It is especially important for those people who lead an active lifestyle, regardless of age and place of residence, to receive a set of vitamins and minerals necessary for the body. After all, there are so many unknown and desirable things in the world, and how can gray hair interfere with someone who is young at heart? And teenagers and young people with their frantic pace of life and irregular meals - don't they need to maintain he alth and energy?
In order to lead an active life for many years and have a margin of safety under high loads, doctors and nutritionists recommend taking additional minerals and broad-spectrum vitamins. One such remedy is Doppelherz Magnesium + Potassium from the German company Queisser Pharma GmbH & Co.

Composition of the drug
The main active ingredients of the drug and their content in one tablet:
- magnesium - 300 mg;
- potassium - 300mg;
- zinc - 5 mg;
- chromium - 30mcg;
- iron - 3.5mg;
- vitamin B6 - 4mg;
- vitamin B12 - 2 mcg.
Produced in packs of 30, 60 and 80 tablets. Also, "Doppelherz Active Magnesium + Potassium" is available in the form of effervescent tablets in a convenient cylindrical package of 15 pieces. In soluble form, magnesium and potassium are in the form of carbonates. In liquid form, there is a more complete absorption of vitamins and trace elements.

Pharmacological group
"Magnesium + Potassium Doppelgerts" (Doppel Herz) belongs to preparations containing biologically active substances for intensive replenishment of the lack of minerals, vitamins and trace elements. Being in a form easily absorbed by the body, the beneficial components of the drug have a general strengthening and restorative effect on the cardiovascular system.
Also, the "Magnesium plus potassium Doppelherz" complex has a positive effect on blood vessels, muscle strength and endurance, puts the nervous system in order (anxious sleep and neurosis caused by stress pass), and helps to optimize the electrolytic balance in the body.
Magnesium - A valuable trace element involved in the metabolism of carbohydrates, the synthesis of protein compounds, the processes of excitation and inhibition of nerve impulses, contributes to the complete relaxation of the heart muscle.
Potassium is an equally important element. It maintains the optimal concentration of magnesium in the body, in pairs they serve as the basis for a normal electrolytic balance, they are necessary for the normal functioning of the heart. Chronic lack of potassium in the body can provoke arrhythmia, andalso chronic fatigue syndrome (up to 30% of the inhabitants of modern cities suffer in one way or another).

The high content of such vital elements in the preparation "Magnesium + Potassium Doppelherz" makes it an indispensable assistant in maintaining and maintaining the he alth of a modern person.
Zinc is necessary for skin regeneration, improves reproductive (sexual) function (especially in men), is involved in the growth and development of bone tissue.
Chromium contributes to the normalization of blood sugar levels and the synthesis of insulin. It is actively consumed by the body during high physical exertion, and therefore regular replenishment is necessary.
Iron is an indispensable element in the synthesis of hemoglobin. Significant additional amounts must be taken during periods of rehabilitation and recovery from significant blood loss.
Vitamin B6 is involved in protein metabolism, is needed for full-fledged strong immunity, and is also necessary for the absorption of glucose in the body.
Vitamin B12 is indispensable for normal hematopoietic functions, activates the overall metabolism, contributes to the normal function of blood clotting. A significant lack of this vitamin causes weakness, lack of appetite, anemia (anemia).
Although the last components of the drug "Doppelherz Magnesium + Potassium" are auxiliary and are contained in relatively modest amounts, yet an additional intake significantly affects the state of the whole organism. He is gradually recovering.
Forwho is intended for "Magnesium + Potassium Doppelgerz"
Teenagers (a period of intensive growth and restructuring of the body), youth and middle-aged people who work hard, are engaged in creating a business, raising children, developing and preserving nature, athletes, travelers, journalists, the military - all categories of people leading an active a life full of physical, intellectual and stressful loads. As well as people with poor he alth due to old age or past illnesses.
Representatives of all these categories took the drug "Doppelgerz Active Magnesium + Potassium", the feedback on the results of use was from restrained approval to unconditionally positive.

Application results, research and feedback
Almost all residents of modern megacities work very hard. High intellectual, emotional and physical stress leads to the fact that the body does not have time to recover, especially against the background of a deficiency of minerals and vitamins obtained from everyday food.
You can restore the content of the most vital components with the help of the drug "Doppelherz Magnesium + Potassium". Reviews of the positive impact on their body are left by people with a weak cardiovascular system, frequent dizziness, loss of concentration and periodic numbness of the limbs. The state of he alth noticeably improved for many already in the second week from the start of taking the drug, the symptoms of numbness disappeared, sleep became stronger and more complete.
In addition, even practically he althy people who took the complex for prevention noted a long-term positive effect on immunity (not a single cold during the entire autumn-winter period).
Also, many consumers noticed that they became more cheerful, more active, more hardworking, because they became less tired. Sleep often improved, the morning rise became easy and pleasant. Some have reported that nighttime calf cramps have gone.
All positive reviews and results of clinical trials allow us to recommend the drug for regular consumption. True, it is better not to violate the schedule of administration and doses recommended by the manufacturer. The complex should be taken in series two to three times a year, for one and a half to two months. After a two-month intake, a break of one month is required.

Use Precautions
"Magnesium + Potassium Doppelherz" is recommended for adults, children and adolescents from the age of 12, for younger children the dosage and proportions of trace elements should be different. Also not recommended for pregnant and breastfeeding women. In addition, in rare cases, allergic reactions are possible with individual sensitivity to the components of the drug.
Advantages over analogues
You can find "Doppelherz Active Magnesium + Potassium" anywhere in the world, and, in addition to a charge of activity and efficiency, you will also get the safety and proven quality of a German manufacturer.
The drug has an optimaldosage, which allows you to take just one tablet per day. A convenient soluble form of release provides the fastest and most complete assimilation of the drug components.
All this makes the Magnesium+Potassium Doppelgerz complex a unique source of essential minerals and vitamins. Successfully combines efficiency, ease of use and accessibility for the widest segments of the population of all ages and occupations.

Manufacturer information
The modern pharmaceutical industry offers a huge amount of vitamin-mineral and multivitamin complexes. But not all manufacturers can boast almost a century of experience in successfully promoting he alth-improving biologically active drugs.
The recipe for the first (original) energizing balm "Doppel Herz" was developed in Germany back in 1919 by A. Kweiserr.
Since then, the line of restorative and activating drugs has expanded significantly. Doppelgerz Magnesium + Potassium, the reviews of which are given above, is one of sixteen drugs manufactured by the pharmaceutical giant Queisser Pharma GmbH & Co. This company has long understood that the key to their success is the he alth and active longevity of their customers, because a long-lived regular customer is the dream of any businessman.
Today, under the Doppelherz logo, you can find balm, tablets, gelatin capsules ("Omega 3"), immune-boosting teas and other types of combinedfortifying drugs.
Distribution terms and general guidelines
"Doppelhertz Magnesium + Potassium", the instructions for use of which, given in this article, is a simplified and supplemented version of the standard manual from the manufacturer, you can buy without a prescription at any pharmacy.
With regard to storage conditions and shelf life, the drug can be stored at room temperature for 3 years.

It has become a good tradition in some families to take care of older relatives by buying them a Doppelgerz product as a gift. The original form of release "Magnesium + Potassium Active" can be a wonderful gift for a student or schoolchild during the examination period and an additional reminder of your warm and caring attitude towards family and friends.