The dosing regimen of the "Phenazepam" solution differs from that of the tablets. The drug has a pronounced anxiolytic, as well as muscle relaxant and hypnotic effect. Phenazepam injection solution can be harmful if used incorrectly. The drug has an impressive list of contraindications, as well as a high risk of side effects (especially if the patient violates the dosing rules).
Composition and formulation of the drug
The drug is produced in two forms of release - tablets for oral administration and a solution for intravenous and intramuscular injections. In a hospital, the Phenazepam solution is more often used. In Latin, the recipe indicates its name: Bromdihydrochlorphenylbenzodiazepinum or Phenazepamum. Some doctors prefer to use the injectable form only in a hospital setting, and for subsequenttreatment at home write out a tablet form. Therefore, tablets are relatively more in demand among patients than the solution.

"Phenazepam" in solution and in tablets is a strictly prescription drug, belongs to the class of psychoactive substances, can provoke the appearance of drug and psychological dependence if used incorrectly. A valid prescription from a psychiatrist or neurologist must contain the following information:
- stamp of the medical institution where the doctor works;
- date of drug prescription;
- F. Name and age of the patient;
- F. Acting Doctor;
- prescribing medicine in Latin (some doctors prescribe the name of the active substance, some - the name of the drug);
- instructing the pharmacist on the specifics of dispensing the medicine to the patient - how many tablets or ampoules can be sold;
- doctor's signature, personal and institutional seal.
The prescription in Latin for the solution "Phenazepam" (it is obligatory entered into the prescription for the purchase of the drug at the pharmacy) is as follows: Amp. Phenazepamum 0, 001 No. 10. Such a record means that the doctor approved the purchase of one package with ten ampoules of the drug, 0.001 mg each.
The cardboard pack is completed with ten ampoules of the "Phenazepam" solution (each of which is 1 ml), a scarifier and instructions for using the drug. If there is a skill in performing injections, then the patient can inject himself at home. However, most often the Phenazepam solution is used in a hospital setting. This precaution is due to the fact that the tablets are more difficult to overdose. And with the frivolous amateurish use of the Phenazepam injection solution, the consequences for the patient's condition can be extremely disappointing.

Pharmacological action of the drug "Phenazepam"
The drug, regardless of the form of release, is usually attributed to the medicinal group of anxiolytics. However, unlike most of its "neighbors" in the pharmacological group, "Phenazepam" has a number of advantages. In addition to the anxiolytic (sedative) action, the drug has the following properties:
- sleeping pills (patients note that they fall asleep almost immediately after taking the required dose, for this reason, a prescription for the Phenazepam solution must be taken from the doctor, self-administration is not possible);
- muscle relaxant action, i.e. relaxation of the muscles of the body;
- antineurotic (the sedative effect is so powerful that nervous tics disappear during the intake, the patient's psychotic state returns to normal).
Some doctors believe that "Phenazepam" is closer in action to drugs of the class of tranquilizers. However, the drug has been considered an anxiolytic since Soviet times, despite the fact that its action is much more powerful than most typical anxiolytics, which is confirmed even by the instructions for use.
Solution for injection "Phenazepam"as the main active ingredient contains bromdihydrochlorophenylbenzodiazepine at a concentration of 0.001%. The drug was created by Soviet pharmacists and in the first years after the synthesis was used exclusively in psychiatry as a powerful tranquilizer. However, over time it became clear that the use of high dosages of bromdihydrochlorophenylbenzodiazepine leads to negative consequences, and the resulting drug has a large number of side effects. Therefore, over time, the substance began to be used in tiny doses and a short course as a supportive agent. Therefore, it is customary to classify "Phenazepam" not as a tranquilizer, but as an anxiolytic. Despite this, the drug is sold strictly by prescription.
The "Phenazepam" solution, when administered intramuscularly or intravenously, enters the blood as quickly as possible, then acting on the amygdala complex of the visceral brain (limbic system). When the dosage is exceeded, it causes euphoria, then a sound sleep with colorful visions. In some patients, on the contrary, there is the appearance of aggression and an increase in psychoticism.

