Drugs 2024, October

"Xymelin" with menthol: instructions for use, reviews

"Xymelin" with menthol: instructions for use, reviews

Xymelin with menthol is available as a clear, colorless liquid. It is a locally acting vasoconstrictor drug used to treat the common cold and various otolaryngological diseases. In the process of contact with the nasal mucosa, this remedy contributes to the narrowing of the vessels dilated due to the common cold, as a result, swelling decreases, and at the same time, irritation of the mucous membrane is also minimized

Drug "Ketorol": indications for use, instructions, analogues

Drug "Ketorol": indications for use, instructions, analogues

"Ketorol" is a fairly powerful analgesic non-narcotic drug, characterized by a good antipyretic effect and anti-inflammatory activity. But its main action is to relieve pain (analgesic property). Due to this, the drug is ideal for the relief of severe and moderate pain, mainly associated with traumatic tissue damage

"Indapamide": contraindications and side effects, instructions, reviews

"Indapamide": contraindications and side effects, instructions, reviews

Consider the instructions for use and contraindications "Indapamide". It is a drug with vasodilatory, diuretic and hypotensive properties. It is produced by several foreign and Russian pharmaceutical companies: Teva (Israel), PRANAPHARM LLC, Valenta Pharmaceuticals OJSC (Russia), German STADA Artsneimittel, Hemofarm (Serbia and Montenegro), Ukrainian JSC Stoma

Eye drops "Taurine-Solofarm": instructions for use

Eye drops "Taurine-Solofarm": instructions for use

Eye drops called "Taurine-Solopharm" are a sulfur-containing amino acid that improves eye nutrition and stimulates recovery processes. Currently, this remedy has become popular in the field of ophthalmology and is increasingly being prescribed to patients

Is it possible to take "Phenazepam" with alcohol: the consequences of co-administration. Forms of release, dosage and instructions for use "Phenazepam"

Is it possible to take "Phenazepam" with alcohol: the consequences of co-administration. Forms of release, dosage and instructions for use "Phenazepam"

The drug belongs to the group of tranquilizers. "Phenazepam" is produced in two dosage forms: tablets and solution for parenteral administration. The composition of the tablets "Phenazepam" is included in the substance of the same name

Antibiotic in suspension for children: a list of drugs

Antibiotic in suspension for children: a list of drugs

Infections in childhood are quite difficult to avoid. Some of them usually require the use of antibiotics. Often parents are afraid of the need to take such drugs, because there are many myths about their endless harm to the body. But it should be remembered that doctors prescribe antibiotic treatment only if the benefit outweighs the harm

"Elkar", syrup: instructions for use for children, reviews

"Elkar", syrup: instructions for use for children, reviews

Metabolic, or metabolic processes, constantly occurring in the body, are the basis of human life. Some substances break down and release the energy that is necessary for the organs to carry out their work, others are transformed into building material. Violation of such processes has a negative impact on the functioning of all systems, leading to the development of many diseases. To replenish energy in the body, a syrup for children "Elkar" was created

"Fluconazole" ("Vertex"): reviews, composition, release form, indications for use

"Fluconazole" ("Vertex"): reviews, composition, release form, indications for use

The drug "Fluconazole" is an antifungal drug from the category of triazole derivatives. The drug is produced by the Russian pharmaceutical company CJSC VERTEX, which is located in St. Petersburg. Reviews of "Fluconazole" from "Vertex" will be presented below

"Strepsils" with a warming effect: instructions for use, composition, reviews

"Strepsils" with a warming effect: instructions for use, composition, reviews

The drug "Strepsils" is an antiseptic medicine of the combined type. Designed for local use in dentistry and otolaryngology. Among all the varieties of this medication on sale you can find "Strepsils" with a warming effect

"Essentiale forte-N": reviews of doctors about the drug, instructions and analogues

"Essentiale forte-N": reviews of doctors about the drug, instructions and analogues

All human organs are important and necessary. Each of them not only ensures the smooth functioning of the body, but also requires self-care. In particular, the liver contributes to normal metabolism, neutralizes toxins, is involved in the processing of food and the absorption of trace elements. Problems with its functioning can lead to irreversible consequences. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to emerging alarming symptoms

Side effects of "Fluconazole" in women and men, reviews

Side effects of "Fluconazole" in women and men, reviews

Consider the side effects of Fluconazole. Thrush, which doctors call candidiasis, is a fungal disease that affects the mucous membranes of the genital organs in adults and the oral cavity in children. It occurs in both sexes and often requires mandatory treatment. This disease goes away on its own only if it occurs due to dysbacteriosis of the genital organs, which is provoked by taking large doses of antibiotics

Drug "Nurofen" during pregnancy

Drug "Nurofen" during pregnancy

"Nurofen" refers to anti-inflammatory drugs with analgesic effect. It is quite often prescribed for children with toothache, and also as an antipyretic. Women use it for painful menstruation and headaches. It is also effective at the first sign of the flu

