Transdermal drug administration is considered an effective and safe way to treat patients. It is in this way that a unique organic solvent, dimethyl sulfoxide, is introduced, which perfectly penetrates through the epithelial cells into the body. It also enhances the transport of a variety of active ingredients through the skin and increases their effectiveness.
Medication description
The drug "Dimexide" - gel (photo below), which is one of the dosage forms of the substance dimethyl sulfoxide. It has an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect to relieve pain associated with diseases of the skeleton and muscles, fights skin problems.

The drug "Dimexide" is produced in the form of a colorless transparent gel, which may have a yellowish tint. The active substance causes a slight specific odor. Produced in aluminum tubes of 30 g and 40 g, packed in cardboard packs.
Active ingredient and dosages
For the preparation "Dimexide", gel, instructions for use describe two dosages: with the content of dimethyl sulfoxide, 25 g and 50 g per 100 g of the drug mixture. The rest of the drug mass is formed by auxiliary components that allow maintaining the gel-like structure.
How it works
Due to the ability of dimethyl sulfoxide to actively penetrate the biological membrane of the skin and mucous membranes, the drug "Dimexide" (gel) is used externally.

The active substance from the skin quickly enters the vessels and spreads through the bloodstream to all organs. It has been proven that after five minutes, dimethyl sulfoxide is already present in the blood plasma, and the presence of a specific taste in the oral cavity indicates irritation of taste receptors by this substance.
Its action is based on the inactivation of hydroxyl radicals, increased metabolic processes in the area of inflammation, fibrinolytic properties.
The antiseptic effect is due to the ability to penetrate the shell of microorganisms and change their resistance to antibacterial agents.
Dimethyl sulfoxide has an analgesic and anesthetic effect at the site of application. This is possible due to the fact that excitatory impulses are conducted at a slower speed into the peripheral nerves.
What heals
For the drug "Dimexide" (gel) indications for use are selected in accordance with the characteristics of its active substance. Basically itused for the complex treatment of diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, osteoarthritis with damage to the periarticular tissue, sciatica, systemic scleroderma, erythema nodosum, erysipelas, edema, sprains, infiltrates in injuries and inflammatory processes, purulent, trophic and burn wounds ulcers, acne.

The drug is applied to the affected areas with eczema, furunculosis, thrombophlebitis, pyoderma.
It is used to treat dental diseases associated with inflammatory processes in the maxillofacial zone, in the salivary glands, arthritis and osteoarthritis in the temporomandibular joint.
For the drug "Dimexide" (gel), use is possible for pulpitis, periodontitis, periodontitis.
How to use
The drug is used on the skin, making applications. A thin layer of 50% gel is applied to the affected skin in the region of the front of the head, and 25% of the drug is intended for mucous membranes. Then the medication is easily rubbed over the diseased surface and left for 15 minutes. After that, the remnants of the drug are washed off with water. The gel is applied 2 to 3 times a day, the course of treatment lasts from 10 to 15 days.
For the treatment of diffuse streptoderma and eczema with local analgesia of pain syndromes, 50% of the medicine is used, from which compresses are made on the affected area. A napkin is made from 4 layers of gauze, on which a thick layer of gel is applied. Then it must be applied to the affected area and kept from20 to 30 minutes. On top of the napkin, cover with a polyethylene film and cotton cloth. The number of compresses varies from 2 to 3 times a day.

For the complex treatment of thrombophlebitis, the drug "Dimexide" (gel) and heparin ointment are used simultaneously 2 or 3 times a day for two weeks.
Reuse is possible only after 10 days.
Children can only be prescribed from the age of 12.
How it interacts with drugs
The drug "Dimexide" (gel), due to the ability of dimethyl sulfoxide to enhance the transfer through biological membranes of many active compounds and increase their effectiveness, improves the therapeutic effect of drugs during combination therapy.
When used simultaneously, it increases the rate of absorption and action of insulin and ethyl alcohol.
Can be combined with preparations containing heparin, antibacterial compounds, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory components.
The gel is used to increase the sensitivity of microbial cells to the action of chloramphenicol, aminoglycosides, beta-lactam antibiotics, griseofulvin, rifampicin.
Dimethyl sulfoxide has a sensitizing effect on the body in relation to drugs for general and local anesthesia.
Because the drug can enhance the toxic properties of other drugs, care must be taken when conducting combination therapy.
Features of treatment
Before usingmedication "Dimexide" (gel), instructions for use recommends checking the patient for drug intolerance. Usually it is determined using a drug test.