Indications for the use of "Phenazepam"
We remind you that only the attending physician should decide on the advisability of taking this drug. Self-administration is prohibited. Instructions for use for the solution "Phenazepam" reports that the drug is used for the following diagnoses and conditions:
- pseudo-neurotic and neurotic states during the periodexacerbations;
- psychopathy of various etiologies;
- panic attacks, feelings of fear, severe anxiety;
- insomnia;
- reactive psychosis;
- hypochondriac syndrome;
- alcoholic delirium (as part of complex therapy);
- temporal and myoclonic epilepsy;
- nervous tick;
- dyskinesia;
- anxiety-depressive disorder;
- withdrawal in chemically dependent individuals;
- muscle stiffness;
- lability of the autonomic nervous system.
In connection with the possibility of developing drug and psychological dependence on the drug, you should strictly observe the dosages prescribed by the doctor and the duration of the course of treatment. The instruction for the Phenazepam solution reports that if side effects appear in the first days, then the dosage should be halved. If after that the severity of side effects does not become less, then you should stop taking the drug and choose an analogue with a different active substance.

Possible side effects
Instructions for the solution for injection "Phenazepam" reports that the following side effects may develop when used:
- From the side of the nervous system - ataxia, impaired attention, problems with the ability to concentrate, apathy, slowing down of the speed of motor reactions, headaches, tremor of the limbs, memory impairment, dystonic extrapyramidal disorders. Overdose in some patientseuphoria develops, others become depressed.
- Often, side effects are observed from the vestibular apparatus - the patient staggers, cannot walk in a straight line, he develops severe dizziness. In this regard, the solution "Phenazepam" is used mainly in hospitals, in extreme cases - in a day hospital.
- In relatively rare cases, when taking the medicine, the patient shows irritability, anger, aggression, excessive anxiety. In this case, the attending physician should consider adjusting the prescribed dose. Most likely, for a particular patient, the dosage used is small, it is necessary to increase it.
- On the part of the hematopoietic system during treatment with the drug, the following side effects may be observed: a decrease in the concentration of leukocytes, erythrocytes, platelets. In rare cases, against the background of therapy, a decrease in hemoglobin levels is observed.
- The following side effects may develop from the digestive system: constipation, heartburn, nausea (especially when injected on an empty stomach), increased levels of alkaline phosphatase in the blood. Also, many patients report persistent dry mouth during treatment.
- Allergic reactions may occur - itchy skin, eczema, dermatitis, etc.

Drug addiction and withdrawal
Separately, it is worth mentioning the side effects experienced by a patient with a developed dependence on the drug. When trying to stop taking, a person experiences the followingstatus:
- lower blood pressure;
- weakness, apathy, decreased performance;
- significant weight loss;
- lack of appetite;
- constant anger, intense irritability;
- severe sleep problems up to insomnia for several days.
The presence of these symptoms indicates the appearance of a withdrawal syndrome. Of course, the percentage of the Phenazepam solution is small - 0.1%, and the likelihood of developing dependence is extremely small. But if such a solution is used daily for more than two months, almost any patient will develop addiction.
How to beat Phenazepam withdrawal syndrome? It is very difficult to do this at home. some patients are even forced to go to the clinic in order to get rid of the symptoms of dependence on the drug. As a rule, mild tranquilizers, physiotherapy, and individual psychotherapy sessions are used in the treatment.

Contraindications to the use of the drug
Instructions for use for "Phenazepam" reports that there are the following contraindications to its use:
- shock or coma;
- myasthenia gravis;
- angle-closure glaucoma;
- pregnancy and lactation period;
- under 18s;
- hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.
It should be noted that the drug can provoke an increase inrespiratory failure.
Recommended dosage and route of administration
"Phenazepam" in the form of a solution is intended for injection into a muscle or vein by jet or drip method. A single dose of the drug is from 0.0005 to 0.001 g. The maximum allowable dose is 0.01 g.
The following dosing regimen is recommended depending on the patient's condition and diagnosis:
- In order to relieve psychotic and anxiety states that are not accompanied by aggression and hallucinations - from 0.003 to 0.005 g, which corresponds to 3-5 ml of 0.1% solution. At the discretion of the attending physician, the dosage may be exceeded by 1.5 times.
- For epileptic seizures, the drug is administered at a dose of 0.0005 g or more, depending on the diagnosis made by the doctor.
- During the period of withdrawal syndrome provoked by chronic alcoholism or drug addiction, the dosage of the administered drug is from 0.0025 to 0.005 g.
- If it is necessary to prepare the patient for anesthesia, then the drug should be administered very slowly intravenously several hours before surgery at a dose equal to 0.003 to 0.004 g.
The average duration of treatment with "Phenazepam" is two weeks. In some cases, at the discretion of the attending physician, the course may last three or four weeks. But in this case, it is necessary to adjust the dosage in such a way that the risk of developing drug dependence is minimized.

