Drugs 2024, October

Potassium chloride: properties, instructions for use in medicine

Potassium chloride: properties, instructions for use in medicine

In medicine, many substances are used that are designed not only for it. An example of this is potassium chloride. This substance is actively used in various spheres of human life. But in pharmacology, s alt potassium chloride has taken its important place

Analogue of "Claritin". Means for the treatment of allergies

Analogue of "Claritin". Means for the treatment of allergies

Almost half of the world's population suffers from allergies. To date, the nature of allergies is not fully understood. But, despite this, medical specialists have developed many antihistamines that can block unpleasant manifestations. One of them is the effective medicine Claritin. However, it is used not only for treatment. The instruction is positioned as an excellent prophylactic, as well as its analogues

Drug "Sinaflan": what helps, how much it costs

Drug "Sinaflan": what helps, how much it costs

When itching or eczema occurs, a person often buys Sinaflan ointment. What the drug helps from, find out from a really reliable source, increase your pharmacological literacy

Sedative pills: which are the best?

Sedative pills: which are the best?

Modern people have not heard about what rest and tranquility are for a long time. After all, in the pursuit of material we alth, many of them refuse to take a break, working literally for wear and tear. As a result of this, a person often has nervous breakdowns, increased anxiety, stress, depression, etc. In order to somehow normalize their psychological state, many people take calming pills

Herbal and synthetic sedatives

Herbal and synthetic sedatives

Sedatives are drugs designed to have a mild sedative effect on the functioning of the nervous system. Depending on their origin, they are divided into two main groups: synthetic and vegetable. In addition, there are sedatives produced on the basis of natural raw materials and artificial components

Drug "Calm down" - pills for irritability

Drug "Calm down" - pills for irritability

With the modern rhythm of life and constant stress, more and more people are using calming pills. The most popular drug with a sedative effect is the drug "Calm down". Tablets with such a flashy name are very effective. Their method of administration, properties and contraindications will be presented below

Drug "Tribestan": a review of patients

Drug "Tribestan": a review of patients

About the drug "Tribestan" there are a variety of points of view. What is this medication and why is the attitude towards it so ambiguous?

Tetracycline: new generation analogues

Tetracycline: new generation analogues

Tetracycline is an antibiotic that has been used since the mid-1950s. Today, many microorganisms are resistant to the 1st generation drug, they have adapted, and therefore the drug does not have such a detrimental effect on them as before. But even today, in difficult situations, doctors often recommend tetracycline: analogues of the new generation successfully cope with the disease

"Vita-Yodurol": cataract drops

"Vita-Yodurol": cataract drops

Cataract is a disease, the fight against which most often ends with a surgical replacement of the lens with an artificial lens. But at the very beginning of the disease, vitamin complexes fight it very effectively, which improve the supply of cells with oxygen and activate metabolic processes in them. It is to such drugs that the remedy "Vita-Yodurol" should be attributed

Sedative pills without prescriptions. Soothing pills: list

Sedative pills without prescriptions. Soothing pills: list

Many people are faced with a rather unpleasant phenomenon - a feeling that they are caught in a "vicious" circle - life, work, problems with relatives … Such thoughts cause anxiety, stress, depression. They do not allow you to relax and unwind. How to find a way out of such a situation? It's impossible to quit your job. You can't stop worrying. There is only one thing left - to buy sedative pills without prescriptions at the pharmacy

Best soothing syrup: reviews

Best soothing syrup: reviews

Permanent traffic jams, conflicts with colleagues, the struggle to fulfill plans, problems with spouses - all this, like a snowball, grows and at one fine moment makes itself felt with psychosomatic diseases, panic attacks, psychiatric deviations, symptoms VSD. It is difficult to list how many consequences this or that violation of the nervous system can entail. Calming syrups are a simple, cheap and effective way to keep your nervous system normal

Gastroprotectors are drugs that protect the gastric mucosa from the damaging effects of pepsin: a list of drugs

