In the age of the Internet, almost everyone has heard about the he alth benefits of B vitamins. When they are deficient, the body works "for wear and tear": the nervous system suffers, the functionality of the digestive system decreases, a person suffers from problems with the condition of the skin and hair. If there is a risk of vitamin B deficiency, you should choose a quality drug to eliminate it as soon as possible. Instructions for use and reviews of Kombilipen injections indicate that this drug allows you to quickly get rid of the main symptoms of vitamin deficiency B1, B6 and B12.
Composition and formulation of the drug
Form of release of the drug - tablets and solution for intramuscular injections. The main active ingredient is a combination of B vitamins, in particular thiamine, pyridoxine andcyanocobalamin. Due to this composition, one of the most popular drugs for neurological pathologies is Kombilipen. Its use is justified for a variety of lesions of the nervous system, as well as for problems with the skin, hair, and digestion. The composition is thought out thoroughly: cyanocobalamin and pyridoxine promote the absorption of thiamine, resulting in the maximum therapeutic effect.
The injectable formulation also contains lidocaine (an anesthetic component), so injections do not cause such discomfort as regular vitamin injections separately. The patient can give himself injections on his own. In addition, "Combilipen" can also be introduced into the treatment room. Reviews of the application report that many patients still give themselves injections themselves, instead of visiting the clinic daily. This is a simple and painless procedure that requires minimal skills and does not cause discomfort to the patient.
The dosage form of the drug "Combilipen tabs" has the form of biconvex rounded tablets of white color, located in standard blisters of 15 pieces. They should be taken whole, without chewing. Best taken after a meal, as when taken on an empty stomach, many patients complain of discomfort in the epigastric region.

Pharmacological action of the drug
Instructions for use and reviews of injections "Kombilipen" report that the drug has the following pharmacologicalaction:
- with regular use, restores the myelin sheath of nerve fibers, which generally improves the conductivity and functioning of the central nervous system;
- normalizes the production of neurotransmitters that are responsible for many processes in the human body: maintaining high performance and good mood, normal libido, metabolic rate, reaction rate to stimuli and much more;
- normalizes the speed of transmission of nerve impulses;
- partially restores nerve cells damaged due to intoxication (this is especially true for patients with chronic alcoholism and drug addiction);
- helps reduce pain caused by dysfunction of the peripheral NS;
- promotes weight loss, as it normalizes the metabolism of fats, proteins and carbohydrates (provided that the patient does not have other serious metabolic diseases);
- increases efficiency and endurance;
- normalizes sleep, helps to increase the psycho-emotional stability of a person during periods of high stress.
In the reviews, patients who have undergone several courses of drug therapy note not only relief of well-being and relief from neurological pain, but also other changes. In particular, after the course of "Combilipen" a person becomes more collected, efficient, sleeps faster, insomnia goes away and sleep phases normalize. Such a positive effect is easily explained: the functioning of the centralnervous system, which is manifested not only in getting rid of pain and discomfort of a neurological nature, but also to normalize the psycho-emotional background.

The use of each vitamin in the Combilipen
Let's take a closer look at each component of the Combilipen composition:
- Thiamin, or vitamin B1 is the main ingredient of the drug. This trace element is necessary for the normal functioning of the nervous system. With its deficiency, a person may suffer from increased irritability, neurological pain, migraine with and without aura, manifestations of vegetative-vascular dystonia, decreased performance, problems with interaction with others. Also, patients with vitamin B deficiency found in their blood 1 often suffer from sleep problems. Thiamine is essential for normal intestinal motility. Taking high doses of this vitamin can often relieve constipation.
- Pyridoxine, or vitamin B6, is essential for he althy skin and hair. It also contributes to the preservation of nerve cells during a toxic load - for example, with regular alcohol or drug poisoning. With a hangover syndrome, it is also recommended to use Kombilipen. The use of the drug for acne or problems with skin rashes of unclear etiology is justified precisely because of the presence of pyridoxine in the composition.
- Cyanocobalamin, or vitamin B12, is also included in the preparation. This trace element is essenti alto maintain he althy immunity, high performance and good mood. It normalizes metabolism, when used in high dosages, it affects the composition of the blood. Deficiency can lead to cobalamin anemia.

