Neosmectin powder: what helps, instructions for use for children and adults, analogues, reviews

Neosmectin powder: what helps, instructions for use for children and adults, analogues, reviews
Neosmectin powder: what helps, instructions for use for children and adults, analogues, reviews

Consider what Neosmectin powder is prescribed for. It is an adsorbent of natural origin. This drug is produced in the form of powders for the preparation of suspensions for oral administration. The powder is a crumbly mass of yellowish-gray color with the smell of vanilla, lemon, orange or raspberry. The powder is packaged in heat-sealed sachets made of combined material. A carton or plastic bag contains 30, 20, 10, 5, 3 or 1 sachet.

The composition of the powder includes an active element - dioctahedral smectite. As an auxiliary component in the production of Neosmectin, the following are used: dextrose monohydrate, sodium saccharin, vanillin, flavors - orange, lemon, raspberry.

neosmectin in case of poisoning
neosmectin in case of poisoning

Pharmacological properties

To understand what Neosmectin powder helps with, consider its pharmacological properties. A drug of natural origin that hasadsorbing effect. It stabilizes the mucous barrier, forms a polyvalent bond with mucus glycoproteins, increases the volume of mucus, normalizes its gastroprotective properties (in relation to the action of hydrochloric acid, pathogens, their toxins, bile s alts). The medicinal product has selective sorption properties, which are due to its discoid-crystal structure.

Neosmectin powder adsorbs pathogenic viruses and bacteria in the lumen of the digestive organs. In therapeutic dosages, the drug does not have a direct effect on intestinal motility and other effects.

Indications for prescription

Adsorbent medication is indicated for the following pathological conditions:

  1. Diarrhea due to changes in food quality, eating disorders, and allergic and medicinal origin.
  2. Infectious type diarrhea (as part of complex treatment).
  3. Heartburn, discomfort and heaviness in the abdomen, flatulence (in the treatment of symptoms caused by the development of diseases of the stomach and intestines).

From what Neosmectin powder helps, is described in detail in the instructions.

neosmectin instructions for use for children
neosmectin instructions for use for children

List of contraindications

The category of absolute contraindications to taking the suspension includes intestinal obstruction and hypersensitivity to the composition of the drug. Relative contraindications are diabetes mellitus due to the presence in the composition of thisdextrose medications. How to give "Neosmectin" to children and adults?

Dosage and method of administration

A suspension prepared from a powder is taken orally. Recommended daily dosages of the adsorbent depending on the age of the patient:

  • up to 1 year - 1 sachet;
  • 1-2 years - 2 sachets;
  • 2-12 years - 2-3 sachets;
  • after 12 years and adult patients - 3 sachets.

Instructions for use for "Neosmectin" for children and adults must be strictly observed.

The daily volume of the drug is divided into 3-4 doses. The powder should be slowly poured into 100 ml of liquid and stirred evenly. If the suspension is prepared for a child, the powder should be diluted in 50 ml of liquid.

What is the most effective use of "Neosmectin" - before or after meals? It should be consumed before meals, with the exception of heartburn. With this ailment, the remedy must be consumed after meals.

stomach ache what to do
stomach ache what to do

Adverse reactions

Against the background of taking a pharmacological agent, the following responses of the body may occur: constipation (intestinal functions, as a rule, are restored after a decrease in the dosage of the drug), hypersensitivity phenomena. If you experience negative manifestations, you should consult a doctor.

Special Recommendations

For young children, you can dissolve the contents of the package "Neosmectin" from poisoning in a baby bottle (50 ml). The suspension should be given to the child several times during the day, or mixed with anyproducts, such as mashed potatoes, cereals, baby food, compote.

When a single dosage of the drug is less than 1 sachet, the finished but unused suspension is placed in a closed container, it is stored in the refrigerator for no more than 16 hours (temperature 2-8 ° C). It is recommended to shake the drug thoroughly before each use.

This confirms the instructions for use for "Neosmectin" for children and adults.

what is the difference between smecta and neosmectin
what is the difference between smecta and neosmectin

It is required to observe a period of 1-2 hours between taking the medicine and other medical preparations.

People suffering from diabetes are advised to take into account the content of 0.06 XE of sugar in 1 sachet of medication, which at a daily adult dose will be 0.19 XE.

Interaction with other drugs

No direct connection of the active and auxiliary elements of the composition of the drug "Neosmectin" with the substances of other medicines was noted. However, this agent may reduce the rate of absorption of medicinal substances that the patient takes at the same time.

smecta analog
smecta analog

What does Neosmectin powder help with?

