Mycosis, or fungus of the skin and nails, is one common disease that can affect people of all age groups. It is impossible to develop immunity to fungi, so fungal infections continue to maintain a leading position among all skin problems. To date, more than 400 strains of fungi that are dangerous to humans are known. They are distinguished by increased contagiousness and the ability to exert a pathogenic effect on the body for quite a long time. The best habitat for fungi are moist and warm surfaces, which puts people who frequent pools, saunas and baths at risk.
A feature of mycoses is their resistance to various therapeutic measures and drugs, which often leads to the development of complicated mycoses, which require specific complex treatment. Below are inexpensive antifungal medications.

Drug therapy for fungal pathologies
Drugs used in the treatment of fungal infections are called antimycotics. This is a wide range of medicines that are effective in the fight against fungus. Some of them are obtained from natural compounds, others through work in chemical laboratories. All drugs for the fungus are divided into several categories depending on:
- effects on various strains of fungi;
- pharmacological composition.
All products have a number of contraindications and side effects, so the appointment and duration of admission is determined by a dermatologist.
When prescribing inexpensive oral antifungal drugs, it is important to observe the duration and frequency of administration, to avoid skipping.
How do drugs work?
The action of antifungal agents is based on their fungicidal properties - the destruction of fungal spores and an obstacle to the development of pathogenic microflora. The antimycotic medication, when taken orally, quickly penetrates the bloodstream and begins an attack on the fungus. The active substances are in an active state for quite a long time, and then they are excreted naturally. Different groups of drugs differ in their pharmacological action, which is due to the components of their compositions:
- Ketoconazole-based tablets that inhibit the development of fungal membranes and act at the cellular level.
- Terbinafine and itraconazole antimycosis drugs that stop the production of ergosterol, which prevents reproductionfungus.
- Fluconazole-based drugs that destroy fungi.
- Pills containing griseofulvin, which prevents the division and reproduction of spores.
Inexpensive antifungal drugs for the feet are easy to find, just get a consultation with a doctor.
Fund categories
Depending on the substances present in the composition of the drug, several categories of antimycotic drugs are distinguished. Their list includes:
- polyenes;
- allylamines;
- azoles;
- echinocandins;
- pyrimidines.

Inexpensive antifungal drugs of this group affect a large number of pathogenic fungi. The polyene group includes the following agents:
- Levorin.
- Nystatin.
- Amphotericin B.
- "Pimafucin" or "Nitamycin".
Using polyenes, they eliminate candidiasis of the mucous membranes of the larynx, genitals, epithelium, and also fight fungal pathologies of the stomach.
"Nystatin" is the cheapest medicine of the polyene group. It is effective in the treatment of Candida fungi of the skin, mucous membranes and gastrointestinal tract, the development of which is caused by prolonged use of antibiotics or surgery.
"Levorin" is a modern antifungal agent, the effect of which, in addition to fungi, also extends to amoeba, Trichomonas and Leishmania. This medicine is used for fungi of the skin and mucous membranes.
"Pimafucin" - a polyene medicinegroups with action on yeast fungi Fusarium, Candida, Penicillium, Cephalosporium. The list of diseases for which this medication can be prescribed: candidiasis of the gastrointestinal tract, vagina, atrophic candidiasis while taking antibacterial agents and hormonal drugs. The remedy is allowed even in the treatment of diseases in pregnant women.
The most inexpensive antifungals in this category:
- Ketoconazole.
- Itraconazole.
- "Fluconazole".
Azoles are the best medicines for skin fungus, nail plates, effective for some strains of lichen.
"Ketoconazole" is a drug whose active ingredient is imidazoledioxolane. The drug is prescribed in the fight against dermatophytes, yeast-like and dimorphic fungi. In tablet form, this drug is prescribed for folliculitis, chronic forms of candidiasis, dermatophytosis, pityriasis versicolor. recurrent mycosis of the vagina.

What inexpensive antifungal drugs for nails exist, it is better to find out in advance. Itraconazole is a synthetic antimycotic drug that is highly effective against a wide range of fungi. With the help of this remedy, it is possible to defeat such diseases: ringworm, versicolor, vaginal and vulvocandidiasis, mycosis of the nail plates, keratomycosis, cryptococcosis, blastomycosis, sporotrichosis, histaplasmosis. It is forbidden to take the medication during pregnancy and lactation.
"Fluconazole" -an antifungal drug that inhibits the growth of fungi and opposes their replication. The medicine is effective in the treatment of such diseases: candidiasis of the respiratory tract, genitourinary system, digestive organs, eyes. It is prescribed for sepsis, meningitis (with Cryptococcus fungi), genital candidiasis, mycoses of the skin of the feet, lesions of the nail plates, pityriasis, etc.