Indications for use
Combilipen injections are effective in the following diseases and conditions:
- trigeminal neuralgia;
- polyneuropathy of alcoholic etiology;
- diabetic polyneuropathy;
- pain caused by neuralgic diseases;
- inflammation of the facial nerve;
- osteochondrosis;
- cervical-shoulder syndrome.
Both injections and tablets have the same indications for use. The use of Kombilipen tablets is justified if the patient does not have diseases of the digestive tract, or for one reason or another he is not able to inject. It has been proven that B vitamins may not be fully absorbed when passing through the digestive waste.
Indications for the use of Combilipen injections are different and may differ from those listed in the instructions. Often, dermatologists prescribe a course of injections to patients who complain of alopecia (hair loss) and skin problems. Although these indications are not listed in the instructions, the drug has proven effective in these cases.

Contraindications to the use of the drug
Instructions for use forintramuscular injections "Kombilipen" reports that the drug has the following contraindications for use:
- heart failure;
- intolerance to B vitamins;
- pregnancy and breastfeeding.
The tablet form of the drug should be used with caution by people who are prone to allergic reactions. Usually, B vitamins are well tolerated, but they can also provoke quite serious side effects, among which allergic reactions are in the first place.
Possible side effects
Alas, taking any drug can cause side effects, and Combilipen is no exception. Instructions for use for intramuscular injections informs that the administration of the drug may be accompanied by the following side effects:
- acne (in the first days of taking the pills, the situation with the skin condition may worsen, but in the long term the drug helps to accelerate the regeneration of the skin);
- nausea, especially if you take several pills on an empty stomach;
- Hyperhidrosis, i.e. increased sweating, can occur with frequent high dosages;
- tachycardia and arrhythmia, as well as pressure surges in people who suffer from chronic diseases of the cardiovascular system.
If the patient is experiencing any of these symptoms, it is best to discontinue use immediately.
Any drug can cause discomfort, and Combilipen is no exception. Instructions for use for injections(including analogues of the drug) reports that with intramuscular administration, side effects develop less frequently than with oral administration of the drug. However, patient reviews do not report any relationship between the development of side effects and the choice of the form of release of the drug.

