Sodium humate is an organic and mineral fertilizer and an excellent plant growth stimulator. It contains a complex of compounds of humic and fulvic acids with phosphorus, nitrogen, potassium and trace elements, which are necessary for the nutrition of berry, vegetable, indoor and flower crops.

Sodium humate when applied provides:
- Increase in biologically active components in plants.
- Better germination and survival when treating seeds and roots before planting.
- Accumulation of useful substances and vitamins by fruits and vegetables.
- Increased yield and accelerated ripening.
- Reduce accumulation of toxic substances in plants.
Sodium humate: application
When soaking seeds before planting, make a solution. For 0.5 g of dry preparation, take 1 liter of water. The seeds filled with such a mixture are left to swell.
For soil cultivation, sodium humate is evenly scattered on the surface before digging or loosening at the rate of 50 g per 10 m².
Spraying plants and watering the soil is carried out with an aqueous solution, the concentration of which is 1 g of dry concentrate per 10 liters of water. It is necessary to cultivate the soil and plantings in the calculation5 l per 1 m².

Vegetables and flowers grown from seeds are watered at planting, germination and 14 days after the last watering.
Plants planted in seedlings are watered at planting, when color appears at intervals of 2 weeks.
Berry bushes and strawberries are processed in three stages: when the first leaves appear, and then after 14 days.
Indoor plants are watered in the spring during the growth period 3 times with an interval of 14 days.
Autumn processing is carried out by intensive irrigation with a solution: sodium humate - 3 g, water - 10 l. At the same time, all fruit and berry plantations are watered for better “winter care”, and when planting new ones, for better engraftment.
Sodium humate is used to protect plants from the appearance of viral and fungal diseases, to increase their frost resistance. The instruction contains detailed recommendations on the use of this drug. This growth stimulator is compatible with mineral fertilizers and with all kinds of biological and chemical substances necessary for plant protection.

This substance is sold in stores in various forms. Sometimes you can find it in powder form, which dissolves well in water, but most often in solutions with different concentrations.
The best is humate, which is made from peat. All drugs are diluted according to the instructions. Solutions are prepared shortly before their use. It is necessary to strictly observe the dosage indicated in the instructions, otherwise you can lose positivethe effect of the drug.
When preparing a sodium humate solution, precautions must be taken. Processing of plants should be carried out using personal protective equipment. Keep this product in a place that is difficult to reach for children and animals. If the solution gets on the skin of the body and in the eyes, it is necessary to thoroughly rinse these areas with water. In case of sodium humate poisoning, the stomach should be washed with several glasses of water.