The problem of prostatitis is relevant for many men of respectable age. Someone recognizes it and tries to fight it, not embarrassed to ask for medical help, while someone, on the contrary, stubbornly denies the real picture. As a result, those who belong to the second group are not able to lead a normal, not only sexual life, but also a normal one, because this disease affects the general well-being of a man, his mood, and even self-esteem. The partner of life also suffers, who is not able to help her beloved if he does not want to admit the reality of the problem.
Today, medicine has advanced so far that even such a disease as prostatitis can be cured, with little or no intervention. Thanks to the creation of modern devices, even rectal massage (which is rightfully considered the main help for such a disease) can really be done at home and without outside help. Moreover, the result will not keep you waiting, at least those whoused the device "Ereton". Reviews negative and positive today can be found about him, but where is the truth, we will try to find out now.
A little "acquaintance" with the device
The "Ereton" device is a special device manufactured in Russia, and whose work is based on the effect of electric current (pulses), low-frequency vibrations and a magnetic field on a man's prostate, which is affected by a disease. This small device is able to affect the functionality of the prostate gland, if violations of its work have been diagnosed. The impact will be of a physiotherapeutic nature. The combination of three effects (electrical impulse, vibration and magnetic field) allows you to work with different degrees of the disease, because these three effects can be used both together and separately.

I am glad that all the necessary elements that are needed for treatment with the device are immediately included in the kit, and there is no need to make additional purchases or look for accessories at various points of sale. Positive reviews say that if it is used correctly and regularly, then the effectiveness is very high, both in combination with drug treatment (if we are talking about "neglected" forms of diseases), and on their own. Even the batteries from which it works are provided by the manufacturer, so it remains only to familiarize yourself with the rules of use and its technical features.
Let's move on to the principle of operation
Device "Ereton" byThe principle of operation is quite simple - the effects that it is able to produce are curative for problems with the prostate. All influences stimulate the gland, which means that we get the full activation of its work. If we consider in detail, then each of the types of impulses will bring the following result:
- Stimulation with current leads to increased blood circulation, both in the veins and arteries, and in the capillaries. It turns out that the impact leads to the fact that the prostate gland almost independently gets rid of edema, which leads to the normalization of the level of expansion and growth of connective tissues. As a result, all the organs of the small pelvis will be able to take their normal shape, and the patient will no longer feel discomfort, because spasms will disappear, and then chronically disturbing pain in this area.

- When exposed to low-frequency vibrations, "Ereton" (reviews of doctors who recommend it often mention this) is able to stimulate lymphatic drainage, as well as blood outflow. Under such influence, the blood vessels begin to expand on their own, and all organs of the small pelvis receive blood supply in the amount normal for them.
- Exposure to a magnetic field is no less important than the above. "Ereton" for men (reviews confirm this), who have already reached a respectable age, is important in the sense that it is able to significantly speed up and then establish cellular metabolism, which allows tissues and muscles to be updated, that is, the prostate gland actually gets younger. Fabric renewalleads to the restoration of the organ, which leads to a decrease in inflammation, a decrease in edema, and in the future - their complete or partial disappearance (depending on the severity of the disease).
When are combinations of device effects used?
The instruction that comes with the Ereton device clearly indicates that the use of three types of effects on tissues and the organ as a whole is recommended only in difficult cases when recovery with lighter effects is impossible. If the disease has just begun to affect the gland, then the impact in turn in each of the modes should bring visible results, the resistance of which will pleasantly amaze. Often there is a complete recovery after using the Ereton apparatus, doctors' reviews of such cases can be found quite often.
Next to advantages there are always disadvantages
The urological device "Ereton" receives reviews from both users and practitioners regularly, it is on the basis of individual subjective opinions that it is realistic to evaluate the real benefits of the device for those who suffer from problems with the prostate. After analyzing many responses, a group of advantages of the device was identified, as well as a group of obvious, often mentioned shortcomings.
"Pros" often talked about by both users and doctors
Apparatus "Ereton" reviews of doctors, filled with positive, causes, first of all, due to the simplicity of its use. That is, even a person who has not previously received a qualityconsultation of a doctor about the intricacies of using the device, simply by reading the instructions, he will understand the principle of its operation without any problems and will be able to independently begin treatment with it at home.

The small size of the device is a virtue that is also often talked about, because it is so tiny that anyone can take it with them even on a trip or business trip, that is, the treatment process will not be interrupted.
"Ereton" receives reviews from urologists, as well as recommendations for use, also due to the fact that he is really able to deal with problems with erectile dysfunction, as a result, not only prostatitis is treated, but also become an ordinary memory of the problem, which have been associated with premature ejaculation.
Long-term result - those patients who benefited from treatment with Ereton note the long-term result. That is, inflammation of the prostate gland is not only removed, but the result is fixed, which allows a man to live a full life in all its manifestations.
By right, the most pleasant "plus" from the treatment, patients highlight the following fact - the orgasm in a person who used the Ereton urological apparatus for treatment becomes many times stronger and brighter.
"Cons" that you need to know about before you buy "Ereton" for yourself
Reviews are negative both from doctors and from patients, based on the following factors:
How to use the machine. Appliance needinsert into the anus, and this is not the most pleasant and rosy feeling. Many patients, in addition to discomfort, also experience embarrassment, sometimes even trying to refuse such treatment. But experts explain that without such a procedure, the results simply cannot be. In addition, you can perform the procedures at home, in a relaxed atmosphere and ask for help from your beloved woman, and not from a nurse, who is still a stranger.
Many negative reviews are based on the fact that the average buyer considers the price (from 8,000 r to 9,000 r) for this device to be too high, that is, some simply cannot afford to buy it.
"Ereton" reviews are negative from patients who have not previously consulted with doctors, receive most often. The thing is that it is worth starting such treatment only after a full examination and only on the basis of the recommendations of a practitioner who will explain the scale of your problems and select the ideal course of treatment. If you initially choose the wrong method of using Ereton on your own, you can not only fail to achieve results, but also harm your he alth.