Dose and duration of use
Instructions for use for injections "Combilipen" (intramuscularly) reports that the course should be at least 10 days, one injection per day. This is the minimum period, if you shorten it, then you may not feel the therapeutic effect of the drug. Instructions for use and reviews of Kombilipen tablets report that when taken orally, the course lasts an average of 30 days. It may be extended at the discretion of the treating neurologist.
Reviews of people who have taken it indicate that in some cases a neurologist may prescribe a permanent appointment for several months or until the symptoms of the underlying disease become less pronounced. As a rule, one or two tablets are prescribed per day for adults, and one tablet for children.
Many neuropathologists advise their patients to give Kombilipen injections intramuscularly. Instructions for use informs that in this case the drug enters the bloodstream as quickly as possible, as a result, all vitamins are absorbed to the maximum extent. When taken orally, part of thiamine and pyridoxine may not be absorbed, which reduces the effectiveness of therapy. In addition, according to patient feedback,in persons with chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, an undesirable exacerbation may occur, especially when using Combilipen Tabs on an empty stomach. If the patient insists on taking the tablet form of the drug, but he has gastritis or peptic ulcer, then you should take the pill after a light breakfast.
"Combilipen": application in home cosmetology
In addition to the treatment of neurological disorders, the drug is actively used by women who take care of themselves. It's no secret that the B vitamins help accelerate the regeneration of the skin, and also improve the quality of the hair. Moreover, this effect is achieved both externally and internally.
In particular, some girls add the contents of the Kombilipen ampoule to face masks and hair balms. Before you try out such a recipe for yourself, you should make sure that there is no allergic reaction to the drug. If the composition is overly concentrated, then itching and unwanted rashes may occur. Therefore, before applying the mask to the face, you should test the reaction of the skin on the inner crook of the elbow.
Reviews of girls who add the contents of ampoules to hair masks report that the hair becomes shiny and lush. Hair falls out less and grows faster if you use these masks on a regular basis.
Drug interactions with other drugs
If the patient is undergoing treatment with Levodopa, then paralleltaking B vitamins can provoke an insufficient therapeutic effect of pyridoxine.
Parallel intake of "Combilipen" and analogues (instructions for use especially focuses on this) with substances that have a redox effect on the body is prohibited. These are iodide, mercury chloride, tannic acid, acetate, carbonate.
It is also forbidden to combine the drug and its analogues with drugs, which include sodium phenobarbital, riboflavin, dextrose, metabisulphite.
In contact with copper, thiamine tends to break down very quickly. Therefore, one should not use multivitamins or foods rich in this mineral during the course of treatment with Kombilipen. Thiamine inactivation also occurs when the pH exceeds 3.
Reception of alcoholic beverages is possible in parallel with the course of the drug. But it should be remembered: the action of the drug is aimed at restoring the nervous tissue, while alcohol destroys neurons, contributing to their multiple death. So even small doses of alcohol negate the therapeutic effect of both pills and injections.
Use of the drug during pregnancy and lactation
The components that make up the drug in question are able to cross the placenta and into breast milk, so its use is not recommended during this period. "Kombilipen" can provoke undesirable pathologies of fetal development. Ascertain with certainty what the effects on the fetus will besad, not a single doctor will take it, however, in order to minimize the possible negative impact on the child, it is better to refuse to use the drug.
If a future mother has exacerbated neurological diseases during pregnancy, which is a direct indication for the use of Kombilimen and its analogues, then you should turn your attention to alternative medicine methods to alleviate symptoms - massage, compresses, swimming. You should consult with a neurologist and choose a safe method for yourself to get rid of negative symptoms.
List of effective analogues of the drug
Often, patients are interested in what to choose: a drug of foreign or domestic production, injections or tablets, "Combilipen" or analogues? Instructions for use for most drugs, which contain B vitamins, argue for the use of a particular drug. However, the most correct appointment can only be expected from a neuropathologist who is aware of the individual characteristics of the patient, his diagnosis and the degree of pain syndrome. As mentioned above, the drug is prescribed not only by neurologists, but also by endocrinologists and dermatologists. The drug is effective in many diseases, as evidenced by the instructions for use for Kombilipen. Reviews of analogues of the drug report that these funds are often no worse, and sometimes better than it.

List of the most popular analogues:
- "Tetravit" is a tablet preparation, inwhich, in addition to thiamine, includes nicotinic acid and riboflavin. This drug can only be taken orally, there are no other forms of release. Since the composition also includes nicotinic acid, the reception can improve blood circulation in the upper body. The minus of Tetravit, compared with Kombilipen, is that the former does not contain pyridoxine and cyanocobalamin. So with severe neurological disorders, the reception may not live up to expectations.
- "Neuromultivit" is almost a complete analogue of "Combilipen", it also contains thiamine, pyridoxine and cyanocobalamin. Indications for use are similar. "Neuromultivit" is available in the form of tablets and ampoules for injection. The main goals of the reception are the regeneration of nervous tissue, as well as the acceleration of metabolic processes. In this, the drug is very similar to Kombilipen. Instructions for use and reviews of analogues of those patients who have tried both drugs on themselves, allow us to conclude that Neuromultivit has exactly the same effect as Combilipen, but at the same time it costs much more.
- "Milgamma" is produced both in the form of tablets and as a liquid for intramuscular injection. The composition of the drug in ampoules includes thiamine, pyridoxine, vitamin B12 and lidocaine, so we can talk about a completely identical composition. Patient reviews indicate that the therapeutic effect of the drugs is also identical. Cost differencesignificant: Milgamma costs twice as much as Kombilipen, so most patients prefer to use the second one. If in doubt which drug to choose, you should consult a neurologist.