Drugs 2024, October

Propolis, spray: instructions and reviews

Propolis, spray: instructions and reviews

Propolis is the strongest natural antibiotic and antiseptic. A spray based on it can now be purchased at almost any pharmacy. This medicine can be used to treat inflammatory and infectious processes of the throat and nose in patients of all age groups

"Gerbion" from dry cough: reviews and applications

"Gerbion" from dry cough: reviews and applications

Dry cough is the first unpleasant symptom of a cold. Gerbion syrup will help get rid of it. Before using the drug, you should read the instructions, as well as consult a doctor

Cough inhalation solution: an overview of the best drugs and reviews about them

Cough inhalation solution: an overview of the best drugs and reviews about them

To treat a cough resulting from a cold, doctors often recommend inhalation, that is, the inhalation of vapors of medicinal solutions. This method of therapy has been known since ancient times

Which is better: "Duphalac" or "Normaze"? Doctors' advice and patient reviews

Which is better: "Duphalac" or "Normaze"? Doctors' advice and patient reviews

Modern medicine uses a wide variety of drugs for treatment, most of which have analogues. Often people have a question: which drug should be chosen? The answer can be obtained from the doctor. Only a doctor can choose the right medicine for a patient. Which is better: "Duphalac" or "Normaze"? This question arises in those patients who require correction of bowel function

"Relief": Russian analogues. "Relief" (candles): instructions and reviews

"Relief": Russian analogues. "Relief" (candles): instructions and reviews

Hemorrhoids is a disease in which more and more people are at risk. The reasons, including malnutrition, sedentary lifestyle, bad habits, can be listed for a very long time. But if the disease is already there, then treatment is necessary. The most popular drug was the candles "Relief" analogues, reviews of which you can see below

Valerian tincture: benefits and harms, instructions for use

Valerian tincture: benefits and harms, instructions for use

What is valerian tincture: properties, composition, benefits, harm, contraindications, side effects. Is it possible to prepare the drug at home?

Treatment with birch tar. Healing power of nature

Treatment with birch tar. Healing power of nature

Treatment with birch tar is an indispensable tool for helping with the most complex inflammatory, fungal and other microbial diseases. Patients disillusioned with traditional medicines are increasingly turning to alternative therapies

Drug "Calcemin Advance" - vitamin and mineral strike against deficiency

Drug "Calcemin Advance" - vitamin and mineral strike against deficiency

One should not talk about the role of calcium in the body, but take the necessary measures to make up for its deficiency. Calcium is the basic building material of bone tissue, but its deficiency affects the work of all organs. Unfortunately, the problem of deficiency of this most important trace element is relevant for modern man. To replenish the level of calcium, the drug "Calcemin Advance" was developed

Amanita tincture. Treatment with poisonous beauties

Amanita tincture. Treatment with poisonous beauties

It is impossible to walk past a piercing red hat with snow-white patches and not stop. The mushroom seems to be dancing a ritual dance and lures with its velvet skirt. To succumb to the temptation and take it into a basket - you can, fly agaric tincture will be an excellent reward for your attention

Effective preparations for joints. Joint pain medications

Effective preparations for joints. Joint pain medications

High loads on the joints and ligaments lead to pain, the occurrence of dystrophic processes. There are many methods of treatment. The main way to deal with pathology is medical therapy. It helps to eliminate inflammation, relieve symptoms, restore the functioning of the joints. What drugs for the joints are recommended for use? What are their pros and cons?

"Ipecac": homeopathy, purpose, form of release, features of administration, dosage, composition, indications and contraindications

"Ipecac": homeopathy, purpose, form of release, features of administration, dosage, composition, indications and contraindications

Homeopathic remedies occupy a special place in the pharmacological market. Serious disputes do not subside around them, but meanwhile they always have enough supporters. With any disease you can find something in homeopathy. So, for example, when coughing, it is possible to use the remedy "Ipecac". More about it - in this article

Drug "Engystol": reviews. Antiviral drug "Engistol" for children

Drug "Engystol": reviews. Antiviral drug "Engistol" for children

One of the homeopathic preparations, which is quite widely used in the treatment of not only adults, but also children, is Engystol. Reviews of specialists and parents about this medicine are mostly positive, which indicates the beneficial effect of the drug on the he alth of patients

"Aqualor" for throat and nose for children

"Aqualor" for throat and nose for children

Many people suffering from a runny nose and sore throat resort to irrigating these areas with saline solutions. One of the popular remedies is the Aqualor spray for the throat or nose. This drug is effective, easy to use and has a variety of formulations suitable for adults and children

Lugol's solution with glycerin: composition, indications and instructions for use

