Vaseline oil is often sold in pharmacies, the use of which is not known to everyone. It is a colorless oily liquid that is odorless and has a pronounced taste. This product is also called liquid paraffin, consisting of petroleum fractions that are processed at very high temperatures.
Composition of the product
Many are scared when they learn about petroleum products in the production of vaseline oil. Its use as a laxative is questioned. However, fears are groundless, because the product undergoes multi-stage purification and is completely devoid of all harmful components. There are also no aromatic hydrocarbons. Therefore, the oil is used not only externally or to relieve constipation, but is used internally for some medical reasons.

What is the benefit of the product?
Vaseline oil has a beneficial effect on the body. The instructions for use indicate that it can be taken both externally and internally. It is often used to make creams and other cosmetics.funds. The product has not only rejuvenating and healing effects. Its bactericidal and antimicrobial activity has been proven. In addition, the oil promotes the healing of minor wounds and abrasions. The tool freezes at very low temperatures, so this property is actively used. The oil is effective against frostbite in the cold season.
Vaseline oil is quite popular. The method of application includes the use of it against constipation. However, it is not absorbed into the bloodstream and is excreted from the body naturally. Therefore, the use is permissible even in newborns. Adults use the drug to cleanse the intestines and eliminate some problems in the gastrointestinal tract.

Indications for admission
Vaseline oil is in great demand. The application is quite extensive, and the composition excludes harmful compounds. Due to the neutral odor and high degree of purification in pediatric practice is also not prohibited. The tool has emollient properties and is used not only in medicine, but also in pharmacology and cosmetology. Scope of use of vaseline oil:
- Use for constipation. The drug facilitates the process of defecation, gently enveloping the intestinal wall.
- For quick healing of minor abrasions and scratches. The oil has a fast-healing effect and a bactericidal effect.
- Can be used in homemade creams, for UV protection and as an additive to lotions.
- On hisoften used as a base for rectal suppositories used for constipation.
- Recommended for skin protection against frostbite at low temperatures.
- Used in veterinary medicine to treat certain diseases.

Use for constipation
Vaseline oil is often used to facilitate the process of defecation. Properties and use for constipation are described in detail in the instructions. With such an ailment, you can fight directly using oil, or candles made on its basis. The drug evenly envelops the mucosa of the large intestine, thereby facilitating the process of stool discharge. At the same time, the remedy also softens hardened feces, which helps to get rid of the problem without pain and damage to the intestinal walls. It is important that the oil is not absorbed by the walls and does not enter the bloodstream, therefore it has found its application in pediatrics.
Vaseline oil: use for constipation in adults
The drug is recommended to be taken orally to facilitate the act of defecation. For adults, it is permissible to use 2 tbsp. spoons before or after meals. For humans, it does not have any harmful substances, which is clinically proven. Once in the intestines, the oil is fixed on its walls due to its structure. The viscous substance gently envelops the walls and allows the stool to slide over the surface of the intestine. They do not stagnate, so constipation does not occur.
If the problem has already happened, then liquid paraffin helps to thin and soften the stool. However, the person is notsuffers from pain while going to the toilet, and the whole process is quick and easy. People who have problems with stool often choose vaseline oil to solve the problem. Instructions for use for constipation show that using just two tablespoons helps to experience relief after 5-6 hours. For some, such a gap seems long, but experts consider it natural.

Dignity of Use
Vaseline oil has found application in many areas. It has many useful properties that determine its merits:
- creating a mechanical barrier of mucus on the walls of the intestine;
- lubrication of internal organs;
- eliminate stagnation of feces;
- facilitate stool passage;
- fecal softening;
- stimulating the intestines and increasing its peristalsis.
Use for constipation in children
The drug is completely safe, so even newborns can take it. Babies, especially formula-fed babies, often experience digestive problems. But, to alleviate this condition, not all drugs are suitable. Earlier, back in the maternity hospital, midwives advised young mothers to purchase vaseline oil. For newborns, the use is allowed, the main thing is to know the dosage. Such little children are shown half a teaspoon. If the child is over three years old, it is acceptable to offer up to two teaspoons.
The product has a softlaxative effect, stimulates the gastrointestinal tract and effectively softens feces. However, pediatricians strongly recommend that you consult your doctor before using this drug.