Consequences of drug overdose
You should start with the lowest doses so as not to provoke overdose symptoms. They appear as follows:
- dizziness, loss of coordination;
- sometimes hallucinations begin (depending on the individual characteristics of the patient and how much the dosage was exceeded);
- deep sleep on the verge of coma;
- motor activity;
- akathisia;
- limb tremor;
- severe headache;
- nausea and vomiting spasms.
If the overdose was caused by injections of the drug, then Enterosgel or other adsorbing drugs should be taken. If the overdose was caused by taking pills, then you need to induce vomiting or flush the stomach yourself with plenty of water or call an ambulance.
Recommended analogues of Phenazepam solution
If for one reason or another this drug did not suit the patient, then you should pay attention to its analogues:
- "Diazepam" is a powerful sedative, the release form is tablets and ampoules for injection, sold strictly by prescription, as it has narcotic potential (may provoke addiction).
- "Seduxen" is also available in tablets and ampoules for injection, has a powerful hypnotic and sedative effect.
- "Grandaxin" is available in the form of tablets, the main active ingredient is tofisopam, belongs to the class of tranquilizers and antidepressants.
- "Nozepam" is available in the form of tablets, belongs to the class of tranquilizers of the benzodiazepine series, has a powerful sedative effect.
- "Lorazepam" is available in the form of ampoules for injection and tablets for oral use. Belongs to the class of tranquilizers. Sold strictly by prescription, has narcotic potential.
Reviews on the use of the drug for insomnia
Sleep problems can sometimes become a real problem and seriously complicate a person's life. Lack of normal sleep affects the state of higher nervous activity. The person becomes apathetic, inattentive. Working capacity decreases, the desire to communicate or engage in hobbies disappears. Often the patient would be glad to get enough sleep - but the next night turns into a nightmare and the inability to get even a little rest.
Using Phenazepam tablets or injections helps to forget about sleep problems. Patients note that even after taking the minimum dosage of the drug, ten minutes later there is severe drowsiness and subsequent strong and prolonged sleep. However, it cannot be argued that insomnia can be cured by taking Phenazepam. A competent neurologist, before prescribing this or that drug, will always try to find out the cause of sleep problems and make an accurate diagnosis. You can take "Phenazepam" for two weeks, no longer. During this time, it is necessary to examine the patient as much as possible and prescribe a comprehensive treatment that will help get rid of the cause of the appearance of problems withsleep.
"Phenazepam" (solution): reviews of patients with alcoholic delirium
People with chronic alcohol dependence often have psychosis, increased anxiety, and delirium develops with heavy drinking. "Phenazepam" in ampoules (percentage of solution - 0, 1) is used both in withdrawal syndrome and in acute psychotic conditions that have developed as a result of alcohol abuse.
Reviews of patients report that injections of "Phenazepam" almost instantly relieve the state of acute withdrawal. A person falls asleep, irritability and aggression pass. True, after a course of injections, patients note some lethargy and apathy. It is not recommended to get behind the wheel and perform responsible work during the period of treatment of withdrawal symptoms.
The situation is more complicated if delirium is treated with Phenazepam injections. This condition is very complex, and one drug may not be enough for therapy. An experienced psychiatrist usually prescribes complex treatment for a patient with acute alcoholic psychosis or who is in delirium. The main measure of treatment is not taking pills or receiving injections, but not drinking alcohol. Otherwise, the condition will progress and over time, alcoholic encephalopathy, i.e., dementia, may develop. In no case should attempts be made to self-treat with Phenazepam - people with alcohol addiction are almost guaranteed to get drug addiction as a result of such attempts.