How to give activated charcoal to children? Instruction

How to give activated charcoal to children? Instruction
How to give activated charcoal to children? Instruction

In the first-aid kit of any family, there will certainly be activated charcoal. It is also prescribed for children, and the list of recommended conditions includes more than twenty items. The popularity of the drug is due to its unique ability to absorb and gently remove toxins, pathogens, heavy metal s alts and gases from the body. Moreover, the drug is completely natural, because it is made from peat and coal (most often birch). Doctors agree that the drug is practically safe, so you need to find out in which case it is recommended for children and how to give it.

Activated carbon
Activated carbon

What it consists of

Often, parents are interested in whether it is possible to give activated charcoal to children. Pediatricians allow admission, because its composition is practically safe. The medicine is made from charcoal. It has a porous structure, therefore, getting into the stomach, it actively absorbs its contents. But pills are often considered completely harmless andassigned independently. However, in the case of a child, it is important to correctly calculate the required dosage, because exceeding the norm can significantly harm the microflora.

Activated charcoal for children
Activated charcoal for children

Reasonable acceptance

Activated charcoal for children is most often prescribed for poisoning and diarrhea. The indisputable advantage of the remedy is its ability to cope with intoxication of the body and establish the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Numerous reviews of parents and specialists emphasize that coal quickly eliminates symptoms, promotes gentle cleansing of the stomach and intestines. Its democratic cost is also important.

Activated charcoal can be given to children under the following conditions:

  • Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and abdominal discomfort. If they are associated with poisoning.
  • Colic and flatulence. Seen in newborns.
  • Allergic rashes.
  • Salmonellosis.
  • Dysentery.
  • Cirrhosis of the liver and hepatitis.
  • Asthma.
  • Gastritis.

However, doctors warn that activated charcoal for children is considered only as a first aid. It can be used for the treatment of any diseases and on an ongoing basis only as directed.

Activated charcoal - instruction for children
Activated charcoal - instruction for children

What Komarovsky says

The opinion of the famous pediatrician Komarovsky is considered by many parents to be especially important. When asked if activated charcoal can be given to children, he unequivocally answers that"Yes". Especially the drug is recommended for poisoning, while it is important to completely lack food and drink plenty of water. But the pill cannot be considered a panacea for all problems, because the result does not always live up to expectations.

So, if a child is less than three years old, there is a suspicion of poisoning and he refuses to drink, he must be urgently shown to the doctor. Particularly dangerous symptoms are dark urine, flies before the eyes.

Instruction warns

Parents often ask if their children can take activated charcoal. Pediatricians agree that the reception will not harm, but only improve the condition during intoxication. However, judging by the instructions, the drug has a number of contraindications. Charcoal is not recommended for children in case of:

  • if dysbacteriosis is diagnosed, because it will remove the necessary microflora from the body;
  • if there is a suspicion of internal bleeding from the organs of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • if the child has a history of duodenal or gastric ulcer.

Charcoal should also be avoided if anti-toxic drugs are prescribed, because their components will not have an effect and will be excreted. Contraindication is individual intolerance.

Methods of taking

In many conditions, activated charcoal can help. Instructions for use for children show that it can be offered at any age. In this case, you should be guided by the rules:

  • drug taken two hours before meals;
  • cannot be combined with other means, otherwise their effectiveness is reducedto zero.

Depending on the child's age and symptoms, activated charcoal is offered to children as follows:

  • 1-2 tablets indicated for infants up to one year old;
  • 2-4 tablets - children 1 to 3 years old;
  • 4-6 pills - for children from 4 to 6 years old;
  • if the child is over 6 years old, then the dosage is calculated based on weight and ranges from 10 to 12 tablets.

When calculating other forms of activated charcoal release, the formula 0.05 g of charcoal per 1 kg of baby's weight is used.

Issue Forms

Most consumers are used to the fact that activated charcoal comes in the form of black tablets. They are porous, so they are able to quickly absorb all unnecessary elements from the digestive tract. Toxins and microorganisms are excreted naturally along with feces. But the sorbent can also be found in other forms:

As a powder packaged in individual sachets. They are recommended for the smallest patients. One sachet is enough for the reception

Activated charcoal powder for children
Activated charcoal powder for children
  • In the form of capsules. More popular with adults and may be recommended for teenagers.
  • In the form of a paste. This form is not so common, but is most easily used by school-age children.
Activated carbon paste
Activated carbon paste

Activated charcoal can be offered to children in the form of regular tablets. But if the baby is still too small to swallow them, then it is recommended that the pill be crushed and mixed with warm water beforehand.

