Drug "Senade": instructions for use, analogues and reviews

Drug "Senade": instructions for use, analogues and reviews
Drug "Senade": instructions for use, analogues and reviews

The delicate problem of constipation is familiar to many. Regardless of gender, age and social status, this symptom can affect anyone. First of all, you need to treat the cause of constipation - it can be intestinal obstruction, ulcers and intestinal erosion, polyps and simply disturbed microflora. And if the problem needs to be solved quickly, laxatives will come to the rescue. "Senade" is one of the most popular of these drugs. The safe composition, minimally toxic to the body, makes these tablets a real find for people with constipation problems. From this article you will learn information from the instructions for use, about the analogues of "Senade", about its cost and reviews about the effectiveness of this drug.

Active ingredient and principle of action

"Senade" is produced in the form of medium-sized tablets of dark purple color with speckles. Structure - easily crumble, it is almost impossible to cut in half evenly. OneThe package contains five blisters of twenty tablets each. The drug is manufactured by an Indian pharmaceutical company called Cipla LTD.

The main active ingredient is senna leaf extract, 90 mg (calcium s alts, which are found in large quantities in the dry extract of the leaves of this plant). Auxiliary components: starch, magnesium stearate, microcrystalline cellulose, talc, carmellose sodium.

Senade packing
Senade packing

Pharmokinetics of the drug

Sennosides are a class of anthraglycosides. These substances are able to irritate the receptors located on the intestinal mucosa. Under the influence of sennosides, peristalsis begins to contract, the intestines experience discomfort and strive to empty as quickly as possible.

The action "Senade" does not affect the quality of the chair. In rare cases, in the presence of individual intolerance to plant components, patients develop diarrhea (there are similar complaints in patient reviews). Normally, this should not happen.

Pills affect mainly the colonic mucosa, which is very important for the defecation process.

The product is not addictive, according to the instructions for use. After how many hours does Senade begin to operate? This usually takes four to six hours (depending on the cause and degree of constipation).

The process of digestion of food is not affected and remains full, so long-term courses of treatment "Senade" are acceptable. Ospecific timing and dosage should be consulted with the attending gastroenterologist.

laxative tablets
laxative tablets

Indications for use

Laxative "Senade" is prescribed when it is necessary to maximize intestinal motility. This phenomenon occurs in most cases in violation of the functions of the muscles of the digestive tract.

The main indication is constipation, provoked by sluggish peristalsis or hypotension of any part of the intestine.

Also, the remedy is effective in the fight against functional constipation, which is confirmed by patient reviews. They develop with mechanical problems during emptying. "Senade" can be used for anal fissures, hemorrhoids, proctitis of various etiologies.

Use in children and pregnant women

Instructions for use for the drug "Senade" can be taken during pregnancy, but only with the advice and approval of the observing doctor. It is undesirable to give laxative tablets to children under ten years of age - individual allergic reactions are frequent.

Instructions for use for Senade tablets advises, in addition to using pharmacology, to lead a more active lifestyle, sit and lie down as little as possible during the day. This will help activate peristalsis as much as possible and the effect of the tablets will be revealed to the maximum.

laxative "Senade" reviews
laxative "Senade" reviews

Contraindications for taking "Senade"

Despite the natural composition, there are a number of conditions under which the receptionprohibited:

  • inflammation in the peritoneum (appendicitis, ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease);
  • sharp severe pain in the abdominal region of unknown origin;
  • chronic constipation longer than ten days;
  • gastric, intestinal and uterine bleeding;
  • neoplasms in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • acute cholecystitis or chronic in the acute phase.

If you take even one pill under these conditions, you can hurt yourself. Instructions for use for tablets "Senade" warns that neglect of contraindications threatens with internal bleeding, passage of fecal stones, clogging of the bile ducts. If, after taking the medicine, any symptom flares up with renewed vigor (severe pain, bleeding or diarrhea with mucus) - do not hesitate, call an ambulance.

Interaction with other drugs

Instructions for use and reviews of Senada warn against combining the drug with other laxatives. As a result of a double action on the mucosa, internal intestinal bleeding may occur. Ascites may also begin. If the patient has taken at least one Senade tablet, then you should not take other laxative medications or traditional medicines earlier than 24 hours later. Accordingly, you should not take "Senade" immediately after taking "Bisacodyl", "Fitolax" or similar medications.

It is undesirable to combine the reception with alcohol tinctures (for example,"Corvalol", "Hawthorn" and the like). Ethyl alcohol has a rather strong laxative effect, and when combined with Senade, powerful and sudden emptying is possible. This is fraught with internal bleeding.

Instructions for the use of the drug "Senade" does not recommend combining it with antibacterial drugs (antibiotics). Joint reception is possible only after the appointment of the attending physician.