The place where the gel is applied is the back surface of the wrist, but not the entire surface of the skin, but a small area of it. A sign of hypersensitivity to the components of the drug is a sharp reddening of the skin and itching. In this case, you should refuse treatment.
When not to use
In addition to hypersensitivity, there are a number of conditions in which Dimexide (gel) is contraindicated.
These include insufficient activity of the kidneys and liver in severe form, angina pectoris, myocardial infarction, severe atherosclerosis.
For eye diseases such as cataracts and glaucoma, do not prescribe dimethyl sulfoxide.
Pregnancy and lactation are contraindicated, and if necessary, the child is transferred to artificial nutrition.
Unwanted consequences
The instructions that come with Dimexide (gel) contain information about side effects. Often this remedy does not cause undesirable consequences, but some patients may experience erythema, itchy dermatitis, dry skin. Very rarely, bronchospasm develops.
One of the disadvantages of dimethyl sulfoxide is the presence of an unpleasant specific odor that remains in the room for a long time. It is he who is poorly tolerated by some patients, which is the reasonnausea and vomiting.
Similar drugs
There are many similar drugs based on dimethyl sulfoxide on the pharmaceutical market. The drug "Dimexide" (gel), analogues of this drug have the same active ingredient, but different auxiliary components. This composition makes them interchangeable.
The Russian manufacturer of Dimexide gel is the company Farmamed LLC, St. Petersburg. The drug for external use is available in only one dosage - 25%. It is used as an anti-inflammatory agent.
In two dosages, 25 mg and 50 mg per 1 g, there is a Belarusian gel "Dimexide". Produced by the Republican Unitary Enterprise Belmedpreparaty.
Another similar Belarusian drug is Dimexide-FT. It is produced by Pharmtechnology LLC in two dosages, 250 and 500 mg each. Refers to anti-inflammatory drugs that have an analgesic and pronounced antimicrobial effect.
There are a number of combined preparations containing several active ingredients, including dimethyl sulfoxide. The pharmacotherapeutic effect of these drugs may differ.

One of these drugs is the German drug "Dolobene", produced by the company "Merkle GmbH" in the form of a gel for external use. It contains sodium heparin at a dose of 50 IU, dexpanthenol at a dose of 25 mg and 150 mg of dimethyl sulfoxide. Refers to drugs thatantithrombotic and regenerating action.
A multi-component remedy with an irritating and analgesic effect is Kapsikam ointment. It contains benzyl nicotinate, nonivamide, gum turpentine, racemic camphor, dimethyl sulfoxide. The presence of five active components makes it possible to actively fight joint and muscle pain. Produced by the Estonian company Tallinn FZ.
Ukrainian drug "Chondrasil", an ointment for external use, contains 50 mg of chondroitin sodium sulfate and 100 mg of dimethyl sulfoxide. Used for degenerative-dystrophic lesions of the joints and skeleton. Produced by the Kyiv enterprise PJSC Farmak.
Patient feedback
Before using the medicine for treatment, doctors advise you to read the information contained on the drug "Dimexide" (gel) instructions for use. Reviews about the effectiveness and safety of dimethyl sulfoxide are mostly positive.
The medicine usually begins to act immediately after application to the diseased area, whether it is inflammation during sprain, bruise, burn or arthrosis. Timely use of the drug will prevent the formation of a hematoma in case of limb injuries.

If you start treating wounds with gel that are slowly healing or festering, then they are quickly tightened, pus is removed.
In obstetrics it is used in the form of compresses on the chest with stagnation of milk in the ducts. The disadvantage of this treatment is the refusal to feedbreastfeed for the duration of therapy, as dimethyl sulfoxide may affect the development of the infant.
In cosmetology, the drug "Dimexide" is used to treat skin diseases associated with acne, furunculosis or eczema. There are recommendations for the preparation of various hair masks with the addition of dimethyl sulfoxide as a drug conductor. After several such procedures, the result will be obvious. Hair will become strong, lush, a he althy shine will appear.
Cold diseases in which there is a cough, such as tracheitis, acute respiratory infections or bronchitis, can be treated with gel compresses. Such manipulations will also be effective for getting rid of sinusitis. But not everyone may like the smell of Dimexide. Gel reviews are characterized as a product that smells too strong. Negative responses are mainly related to the garlic taste that is present in the mouth after applying the medicine to the skin. This smell can cause nausea, and in hypersensitive people, bronchospasm is possible. In this case, the doctor should choose another treatment.
Many patients note that the action of the Dimexide gel is simply invaluable, the main thing is to use it correctly.