This medical product in the form of powders for making a suspension is widely used in the treatment of various pathologies of the digestive tract. These include both acute diseases and chronic pathologies that proceed for a long time without treatment.

"Neosmectin" for vomiting and diarrhea is often prescribed for suspected development of foodpoisoning. This medicine does not help directly from vomiting, but it eliminates the causes that provoked this symptom - the penetration of pathogenic bacteria or toxic substances into the digestive system. Diarrhea, as a rule, is a consequence of such a pathological process, and when some parts of the intestine are involved in it, the stool acquires a liquid consistency.

Medicine "Neosmectin", penetrating into the lumen of the digestive systems, absorbs pathogenic substances and microorganisms, quickly brings them out in a natural way. Thus, this medicinal powder is recommended for use in the complex therapy of enteritis, stomach ulcers, diarrhea of an infectious nature of origin and other pathological conditions of the digestive tract, which are accompanied by belching, heartburn, bloating and soreness. What else does the instructions for use for "Neosmectin" in sachets for adults and children tell us?

neosmectin how to give
neosmectin how to give

Use during pregnancy and lactation

No negative effects on the fetus during pregnancy and on the child during the lactation period have been identified. In addition, it is known that this medication does not have the ability to be absorbed into the blood, so it is allowed to be taken during gestation and lactation. The only condition for the safe use of the product is a preliminary consultation with a specialist.

The course of therapy with Neosmectin during pregnancy should not exceed 3 days, since longer use of the medication mayprovoke the development of constipation, which causes a lot of problems during this period.

What is the difference between "Smecta" and "Neosmectin"?

If you read the information provided in the instructions for use of each of these medicines, it can be noted that the drugs "Neosmectin" and "Smecta" have absolutely identical composition and dosage of the main substance in one bag. In addition, the list of auxiliary elements of these drugs is also the same.

Medical experts say that there is no fundamental difference between these medicines, except for their cost and manufacturer. So, Neosmectin powder is produced by a Russian pharmacological company, and Smecta is produced by a French company. The difference in price is rather insignificant: Neosmectin costs about 130 rubles per pack, and Smecta costs about 150 rubles. At the same time, drugs have the same therapeutic efficacy.

neosmectin instructions for use for adults in sachets
neosmectin instructions for use for adults in sachets


The list of main analogues of "Neosmectin" includes:

  1. "Benta" is a drug based on smectite - a double silicate that combines magnesium with aluminum. High plastic viscosity and stereometric structure endow this element with the ability to envelop the mucous membrane of the digestive tract. Coming into contact with glycoproteins located on the mucosa, this medication enhances the resistance of mucus to irritants. Possessing a pronounced binding effect and acting on the barrier properties of the gastrointestinal tract membrane, the drug "Benta" enhances its protectivefunctions.
  2. "Enterofuril" - a drug from the category of antimicrobial agents that does not have a systemic effect, is prescribed for the treatment of infectious diarrhea. The active element of this drug is a derivative of 5-nitrofuran - nifuroxazide. It has bacteriostatic and bactericidal effects, is active against many pathogens of foodborne infections. The bacteriostatic property is associated with the suppression of dehydrogenase activity. In the process, the synthesis of some important compounds in the pathogenic cell is disrupted, as a result of which it loses its ability to live.
  3. "Loperamide" is a medical drug whose action is due to the binding of the main substance to the opioid receptors of the intestinal walls (adrenergic and cholinergic neurons are stimulated through guanine nucleotides). The main effects of this remedy are a decrease in the motility and tone of the intestinal muscles, inhibition of the passage of intestinal contents, and a decrease in the excretion of fluid and electrolytes with feces.
  4. "Enterosgel" - an analogue of the drug "Neosmectin", which has antidiarrheal, enterosorbent, detoxification and enveloping properties. The agent adsorbs medium molecular weight toxic metabolites. The sorption and detoxification properties of this medication are due to its ability to absorb and remove endogenous and exogenous toxic elements from the body, including food allergens, bacteria and their toxins, heavy metals, alcohol, antigens, poisons.


The medicine "Neosmectin" enjoysvery popular among patients who characterize it as a highly effective drug of domestic pharmaceutical production. The reviews indicate that this remedy is absolutely safe, does not cause adverse reactions, and helps with diarrhea, vomiting, and various poisonings. The undoubted advantage of this pharmacological agent is the possibility of using it even in the treatment of infants. Parents of children note that the medication has a pleasant taste that kids like, so this remedy is very easy to give them. Adult patients also indicate the ease of use of the drug, its low cost and good effect.
