Instructions for the use of Zolpidem. Reviews and analogues

Instructions for the use of Zolpidem. Reviews and analogues
Instructions for the use of Zolpidem. Reviews and analogues

What is Zolpidem? Instructions for use, synonyms and indications of this medicine will be discussed further.

instructions for use zolpidem
instructions for use zolpidem

Shape and composition

What does Zolpidem contain? The instruction states that the medication in question consists of such an active substance as zolpidem hemitartrate (10 mg), as well as auxiliary elements. It is available in the form of white tablets, which are placed in blisters of 15 pieces.

Pharmacological features

How does the drug in question work? What does the user manual say about this? "Zolpidem" in its principle of action is very close to benzodiazepines. This medication is capable of exhibiting hypnotic, anticonvulsant, amnestic, anxiolytic and sedative properties.

The active element of the drug has a direct effect on benzodiazepine receptors of the second and first types. It promotes the opening of anion neuronal channels with the help of GABA receptors, which subsequently leads to an increased current of chlorine.

This drug interacts selectively. In this regard, the effect of taking the drugdepends on the dose taken. Thus, smaller dosages allow to achieve amnestic, muscle relaxant and anxiolytic properties and prevent hypnotic effect

What is remarkable about this medication? What does the user manual say about this? "Zolpidem" accelerates the process of falling asleep and improves the quality of sleep. It should also be noted that the patient does not remain drowsy after waking up.

Kinetic properties

How is Zolpidem absorbed? The use of this medicine, or rather its dosage depends on the indications. After about 30-110 minutes, the active substance of the drug reaches its maximum level in the blood. It is almost all bound to plasma proteins, and its bioavailability is 70%.

zolpidem instructions for use reviews
zolpidem instructions for use reviews

After entering the liver tissue, the drug undergoes metabolic reactions, resulting in the formation of inactive derivatives. Some of them are excreted with urine and approximately 40% with feces.

The half-life of the drug is 150 minutes. With serious violations in the liver, this process is extended up to 10 hours.

The drug "Zolpidem", instructions for use, the photo of which is presented below, penetrates into mother's milk.

What are they prescribed for?

What indications does the drug in question have? What does the user manual say about this? "Zolpidem" is a tablet designed to normalize sleep. They are used for night awakenings, insomnia or earlylifting.

Prohibited use

Like all medicines, the Zolpidem medication, the instructions for which are contained in a cardboard pack, has its own contraindications for use. The drug is not prescribed for:

  • allergies to zolpidem or other benzodiazepines;
  • severe or acute respiratory failure;
  • sleep apnea;
  • pregnancy;
  • severe liver or kidney disease;
  • lactation;
  • intolerance;
  • underage.
  • zolpidem instructions for use photo
    zolpidem instructions for use photo

It should also be noted that people who are depressed, as well as alcoholics, drug addicts and suffering from other types of addiction, should be especially careful when taking the medication in question. Otherwise, this may aggravate the already difficult situation of the patient.

Instructions for use

Zolpidem in tablet form should only be taken at bedtime. The standard dosage of this remedy is 10 mg per day. For the elderly, the initial dose of the drug may be 5 mg. In case of urgent need, it can be doubled.

The maximum daily amount of "Zolpidem" is 10 mg. The duration of its use should not exceed more than one month.

For people with transient insomnia, doctors recommend using the drug for 2-5 days, and for situational insomnia - 14-21 days.

In the event that treatment with Zolpidem continues for several days, thenmedication can be stopped abruptly. If therapy is more than one week, then the dose should be reduced gradually in order to avoid the development of unwanted reactions.

Side Effects

How is Zolpidem tolerated by patients? Instructions for use, reviews claim that in most cases the drug in question does not cause negative reactions. However, there are situations when, against the background of using this medication, the patient still feels the following undesirable effects:

  • nausea, drowsiness, vomiting, headache, diarrhea;
  • paradoxical insomnia, pain in the stomach, arousal;
  • dizziness, nightmares, anterograde amnesia (the risk of developing the latter is directly proportional to the dosage taken).

It should also be noted that very rarely Zolpidem causes the following reactions:

zolpidem instructions for use prescription
zolpidem instructions for use prescription
  • irritability, confusion, dysphoria, aggression;
  • abnormal behavioral reactions, somnambulism, drug addiction;
  • skin rashes, liver problems, hyperhidrosis, elevated liver enzymes, angioedema;
  • muscle weakness, itching, decreased sexual activity, hives;
  • ataxia, diplopia.

Overdose cases

What symptoms of an overdose can cause the medication "Zolpidem"? Instructions for use informs that if the drug in question is abused or accidentallyswallowing multiple pills, the patient may experience: confusion, ataxia, difficulty breathing, decreased blood pressure, coma and lethargy.

In case of overdose, the patient should induce vomiting as soon as possible (within an hour). Also, the victim must be given enterosorbents.