Postpartum use
Constipation torments a woman not only during pregnancy. After childbirth, the problem may worsen, then vaseline oil will come to the rescue. For this category of patients, it is recommended to use two teaspoons of the drug. Reception should be two hours after a meal, or two hours before it.
As the instructions show and the reviews confirm, the effect of taking comes after 5 hours. However, the drug is not considered a panacea that can get rid of the problem of constipation. Oil fights only with its consequences and alleviates the condition. It is recommended to use it in isolated cases. With prolonged use, the course should not be more than 5 days. If you neglect this instruction, you can provoke atonic constipation. Do not use liquid paraffin oil as a prophylaxis.
When a woman who has given birth has a hard stool problem, it is important to find out the cause and eliminate it. After all, even if you use such a harmless drug as vaseline oil, complications can be provoked. The drug provides a short-term effect and eliminates the symptom, not the cause.

How to prevent constipation?
To prevent constipation, it is important to lead an active lifestyle,Eat he althy and drink enough water. The menu should consist of fresh herbs, fruits, vegetables, bran bread, dairy products and unrefined products. It is important not to swallow foods immediately, but to chew them thoroughly. Vaseline oil will help soften stools, but if you often eat eggs, white bread, rice and flour, the process can become difficult.

Caution in everything
It is better not to self-medicate, because even safe vaseline oil can cause serious problems. The drug creates a protective wall on the intestinal mucosa, through which harmful substances cannot penetrate. But the film is also inaccessible to useful components, therefore, with prolonged use, there is a risk of developing beriberi.
In addition, vaseline oil can be addictive. Reviews confirm that chronic constipation often occurs or lazy bowel syndrome is provoked with frequent use.
Instruction warns
Vaseline oil is safe once used and is effective against constipation. However, the drug should not be taken in the following cases:
- with ulcerative foci in the intestine;
- for diagnosed infectious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
- with intestinal obstruction;
- with individual intolerance;
- during pregnancy, because the oil provokes uterine tone;
- for fever of any etiology.
It is important that vaseline oil is recommendeduse as an emergency measure. When constipation occurs, the drug is considered safer and more effective than similar drugs. In addition, the reviews often mention the availability of funds and its low cost.
Usage feedback
Vaseline oil is very popular due to its wide spectrum of activity. This is confirmed in the instructions for use and reviews, it is indicated that the drug is suitable for eliminating constipation and improving digestion. Patients claim that taking the drug quickly eliminates symptoms, but a long course is addictive. It is useful to have in the home first aid kit a drug for quick relief from constipation. Many people like that there is no need to use an enema, the oil is taken orally. For some, this is important because the use of candles can be painful. The effect comes quickly enough. According to reviews, after 5-6 hours the intestines are gently and completely emptied. If you need to go to the toilet within an hour, it is recommended to use candles.
Young mothers also speak well of the remedy. Liquid paraffin is not only possible to use in newborns to facilitate the passage of stools. It is recommended to eliminate the "milk" crusts on the baby's head. Also, many people use vaseline oil for various masks for dry skin and hair.
Vaseline oil has an excellent emollient effect. Its safety and efficacy have been confirmed in laboratory studies. The drug is used not only in medicine, but also incosmetology and pharmacology. To relieve constipation, it must be taken by mouth.
Oil is not absorbed into the blood and does not accumulate in the body. It has a stable chemical balance. When ingested, the drug is evenly distributed along the walls of the gastrointestinal tract. This creates a protective barrier, but access is closed not only to harmful substances, but also to useful ones.