to salads.

Bay leaf

You can treat diabetes at home with folk remedies using the most common bay leaf. An infusion prepared on its basis lowers sugar.

Application of bay leaf
Application of bay leaf

Take 10 bay leaves and pour 2 tbsp. boiling water, leave to stand for 2 hours and filter. Drink 10 days before eating 35 ml three times a day. Then there should be a break for 3 days, drink a weekly course of medicinal infusion, take a break and repeat the course again for another 3 days.

After some time, which is recommended by the doctor, the bay leaf treatment can be repeated. In severe formdiabetes, this drug is contraindicated.

Cinnamon and ginger

Cinnamon helps to normalize metabolic processes, reduce inflammation, lower glucose levels, and also normalizes weight. It is useful to add it to various dishes and drinks that are recommended to be eaten or drunk first, before the main process of eating. This spice retains all of its hypoglycemic properties in food for no more than 5 hours. It is worth remembering that cinnamon is contraindicated in hypertension, pregnancy, as well as various serious problems of the digestive system.

Ginger root contains useful substances, so this remedy:

  • actively participates in metabolic processes;
  • reduces blood cholesterol;
  • lowers sugar levels;
  • shows tonic and antibacterial properties;
  • reduces weight.

Ginger root should be added to tea, unsweetened candied fruits should be prepared. Treatment of diabetes with this remedy must be agreed with the doctor.

Juice Therapy

Diabetes mellitus is widely treated with folk remedies and nutrition. Juices must be added to the diet of a diabetic. It is desirable that they are freshly prepared. It is recommended to consume juices such as:

  • tomato - compensates for the lack of vitamins, improves metabolism;
  • Jerusalem artichoke – lowers sugar and acidity of gastric juices;
  • potato - drink ¼ st. 30 minutes before eating;
  • carrot - slows down the absorption processglucose;
  • pomegranate is a very good prevention against complications.
vegetable juices
vegetable juices

However, before therapy, consultation with an endocrinologist is required, who will determine the dosage and duration of administration.

Decoctions, infusions of medicinal herbs

Folk remedies for diabetes can be quite effective, but they must be used correctly, in compliance with all the doctor's recommendations. All medicinal plants used by doctors are divided into several separate groups according to their action, namely:

  • sugar-reducing;
  • strengthening immunity;
  • cleansing the body of toxins;
  • supporting the functional state of organs and systems.

Treatment of folk remedies for type 2 diabetes involves the use of plants such as:

  • clover;
  • burdock;
  • bean pods;
  • elecampane.

All of them contain insulin-like substances that allow you to keep blood counts within acceptable limits. Ginseng and Eleutherococcus have general strengthening properties. It is important to use fortified plants, in particular, such as mountain ash, rose hips, lingonberries. The use of flax, St. John's wort and plantain helps to activate metabolic processes.

Answering the question of how to permanently cure diabetes with folk remedies, it must be said that it all depends on the type of disease, as well as the characteristics of its course, since it is often impossible to completely get rid of it. For treatmentinfusions, decoctions and tinctures of medicinal plants are used, which can be used not only inside, but also in the form of compresses, applications.

The use of blueberries
The use of blueberries

Combine equal proportions of dandelion roots, blueberry and nettle leaves. Take 50 g of the mixture and pour 1 liter of boiling water. Let it brew for 12 hours. Drink 150 ml three times a day 15 minutes before eating.

Quite often blueberries are used for complex therapy of diabetes. This plant contains insulin-like substances in its composition. Blueberries have an effect like:

  • improves thyroid function;
  • strengthens blood vessels;
  • reduces sugar;
  • restores strength;
  • improves circulation;
  • protects the retina from bleeding;
  • has a diuretic effect.

Bilberry leaves can be used alone or mixed with other herbs. To prepare a pure infusion, you need 2 tbsp. l. leaves pour 0.5 liters of boiling water. Put the mixture in a steam bath for 15 minutes or hold in a thermos for 40 minutes. After complete cooling, filter thoroughly. Drink the infusion like regular tea, 200-250 ml three times a day.

Folk remedies for diabetes help eliminate existing symptoms and normalize well-being. For treatment, flax seeds are often used. They contain minerals, fatty acids and mucous substances. Pour 2 tbsp. l. seeds 0.5 tbsp. boiling water. Allow to cool slightly and add 100 ml of cold water. Filter. During the day you need to drink 3 tbsp. thisdrink.

To eliminate the symptoms of diabetes, the treatment of folk remedies is carried out using the herb cuff. It helps to keep sugar levels within normal limits without the use of medications. In addition, it helps to eliminate wounds and skin inflammation. This plant is recommended for use in the treatment of women, as it normalizes hormonal levels. You can take a decoction inside and for external skin treatment.

