Many doctors prescribe quite expensive drugs to their patients. Unfortunately, today, in a world of unstable economy, prices change almost every day, and ordinary people's salaries are barely enough to live on. Getting sick today is expensive.
Expensive drugs
It is impossible to completely isolate yourself from the outside world and all diseases. Now, not everyone can afford to get well and completely cured. Every second woman faced gynecological problems. The most popular among them is thrush. Dozens of preparations from it are presented on the consumer market - in the form of suppositories, tablets, gels. All of them differ from each other by the active substance and, in accordance with this, by the price. One of the best drugs today is Livarol. But it belongs precisely to the category of expensive drugs for thrush. Let's then decide what other good active agents are - an analogue of Livarol.

All about vaginal candidiasis
Thrush is a modern disease caused by a large number of fungi of the genus Candida. This disease is not only gynecological, fungi affect the mucousoral cavity and intestines. This happens only if in these areas there is a favorable environment for their reproduction. It is vaginal candidiasis that brings the most discomfort and symptoms. You can determine it with the following manifestations:
- curdled discharge from the genital tract, with a pungent odor, color;
- pain in the lower abdomen;
- discomfort during intercourse;
- itching in the perineum.

Only a gynecologist can make an accurate diagnosis after an examination, while the patient must pass a smear. Only after these actions can the correct treatment be prescribed. After all, each person in the body has a different sensitivity to certain components of the drug. Therefore, you can not ignore the advice of a doctor and independently prescribe medications for yourself. Without laboratory analysis, it is impossible to determine the active ingredient in the drug that is right for you. Another important factor is that many women confuse it with other gynecological diseases. With the appearance of discharge, the first thought for everyone is thrush. And so often this conclusion is wrong!
The best drug for thrush
"Livarol" is a universal preparation for the fight against fungi of various types, vaginal mycosis. It not only eliminates the symptoms, but also fights the problem, normalizes the microflora. Great for taking antibiotics. Available in the form of vaginal suppositories. Easy to use - 1 suppository is administered intravaginally at night. A course of treatmentis 5 days, a severe form of the disease - 10 days. The only significant drawback of the drug is its inflated cost - about 660 rubles. Therefore, people often look for a cheaper analogue of Livarol candles (5 pieces per pack). Candles have a minimum of side effects and can be used during pregnancy and while breastfeeding. The most important thing is not to interrupt the course of treatment. After all, the symptoms usually disappear much sooner.
Most often, the doctor prescribes "Livarol" for thrush. Its analogues in every pharmacy, while they are cheaper and no less effective. It's just that they are not as advertised, and, as a result, there is less confidence in them. The only restriction that comes into force during the treatment of thrush is the denial of sexual activity, even with the use of a condom. This applies to absolutely all drugs.

"Livarol": synonyms, analogues
Women become very vulnerable during pregnancy. Often, treatment is prescribed towards the end of pregnancy, as relapses are possible.
With thrush, "Livarol" is prescribed. Analogues are drugs with the same active ingredient. In this case, it is ketoconazole. Its action is associated with a violation of the synthesis that forms the cell membranes of fungi.
Gynecologists consider Ketoconazole to be a good remedy for thrush. This drug is suitable for the treatment of yeast-like fungus in different parts of the human body. These are infections of the skin, gastrointestinal tract, vaginal candidiasis, as well as systemicinfections (eg, histoplasmosis, blastomycosis). The duration of the course of treatment directly depends on the type of disease and ranges from 5 days to several months.
! Ketoconazole is prescribed as the only remedy for thrush, and as an auxiliary. The drug is available in the form of tablets, ointments, suppositories. The price of tablets is approximately 117 rubles, ointments - from 160 to 500, depending on the country of manufacture, candles - 400 rubles.

A good analogue of Livarol is Mycozoral. The drug has the same strong substance in the fight against fungi - ketoconazole. It fights not only with yeast-like fungi, but also with staphylococci, streptococci, dermatophytes, dimorphic. "Mycozoral" has such indications for use as "Livarol" candles. The analogue is cheaper: the price is about 450 rubles for tablets, 250 rubles for an ointment. Also, the drug is available in the form of a shampoo, which perfectly copes with the affected areas of the skin due to dandruff, lichen, dermatitis. Its average price is 320 rubles.
Antifungal pills
"Oronazol" is another high-quality analogue of "Livarol". Available only in tablet form. For adult use only: 1-2 tablets daily with food. The duration of treatment ranges from 7 days (for candidiasis) to one and a half months (for fungal infection of the hair follicles on the head). During lactation, this remedy is forbidden to be used, because it penetrates into the mother's milk. This drughas a number of contraindications that must be taken into account:
- childhood;
- hypersensitivity to ketoconazole;
- liver disease;
- glucose malabsorption;
- simultaneous use with inhibitors, alkaloids, some substrates, midazolams.

Treatment with "Nizoral"
"Nizoral" is not only a popular dandruff shampoo, but also a suitable remedy for thrush. It is also available in the form of capsules and suppositories. The drug is hepatotoxic, so you can take it only as directed by a doctor. The scheme of application for candidiasis is standard: 1-2 tablets 1 time per day or one suppository at night. Nizoral's pricing policy is slightly higher than other analogues. The cost of the cream is 440 rubles, shampoo - from 590 to 760, depending on the form of release, candles - 310 rubles. Not to be used by children under 12, pregnant or breastfeeding women. There are a number of contraindications, especially when interacting with other drugs. His instructions should be carefully studied.
"Nizoral" and "Oronazol" - proven means, as well as "Livarol" (candles). Analogues perfectly cope with candidiasis, ringworm, deprive, which is clinically proven.
Candles "Ketodin"
Another analogue of "Livarol" - candles "Ketodin". They solve the problems of vulvovaginal candidiasis, restore the microflora of the vagina, and are used to prevent fungal infections. The drug is not systemic, it is almost not absorbed into the blood. Apply suppositories should be one at night for 5 days. A repeat course is possible. Treatment will be more effective if both partners use candles. Do not forget about the side effects of the drug: nausea, abdominal pain, burning in the perineum, skin rashes. But when the drug is discontinued, they all disappear instantly. Do not use in the first trimester of pregnancy. The price of Ketodin is acceptable and affordable today.
Candles "Livarol": cheap analogues
"Clotrimazole", "Fluconazole", "Candide B6", "Nystatin", "Flucostat", "Diflucan" are modern antifungal drugs that are in the same pharmacological subgroup. All of them are similar in mechanism of action, but the difference is only in the active substance. The prices of these medicines are 50, 70, 80, 90, 180, 200 rubles, respectively. Quite affordable and real.

It is advisable to ask the doctor to write several analogues for each drug prescribed to you. After all, so often medicines from pharmacies go for re-registration, and they simply cannot be found.

"Livarol", cheap analogues or other prescribed medicines cannot be ignored. After all, if the gynecologist considered that the problem could not be solved otherwise, then you need them. Diseases will not go away on their own. But the symptoms are a specific phenomenon, then they are, then they are no longer there. Ordinary thrush, if itnot treated in a timely manner, it can provoke a number of serious consequences. Firstly, candidiasis goes into a chronic stage, and with the slightest stress or illness, it will again make itself felt. Secondly, it can induce the appearance of cervical erosion, then inflammation in the uterus and appendages. All this means that you need to take care of yourself and your he alth, treat any, even a minor problem, in a timely manner.