As you can see from the above, "Ereton" (urological apparatus) receives negative and positive reviews quite often, and it is these reviews that show that it is impossible to find "panaceas" in the treatment of any disease, especially if you have not previously consulted with specialist.
Let's get acquainted with the list of indications
Soit was found that "Ereton" most often receives negative reviews, because treatment with it began without prior consultation with a doctor. For those who are embarrassed to ask for help, we provide a list of diseases in which, according to the instructions, the device should help:
- Erectile dysfunction - both functional and psychogenic.
- Andexitis, salpingoophiritis and similar diseases. The manufacturer promises that the device will be able to help, even if the disease has already become chronic.
- Chronic pelvic pain and prostatodynia.
- Partial loss of sexual attraction, as well as its complete absence.
- Prostatocystitis (only a doctor can diagnose such a disease, do not make such a diagnosis yourself and do not start using Ereton yourself.
- The manual also says that the machine will save those who have problems with prostatic hyperplasia.
- Most often this device is used by men who suffer from chronic prostatitis. It is no less effective if the prostatitis has become infectious.

There are also a number of contraindications
Both doctors and instructions for using the device warn that there are a number of diseases and disorders in which the use of "Ereton" is contraindicated:
- if there is an oncological disease in any of its forms - in this case, it is worth refusing treatment with a remedy such asdevice "Ereton";
- reviews of urologists are often filled with information that it is contraindicated to start treatment with it if the patient has previously been diagnosed with any systemic blood diseases;
- if a man has previously had a heart attack, he should also refuse to use the device;
- the presence of a previously implanted pacemaker will also be a contraindication;
- infectious diseases are incompatible with the treatment of prostatitis with "Ereton";
- if you suffer from individual intolerance or poor blood clotting, you will have to look for another effective method of treatment, the device is contraindicated for you;
- if you have recently had an operation on the prostate gland, you will not be able to use Ereton for at least three months, but it is better to start using it only after the permission of a medical practitioner.
Fun fact: it's not just age or infection that causes prostate problems
Note to many young men who believe that prostate adenoma or prostatitis are diseases that you can not think about until sixty years old. Urologists present a small list of the most detrimental factors affecting men's he alth and sexual performance:
- Nicotine and alcohol addiction - you need to understand that both alcohol and nicotine act on the body like a poison, which means that the prostate gland suffers. So if you have such bad habits, you will have to think about buying such a device as "Ereton" a lot.earlier.
- Microtraumas - small injuries in the groin area practically do not bring discomfort or problems to a man, but they can cause the development of diseases in which "Ereton" (urological device) helps. Reviews of doctors confirm that you can get such a microtrauma even while cycling, which is accompanied by shaking and vibration.
- An inactive lifestyle - office workers, who sit still for almost 90% of their working time, also endanger their body, because this position of the body provokes stagnation of blood in the vessels, including in the prostate area. So even men who are just in their twenties may notice signs of prostate problems.
An alternative to "Ereton"
Medicine is very well developed today, so almost any method of treatment has its analogues and alternatives. "Ereton" is also not the only salvation from prostate diseases, if you do not want to use it, the doctor must offer you one of the following treatment options:
- Finger massage of the prostate - today in medical institutions, both public and private, there are many professionals, virtuosos in their field, who master the complex technique of finger massage of the prostate through the rectum. The influence of such a massage is really well felt, because the stagnation of blood in the vessels passes, which means that the functions performed by the gland are restored, and a little later, the erection function is also getting better. Onlyyou need to be prepared for the fact that this work is performed by an outsider, and not "Ereton" (urological apparatus).

- Doctors' comments about another alternative are already more restrained, because this is a surgical intervention - an operation that is the introduction of a special device into the urethra, which should destroy the tissues of the prostate gland. This method of treatment does not completely and completely get rid of "male problems", because, according to unshakable statistics, a large number of patients were diagnosed with a relapse after surgery.
It is also worth noting that such alternatives will empty the patient's wallet much more than buying the device we are describing.
It is worth understanding that today there is no single treatment that helps in 100% of cases, but this does not mean that the disease is not worth fighting. To date, the Ereton device has collected a huge number of reviews, many of which are not very positive. But as practice shows, those patients who neglected a preliminary consultation with a doctor and his help in the treatment process speak badly about him.