Hemorrhoids - a disease that causes varicose veins in the rectum, mainly in its lower part. Sometimes it is accompanied by the formation of nodes and cracks, which can bleed from time to time. Based on statistics, more than 20% of the population worldwide suffers from this disease. Treatment of hemorrhoids requires qualified assistance, and today the most popular means in the fight against it are candles and ointments. And the most effective among them, according to experts, are candles for hemorrhoids "Relief".
Hemorrhoid symptoms

Many people live with this disease without even knowing that they have serious problems. And the vast majority of adults are simply embarrassed to ask a doctor about such a question. The course of treatment of hemorrhoids with candles "Relief" does not suitall, and the price of this drug is not the most affordable. Therefore, it is easier for people to leave everything to chance until the problem becomes global. The main symptoms that will help diagnose the disease yourself include:
- Pain in the rectum when sitting and walking, and in some cases even at rest.
- Sometimes there may be a feeling that there is a foreign body in the anus, constantly preventing normal movement. These symptoms occur when the nodes are congested with blood.
- The appearance of blood in the stool (this is one of the main symptoms of hemorrhoids).
- Prolapsed hemorrhoids can also indicate a disease such as hemorrhoids.
- Itching and periodic burning in the anus.
Causes causing disease
The factors that cause hemorrhoids can be different for everyone. The main ones are:
- Hereditary factor: weakness of the veins.
- Excessive physical activity that provokes tension of the hemorrhoidal veins.
- Passive lifestyle, frequent sitting.
- Development of diabetes.
- Existing weight problems.
- Pregnancy.
- Difficult delivery.
Types of hemorrhoids
It should also be noted that this serious disease has several forms: chronic and acute:
- The first of these usually makes itself felt gradually. At first, a person begins to feel unusual moisture in the anus, in addition, therethere is itching and sometimes burning. During defecation, blood impurities can be observed. This situation can accompany a person for a month or two, and sometimes for several years. Over time, the disease develops into a more serious form. The pain gets worse every time you go to the toilet. Bleeding becomes more pronounced, up to the development of a mild degree of anemia.
- For acute hemorrhoids, the exacerbation of its first form is characteristic. It can be expressed by the appearance of external nodes of small size and mild pain. And the subsequent stage of acute hemorrhoids can cause swelling of the rectum, while palpation provokes a sharp pain in the anus. The most severe form of acute hemorrhoids is characterized by a strong inflammatory process and the presence of blue-burgundy hemorrhoids that are located on the outside. It is not recommended to set knots in severe forms of hemorrhoids. It is better to give preference to medical treatment.
Candles from hemorrhoids "Relief": instructions
For the treatment of the described disease, the drug "Relief" must be used only as directed by a doctor.
Reviews of the candles "Relief" from hemorrhoids are extremely positive. Patients note the effectiveness of the drug, with the exception of situations when a person had an allergic reaction to its components. In such cases, the remedy should be immediately canceled, and the attending physician should prescribe a replacement for it.

Candles from hemorrhoids "Relief" are white. The components contained in them (shark liver oil andphenylephrine) give an anesthetic and anti-inflammatory effect, which reduces pain and irritation in the affected area, and also improves blood flow. Cocoa and petroleum jelly, which are part of the drug, help eliminate itching and burning in the anus. Zinc accelerates the healing process of cracks and wounds.
From the very beginning of the use of candles from hemorrhoids "Relief" pain decreases during defecation, as well as when moving and in a sitting position. It is worth noting that many doctors recommend this remedy because of its unique composition and effective effect on the patient's body.
Indications for use
"Relief" is prescribed not only for hemorrhoids, but also for some other diseases, namely:
- skin eczema,
- proctite,
- constipation.
It is also indicated for use in the postoperative period, to accelerate the healing of wounds and other injuries of the anus.
The instructions for the Relief hemorrhoid suppositories indicate that this drug is prescribed not only for adults, but also for children, starting from the age of 12, 1 suppository every 12 hours. For an adult, the dosage of the drug is similar. There is also a remedy for hemorrhoids with a similar composition, but lighter - "Relief Ultra". They should be applied at least 4 times a day.
Please note that 12-year-old candles from hemorrhoids "Relief" should be used only on the recommendation of a doctor.
How to insert a suppository into the rectum
Before using the drug, it is necessary to carry out standard hygienicprocedures by washing with soap. Then follow these steps:
- Make sure your hands are clean. If in doubt, wash them with soap and dry them.
- Lie on your side, as you like (you can enter the suppository only in the supine position).
- Then half cut the shell (the foil in which the drug is packaged) and carefully, without removing it completely, insert it into the anus.
- Before inserting the suppository, you can lubricate the anus with petroleum jelly or any fat cream.
- If there is no cream or vaseline, dip the tip of the candle in cool water.
- After the introduction of the suppository into the anus, you need to be in a supine position for several minutes. This is required so that the candle does not leak when melting.
Candles "Relief" with internal hemorrhoids will begin to act within 2-3 minutes after administration.