Lugol's solution with glycerin: composition, indications and instructions for use

Lugol's solution with glycerin is a pharmaceutical preparation based on molecular iodine. Most often it is used for irrigation, as well as lubrication of the mucous membrane of the larynx, pharynx and oral cavity during infectious and any other inflammatory diseases

Methylprednisolone aceponate: drugs, trade name, instructions for use, analogues

Methylprednisolone aceponate: drugs, trade name, instructions for use, analogues

Severe forms of chronically occurring dermatoses require complex treatment. And one of the methods of therapy is the appointment of external hormonal agents. They are indicated when the patient has severe inflammation, itching that does not go away, and conventional drugs do not help

Contraceptives during breastfeeding: a review of drugs and drugs, use, effects on the body

Contraceptives during breastfeeding: a review of drugs and drugs, use, effects on the body

After a woman becomes a mother, she does not cease to be interested in marital duties. Therefore, after childbirth, many people think about which contraceptives during breastfeeding will be optimal. In the article, we will consider whether it is possible to use hormonal drugs or whether it is better to prefer barrier methods. There is an opinion that during lactation it is possible not to be protected at all

Preparation "Apis", homeopathy: instructions, indications

Preparation "Apis", homeopathy: instructions, indications

Medicines "Apis" are homeopathic medicines. They are based on honey bee extract

Vaccinations against hepatitis A. Vaccination against hepatitis B for adults

Vaccinations against hepatitis A. Vaccination against hepatitis B for adults

Hepatitis is a serious liver disease that can be transmitted from person to person. The disease can have a chronic form, some of its types provoke the development of cirrhosis, liver failure, liver cancer. Whether to get vaccinated against hepatitis is a personal matter for everyone. But do not forget that the earlier a child was vaccinated, the less likely it is to contract hepatitis, which has a very negative effect on the quality and life expectancy

Sea buckthorn ointment: properties, indications for use, instructions

Sea buckthorn ointment: properties, indications for use, instructions

Many people know the healing properties of sea buckthorn. Sea buckthorn ointment helps to get rid of the unpleasant signs of hemorrhoids, but in order to cure the disease, it is often necessary to use other drugs. Self-medication can be harmful, so the remedy should be used strictly according to the doctor's recommendations

Oral contraceptives are Definition, characteristics of drugs, rating, features of use and reviews

Oral contraceptives are Definition, characteristics of drugs, rating, features of use and reviews

Oral contraceptives are a large group of pills designed to prevent unwanted conception. The effectiveness of this category of contraceptives is estimated at approximately 98%. The effectiveness of drugs is due to synthetic hormonal compounds included in the composition of medicines

Bioavailability - what is it? Bioavailability of drugs

Bioavailability - what is it? Bioavailability of drugs

Different methods are used to study the bioavailability of drugs. Most often, a comparative study of changes in the concentrations of the drug substance in the investigated and standard dosage forms in blood plasma and / or in urine is carried out

"Spermaplant": reviews, price, instructions for use

"Spermaplant": reviews, price, instructions for use

Quite often, the cause of male infertility is a change in the quality of sperm. For example, the number of spermatozoa decreases, cell mobility decreases, etc. And today, many representatives of the stronger sex are interested in information about what the Spermaplant sampreparation is, reviews of patients and doctors about this remedy

Laxative "Phytolax": reviews, instructions for use and composition

Laxative "Phytolax": reviews, instructions for use and composition

You can use this medication for preventive purposes, with the development of constipation, as well as as part of a complex treatment of pathological conditions of the gastrointestinal tract, which are accompanied by difficulty in the formation of fecal masses and their excretion. Before using this medication, it is recommended to read the annotation. If constipation is observed regularly, a medical examination is necessary. Reviews about "Phytolax" abound

Antioxidants (drugs). The most powerful antioxidants. Antioxidants in tablets

Antioxidants (drugs). The most powerful antioxidants. Antioxidants in tablets

Today everyone is talking about antioxidants. Some consider them a powerful weapon against aging, others consider them a pharmacist's deceit, and still others consider them a potential cancer catalyst. So should you take antioxidants? What are these substances for? From what drugs can they be obtained? We will talk about this in the article

"Hepatrin": reviews, indications, instructions for use, composition, side effects and contraindications

"Hepatrin": reviews, indications, instructions for use, composition, side effects and contraindications

Hepatrin tablets are a medicine from a series of biologically active additives. The main effect of the drug is aimed at maintaining the working capacity of the liver, and, in addition, at preventing the occurrence of pathological processes. This medicine can be used in the treatment of an acute or chronic disease, but with the appearance of serious pathologies, it is necessary to supplement "Hepatrin" with other medicines

