Side effects of iron preparations: rules for taking, how to treat

Side effects of iron preparations: rules for taking, how to treat
Side effects of iron preparations: rules for taking, how to treat

Iron deficiency in the body is a rather serious condition that leads to a drop in hemoglobin levels. In the long term, this condition adversely affects the functioning of many body systems. For the prevention and treatment of iron deficiency, you should take drugs that contain ferritin. But this element is not always absorbed well. Side effects of iron supplements can seriously overshadow the patient's life. The article lists the main problems from taking iron supplements, contraindications to taking them, and gives tips on how to minimize the likelihood of an overdose.

Iron deficiency symptoms

Iron deficiency is extremely detrimental to the composition of the blood. This, in turn, leads to many pathologies and chronic diseases, as well as deterioration in appearance. The latter is especially true for women becausethey want to keep their youthful appearance for as long as possible. The simplest and most effective remedy in the fight against this condition is the intake of iron supplements. Side effects do not develop if you choose a medicine that is suitable for the individual characteristics of the body and follow the instructions for its use.

How to understand that the body lacks iron? There are symptoms that eloquently testify to this:

  • pallor of the skin, while dark circles around the eyes can heal;
  • brittle nails and increased hair loss (deficiency of ferritin, which is synthesized from iron);
  • unusual taste habits: desire to taste chalk, lick a nail file, etc.;
  • shortness of breath, arrhythmia, decreased performance and physical endurance, increased sweating and heart palpitations even with meager loads.
side effects of iron supplements
side effects of iron supplements

Causes of iron deficiency anemia

But why does such a state occur? If you know the cause, you can easily prevent the imbalance of iron in the body. So, the most common causes of iron deficiency are:

  1. Excessive bleeding (may occur due to wounds, surgery, or in case of heavy menstruation in women). You should be on the lookout for those people who, for one reason or another, experienced uterine, pulmonary, gastrointestinal and nasal bleeding.
  2. Conditions accompanied by an increased need for hemoglobin, whichsynthesized from iron in the human body. This is pregnancy, the period of growth in children and adolescents, the period of recovery from diseases and after surgery.
  3. Hereditary predisposition to impaired absorption of this element, as well as taking certain iron antagonist drugs. Against the background of treatment with such drugs, you should definitely take iron-containing drugs in parallel.
  4. Strict diets, vegetarianism, veganism, raw food diet. An unbalanced diet often causes a deficiency not only of iron, but also of many other minerals, vitamins, amino acids.
side effects of taking iron supplements
side effects of taking iron supplements

Varieties of medicines

Pharmacological market offers a variety of iron preparations. Almost everyone has side effects when taken orally. Much depends on which drug the person is taking. All iron-containing medicines can be classified according to what substance they contain.

Modern medicine distinguishes iron deficiency and iron deficiency anemia proper. The second condition is much more difficult to correct. The sooner you begin to make up for the deficiency, the fewer unpleasant symptoms the patient will find.

The variety of pharmacological agents designed to replenish the level of this element can be divided into two large groups:

  • containing ferrous iron – Fe 2+;
  • containing ferric iron – Fe 3+.

Products with an active substance in the formferrous iron in the composition have better bioavailability. This allows the active substance to be almost completely absorbed. As a rule, the cost of preparations with ferrous iron in the composition is lower than preparations with ferric. However, they are not always in stock at the pharmacy.

Trivalent iron is synthesized in the human body into ferrous iron only in the presence of an oxidizing agent. The most suitable for this purpose is the familiar ascorbic acid.

Once in the small intestine, iron interacts with transferrin. This is a special protein that promotes the movement of the molecules of this element directly into the tissues that form the composition of the blood. This is the bone marrow and liver cells, in which there are areas of accumulation of iron.

Be careful when starting iron supplements. Side effects can be taken by surprise. The body cannot remove the excess of this substance (or does it very limitedly). This means that with the wrong dosage, there is a risk of serious side effects. Oral iron preparations can contain both a divalent and a trivalent element - the consequences of an incorrectly selected dosage await the patient in any case.

