In the article, we will consider remedies for the treatment of wet cough.
Cough is one of the most common symptoms of colds. It gives people a lot of inconvenience. There are more than enough drugs to combat it, most of which are sold without a prescription. It is worth saying that the choice of wet cough remedies is determined by various nuances. Next, we will get acquainted with the best and most effective antitussives and learn about their pharmacological properties.
Adult drug review
Against the background of such a symptom (in medical language it is called a productive manifestation), sputum is released. If it does not go well, doctors recommend taking expectorants for wet coughs, which increase secretion production, or mucolytics, which dilute it. Let's take a closer look at these medications below.

Drug "Ambroxol"
Thiswet cough remedy belongs to a number of mucolytic agents that are widely used against the background of a productive cough and in the presence of colds in patients. "Ambroxol" promotes easy sputum discharge, curing chronic and acute bronchitis. This medication is combined with many other drugs, increasing the overall effectiveness of antibacterial and anti-inflammatory therapy. The drug is completely safe.
The positive aspects of this wet cough remedy for adults include the absence of a narcotic effect, along with availability and quick action. But there are also negative sides, for example, this drug can cause allergic reactions in people.
Drug "Bromhexine"
This is an equally effective remedy for wet cough, which is often used by doctors in the treatment. It is produced in the form of a medicine, as well as in tablets. It provokes an expectorant process in the body. The drug reduces the level of sputum viscosity, and also increases the amount of secretion secreted and softens its discharge.

The medication in question is usually taken for three to seven days. It is applicable for wet cough, acute and chronic bronchopulmonary pathologies, including against the background of tracheal bronchitis and emphysema. Is this wet cough remedy suitable for children and pregnant women? "Bromhexine" is prohibited for babies under six years of age and pregnant women during the initial trimester. If absolutely necessary, allow the use of this drug infor four weeks without a break.
The positive aspects of the medication in question is that they provide complex treatment to the body, the expectorant effect is enhanced and it has almost no contraindications. The downside is that this remedy is strictly prohibited for people who suffer from peptic ulcer. Do not use it simultaneously with drugs containing codeine.
This medicinal syrup expands the bronchi and has a deep anti-inflammatory, and at the same time, antitussive effect. This combined remedy is considered completely safe and quickly alleviates the painful condition. It is also applicable in pediatrics, for the treatment of babies from three years old. Basil oil in the composition of the syrup produces an antispasmodic and antimicrobial effect, respiration is stimulated by ephedrine, the bronchi expand. But "Bronholitin" is not recommended for use during pregnancy and lactation.
The advantages of this effective wet cough remedy for adults include the fact that it comes with a convenient measuring cup, as well as the fact that it is made on the basis of natural medicinal herbs. Among other things, this tool is available and can always be found in a pharmacy.
The negative side is that "Bronholitin" is contraindicated for long-term use. Among its side effects is insomnia.
Muk altin
This is a very effective wet cough remedy, which contains only one active ingredient in the formmarshmallow extract containing polysaccharides. This is perhaps one of the most common medicines. They enhance bronchial secretion and produce an anti-inflammatory effect. The allowed course of therapy is on average one to two weeks.
Side effects suggest a possible allergic reaction. These tablets can be swallowed or dissolved in a small amount of water, which will be considered more effective.
The positive aspects include availability along with the naturalness of the drug, practicality and the absence of contraindications. Among other things, this medicine has a pleasant taste and can be drunk by pregnant women (but strictly according to the doctor's instructions). The negative side is that the drug is contraindicated in diabetes and in case of exacerbation of diseases of the digestive system.