Gastroprotectors are drugs that protect the gastric mucosa from the damaging effects of pepsin: a list of drugs

Gastroprotectors are preparations that are astringent, mucous, enveloping agents that relieve pain spasms, envelop the mucosa, thereby protecting it from the aggressive effects of gastric juice

Cheap analogues of "Zovirax": names, descriptions and reviews

Cheap analogues of "Zovirax": names, descriptions and reviews

Antiviral agents have several varieties. Some are effective for influenza and SARS, others help against viral hepatitis and chicken pox. Compounds that cope with herpes are no less popular

Eye ointment "Hydrocortisone POS": instructions for use, composition and reviews

Eye ointment "Hydrocortisone POS": instructions for use, composition and reviews

"Hydrocortisone-POS" is a medicine used in ophthalmology. The drug is produced in the form of a yellowish ointment, which has a homogeneous homogeneous structure and a specific aroma. The main active ingredient is hydrocortisone acetate in the amount of 10 mg per 1 g. composition in a one percent version of the drug

Solution "Furacilin" for gargling the throat and mouth: instructions for use

Solution "Furacilin" for gargling the throat and mouth: instructions for use

Both in pediatrics and in adult practice, the Furacilin solution is often used to rinse the larynx. It is a clear yellow liquid that has a powerful anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effect. One of the effective methods of therapy for inflammatory lesions of the oropharynx are rinsing with antibacterial, antiseptic agents

"Doxycycline" for cystitis: instructions for use, reviews of hosts

"Doxycycline" for cystitis: instructions for use, reviews of hosts

In the article, we will consider how "Doxycycline" works with cystitis. During the treatment of inflammation of the bladder, a person needs antibacterial drugs. They are the basis of the therapy prescribed by the urologist. Among the huge list of antibiotics, it is worth highlighting "Doxycycline". What is its peculiarity, when the drug is effective, and how does it manifest itself?

The newest drug of our time "Azilect": active ingredient, form of release, indications, instructions for use, patient reviews

The newest drug of our time "Azilect": active ingredient, form of release, indications, instructions for use, patient reviews

The newest drug of our time "Azilect" is a drug for the treatment of Parkinson's disease, which is a selective inhibitor of monoamine oxidase, which serves as an enzyme that starts the process of removing the amino group from molecules. One of the actions of MAO (monoamine oxidase) is the destruction of dopamine, which acts as a neurotransmitter that transmits nerve impulses from cell to cell

"Hofitol" and alcohol: compatibility, consequences. "Hofitol": indications and instructions for use

"Hofitol" and alcohol: compatibility, consequences. "Hofitol": indications and instructions for use

Consider the compatibility of "Hofitol" with alcohol. Many people are prescribed such a drug for the treatment of biliary stagnation and other diseases that are associated with the digestive system. It allows you to effectively deal with cholecystitis, as well as dyskinesia, being at the same time a preventive measure for overeating

"Milgamma" - injection solution: indications, instructions for use, analogues

"Milgamma" - injection solution: indications, instructions for use, analogues

Solution "Milgamma" is a complex preparation containing vitamins from group B. This remedy is produced in pills for oral use, as well as in the form of a solution for injection. The main purpose of the drug is the treatment of neurological pathologies, which are accompanied by a violation of the conduction of the impulse in the tissues of the nerves

"Dexamethasone": composition of the drug, instructions for use, purpose

"Dexamethasone": composition of the drug, instructions for use, purpose

"Dexamethasone" is a medicine from the group of glucocorticosteroid hormones. The drug has anti-inflammatory, as well as anti-allergic and anti-edematous effects on the body. Tablets are intended for oral use and are available in blisters or dark glass bottles. The composition of the drug includes the active ingredient - dexamethasone

How to breed "Furacilin" for gargling a child: dilution proportions, use for children

How to breed "Furacilin" for gargling a child: dilution proportions, use for children