The best sorbents for cleansing the body: description, features, rating, reviews

The best sorbents for cleansing the body: description, features, rating, reviews

Knowing the features, reviews of sorbents for cleansing the body, you can improve your he alth by spending a relatively small amount on it. Information, by the way, is much more useful than it might seem otherwise, because a modern person, especially a city dweller, is constantly in conditions of aggressive external factors that pollute the body. A person contributes a lot to this himself, using the wrong, unhe althy food

"Zirtek" for children: instructions for use, dosage, analogues

"Zirtek" for children: instructions for use, dosage, analogues

Zirtek, in the form of drops for oral use, is produced by the manufacturer specifically for the treatment of children. Able to exhibit anti-exudative and anti-allergic effects. Indicated for use if there is a disease of allergic etiology, as an element of complex therapy aimed at eliminating nasal congestion and edema

"Bifidumbacterin": instructions for use, analogues and reviews

"Bifidumbacterin": instructions for use, analogues and reviews

Many diseases appear when the number of bifidobacteria decreases. At the same time, they talk about the development of dysbacteriosis or a violation of the intestinal microflora. For the treatment of this pathology, probiotics are used, the best of which is considered "Bifidumbacterin"

Treatment of sore throats at home: features, recommendations

Treatment of sore throats at home: features, recommendations

Throat diseases can be attributed to the most common ailments that often bother a person during cold periods, when there is a high probability of infectious diseases. One of the most common pathologies that needs to be treated urgently and without fail is angina. Its main symptom is redness and swelling of the tonsils

The best antibiotics for colds: a list and reviews of drugs

The best antibiotics for colds: a list and reviews of drugs

The article reflects the classification and principle of action of the best antibiotics for colds and flu. Recommendations are given on the choice of drugs for adults and children, the presence of side effects and contraindications in antibiotic treatment is reflected

Drug "Canephron": instructions for use, course of treatment, analogues, reviews

Drug "Canephron": instructions for use, course of treatment, analogues, reviews

"Canephron" is a drug used to treat diseases of the urinary system. It has an anti-inflammatory effect, normalizes the process of urination, eliminates the recurrence of cystitis

"Bifidumbacterin" for newborns: instructions for use, analogues and reviews

"Bifidumbacterin" for newborns: instructions for use, analogues and reviews

The intestines of a baby just born into the world are absolutely sterile, but from the first day of his life bacteria begin to settle here. Some of them are useful for the child's body. Others, on the contrary, provoke the appearance of negative symptoms. The latter include pathogenic flora, which interferes with the proper digestion of food and contributes to the formation of gases, and it, in turn, causes a number of consequences - intestinal colic, bloating, decreased appetite, etc

"Logest": reviews, instructions for use, composition, analogues, side effects and contraindications

"Logest": reviews, instructions for use, composition, analogues, side effects and contraindications

When planning a family, it is important to choose an effective and convenient method of protecting a woman from an unwanted pregnancy. The most common method is hormonal contraceptive methods. The right remedy both prevents pregnancy and additionally helps to establish certain functions of the body

Insulin in bodybuilding - application features, dosage and reviews

Insulin in bodybuilding - application features, dosage and reviews

In bodybuilding, to achieve the ideal result, you can not do without additional drugs that stimulate the growth of muscle mass. These include insulin, a peptide hormone that is produced in our body. Injectable insulin has been used in bodybuilding for a long time, but is rarely used by beginners due to numerous side effects. You can read about the pros and cons of insulin in bodybuilding in this article

Turpentine ointment: application, instructions, reviews

Turpentine ointment: application, instructions, reviews

This is an effective herbal anti-inflammatory agent. The ointment is prescribed to eliminate pain of various origins, including muscle and joint. In addition, the drug is able to relieve cough in some pathologies of the bronchi and lungs. Due to its anti-inflammatory properties, the ointment helps to alleviate the course of infectious diseases of a respiratory viral nature

Ointment "Troxevasin" during pregnancy: instructions for use, reviews

Ointment "Troxevasin" during pregnancy: instructions for use, reviews

Pregnancy is not only a joyful expectation of a child, but often - sore legs, swelling, varicose veins of the lower extremities, inflammation of hemorrhoids. "Troxevasin" during pregnancy is an effective drug that can save a pregnant woman from such problems

The best calcium supplements: list and reviews

The best calcium supplements: list and reviews

There are different calcium preparations in which this mineral is in the form of s alts. The choice of variety depends on the purpose of the drug, the age and individual characteristics of the patient. Therefore, only a doctor can determine which drug is better to take

"Paracetamol" and alcohol - consequences. How to take "Paracetamol" for an adult?

"Paracetamol" and alcohol - consequences. How to take "Paracetamol" for an adult?