Most popular iron supplements

List of drugs that contain ferrous iron:

  • "Sorbifer Durules" (release form - tablets);
  • "Ferretab", "Fenyuls" (release form - capsules);
  • "Totem" (ampoules with solution for intramuscular injection);
  • "HemoferProlongatum "(release form - dragee).
ferrous iron
ferrous iron

List of drugs containing ferric iron:

  • "M altofer", "Biofer" (release form - chewable tablets);
  • "M altofer", "Fenyuls" (release form - drops);
  • "Ferrum Lek", "Venofer" (production form - ampoules with a solution for intravenous or intramuscular injection).
trivalent iron preparations
trivalent iron preparations

The lists list iron supplements with minimal side effects. It is these drugs that are most often prescribed for the treatment of iron deficiency anemia. This does not mean that a drug on the list will not provoke any of the side effects that will be listed below in a particular patient. Medicines that are prescribed for the treatment of anemia are not dietary supplements, but medicines. Any drugs can at any time provoke one or another change in the state of the composition of the blood or stool. Each person is individual, and it is simply impossible to say with accuracy how this or that drug will affect him.

Iron supplements without side effects are not a myth. If the drug with a divalent element did not suit the patient, then it is worth trying a trivalent one or changing the form of the drug release. Do not think that iron deficiency anemia is incurable - millions of people around the world have been convinced otherwise thanks to the modern pharmacological industry.

The effectiveness of preparations containing ferrous iron has been proven in numerous studies (degreeevidence 1A). Trivalent drugs are better tolerated but not always as effective as bivalent drugs.

Rules for taking iron supplements

Possible side effects can be taken by surprise even if a person follows all the necessary rules. However, if the patient carefully reads the instructions and does not violate the features of the intake listed in it, then it is likely that the iron will be absorbed completely and the negative consequences will not be taken by surprise.

  1. Much depends on the form of release of the drug. Coated tablets should be swallowed whole (the instructions indicate - 30 minutes before meals or after meals). When it enters the intestines, the membrane will gradually dissolve, which will contribute to the maximum absorption of drugs without possible side effects. Rules for taking iron preparations for chewing - after eating, drinking water is not required. Ampoules with a solution should be used for intramuscular or intravenous administration. This method is used for acute iron deficiency anemia.
  2. Even after the tests show a sufficient amount of ferritin and hemoglobin, therapy should not be “curtailed”. It is necessary to continue taking the drugs, slightly reducing the dosage, for several more months. Then switch to maintenance therapy - drink the selected drug every six months.
  3. Special attention should be paid to what other medications the patient is taking while on iron therapy. Side effects mayenhance the effects of drugs from the group of antacids (decrease in the bioavailability of iron and diarrhea), drugs with tetracycline (decrease in appetite), levomycetin (decrease in bioavailability, nausea, heartburn). It is impossible to take certain drugs on the background of anemia on your own. There is a high risk of side effects. It is also undesirable to combine thyroid hormone preparations with drugs containing iron. As a last resort, you can go for the introduction of them intramuscularly while taking thyroid hormones.
  4. For the most complete assimilation of the divalent element, it should be taken simultaneously with ascorbic acid preparations, trivalent - to ensure sufficient intake of proteins and essential amino acids into the body. Otherwise, the drug may not be completely absorbed, which may cause side effects. Iron preparations are not always fully absorbed. Therefore, subsequent tests may not show the effectiveness of the treatment.
side effects of ferric iron
side effects of ferric iron

Side effects of iron supplements

The rules of admission must be strictly observed by the patient. Otherwise (overdose, co-administration with other drugs, etc.), the following conditions may occur:

  • heartburn and belching with a metallic taste (if the patient violates the instructions and takes ferrous tablets on an empty stomach);
  • coloring feces black (when the dosage is exceeded);
  • loss of appetite;
  • irritationgastric mucosa;
  • constipation and exacerbation of hemorrhoidal disease;
  • darkening of tooth enamel (with prolonged use of iron-containing preparations in large quantities);
  • general weakness, dizziness, decreased performance.

