Expectant mothers need to carefully monitor their own he alth. After all, the development and condition of the child in the womb depends on them. Most medications are prohibited during pregnancy. Therefore, the treatment of many viral diseases will be seriously complicated. The ideal way out of such a difficult situation could be the prevention of the disease. You can strengthen the immune system and prevent possible infection with the help of oxolin ointment, which has an antiviral effect.
Medication form
The main active ingredient of the drug is oxolin. It dissolves easily in water and has a crystalline appearance. The second, additional, substance of the ointment is petroleum jelly, which forms its structure. The color of oxolinic ointment is yellowish. Sometimes a slight shade of pink may appear. The density of the drug depends on its concentration. There are the following types of the drug:
- 1%, 3% ointment forapplication on the skin.
- 0.5%, 0.25% ointment for use on the nasal mucosa.
When choosing oxolinic ointment during pregnancy, you need to consider that a medicine intended for use on the skin is in no way suitable for lubricating the nasal mucosa. If you make a mistake and apply an ointment with a concentration of 1% or more for the nose, severe irritation will appear, and too much of the active substance will penetrate into the blood. The same applies to the use of 0.25 and 0.5% ointment. If applied to the skin, the desired effect will not be achieved.

How the drug works
Thinking about whether oxolinic ointment can be used during pregnancy, you need to know exactly how this drug works. The effectiveness of this drug depends on the active substance oxolin. That is what prevents the penetration of a viral infection into the body. When applying oxolinic ointment to the mucous membrane, the pathogenic flora completely loses the possibility of further reproduction. If infection has already occurred, the medicine will stop its spread, and also reduce the effect of the pathogen on the body of a pregnant woman. Oxolinic ointment can resist adenovirus, herpes and even flu.

Using oxolinic ointment during pregnancy
Based on the opinion of most doctors, it is not prohibited to use oxolin ointment during pregnancy. However, this should only be done when absolutely necessary. For example, inthe period of an epidemic of a viral infection or by contact with a sick person. If it is possible to increase the immune forces of the body with folk remedies, then it is better to resort to them. These can be herbal and berry teas, natural honey, homemade jam, lemon and other fruits with a high content of ascorbic acid.
With the onset of the off-season, the likelihood of getting sick with a cold or flu increases. Oxolinic ointment during pregnancy helps prevent infection with these ailments. It is during this period that it is necessary to use oxolinic ointment before each exit from the house. Especially if it means visiting a public place. Pregnant women should not take strong medicines aimed at fighting infections, but it is allowed to prevent their entry into the body with the help of oxolin ointment. It has no contraindications and does not give side effects, which is extremely important for the child and the condition of the expectant mother.

Instructions for use
During the off-season, an acute surge of colds or when in contact with a patient, oxolinic ointment during pregnancy should be lubricated with the mucous membrane of the nasal passages. This is especially recommended before visiting crowded places. The ointment is applied with a fingertip or a cotton swab. To process one nasal passage, you will need a pea ointment. Its diameter should not exceed 5 mm. Do not take too much medicine. The agent is rubbed into the mucous membrane of the nasal passages slowly, gently and in a circular motion. After returning homeit is necessary to wash the nostrils with warm water to get rid of the remnants of the oxolin ointment.
For he althy pregnant women who do not complain of reduced immunity, oxolinic ointment during pregnancy can be used once a day, just before going outside. With an epidemic and acute spread of infectious diseases, the medicine is applied up to 3 times a day. The same dosage should be in contact with a sick person. If the expectant mother has a runny nose, before rubbing the ointment, you need to thoroughly clean the nasal passages. You can do this with water or homemade natural nasal rinses.

Rules for using the ointment
For the treatment of skin diseases, the ointment is applied to damaged areas no more than twice a day. The duration of the use of oxolinic ointment during pregnancy depends on the purpose and reason for its use. If treatment is necessary, the agent is applied within a week, and for prevention, this period can be increased to one month. Due to the strong antiviral effect, the medicine protects the expectant mother from many viral diseases. Of course, in order to protect herself from infection, a woman must use other means. For example, in contact with the patient, you need to use a disposable gauze bandage. Also, do not forget about proper, balanced nutrition and the use of vitamin complexes for pregnant women.
When used externally, oxolin enters the body in small doses. Active substancedrugs are excreted by the kidneys during the day. Doctors recommend using oxolinic ointment with caution during early pregnancy. In the first trimester, it can harm the fetus. It is during this period that the formation of internal organs and vital systems occurs in the embryo. At this time, it is better not to visit public places and try to increase immunity with vitamins and proper nutrition.
Storage rules
The shelf life of this medicine is 2 years. When buying oxolinic ointment, you need to check the release date. An expired drug should not be used. This is especially true for pregnant women. Ointment should be stored in the refrigerator. Manufacturers advise doing this at a temperature of 5 to 10 degrees Celsius.

Benefits of using oxolin ointment
This tool has an impressive list of benefits to use in the "interesting" position. Pregnant women can safely purchase oxolinic ointment due to its following properties:
- High efficiency in the fight against viral infections.
- No contraindications or side effects.
- The drug provides local protection. Once inserted into the nasal passages, viruses cannot enter the body.
- Ease of use. No need to mix and heat anything - the ointment is squeezed out of the tube and immediately applied to the nasal mucosa.
- The medicine can be used both for the treatment of a viral infection and for prevention.
Contraindications to the use of ointment
Instructions for use of the product states that the risks of pregnancy are not defined. The composition is quite safe, but no studies have been conducted on its use by pregnant women. Therefore, it is still not worth abusing the tool. Also, you can not use oxolinic ointment during pregnancy in the early stages. Numerous reviews of pregnant women and women who have already given birth indicate that the remedy is completely harmless if used in moderation in the second and third trimester.
The only contraindication is individual intolerance. It can be expressed by hypersensitivity, which often appears during pregnancy. This condition is characterized by redness, skin rash, burning sensation and itching. After a couple of hours after applying the ointment, they pass on their own. Oxolinic ointment should also not be used by allergy sufferers.

Means analogues
If the use of oxolinic ointment during pregnancy is not possible, you can use its analogues. Similar composition have drugs such as "Oxonaphthylin" and "Tetraxoline". If oxolinic ointment did not fit due to individual intolerance or an allergic reaction, replacing these drugs would not be a good choice. The active substance in their composition is also oxolin. The following drugs are considered similar drugs with a different composition:
- "Viferon". This medicine consists of recombinant human interferon. It is produced in the form of ointment, gel, drops, as well ascandles. According to the mode of action, this medicine differs significantly from oxolinic ointment. It does not protect against viruses, but helps fight them by activating the protective properties of the body. The drug is used for preventive purposes, as well as for the treatment of infections, including herpes.
- "Panavir". It is a gel made from vegetable raw materials. The medicine stimulates the production of natural interferon. It is used for preventive, therapeutic purposes, as well as for the treatment of many infections.
Before choosing a remedy for treatment or prevention during the period of bearing a child, you should consult a doctor. Pregnant women should not independently select medications, even according to reviews. Oxolinic ointment during pregnancy, although it is a harmless remedy, its use must be approved by a doctor.

Reviews on the use of oxolinic ointment
Numerous reviews of pregnant women create a good reputation for oxolinic ointment. Expectant mothers note that this tool is always recommended by a gynecologist, which is already the basis for its purchase. The ointment helped them protect themselves from contracting viral infections. Used it most often before leaving the house. Women claim that even in severe colds it was possible to maintain he alth in order thanks to oxolinic ointment. It not only prevented flu and colds, but also relieved herpetic eruptions, which often appear in the cold season.