Paracetamol is one of the most popular antipyretic and pain medications. Its second name, common in a number of countries, is "Acetaminophen". This drug effectively reduces the temperature, relieves toothache and headache. However, it does not cause side effects that are typical for most anti-inflammatory drugs. However, large doses of it have a negative effect on the functioning of the circulatory system, kidneys, and liver

"Renny" during pregnancy: instructions for use and reviews

"Renny" during pregnancy: instructions for use and reviews

The antacid "Renny" has been in demand for many years among medicines that treat heartburn. The medicine quickly eliminates discomfort. But is Rennie possible during pregnancy? In the reviews, experts testify to the safety and effectiveness of the drug in this period

Effective antibiotics for bronchitis: a list and reviews about them

Effective antibiotics for bronchitis: a list and reviews about them

Bronchitis is an inflammatory disease of the bronchi that can be caused by a variety of causes, such as viral infections, atypical pathogens, or chemical exposure. About which antibiotics for bronchitis are used today, as well as which of them are the most effective, we will tell further

"Lizobakt" during pregnancy: instructions for use, features and analogues

"Lizobakt" during pregnancy: instructions for use, features and analogues

"Lyzobakt" is not a new drug on the pharmaceutical market. It has long been prescribed during pregnancy to relieve sore throat. In medical practice around the world, it is considered highly effective in the treatment of respiratory diseases

Broad-spectrum antihelminthics for children

Broad-spectrum antihelminthics for children

Helminthiases are highly contagious, and young children are especially susceptible to these diseases. And in order to rid the child of worms, special medicines are needed. There are many such drugs, but broad-spectrum antihelminthic drugs are most often used for children

"Gaviscon" during pregnancy: indications, instructions for use and composition

"Gaviscon" during pregnancy: indications, instructions for use and composition

The drug "Gaviscon" during pregnancy is used quite often, as expectant mothers experience heartburn and discomfort while carrying a baby. This drug is considered completely safe for the fetus, but it is very important to follow the instructions and follow all the doctor's recommendations

Appendicitis: symptoms and first manifestations

Appendicitis: symptoms and first manifestations

The symptoms of appendicitis are diverse, and the main insidiousness of the disease is that its manifestations are often confused with a simple cold or other diseases. Sometimes appendicitis is similar to cholecystitis, in other cases it manifests itself as signs characteristic of inflammation of the appendages or even pregnancy with attachment of the fetal egg outside the uterus

Candles "Polygynax" during pregnancy: instructions for use, features and reviews

Candles "Polygynax" during pregnancy: instructions for use, features and reviews

In some cases, women during pregnancy may experience unwanted and very specific diseases such as microflora disorders and candidiasis. Such diseases can manifest themselves with unpleasant symptoms, and can also pose a threat to the development of the fetus. This danger lies in the fact that when the child is born, he will have to go through the infected, inflamed paths

"Sanorin" during pregnancy: instructions for use, composition and reviews

"Sanorin" during pregnancy: instructions for use, composition and reviews

This article will tell you about the following drugs: "Sanorin", "Sanorin with Eucalyptus Oil", "Sanorin-analergin", as well as the composition of these drugs, their mechanism of action, indications and contraindications. In addition, this article will reveal the answer to the question of whether these drugs can be used during pregnancy

The use of "Dopegit" during pregnancy: instructions, reviews

The use of "Dopegit" during pregnancy: instructions, reviews

"Dopegit" during pregnancy by doctors is prescribed to patients with high blood pressure quite often. This mild medicine is able, among other things, to cross the placenta. However, it does not cause any harm to the fetus

"Mezim" during pregnancy: instructions for use, features and reviews

"Mezim" during pregnancy: instructions for use, features and reviews

Using "Mezim" during pregnancy and lactation. Advantages and disadvantages of the drug. The composition of this tool and its principle of action. Mezima analogues and storage rules. Dosage of the drug. Contraindications and side effects

Valerian during early pregnancy

Valerian during early pregnancy

Valerian is a medicinal product of natural origin. For the manufacture of this drug, only the rhizomes of the plant are used. Valerian is available both in tablets and as a tincture. Among other things, in large pharmacies, you can directly purchase rhizomes, from which it is possible to make a decoction yourself

Duphaston drug when planning pregnancy: application features, instructions and reviews

Duphaston drug when planning pregnancy: application features, instructions and reviews

If women had certain diseases some 30 years ago, doctors would have called a married couple completely infertile and put an end to this. Now doctors can say with confidence that the problem is not so significant and can be completely solved with the help of hormone therapy

Hemostatic drugs for menstruation: list, application features and reviews

Hemostatic drugs for menstruation: list, application features and reviews

How to stop heavy bleeding during menstruation is a question many women ask. In order to choose the right hemostatic drug for menstruation, you need to find out the cause that caused the pathology. With this, you should contact a specialist, only he will be able to determine the source of the problem

"Relief" during pregnancy: instructions for use, reviews

"Relief" during pregnancy: instructions for use, reviews

How to use suppositories and ointment "Relief" during pregnancy. Instructions for use and side effects. Types of the drug and their features. The composition of the drug and its analogues. Rules for use during pregnancy

Medicines that thin sputum for children and adults: list, instructions for use, composition

Medicines that thin sputum for children and adults: list, instructions for use, composition

Unproductive cough often occurs with infectious and inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory organs. To eliminate this unpleasant symptom, adult patients are prescribed drugs that dilute the pathological secretion