In the event that the patient is unconscious, then his stomach is washed with a probe, and symptomatic therapy is also performed.

Interaction with other tools

Is it acceptable to take Zolpidem with other medicines? Instructions for use (only an experienced doctor should write a prescription for the purchase of this medicine) states that a remedy such as Ketoconazole can almost double the half-life of the drug. In addition, this medication may increase the effect of CNS depression.

Concomitant use of the drug with alcohol often leads to a pronounced sedative effect of the drug, as well as to its overdose.

The drug "Rifampicin" significantly speeds up metabolism, reduces the effectiveness and concentration of the pills taken.

zolpidem instructions for use in tablets
zolpidem instructions for use in tablets

Careful appointment

With which medicines should Zolpidem be prescribed with extreme caution? Instructions for use (analogues of the remedy are listed below) reports that the effect of therapy can be negative if the drug in question is combined with:

  • anxiolytics, barbiturates, antiepileptics and narcotic analgesics;
  • hypnotics, antipsychotics, centrally acting antitussives and antidepressants;
  • antihistamines with sedative effect, drugs for general anesthesia;
  • Pizotifen, Baclofen and Thalidomide.

It should also be noted that when this medication is combined with Buprenorphine, the risk of developing respiratory depression is significantly increased.

The drug "Zolpidem" with "Intraconazole" is allowed to be combined, but with extreme caution, since in this case the pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetic parameters of the first agent may change.

Special Information

What you need to know about Zolpidem? Instructions for use (in tablets, this remedy is sold in almost all pharmacies) states that with long-term treatment (approximately 20-30 days), the patient may develop a mental or physical dependence on the drug. This reaction is especially susceptible to those who have previously observed dependence on alcoholic beverages and other substances. In this regard, such a group of patients should be kept under constant control, as well as periodically monitor their mental and physical condition.

It should be especially noted that the risk of addiction is significantly increased when the agent in question is combined with other benzodiazepines.

zolpidem instructions for use synonyms
zolpidem instructions for use synonyms

When taking Zolpidem, the patient must take into account that within 8 hours after taking the pill, he shouldbe in comfortable sleeping conditions, otherwise he may develop anterograde amnesia.

If, after several weeks of treatment, insomnia still persists, the patient should be reassessed. Most likely, such a paradoxical reaction is a consequence of primary mental disorders.

In the process of treatment with the remedy in question, a person needs to refrain from performing activities that require increased concentration of attention, as well as from driving a car.

Some people (especially the elderly) may develop unusual behavioral disorders and mental reactions while taking Zolpidem. In this case, you should immediately stop taking the drug.

In the presence of liver disease, the active substance of the drug can accumulate in the body, and subsequently lead to undesirable effects.

This drug should be used with extreme caution in the elderly. This is due to the fact that they have a high risk of developing sedative and muscle relaxant effects, which can lead to falls and injuries.

Expiration date, conditions of sale, storage

Due to the fact that the drug in question is addictive, you must have a doctor's prescription to purchase it. It is desirable to store such a medicine in a place that is well protected from children, at a temperature of no more than 25 degrees. The medicine has a shelf life of three years.

Similar means and synonyms

The most common drugs for insomnia, which areare analogues of Zolpidem, are the following: Andante, Donormil, Sondox, Barboval, Zopiclone, Sonmil, Imovan.

As for synonyms, they include: Hypnogen, Ivadal, Zolsana, Oniria, Snovitel, Sanval, Nitrest.

zolpidem instructions for use analogues
zolpidem instructions for use analogues

Lactation and pregnancy

The effect of the drug in question on pregnant women has not been studied. However, the results of studies that were conducted on laboratory rats state that this medication has a teratogenic effect. In this regard, taking Zolpidem during pregnancy is highly discouraged.

It is impossible not to say that a sleeping pill in a small amount is able to penetrate into mother's milk. Therefore, lactation should be stopped for the duration of treatment.

Reviews of consumers and the cost of the drug

You can buy Zolpidem medication in almost any pharmacy by presenting a doctor's prescription to the pharmacist. The average cost of this medicine (10 tablets) is about 820-900 rubles. Patients claim that this is a rather high price for a sleeping pill. However, experts report that the cost of this drug is fully justified, as it helps well with insomnia and poor sleep. Most consumers fully agree with the last statement. They speak well of the drug, but only if they take it strictly according to the doctor's prescription or instructions.

In their messages, patients say that thethe drug allows them to fall asleep normally and quickly, as well as sleep well after suffering stress. However, Zolpidem tablets also have negative sides. For example, they can cause adverse reactions, which most often develop with hypersensitivity to the active substance of the drug or non-compliance with the regimen. The most common negative effects are: headaches, dizziness, nausea and hallucinations. In this case, the patient may develop addiction, especially when the drug is combined with alcoholic beverages.