For patients with anemia, the only way to get rid of the pathology is to take iron supplements. Side effects are especially noticeable in the first days of admission, in which case you should consult your doctor about the advisability of reducing the dosage. You cannot stop taking the medicine on your own. Anemia will not go away without taking iron supplements. How to treat side effects, if they do occur? This will be discussed below.

what is the best iron supplement
what is the best iron supplement

How to minimize possible side effects of treatment?

Completely get rid of the negative effects of treatment will help only stopping the medication. But this cannot be done, as the symptoms of anemia will only worsen. If side effects are observed already in the first days of taking the medication, then the first thing to do is to reduce the dosage consumed by half. If after this the patient does not feel better, then you should consider changing the iron preparation.

Side effects and application features are often interrelated: as soon as you deviate from the instructions a little, you begin to feel worse. Digestion is disturbed, the stool turns bright black (this fact is especially frightening for patients, and this is the most harmless consequence of increasing the dosage).

How nutrition can affecton the absorption of iron from drugs and the development of side effects? There are simple rules: while taking ferrous iron, you should consume as much vitamin C as possible. It is found in vegetables and citrus fruits. It is also acceptable to take ordinary ascorbic acid, it has a low cost, and you can buy it without a prescription. If the patient takes ferric iron, then it is necessary to provide a sufficient amount of amino acids in the diet. For this purpose, you will have to regularly eat meat, fish, cottage cheese. It should be noted that with the simultaneous intake of large doses of calcium with food, iron may simply not be absorbed, and flatulence and diarrhea often develop with such a drug or food combination.

iron deficiency anemia treatment
iron deficiency anemia treatment

Irritation of the gastric mucosa while taking iron supplements

Irritation of the gastric mucosa and subsequent exacerbation of chronic gastritis are common side effects of iron supplements. The ways to correct them are to change the medicine or completely cancel the treatment of anemia. This is a rather radical method, but only it will help maintain the he alth of the gastric mucosa. As a rule, preparations with ferric iron in the composition are more aggressive towards the mucous membrane than preparations with ferrous iron.

Often, patients do not want to refuse a course of treatment with an already purchased drug. In an attempt to alleviate stomach irritation after taking the pill, patients go to various tricks. They try to take the drug only after a heavy meal, consisting of fatty foods. Try to seize the pill with a huge amount of food. However, more often than not, all these tricks lead to nothing. The best way to solve the problem is to change the drug, which would include ferrous iron.

Contraindications for taking

The best iron preparations without side effects for a particular patient often take a long time to select. Before choosing one of those suggested by the doctor, you should familiarize yourself with the list of contraindications in advance.

Don't take ferrous iron if available:

  • risk of internal bleeding;
  • chronic pancreatitis in the acute stage;
  • pregnancy period (only after consultation with a gynecologist);
  • intestinal or stomach ulcer;
  • acute period of gastritis;
  • esophageal ulcer;
  • chronic liver disease in the acute stage (during remission - only after consultation with the attending hepatologist).

There are fewer contraindications to the use of ferric iron. As a rule, such drugs are recommended to drink after meals, as they can cause irritation of the gastric mucosa. Persons with chronic diseases of the stomach should take ferric iron, constantly listening to themselves. At the first signs of deterioration of the condition (pain in the epigastric region, nausea, vomiting, belching), you should immediately stop taking it and change the form of the drug release.

When to call an ambulance urgently

Many patients underestimate the danger and possible consequencesthe development of side effects when taking iron-containing drugs. Meanwhile, some of them can provoke the development of conditions that threaten the life of the patient. When is the right time to sound the alarm and call an ambulance?

  1. Presence of blood in vomit or feces after taking the pill. This is most likely a sign of internal bleeding. In people with ulcers, taking iron supplements can make the condition worse, leading to internal bleeding that can be fatal.
  2. Loss of consciousness may indicate anaphylactic shock. This condition also requires medical intervention and a thorough examination.
  3. The appearance of an allergic reaction atypical for the patient, a feeling of heat, redness of the face and extremities, a strong increase in heart rate - all these are also reasons to get to see a doctor as soon as possible. After such reactions, you should not continue to take an iron supplement.
