Breastfeeding is a natural process that is laid down by nature. Every new mother thinks so, especially for the first time. But when the baby is born and the time comes for the first attachment to the breast, problems are often found that the woman is unprepared for: difficulties with attachment and capture, weak or, conversely, too strong milk flows, lactostasis and the inevitable problem - cracked nipples. Often, a young mother is not able to cope with pain and discomfort during feeding. This process becomes so painful that the woman simply stops feeding. However, there are many ways to manage fissures, minimize pain, and create breastfeeding experiences that make both mom and baby happy.
The most effective treatment for cracks is topical therapy, that is, a cream or ointment for the nipples, which heals wounds, heals delicate skin and prevents new lesions.
How cracks appear
The skin of the nipple is delicate and thin, but in the processfeeding, she is subjected to serious tests - the baby's gums are very hard and during sucking he makes serious efforts. All this cannot but affect the nipples - the skin is under stress, cracks appear. They cause sharp, sometimes unbearable pain when feeding, blood oozes from the wounds, which can enter the baby's mouth along with milk.
It is necessary that a so-called corn appears on the nipple, similar to that that appears on the fingers of guitarists - at first touching the strings is very painful for them, but pretty soon the fingertips become rough and do not notice the tension. The same with the tender breast area - the skin there becomes a little rougher, and it becomes not painful to feed.

It takes a week for someone to form this callus, and much more for someone. If at the very beginning of the process you do not heal the wounds in any way, do not use ointment from cracks in the nipples, inflammation may form during feeding, during which white blisters and redness appear on the injured area. If you do not start the problem, it will be solved quickly, and the treatment will minimize the pain of the process.
Causes of cracks
- Incorrect gripping of the nipple by the baby - the mouth should capture not only the nipple itself, but also the area around the nipple, then the baby will not pull the skin towards itself, thereby injuring it.
- Wrong weaning - if you take it away from a suckling baby, he will instinctively compress the gums even more and will pull on the nipple, injuring the skin. Be sure to wait until the childrelease the breast or stop suckling.
- Excessive hygiene is a relic of Soviet medicine, which advised young mothers to wash their breasts with water and certainly soap before and after each feeding. Such frequent exposure to an aggressive environment dries out delicate skin, which becomes even easier to injure.
Incorrect processing of nipples - follows from the previous paragraph: until now, in many maternity hospitals, doctors of the old school recommend treating cracks with brilliant green. Meanwhile, the alcohol solution dries the skin even more than water and soap.
- The use of absorbent breast pads - such products are certainly a lifesaver for new mothers who have periodic bursts of milk. However, if you don't change your pads too often, the warm, moist environment in them is the perfect place for inflammation to form in existing cracks. Use these devices for going out or only during the day, changing them regularly.
Why is it important to treat cracked nipples
Cracks are actually open wounds from which ichor and blood ooze during feeding. Naturally, such wounds are the gateway to any infection. If you start the problem, then very soon mastitis will join the cracks - inflammation of the mammary gland. This disease often requires surgery and lifelong complications.

What can not smear cracks
It is strictly forbidden to apply or smear injured nipples with the following drugs:
- Antibiotic nipple ointment - this is only prescribed by a doctor for a serious infection and is generally not compatible with breastfeeding.
- Iodine or brilliant green are alcohol-containing solutions, and alcohol dries the epidermis - not the best solution for delicate injured skin.
- Lotions of alcohol or vodka - for the same reason.
How and what to smear injured nipples
Fissures, as long as they are shallow and not accompanied by pus, ulcers, blisters, can be treated on their own, although it is always best to show the breast to a doctor or lactation consultant. They will help correct the grip, which will prevent cracks from reappearing.

Topical therapies work best for this type of injury, and there are many different ointments, creams, or gels available at the pharmacy. It’s easy to get confused in such a variety, especially if you don’t know which nipple ointment is better. First of all, you need to understand the active substance in these drugs.
Ointment based on dexpanthenol
These are the most common and popular drugs. They are based on dexpanthenol, a substance derived from pantothenic acid, which is essentially a B vitamin. The most popular representatives are Panthenol and Bepanthen (cream or ointment).
For nipples, the well-known "Panthenol" is excellent, which is available in the form of an ointment or cream of 25 and 50 grams. It is allowed during pregnancy and safe during breastfeeding. It is convenient that the drug can not be washed off the nipples before feeding, since there are practically no allergic reactions to it in children. Also, "Panthenol" is available in the form of a spray. The cost of the drug is 200-350 rubles. depending on the shape and volume. Also note that there is a product of domestic and German production.
Ointment "Bepanthen" for nipples is a very popular product specifically for the treatment of cracks, as well as diaper rash in a child. It is produced by the German company Bayer. The product also goes on sale in the form of a cream with a volume of 30 and 100 grams. There is also an ointment marked “plus”, in which chlorhexidine is added to dexpanthenol for disinfection. The drug is applied to the nipples after each feeding. The price of "Bepanten" starts from 380 rubles for a small volume and up to 800 rubles. for a tube of 100 grams.