Recommended dosages

If the patient is using the medicine for the first time, one tablet should be started. Drink clean water. It doesn't matter if you take it before or after a meal. Action in any case will be the same. After about five hours, a bowel movement will occur, as stated in the instructions for use for Senada. How long to repeat the reception? If constipation is chronic, then the second tablet can be taken after a few hours. Remember that frequent use of laxatives can lead to psychosomatic causes of constipation and addiction to pills.

It happens that the effect of repeated intake does not occur, although the pill was drunk according to the instructions for use of "Senade". After how much to repeat the reception again? If more than eight hours have passed, then you can safely take another pill. If about five or six hours have passed, then you need to wait more and postpone the re-admission.

constipation pills
constipation pills

If constipation is of a psychosomatic or functional nature or the drug is not taken for the first time, you canincrease the dose to two tablets at a time. This dose will promote bowel movements in about four to five hours, according to the instructions for use for Senada.

How long does it take to take pills for dysfunction of the muscles of the digestive tract? The time may increase up to seven to nine hours, depending on the individual characteristics of the patient's body.

Use for weight loss

In recent years, girls and women have been actively trying to lose extra pounds and drive off the fat layer with the help of laxatives. What does the instructions for use for "Senada" say? For weight loss, the drug is not intended and does not provide any data on the effectiveness of this method. These pills are not designed for such purposes, their purpose is to prevent constipation.

weight loss from "Senade"
weight loss from "Senade"

To anyone more or less versed in anatomy, it is obvious that a laxative can provoke the passage of feces. This process has nothing to do with fat burning! And still, stubborn girls attack pharmacies and unfortunate pharmacists with the question of the effect of laxatives on weight loss. Instructions for use "Senade" does not prohibit, but does not encourage this method of using the drug.

How many kilos can you drop from Senade?

If, due to constant strict diets or due to improper peristalsis, a large amount of feces has accumulated in the intestines, then after taking a laxative pill, the plumb line can be about one and a half kilograms.

But again, this has nothing to do with fat burning. It is worth eating a couple of times - and the figure on the scales will increase again.

Drug analogues of "Senade"

Here is a list of laxatives that have exactly the same effect due to chemical active substances:

  • "Bisacodyl" is a cheap laxative with an extremely aggressive effect on the mucosa of the gastrointestinal tract. Reviews of this drug indicate very severe pain in the abdominal region that accompanies each dose of this drug.
  • "Glycelax", "Glycerol" is a milder remedy than "Bisacodyl". It is more effective in action than "Senade". Release form - suppositories and tablets. Promotes complete bowel movement from stool within two to three hours of taking the pill.
  • "Macrogol" is a modern drug, but it requires a long course of administration for at least two months. In some patients, it provokes severe pain in the abdominal region. But for a long time and effectively relieves constipation.

In its price category "Senade" is one of the best options for buying. Minimum side effects, relative safety, does not cause diarrhea and complications - there is no equivalent analogue with a chemical composition.

pain after laxatives
pain after laxatives

Phytotherapeutic analogues of "Senade"

List of laxatives that have exactly the same effect due toof the same substance (sennosides):

  • "Sennagood" contains slightly less senna than "Senade". Due to this, a softer effect is achieved. Recommended for use in patients with sensitive bowels, who have even one tablet of "Senade" causes diarrhea and diarrhoea.
  • "Senadexin", on the contrary, contains more senna. It is not recommended for use in people with low BMI, with sensitive mucosa of the gastrointestinal tract. In some cases, it can cause abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea.
  • "Sennosides A and B" (Sennosides A & B) are sold in pharmacies singly or together. If possible, it is better to choose both components. They are mild laxative and rarely cause pain or side effects.
  • "Senalex" is almost a complete analogue of the drug "Senade". The instructions for use recommend starting with one tablet - this will be enough for a painless and quick (three to four hours) bowel movement.

Doctors advice on admission

constipation problem
constipation problem

Here are a few tips to help make it as safe and effective as possible:

  • Over time, people who regularly take Senade develop a mental addiction. It seems to them that if they do not take the pill, then the act of defecation will not occur. If the patient initially has a tendency to hypochondria and drug addiction, it is better not tonever use laxatives.
  • With frequent use of drugs that stimulate the intestines, blood appears in the stool. Frequent blood loss can lead to anemia. To avoid such problems, it is useful to rinse the anus with cold water (the colder the better). This will strengthen the walls of blood vessels and reduce blood loss. Ideally, the causes of constipation should be treated to avoid bleeding.
  • You should not combine drinking alcoholic beverages with taking Senade.
  • To avoid possible abdominal pain when taking a laxative, you should start with the lowest dosage. In the case of Senade, this is one tablet.
