It's no secret that today such a delicate problem as lice can appear in everyone: even a "weekday" trip in public transport can cause it to arise. In this regard, information on the most effective methods of combating pediculosis is always up to date.
Of course, the arsenal of tools to help get rid of nits and lice is currently quite impressive. However, the use of chemical-based shampoos is not suitable for everyone: someone has specific ailments, someone is in an interesting position, and someone has an allergic reaction.
There is an alternative that allows you to get rid of lice, namely: mechanical work with a comb. Combing helped eliminate the problem when lice drugs were not heard of. Our grandmothers and great-grandmothers used a fine-toothed comb along with vinegar and kerosene.

Today, manufacturers offer a huge selection of combs through which you can solve the problemhead lice.
They differ in design, length and frequency of teeth, material of manufacture. The latter, of course, must have strength. In general, it should be noted that even if a person uses shampoo for nits and lice, combing is still a mandatory procedure. This is the next step after shampooing. This is the only way to remove dead insects from the hair. It is recommended to do all this in the bathroom. You should also remember that you can simplify the combing process with the help of vinegar, which effectively eliminates the sticky "substrate" with which the nits are attached to the hair.
Remedy 1
Of course, many have heard that the "Anti" comb eliminates the problem of pediculosis one hundred percent. Is it so? Numerous reviews prove that yes. The fact is that the Antiv comb has long and comfortable teeth, thanks to which you can work with thick strands of hair, therefore, the combing process is reduced in time.
The tool is produced by the Argentinean company Assistance srl. So, let's move on to its benefits.

Perhaps the most significant plus of the above "miracle remedy" is that its use is harmless, that is, the "Antiv" comb excludes chemical components in the fight against pediculosis. Definitely the only alternative for a small child and a person who suffers from an allergic reaction.
It has a quality metal base, so it can be boiled, sterilized, processedacetic acid.
In addition, the Anti-comb is an effective prophylactic in the fight against lice and nits: if you regularly comb your hair with it, the risk of lice infection will be significantly reduced.
Exclusive Item
And, of course, the device is produced using unique technologies. "Anti" - a comb, reviews of which are mostly positive - has special notches with cutting edges on the surface of the teeth. Thanks to them, the shell of nits is damaged during their removal, and they cease to pose a potential threat to he alth. If you consider all the teeth at once under a magnifying glass, then the device will visually resemble a saw or a grater. However, this is not all the secrets that the "miracle tool" possesses. The manufacturer, using high-precision computer technology, makes the tips of the teeth rounded, thereby minimizing the risk of microtrauma to the scalp during the procedure.

Steel, which is used in the production process of the Active comb, has an optimal ratio of stiffness / flexibility parameters, thanks to which the hair is combed easily and its structure is not damaged.
Indispensable device
Of course, this device should be available in every family with small children. And even if you think for a long time about whether to buy an Antiv comb, the price of which may seem to you above average, or not, it is better to lean towards a positive answer. Why? The fact is that pediculosis is like chickenpox: todayone child fell ill, tomorrow - the second, and the day after tomorrow - the third. So you can't do without a miracle comb.
The “Antiv” comb, a photo of which can be easily found on the pages of a huge number of online pharmacies (we also have them on our page), is designed for reusable use. As practice shows, it is possible to get rid of nits and lice using the above device in 4-5 days, unless, of course, the rules of treatment are neglected. After that, after a week, it is enough to do a procedure involving control preventive combing, and the problem is solved!

"Anti": 100% effect
Products made of plastic and wood, which have a minimum spacing between teeth, can only eliminate 70-80% of lice and nits.
Even medical staff recommend that people who are faced with head lice use the Antiv comb. Reviews, price - these are the most important criteria that interest the consumer today. Let's dwell on them in more detail.
How much?
It should be noted that the cost of the "miracle hairbrush" varies from 90 to 1650 rubles. If you buy "Antiv", for example, in the Russian capital, then the price will be close to the maximum level, but if in a provincial city, then the scallop will cost relatively inexpensively. In Moscow, finding and purchasing a device will not be particularly difficult.
Very relevant is the question of where to buy the "Anti" comb. Photo, price are also of interest to the consumer. But we have already decided on them. Argentine crestcan be bought at a regular pharmacy. If this product is not in stock, then you can order Antiv through an online store that sells pharmaceutical products. You will have to receive the goods by courier or by mail.

Now let's take a closer look at the opinions of consumers about the "miracle remedy" against lice, which the Argentine manufacturer offers.
It should be noted that for several years of the presence of this device on the Russian market, it has received hundreds of enthusiastic reviews and recommendations!
Almost all consumers praise "Anti" for the fact that its use does not involve chemical effects on the hair and scalp. They are also pleasantly surprised that the miracle comb, compared to other methods, quickly copes with such a delicate problem as pediculosis. To buy or not to buy an anti-comb? Reviews, price - that's what needs to be studied before making a final decision. We have de alt with the first criterion, and as for the second, it is up to the buyer to decide. It should be emphasized once again that some people think that the cost of the comb is somewhat overpriced. And on the other hand, if the remedy effectively and really helped a huge number of people, then maybe you should not save on your he alth?

Infrequently, but sometimes there are reviews in which people show dissatisfaction with the fact that Antiv does not cope with insects at the roots of the hair one hundred percent. Here it is very important to perform the procedure correctly, namely:you need to separate a thin strand, and then insert a comb into it, running the teeth immediately to the middle. So you can remove the nits from the part of the hair located near the scalp.
As already emphasized, no one is safe from lice. We have considered an effective way to deal with these insects. Well, to minimize the risk of re-infection with pediculosis, use "Anti" as a preventive measure and follow the rules of hygiene.