Let's figure out how to breed "Furacilin" for gargling a child. Immunity in children is not fully formed, and in this regard, they are more likely than adults to suffer from colds. A runny nose, along with a sore throat and sore throat, indicates the fact that pathogenic microscopic organisms have penetrated the mucous membranes

How to treat acute respiratory infections in an adult: medications and tips

How to treat acute respiratory infections in an adult: medications and tips

In the cool season, an acute respiratory disease may appear. ARI contributes to the deterioration of immunity, as well as frequent stress and overwork. If you notice the first signs of the disease, then you can eliminate it quickly without complications

The best drops for children from the common cold: a list of drugs, formulations and reviews

The best drops for children from the common cold: a list of drugs, formulations and reviews

What drops are better for a child to get a cold, the doctor will tell. With the right approach to treatment, the duration of a runny nose is no more than 10 days. In this case, it is necessary to take into account what medical remedies for the common cold can be used in childhood. Therapy of rhinitis is often complicated by the fact that the range of medicines for children is very limited

Neosmectin powder: what helps, instructions for use for children and adults, analogues, reviews

Neosmectin powder: what helps, instructions for use for children and adults, analogues, reviews

Consider what Neosmectin powder is prescribed for. It is an adsorbent of natural origin. This drug is produced in the form of powders for the preparation of suspensions for oral administration. The powder is a crumbly mass, yellowish-gray in color, with the smell of vanilla, lemon, orange or raspberry

"Ingalipt": composition of the drug, instructions for use

"Ingalipt": composition of the drug, instructions for use

Consider the composition of the drug "Ingalipt". This is a topical remedy with a pronounced anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and analgesic effect. This medicine is widely used in the development of inflammatory diseases of the oropharynx and upper respiratory canals

"Ursosan": composition of the drug, instructions for use, analogues and reviews

"Ursosan": composition of the drug, instructions for use, analogues and reviews

Consider the composition of the drug "Ursosan". The tool acts as a drug from a series of hepatoprotectors. They are protected from the harmful effects of liver cells, their membranes are stabilized, and the functioning of the organ improves. The protective effect on cells is associated with the numerous pharmacological properties of the drug, which relate to the improvement of bile outflow, the prevention of stone formation and their dissolution

Glaucoma drops: list of the best, indications and instructions

Glaucoma drops: list of the best, indications and instructions

In the article, consider a list of drops from glaucoma. This is a terrible eye disease that leads to loss of vision. According to statistics, this pathology affects approximately 3% of the population, and in 15% of blind people this disease has caused blindness. The risk group for the development of this disease includes people over 40 years old, however, in ophthalmic practice, there are forms of the disease that affect younger patients (congenital and juvenile glaucoma)

Dragee "Evening Plus" (valerian and motherwort): instructions for use, reviews

Dragee "Evening Plus" (valerian and motherwort): instructions for use, reviews

Dragee "Evening Plus" with valerian and motherwort is a sedative, antispasmodic and anticonvulsant herbal remedy. This biologically active food supplement is manufactured by the Russian pharmaceutical company Parapharm. The absence of sugar allows people with diabetes to take dietary supplements

Antiviral in the nose: a list of effective drugs for children and adults

Antiviral in the nose: a list of effective drugs for children and adults

There are several types of medicines against viruses in the form of drops, ointments and sprays. The most common are drops based on human interferon - a polypeptide that has an immunomodulatory and antiviral effect. In addition, the active components are interferon inducers - substances that actively stimulate the production of natural interferon in the body

Effective wet cough remedies: a review of drugs and folk recipes

Effective wet cough remedies: a review of drugs and folk recipes

Cough is one of the most common symptoms of colds. It gives people a lot of inconvenience. There are more than enough drugs to combat it, most of which are sold without a prescription. It is worth saying that the choice of wet cough remedies is determined by various nuances