Dibazole to increase immunity, treat neurological and other diseases

Dibazole to increase immunity, treat neurological and other diseases

In Soviet times, in many schools, children were periodically given Dibazol tablets to increase immunity. Gone are the days, but this drug is still popular among pediatricians and neurologists

Growth Hormone drug: reviews on its use in sports

Growth Hormone drug: reviews on its use in sports

The drug "Growth Hormone", reviews of which allow us to conclude that it is widely popular not only in the sports environment, is a very powerful anabolic and anti-catabolic agent. Anyone who decides to take it should know how to do it right

Fish oil capsules: application reviews

Fish oil capsules: application reviews

The drug "Fish Oil" in capsules, reviews of which are mostly positive, has a number of advantages over the use of the main active ingredient in its natural form. However, for its correct use, you must study the instructions

"Sustanon": reviews on the use of the drug

"Sustanon": reviews on the use of the drug

Pharmacological drug "Sustanon", reviews of which can be heard from athletes, has long been known in wide circles of athletes. However, not everyone knows how to use it correctly

Sports supplement No-Xplode: application reviews

Sports supplement No-Xplode: application reviews

Sports nutritional supplement No-Xplode, which can be heard from any professional athlete, is one of the best among pre-workout complexes. However, despite the great popularity of this product, not everyone knows how to use it correctly

The drug "Methandrostenolone": reviews on the use in sports

The drug "Methandrostenolone": reviews on the use in sports

The drug "Methandrostenolone", reviews of which can be heard from a power athlete, is one of the most effective anabolic agents. However, with its great availability, many people do not know how to use it correctly

The main indications for the use of "Asparkam"

The main indications for the use of "Asparkam"

Indications for the use of "Asparkam" is not necessarily the treatment of cardiovascular diseases or their prevention. This drug is also prescribed to compensate for the lack of potassium and magnesium in the body, on the concentration of which many vital processes depend

Omnadren drug: feedback on the results of its use

Omnadren drug: feedback on the results of its use

Such a popular anabolic drug in the power sports environment as Omnadren, reviews of which are of a different nature, is a representative of the class of androgenic steroids. In other words, the one who uses it, in addition to the anabolic effect, will also receive aggressiveness, body hair growth, etc

Echinacea tincture: reviews, instructions for use

Echinacea tincture: reviews, instructions for use

Preparations with plant extracts have few contraindications and can effectively treat ailments, restore good he alth, and strengthen the immune system. Echinacea tincture is such a remedy. According to reviews, it is a powerful immunostimulant

Pills "Mint": instructions, application, price

Pills "Mint": instructions, application, price

Peppermint tablets are considered one of the effective and safe means of treating the gag reflex. They are used everywhere. Many use the drug as a breath freshener. However, this approach can be quite dangerous. Mint tablets are a medicinal product. This article will tell you about them

Sleeping pills: pharmacology, composition, instructions for use, indications and contraindications, dosages and a list of drugs

Sleeping pills: pharmacology, composition, instructions for use, indications and contraindications, dosages and a list of drugs

Drugs that promote deep, prolonged sleep are called sleeping pills. Their scientific name is hypnotics. Pharmacology distinguishes several classes of such drugs. Depending on the principle of action, pharmacokinetics, indications and contraindications for admission, possible side effects and the frequency of their development also differ

"Trimetazidin-Biokom MV": instructions for use, composition, analogues and reviews

"Trimetazidin-Biokom MV": instructions for use, composition, analogues and reviews

The drug has an effect that is manifested by the acceleration of metabolic processes occurring in neurosensory organs and in the myocardium. Before starting therapy, you need to find out what the drug "Trimetazidin-Biokom MV" is. Instructions for use, composition of the medication - useful information that you should read

Effective laxatives for constipation for the elderly

Effective laxatives for constipation for the elderly

Effective laxatives for constipation for the elderly are mainly products that are available at home for almost everyone, and exercise to the extent that a person is able to perform them due to age characteristics. It is normal to want to get rid of constipation quickly, but do not jump on strong laxatives that are widely promoted through advertising

The best allergy pills: a list and reviews of manufacturers

The best allergy pills: a list and reviews of manufacturers

The article will talk about the predisposing factors to allergies, its types, and most importantly, about the modern approach to the treatment of antihistamines in tablet forms

Candles "Anuzol": instructions for use, analogues and reviews

Candles "Anuzol": instructions for use, analogues and reviews

Hemorrhoids are a common and rather delicate disease due to the specific location. Among the drugs for this disease, the candles "Anuzol" have long established themselves, instructions for use of which will be described in this article