The ability of blood to clot prevents blood loss. This process functions due to the balance of the coagulation and anticoagulation systems. However, in some situations, the individual's body can not cope, then hemostatic drugs come to the rescue, i.e. hemostatic agents.
A bit of history
Ancient healers used medicinal plant materials as hemostatics - yarrow, shepherd's purse, plantain, nettle and others.

A substance that prevents blood from coagulating, called heparin, was described in 1918. In 1931, the drug "Warfarin" was discovered, and already in 1976 - "Protein C", the main physiological anticoagulant. Thanks to the discovery and description of the mechanism of action of these substances, scientists began an active search and development of new hemostatic agents. Currently, the pharmaceutical market offers a large selection of these drugs.
Systematization of hemostatic agents
There are several classificationshemostatic drugs.
Medicines are isolated by action:
- Resorptive - "Vikasol", "Aminocaproic acid", "Fibrinogen". The drug begins to act when it is injected into the blood.
- Local - Adrenaline, Thrombin, hydrogen peroxide, hemostatic sticks and a sponge. The effect occurs after the product comes into contact with bleeding tissues.
The following drugs are distinguished by their effect on the mechanism of hemostasis:
- Non-specific - "Epinephrine", hydrogen peroxide.
- Specific - "Erythropoietin", platelet-rich plasma.

According to another systematization, the following hemostatic drugs are distinguished:
- Direct coagulants - "Fibrinogen", "Thrombin", "Emoclot", "Octanight" - and indirect action - "Phytomenadione".
- Inhibitors of animal fibrinolysis - "Kontrykal", "Gordox", "Aprotinin" - and synthetic origin - "Amben", "Aminocaproic acid".
- Platelet aggregation stimulants – “Calcium chloride”, “Serotonin adipate”.
- Drugs that reduce the patency of blood vessels. Synthetic - "Etamzilat", "Adrokson", vitamins - "Rutin", "Quercetin", as well as herbal products - nettle, arnica, water pepper.
Drugs of systemic (resorptive) action
Let's consider some hemostatics. The drugs in this group include:
- "Aminocaproic acid" is a systemically acting inhibitor of fibrinolysis, which is administered intravenously to stopbleeding in placental abruption and surgical interventions. The drug inhibits fibrinolysis, which leads to a shift in the balance towards blood clotting and fibrin formation.
- Menadione Sodium Bisulfite is a synthetic analogue of vitamin K that helps enhance blood clotting. The drug begins to act in twenty-four hours by any route of administration.

This fact should be taken into account when appointing him. Most often it is recommended for capillary bleeding that develop against the background of hemorrhoids, cirrhosis of the liver, hepatitis, as well as bleeding from the uterus.
- "Fibrinogen" is the first coagulation factor. Intravenous administration of it into the body of an individual as a hemostatic drug increases the likelihood of its contact with thrombin. As a result of chemical reactions, fibrin is formed and the blood coagulates. "Fibrinogen" is indicated for large-scale blood loss, and in addition, for hypoafibrinogenemia.
- Hydrogen peroxide - copious foaming helps stop bleeding more quickly.
- "Adrenaline hydrochloride" - used topically. For example, to stop nosebleeds. A swab moistened with the drug is inserted into the nostril.
- Hemostatic sponge - used for bleeding abrasions, cuts, etc.

There are two types of this medical product: a sponge containing collagen (increases platelet aggregation), and also containing thrombin, which enhances clotting.
- "Thrombin" - a local hemostatic drug, is a coagulation factor IIa. Blood clots form fairly quickly, only fifteen to thirty seconds after contact with blood. It is used topically for small capillary blood loss from the gums, oral cavity, in case of damage and operations on parenchymal organs.
- Hemostatic pencil - contains substances that help stop bleeding from cuts, abrasions and small wounds.
Actions of local hemostatic agents
Depending on the nature of the blood flow, as well as the location of the wound on the body of the individual, local hemostatic agents are used:
- recovered oxidized cellulose;
- fibrin or synthetic glue;
- gelatin-based products.

As is already clear, the list of hemostatic drugs used in medical practice is quite wide, because they are:
- reduce the volume of blood required for various manipulations;
- reduce the time of surgical interventions;
- are indispensable for complex procedures.
List of medicines with local hemostatic action
Let's take a closer look at some of them:
- "Spongostan" - absorbable hemostatic powder and sponge, which is based on gelatin. It is used in traumatology, orthopedics, pediatric, maxillofacial and nervous surgery, including on the spine andskull.
- "Starsil hemostat" - hemostatic powder is used during operations.
- "Sergiflo" is a foamy sterile matrix made from porcine gelatin with thrombin. The advantage of this tool is the ability to apply with an applicator to hard-to-reach bleeding places. It is used in neuro-, ENT- and general surgery, as well as gynecology, urology.
- "Omnex" is a synthetic surgical adhesive indicated for sealing surgical sutures.
- "Surgisel" - produced in several forms: a porous material that can take any shape; densely woven fabric, which allows wrapping and stitching bleeding organs, as well as in the form of a thin mesh, which is used in minimally invasive operations.
- "Ivisel" - fibrin glue is used as an additional method of hemostasis and sealing of the vascular suture.
List of hemostatic drugs for hemorrhoids
The following are medicines that have different dosage forms and have unequal hemostatic effects:
- Vikasol.
- "Natalsid".
- Flebodia.
- Heparin.
- Pylex.
- Ascorutin.
- Relief.
- Hepatrombin.
- "Hemoroidin".
- Diosmin;
- "Natalsid".
- Suppositories with methyluracil, adrenaline.

With some common names for hemostatic drugsyou met by reading an article.
Any bleeding is dangerous for the life of the individual and their appearance requires immediate assistance. It is important to remember that these drugs are contraindicated for ulcerative lesions and erosions of the gastrointestinal tract, hypertension, thrombosis, severe forms of angina pectoris.