Pills for varicose veins on the legs: a list of the most effective drugs

Pills for varicose veins on the legs: a list of the most effective drugs

Pills for varicose veins in the legs - this is one of the most popular means that helps to cope with this disease. Complex therapy with the use of this dosage form significantly alleviates the patient's condition and helps prevent the progression of the pathological process in the venous vessels

Indications and method of application of "Rotokan"

Indications and method of application of "Rotokan"

"Rotokan" is an anti-inflammatory agent made on the basis of vegetable raw materials. The medicinal herbs included in its composition are widely used in folk and official medicine, they exhibit wound healing, disinfectant, antispasmodic, sedative and hemostatic effects

Angiotensin 2 receptor blockers: drugs and mechanism of action

Angiotensin 2 receptor blockers: drugs and mechanism of action

Both the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular disease requires a responsible and serious approach. This kind of problem is becoming more and more common among people today. Therefore, many tend to treat them somewhat lightly. Such people often either completely ignore the need to undergo treatment, or take drugs without a doctor's prescription (on the advice of friends)

Insulin analogues: a review of drugs, instructions for use

Insulin analogues: a review of drugs, instructions for use

In the treatment of diabetes, injections of artificial insulin are used. This is a chemical component, the effect of which is similar to a natural hormone. The pharmaceutical market is full of drugs that affect the body like a natural substance. People need to know how these medicines differ, what nuances of use they have, as well as their cost. This will help you choose the most suitable tool

Drug "Odeston": indications for use, instructions, composition, analogues, reviews

Drug "Odeston": indications for use, instructions, composition, analogues, reviews

In the article, we will consider the instructions for use, price and reviews for Odeston. It is a synthetic agent classified as a drug that stimulates the production of bile (choleretic) and promotes its penetration into the intestines (cholekinetic). Bile is a biological fluid produced by liver cells

Antifungal drugs are inexpensive and effective: list, instructions for use, reviews

Antifungal drugs are inexpensive and effective: list, instructions for use, reviews

Mycosis, or fungus of the skin and nails, is one common disease that can affect people of all age groups. It is impossible to develop immunity to fungi, so fungal infections continue to maintain a leading position among all skin problems. To date, more than 400 strains of fungi are known to be dangerous to humans

"Phenazepam" (solution for injection): instructions for use, analogues and reviews

"Phenazepam" (solution for injection): instructions for use, analogues and reviews

The dosing regimen of the "Phenazepam" solution differs from that of the tablets. The drug has a pronounced anxiolytic, as well as muscle relaxant and hypnotic effect. Phenazepam injection solution can be harmful if used incorrectly. The drug has an impressive list of contraindications, as well as a high risk of side effects (especially if the patient violates the dosing rules)

Inexpensive drugs for potency: a list of the most effective

Inexpensive drugs for potency: a list of the most effective

Traditional and folk medicine offer a large number of ways to increase potency. An inexpensive but effective drug can be quite difficult to choose. In addition, without eliminating the underlying cause of such disorders, any therapy is useless. To solve this problem, it is best to consult a doctor who, on the basis of laboratory and instrumental diagnostic procedures, will determine the causes of a decrease in potency

Preparations for bloating and flatulence: review, composition, instructions for use

Preparations for bloating and flatulence: review, composition, instructions for use

Bloating is a common problem that almost everyone has experienced. It appears due to malnutrition, overeating, low physical activity, as well as various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. There are many drugs that help quickly get rid of this problem. What effective pills for bloating and gas formation can be bought at a pharmacy? How to take them correctly?

What does Actovegin treat: description of the drug, indications for use, instructions, side effects, reviews

What does Actovegin treat: description of the drug, indications for use, instructions, side effects, reviews

"Actovegin" is a medicine that has an antihypoxic effect, stimulating the transport and absorption of oxygen and glucose by cells of various organs and tissues. As a result of a strong antihypoxic effect, the drug is also considered a universal accelerator of metabolism in all organs and tissues