Remedy for severe forms of mycosis
The main drug used for advanced and complicated forms of fungal diseases is Griseofulvin. This remedy is effective against dermatomycetes, which is due to the natural origin of this antimycotic. This medication is considered the best cure for fungal infections of the body. Therapy is effective even with the most complex forms of fungal disease. Such strains are susceptible to the drug: Trichophyton, Epydermophyton, Achorionum, Microsporum. The drug "Griseofulvin" is used in the treatment of microsporia of the epithelium, nails and hair, trichophytosis, dermatomycosis, epidermophytosis. It is not prescribed for patients under 2 years of age, for patients with oncological diseases, pathologies of the blood and digestive organs, during pregnancy and lactation.
The following are inexpensive yet effective foot antifungals.

Preparations for external use
In the treatment of mycosis of the feet and nails, it is initially necessary to remove the keratinized and exfoliatedepithelial layer. Keratolytic ointments, for example, have a good resolving effect. Inexpensive antifungal drugs for toenails in the form of gel, cream and ointment are popular:
- "Sicorten".
- Sinalar K.
- Triderm.
- "Lotriderm".
- Travocort.
A good option for the treatment of onychomycosis is the application of special therapeutic varnishes to the nail plate - "Batrafen", "Lotseril". Such products are able to penetrate into the deep layers of the nail and fight mycosis, forming a protective shell on the surface of the nail plate.
Local therapy for mycosis of the hair is based on washing the head with antimycotic shampoos: Cynovit, Mikanisal, Sebiprox, Mycozoral.
Which antifungal drugs are inexpensive but effective for the skin? The most famous drug from this pharmacological category is the drug "Terbinafine". It is produced in the form of tablets, ointment and spray. The drug exerts its therapeutic effect by suppressing squalene epoxidase in the cell membranes of fungi, which leads to ergosterol deficiency and intracellular accumulation of squalene, which provokes the death of the pathogen. The drug also has a fungicidal effect on dermatophytes, some dimorphic, mold, yeast-like and yeast fungi.
Indications for its use are fungal skin lesions - trichophytosis, microsporia, epidermophytosis, as well as onychomycosis, candidiasis and versicolor.

Inexpensive skin antifungals are available at any pharmacy. The mechanism of therapeutic action of echinocandins is based on fungistatic (suppression of activity and growth of fungal cells) and fungicidal (destruction of pathogens) effect, which is realized due to the fact that the functional activity of enzymes responsible for the production of beta-glucans is inhibited.
Antifungal drugs from the echinocandin group:
- "Micafungin" is a drug that is produced in a dosage form for intravenous administration. It is prescribed in the treatment of severe forms of candidiasis.
- Caspofungin is a parenteral drug.
- Anidulafungin is a drug used for invasive candidiasis.

Other drugs
Let's look at some more inexpensive but effective antifungals for nails and skin.
Dermatologists often prescribe the following medications:
"Lamisil" is a Swiss medicine, the instructions for use of which indicate that it is an antifungal drug. Its active element, terbinafine, belongs to the category of allylamines, which have a wide spectrum of action against fungi. It is susceptible to infections that cause damage to the skin, nails and hair. During the use of terbinafine in low doses, it has a fungicidal property against some molds and dimorphic fungi anddermatophytes. This remedy is available in tablets, spray and cream

- "Chlornitrophenol" is a drug based on an organic compound that is actively used to treat a variety of fungal infections of the skin. The tool has antimycotic, antiparasitic and antimicrobial action. The drug is used topically to treat skin affected by fungi. Basically, its properties apply to yeast-like microorganisms. The base substance has fungicidal properties. When used in high doses, this medical product has an antibacterial effect, resists Gram-negative and Gram-positive microorganisms, including Proteus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa.
- Which antifungal pills are inexpensive but effective? "Diflucan" is an antifungal medication that is available in the form of capsules. The active substance of this drug is fluconazole, which belongs to the category of triazoles, has antifungal activity based on a pronounced selective inhibition of sterol synthesis in the pathogen cell.
There are a lot of antifungal agents on the shelves of pharmacies today. And among such a variety, it is often difficult for patients to choose the most effective, but at the same time inexpensive drug against fungus. Among the drugs, there are tablets, and ointments, and sprays, and various forms for administration into the blood, but their pharmacological actions and costdiffer significantly. Therefore, in the reviews they write that before treatment it is better to consult a doctor who will help you choose the right medication.
The most popular drugs from this category are such medicines as Fluconazole, Diflucan. The last drug can not be called cheap, but it is very effective. Fluconazole has a lower cost, but its spectrum of action is somewhat limited compared to Diflucan.
Inexpensive antifungal drug for nails "Lamisil" is also popular. Helps quite quickly, suitable for many patients.