Pour in 2 tbsp. l. cuff leaves in an enamel bowl, pour 0.5 liters of cold water. Bring to a boil, covered, and simmer for another 15 minutes. Filter before use. Inside, take 200 ml of decoction 4 times a day. For ulcers and many other skin lesions, lotions should be applied.

Other options

How to treat diabetes with folk remedies, only the attending doctor can say for sure after the examination, since competent therapy is required. Hydrogen peroxide is considered a good remedy. Its use against type 2 diabetes is recommended. Dissolve 2 drops of peroxide in 30-50 ml of water, drink on an empty stomach. Take the medicine three times a day about 30 minutes before lunch and 1.5-2 hours after dinner. Then increase the dosage by 1 drop daily. The course of therapy is 10 days, then take a three-day break and continue therapy.

Lemon is considered a good remedy. It accelerates the decrease in blood glucose and normalizes blood pressure. Squeeze out 50 ml of lemon juice and add 1 chicken egg. Drink the mixture once a day 30 minutes before eating. Treatment continues for a month. You need to take the remedy for 3 days, then take a break for 3 days. To get the best healing effect, you just need to eat a quail egg. It is best to drink it raw on an empty stomach.

In diabetes, you can use sea buckthorn, which protects the skin from wounds and cracks, and also helps to get rid of an excess of harmful acids and cholesterol. It has a mild laxative effect. Berries can be consumed fresh, as well as cook compotes and jams. Sea buckthorn oil is used to treat dry skin and wounds.

The use of propolis
The use of propolis

Answering the question of how to cure diabetes forever with folk remedies, it must be said that it is almost impossible to do this, but you can reduce the existing symptoms. Propolis helps well, as it normalizes metabolic processes and has a positive effect on the functioning of the pancreas. This bee product can be taken in combination with antidiabetic agents. A single dosage is 3-5 g. A piece of propolis must be carefully chewed and swallowed. Take this remedy 30 minutes before or after eating. You can eat no more than 15 g of the substance per day.

As a prevention of type 2 diabetes in the elderly, succinic acid is used. It promotes more active production of insulin. When ingested, it accelerates metabolic processes. It is believed to be harmless, so it can be used as a dietary supplement.

Treatment of diabetic complications

If we treatdiabetes mellitus at home, then you need to do it right, since the disease can provoke many different complications. They develop very quickly, require urgent correction of the patient's condition, as they can even lead to death. Chronic complications occur against the background of vascular damage, as a result of which atherosclerosis may develop. Vessels may be involved in the pathological process:

  • kidney;
  • retina;
  • heart;
  • brain;
  • arms and legs.

Diabetic retinopathy requires compensation to be achieved by keeping blood sugar within acceptable limits. This will prevent the progression of the pathology. Folk remedies for the treatment of diabetes in women and men can also be used to eliminate complications. For treatment, you can use plants such as:

  • stevia leaves;
  • Jerusalem artichoke;
  • Ginkgo biloba extract;
  • shoots and blueberries;
  • wash eyes with calendula infusion.

In the diet you need to include lingonberries and cranberries. These berries reduce the risk of developing an infection against the background of diabetic nephropathy. Chamomile tea will help to stop the occurrence of inflammation and improve the condition of blood vessels. An infusion of cudweed grass will help normalize blood pressure in case of diabetic kidney damage. Pour 1 tbsp. l. plants 1 tbsp. boiling water. Put infuse and drink 1 tbsp. l. infusion three times a day. In the usual diet you need to include:

  • flax oil;
  • olives;
  • soy;
  • fish oil.

Whendamage to the nervous system and blood vessels of the extremities, clay should be applied to the legs, dates should be consumed daily, and turpentine and camphor oil should be rubbed into the affected skin with massage movements. Treatment with folk remedies can be carried out only after the permission of the endocrinologist and confirmation of the diagnosis.

Doctor's recommendation

It is impossible to use only folk remedies for the treatment of diabetes, since they provide the required result only in combination with traditional methods. It is important to adhere to a special diet, selecting products based on medical indications. The calorie content of the diet must necessarily correspond to the sex, age and weight of the patient. It is important to give up alcohol and smoking.

Suffering from diabetes, small physical activity is indicated. During exercise, glucose is intensely oxidized in the muscles, which enters with the blood. As a result, the amount of sugar is reduced. Its increased level should not serve as a reason for despair. Systematic monitoring of glucose levels and proper treatment allow you to live your usual life. It is important to take responsibility for your he alth.

Reviews of doctors

Reviews on the treatment of diabetes with folk remedies are rather ambiguous. Some doctors say that such techniques have a very good result, however, if they are used regularly and in combination with traditional therapy. Others have little faith in the effectiveness of such therapy. In any case, diagnostics and type determination are preliminarily required.diabetes.