Duration of treatment

Ifit is necessary to give activated charcoal, the instruction for children warns that the symptoms of poisoning and intoxication should go away within two days. Taking the drug for more than three days is prohibited. If symptoms persist and do not improve, the child should be seen by a doctor immediately.

However, for allergic problems, the doctor may prescribe coal in courses. The child takes pills for two weeks, then a break for two weeks. In this case, the features of the reception are discussed together with the doctor.

Possible negative reactions

Activated charcoal is allowed for children, but you should be aware of possible side effects. Despite the fact that the tablets are completely natural, they have a strong absorbent effect. Therefore, the following phenomena may occur:

  • decrease in body temperature;
  • decrease in normal blood sugar levels;
  • lower pressure;
  • hypovitaminosis and calcium leaching with long-term use;
  • blockage of blood vessels in certain pathologies.

Doctors warn that if any suspicious symptom appears, the drug should be stopped immediately and the baby should be taken to a specialist.

Activated carbon is considered practically harmless. The use of children is recommended for poisoning. There are indications for breastfeeding. But here you should be careful and use the drug only in case of emergency. Where possible, charcoal should be replaced with other absorbent drugs. This is due to the fact that the particles of charcoal are toohard and can damage the delicate mucous membranes of babies. Therefore, an inflammatory process will often join the poisoning or an infection will be introduced.

Learning the instructions

In order for the medication to bring only benefits and not cause negative consequences, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the recommended treatment regimen. If the doctor has not prescribed otherwise, then according to the annotation, the following rules must be observed:

  1. Treatment should be continued for three days. There is always relief after that. If symptoms persist, then medical attention is needed.
  2. If treatment of an infant is required, then the dosage is calculated strictly based on the recommendations - 0.05 g per kg of the baby's weight. Moreover, the resulting mass is diluted with warm water and given gradually during the day. It is important to mix the solution thoroughly to avoid large particles of coal entering the stomach.
  3. If it is known for sure that the child was poisoned and the symptoms of intoxication are pronounced, then you can use the drug for gastric lavage. To do this, take once 20-30 g of coal, diluted with warm water.
  4. In case of vomiting, to normalize the condition, they act according to a different scheme. The child is offered to consume only 1-3 g of coal, which must be washed down with plenty of water.
Activated carbon - capsules
Activated carbon - capsules

Peculiarities of intake by infants

In this case, everything is clearly spelled out in the instructions. If activated charcoal is required to be offered to children under one year old, then the algorithm will be as follows:

  • Based on the weight, prepare a solution.
  • Forthe drug must be given several times a day. Charcoal is offered one hour before meals or two hours after.
  • The tablet should be thoroughly crushed to a creamy state. Best used as a ready-made powder.
  • You can give the solution with a spoon or using a syringe.
  • After taking, the infant is offered an additional portion of water for better absorption and protection of mucous membranes.

The duration of the course is determined by the pediatrician. If the medicine was used to eliminate colic, then, as practice shows, this will take about 3-4 days.

Activated carbon solution
Activated carbon solution

Rotavirus use

Intestinal flu is often severe in young children. Along with a high temperature, there are cramping pains in the abdomen. The child suffers from diarrhea and vomiting. In this case, dehydration is considered especially dangerous. The sorbent, which is recommended along with the use of rehydration agents, will help to remove the clinical picture.

Features of taking with dysbacteriosis

Dysbacteriosis is a contraindication to taking activated charcoal. However, the doctor may prescribe it in complex therapy to remove unnecessary substances. Due to the fact that harmful and useful are also removed, the reception is carried out only under the supervision of a specialist.


Activated charcoal can help with poisoning and relieve the symptoms of diarrhea. But it must be remembered that against the background of taking the feces are painted in a dark color. Therefore, it is difficult to notice such a formidable complication as internal bleeding. Pediatricians often recommend replacing charcoal with other analogues that are white or completely transparent. However, as a first aid, it is necessary to have activated charcoal tablets in the medicine cabinet.
