What is a bruise? This is a kind of mechanical damage to soft tissues in one place or another. At first glance, it's okay if you hit, for example, on the corner of the bed or dropped something heavy on your foot. But this is only at first glance. What are bruises, and what to do if you hurt your leg, we will find out in the article.
Catch it in time
Mechanical injuries vary in degree - from mild to severe, leading to hospitalization. That is why it is so important to know what to do if you hurt your leg. Remember: from inaction, even the smallest bruise can turn into a painful, severe hematoma!

Bruised picture
As already mentioned, bruises can be of a completely different nature and degree of complexity. A bruise is a collection of blood that forms under the skin as a result of mechanical damage to one of the body parts. In another way it is called a hematoma. Such a bruise goes away on its own after a certain amount of time. It all depends on the place of its formation.
Severe leg injury. What to do?
1. If the skin on the injured leg is intact, cool the area immediately. Be careful though, don't apply ice right away, as the injured area will be subjected to even more testing. If there is nothing but ice at hand, wrap it in a rag or napkin (handkerchief), and only then apply it to the injury site.
2. Sometimes a hematoma on the leg can resolve after taking a warm bath and thanks to alcohol compresses. The main thing is not to overdo it with the amount of alcohol, otherwise a burn may form at the site of the hematoma.

Folk treatment of hematoma on the leg
1. Prepare a compress of aloe and honey. Apply it three times a day to the injured area.
2. Hurt your leg badly? Do not worry! Fresh cabbage leaves, which have wonderful healing properties, are excellent for swelling and pain.
3. If you feel that your hematoma is minor, use the "flax patch". Finely grind a linen cloth, and then add vegetable oil. Note that if you apply this compress, the bruise will heal twice as fast.
4. A good folk remedy in the treatment of bruises is beans. You need to boil it, and then grind it and apply it to the damaged area. Note that such a compress must be warm, but not hot! If you hurt your leg, and there is no beans at hand, then boiled potatoes will do the job well.
Medic altreatment of hematoma on the leg
Did you hurt your leg? Don't worry! Cooling gels containing refreshing menthol will come to your aid. You can buy them at a pharmacy, after consulting with a pharmacist.

Try not to overdo it! Do not get carried away with creams and ointments intended for resorption of the hematoma. The fact is that preparations with a high concentration of the active substance can significantly spoil the color of damaged skin, burn it or make it dry and flaky.