What other effective wet cough remedy can I buy?
This is probably the best liquid remedy for a cough. The combined syrup, which has a caramel flavor, has a complex effect, helping to eliminate sputum, as well as reducing mucosal swelling and inflammation. To date, no side effects have been identified, so this medical medicine can be safely combined with other pills. Stodal is suitable for adults as well as children of all ages.
The positives include safety combined with a pleasant taste and ease of dosing. The medicine can be used by pregnant women(True, strictly according to the instructions of the doctor). The downside is the high price.
In general, the best remedy for a wet cough will help you choose a doctor.
Medicine "ACC"
The drug has a pronounced mucolytic effect. This allows him to be considered today one of the best means suitable for combating wet cough. The drug "ACC" is very effective in the treatment of pathologies of the bronchopulmonary system, nasopharynx and oral cavity. It also produces an antitussive and anti-inflammatory effect.
This medicine helps to thin mucous and purulent sputum. It is produced in orange-flavoured granules, which are used to make syrup. It is also sold in the form of effervescent tablets.
It is worth saying that "ACC" is forbidden to drink for pregnant women, especially in the early stages, it should be used with caution by lactating women. To avoid stagnation of the respiratory ducts, ACC is not combined with Paracetamol and, moreover, with other antitussive drugs.
The positive aspects are effective sputum removal, pleasant taste, cough relief, practical packaging, and also the fact that this remedy helps people with a large number of various respiratory diseases. The downside is that the ACC medicine causes allergies and is strictly contraindicated for women during pregnancy.

Overview of dry cough preparations for adults
In medical language, such a symptom is called unproductive. It can be accompanied by painful systematic attacks, as well as a sore throat. This type of cough is treated with special drugs, we will consider them further.
Means "Libexin"
This productive remedy for dry cough is well suited for adults and children. They provide liquefaction of sputum and have an anti-inflammatory effect. The use of "Libexin" contributes to the qualitative suppression of the corresponding reflex. It should be used with caution in children at an early age.
The positive side is that this medicine relieves patients of the painful chronic symptom - cough. It does not cause addiction in people and removes sputum well. The drug in question is very effective for the treatment of diseases of the respiratory system, regardless of their stage. The negative side of the drug is that it contains sucrose, and its intake may be accompanied by allergies and bronchial spasms. The product is contraindicated for prolonged use.

"Stoptussin" from dry cough
Good remedy for dry and wet cough. This combination drug has a mucolytic effect. Before choosing such a drug for treatment, you need to thoroughly study all contraindications with side effects.
Medication "Stoptussin" is well suited for intensive care. But it is contraindicated for pregnant women in the initial trimester, and then it is used strictly with the permission of the doctor,thus, it is necessary to ensure the safety of this drug for the developing fetus. Side effects include diarrhea, vomiting, nausea, drowsiness, skin rash, loss of appetite, dizziness, and headache.
The positive side is that taking "Stoptussin" greatly facilitates well-being and relieves dry cough. But it is worth remembering that this drug is contraindicated in chronic and prolonged manifestation of the symptom.
Drug preparation "Falimint"
This drug is an antiseptic antitussive that eliminates an unproductive manifestation. In addition, it dilutes phlegm, relieving irritation. These tablets can be sucked up to a maximum of ten times a day. But such a medicine is contraindicated for children under four years of age and lactating, as well as pregnant women.
After using Falimint, you must abstain from food and liquids for some time. The considered antiseptic medication is not intended for long-term use. Its positive aspects are high efficiency in dry cough. The drug produces a disinfectant effect and is considered safe.
Let's take a look at the best wet cough remedies for kids.
Syrups for children
Synthetic and, in addition, natural preparations are suitable for the best expectoration. When choosing a syrup or herbal-based tablets, you should be wary of allergies. Pediatricians recommend the use of synthetic drugs to thin sputum. In the event that there is a schoolboy in the family, then it is more effectivejust treat malaise with inhalation. And newborn babies are helped by light massages.