You can also ask the Russian-made Dexpanthenol ointment at the pharmacy - this is the most budget option, only 130 rubles. for a 25-gram tube, and the active substance is the same as that of analogues.
Zinc Oxide Nipple Ointment
Zinc oxide has excellent wound healing astringent properties, in addition, it dries the wound and resists infection. On the basis of zinc oxide, both specialized preparations for breastfeeding and general spectrum products are produced. An important feature of them is the need to be sure to wash off the ointment before feeding.
The most popular product is "Sudokrem", it can be foundAmerican and Irish made. They have an identical composition and are available in jars of 60 and 125 grams. By the way, "Sudokrem", as well as products with panthenol, is also suitable for the treatment of diaper dermatitis. The price of the cream is 350-500 rubles.

You can also try Johnson & Johnson's Desitin Nipple Ointment. A 50-gram pack will cost 260 rubles. A characteristic feature of "Desitin" is the content of cod liver oil in the composition, which gives it a specific smell.
If you want to save money, then take zinc ointment or paste, they are usually Russian-made and cost around 100 rubles.
Lanoline for treating cracks
Lanoline is a natural animal fat, also called wool wax, and is obtained by digesting sheep's wool. Ointment for nipple cracks with lanolin allows you to create a protective film on the skin, under which the wounds heal faster, and dry skin becomes more hydrated. However, such creams are more suitable for prevention.
The most popular nipple cream with lanolin is "Purelan" from the Swiss company Medela. It is produced in tubes of 37 grams, the cost is about 500 rubles. "Purelan" is 100% lanolin, and this allows you not to wash it off before feeding. Apply the cream in a thin layer, without rubbing into the skin.
Similar creams are available from other manufacturers of baby cosmetics and products for mothers - Avent, Baby line, Sanosan, Pigeon.

Nipple Retinol Nursing Ointment
Retinol is vitamin A, a dermatoprotector that effectively restores damaged epidermis. Treatment should be done twice a day, be sure to wash off the drug before feeding. Look for products with retinol in a pharmacy - for example, Russian-made Videstim ointment for nipple cracks (100-200 rubles, depending on the volume) or Ralevit, fortified with vitamins E and D2 (350 rubles). However, it is better to use these ointments as prescribed by a doctor and not to combine with taking vitamin A, so as not to get an overdose.
Natural oils and plant extracts
Natural ingredients with excellent moisturizing and wound-healing properties are sold both in pure form and in combination, in the form of creams and ointments. For example, Mama Comfort cream with aloe vera, buckwheat, wheat germ and peach oils.
Ointment for healing nipples "Vulnuzan" from the Bulgarian concern "Sopharma" is made from the extract of mother liquors of Pomorie s alt lakes and perfectly heals even deep cracks. The ointment also has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects.
Natural oils - olive, sea buckthorn, cedar - also have excellent properties. They are completely harmless and may not be washed off before feeding.
Folk recipes
Cracked nipples have tormented breastfeeding women at all times, even before the advent of so many drugs. Our mothers and grandmothers successfully coped with injuries in folk ways. ATthis was helped primarily by their own milk. It has good antiseptic properties and helps in healing wounds, so after feeding it is recommended to leave some of your milk on the nipples and let it dry in the open air.
Cabbage, rich in riboflavin, which accelerates tissue regeneration, helps fight cracks, mastitis, and lactostasis. Beat a cold cabbage leaf until juice is obtained and apply to the sore chest, which will relieve pain and help in healing the skin.
You can also treat the nipples with an infusion of birch leaves - it helps heal wounds.

Prevention of cracks
Using any of the listed remedies (or several at once), you can quickly heal cracks, but if you do not do prevention, they will appear again. Therefore, in the very first days, it is necessary to establish the correct capture of the nipple by the baby, and in the following weeks and months of breastfeeding, it is important to observe hygiene, not overdoing it, but not starting it either. It is also important not to injure the nipple with manual expressions or a breast pump - you need to express milk carefully. Also, do not forget about moisturizing the delicate skin of the nipples and protecting them, then breastfeeding will last as long as mom and baby want.