How much do you need to apply candles for hemorrhoids
The composition of candles from hemorrhoids "Relief", judging by the numerous reviews, will help you overcome the problem much faster than many other means. But the duration of therapy depends on the patient's condition and the severity of the disease. And the course of treatment with any of the drugs should be prescribed only by a qualified specialist.
Analogues of the drug "Relief"
Today, most expensive medicines can be replaced by cheaper ones with the same composition and effectiveness. They are called generics and are produced by buying such a right.from the brand owner.
The price of candles for hemorrhoids "Relief" refers to the average among medicines in this area (in Moscow - from 343 to 577 rubles), and they have no absolute analogues. In their role are drugs of similar action.

The cheapest substitutes for Relief include:
- Suppositories "Hemorol". This drug relatively recently appeared on the pharmaceutical market and has already managed to establish itself as a worthy remedy in the fight against the disease.
- Proctosan. It is usually recommended as the very first analogue of the "Relief" candles for hemorrhoids. "Proctosan" is able to cope with even the most advanced stage of the disease and eliminate its cause, and not just suppress external symptoms.
- "Natalsid". It is used to treat chronic bleeding hemorrhoids. It effectively and quickly heals cracks and wounds in the rectum and fights against the unpleasant sensations of itching and burning.
"Anuzol". A combined drug that is similar in action to Relief. Additionally, "Anuzol" has a strong antispasmodic effect and is able to prevent the reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms. However, this remedy also has a big drawback: a large list of adverse reactions, including impaired concentration and attention.

"Relief" during pregnancy
Everyone knows that the period of pregnancy and after the birth of a child in women change many processes in the body. This also appliesblood circulation, which is why the risk of developing hemorrhoids is very high. Therefore, most expectant mothers are faced with the question - is it possible for pregnant women to have Relief candles for hemorrhoids? The answer of doctors in this regard is ambiguous. Some argue that the drug should not be used by pregnant women. Others, on the contrary, argue that its components do not penetrate into the bloodstream, so they will not harm the unborn child in any way. In any case, the pregnant woman will need to consult a doctor who will advise her what to do.
Relief while breastfeeding
When breastfeeding, the components included in the drug very quickly enter the milk, and then transferred to a small organism. Which, of course, can be dangerous for him. Therefore, taking "Relief" while breastfeeding is not worth it. It can be prescribed only in the most severe cases, when the risk of harm to the child will be significantly lower than the expected benefit from the use of the drug.

Contraindications to the use of candles "Relief"
In some cases, the drug is forbidden to use. These include:
- Presence of respiratory diseases, including tuberculosis.
- Disorders in the work of the cardiovascular system.
- Pancreatitis.
- Presence of infectious diseases of the rectum.
- Malignant tumor processes in the rectum.
- Intolerance to the substances that make up the drug.
Types of preparations "Relief"
The manufacturer produces not only candles "Relief",but ointments for external use. There are also suppositories "Relief Ultra" and "Relief Advance". The latter has a pronounced analgesic effect. And "Relief Ultra" fights inflammatory processes well. The price of suppositories from hemorrhoids "Relief Ultra" and "Relief Advance" is not much different from the cost of a conventional drug.

Reviews from patients treated
Patients, as a rule, leave positive feedback about the candles "Relief" from hemorrhoids. It should be noted that many of them were very embarrassed by the prospect of going to the doctor with such a delicate problem. But after the appointment of the named drug by the doctor, patients already after 5-6 days noticed the effect of its effects. And in the very first days after the start of treatment, they had less itching and discomfort when sitting.
Many women noted that when the doctor prescribed Relief after childbirth, the first results were noticeable after a few days. And those of them who went with this problem for a long time before giving birth later regretted that they had not saved themselves from a painful illness earlier.
Of course, there are also patients who honestly admitted that they bought and began to use, strictly following the instructions, the remedy described above. They also got good results. And even those patients who had suffered from hemorrhoids for a long time noted that none of the previously used drugs gave such a quick effect. They noted that after a week the pain in their anus had greatly decreased, the cracks began to heal and stopped appearing.blood impurities when going to the toilet.
According to women giving birth, sleepless nights are nothing compared to the agony that hemorrhoids cause. Severe itching, pain during bowel movements and sitting, inability to move and squat normally. The constant feeling that "there" is something there. Candles "Relief" with bleeding hemorrhoids have become a salvation for most women who find themselves in a similar situation after a difficult birth. Some of them, by the way, used candles and ointment in combination. And, according to reviews, they were satisfied that they were treated with this particular remedy. They now generally recommend this drug to anyone with the same problem.
"Relief" is a really effective remedy for hemorrhoids and its accompanying symptoms, which will help with both chronic and acute forms of the disease.
A few words in conclusion
Based on the positive feedback from patients about this drug, it is not for nothing that Relief candles are so popular in the fight against a delicate but painful problem. The vast majority of people who had to deal with the disease noted that they should not be ashamed to seek help from specialists. After all, modern medicine and pharmaceutics do not stand still, and this problem can be easily overcome with the help of effective means.