An effective wet cough remedy for children can be purchased at a pharmacy. Syrups, which can be instantly absorbed into the bloodstream, often help babies cope with this unpleasant symptom. Due to the pleasant taste, such medicines are taken by children with great pleasure. Consider the most famous syrups:
- Means "Ambroxol". This is a powerful drug that is used when the expectoration of the child has already begun, and the discharge is too thick. There is a special form of this medicine that even babies are allowed to use.
- Wet cough remedy for children "Pertussin" is the most affordable. This is a mixture that is prepared on the basis of thyme and thyme, it perfectly dilutes phlegm, relieving coughing fits. The downside is that such a drug should not be given to children under three years old.
- The drug "Gerbion" is a rather expensive foreign drug with expectorant and anti-inflammatory effects.
- "Citovir-3" also helps the child to cure a caught cold and get rid of the presence of a wet cough. This remedy has virtually no prohibitions on use, except for pregnancy, as well as age under one year and diabetes.
Cough medicine for children in tablets
Among the pills most popular for young patients are the following:
- Remedy"Muk altin" is a cheap and effective drug, which is based on marshmallow extract. It is suitable for children from one year old. True, there is one drawback: if the child is often sick and is treated with Muk altin, then addiction may develop. In such a situation, the medication will not have the desired effect, unfortunately. But with a rare use of the tool, it is considered very effective.
- Medication "GeloMyrtol" is allowed to use after six years. The contents of the drug are absorbed in the intestines, due to which there is an instant liquefying and antibacterial effect.
It is important to remember that any pharmaceutical drug should be prescribed exclusively by a doctor. If a newborn baby falls ill, you should immediately contact a pediatrician.
Folk remedies for wet cough
Do not forget about the techniques that our great-grandmothers used to fight this disease. The most common natural remedy is black radish, which should be taken with honey. The juice of this root crop has a positive effect, and he althy honey in combination with it is an ideal cure for colds. These components act as natural antibiotics with antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and antitussive properties.
So, how do we treat a wet cough with folk remedies? In the event of a wet cough, the following treatment regimens will certainly help the patient:
- Treatment with milk and ginger. For 1.5 liters of milk, you need to cut threecentimeter of the root and grate it, then add two tablespoons of green tea. After the remedy boils, it must be insisted for twenty-five minutes and gradually drunk all day. Ginger also helps with fever, as it has warming and antibacterial properties, boosting immunity and helping to reduce inflammation. What other folk remedies for wet cough for children and adults are effective?
- Using bananas for coughs. The mashed fruit is poured into a glass of hot milk and put on fire until it boils. The mixture should be drunk warm before going to bed.
- Treatment with goose fat. To make such a folk expectorant, it takes ten minutes to boil a lemon in a small amount of fat. Next, peel it, squeeze out the juice and mix with two tablespoons of the main ingredient. Drink before meals.
- Using turnips with honey for cough. The root crop is crushed and the juice is squeezed out, the same amount of honey is added, after which they wait for three hours. The composition is drunk little by little during the day.
Treating a wet cough with folk remedies can be very effective.

Secrets of treating dry cough with folk methods
In order to eliminate such an unpleasant symptom, you need to use a whole range of different means:
- First of all, a person needs to drink. In order to remove irritation in the throat, and in addition, to achieve a productive cough, you need to drink more than 2 liters of water per day. Additionally recommenduse folk remedies in the form of tea with raspberries or honey, alkaline mineral water, decoction of wild rosemary. Onions with milk are also good (one vegetable per glass of boiled liquid). Such a remedy is taken at 125 milliliters along with the pulp. Among other things, it is advisable to use warmed milk with butter and soda.
- Carrying out inhalations. It is recommended to carry them out with soda or mineral water.
- Humidifying the air is great for making breathing easier.
- Performing a chest massage helps reduce symptoms in children.
Thus, the treatment of any form of cough must necessarily be comprehensive, for this, doctors recommend acting on the problem from different angles, namely, inhalation, gargling, and so on. For a quick positive result, the choice of a cough medicine must be taken with responsibility, strictly follow the dose, instructions and recommendations of your doctor. It is equally important to take care of the prevention of respiratory diseases.