Any s alt on the planet is a derivative of sea water, so the separation of product types is only a matter of grade and method of extracting the mineral. The most depleted variety of useful compounds is rock s alt. It retains only the base of the s alt component - sodium chloride, but the other important elements inherent in a fresher, evaporated product are completely absent.
Sea s alt contains more than a hundred different elements combined into complex and simple chemical chains. There is no single formula for the chemical composition of s alt, since in the formation of a mineral it takes a large number of external, independent factors that bring unique nuances to the ingredient set of the product.
There is, however, a limited list of stable substances present in any form of evaporated sea s alt:
- sodium - involved in metabolic processes;
- potassium - supports the cardiovascular system;
- calcium - is responsible for the structural characteristics of the skeletal system and fortissue regeneration;
- magnesium - reduces the body's sensitivity to allergens;
- iron - regulates the number of red blood cells;
- iodine - responsible for thyroid function and hormonal balance;
- manganese is a natural immunostimulant;
- zinc - supports the production of sex hormones;
- silicon - slows down the aging process of the skin;
- selenium - prevents the development of neoplasms;
- bromine - relieves nervous excitement.
Real sea s alt cannot have a pure white color - this would indicate a multi-stage chemical cleaning using bleaching reagents, which is unacceptable. The standard color of the simplest kind of natural product is grey, interspersed with darker or lighter particles.

Types of edible s alt
Absolutely any deposit or point of extraction of sea s alt can boast of a unique product, which has no analogue. That is why, despite the seeming similarity of the process of mineral formation and subsequent manipulations for its evaporation, cleaning and grinding, there are so many completely different varieties:
- Terre de Sel - French s alt with a slightly sour note. The processing of this product is minimal - literally one drying, so the mineral is valued by gourmets for its natural taste and high beneficial qualities.
- Maldonskaya is a very crumbly and light product with a high flavor concentration.
- Rosé - rich in iron and therefore a soft pink mineral,pertaining to the rocky form of sea s alt. The Rosé deposits are located in Bolivia and are about 3,000 centuries old.
- Himalayan s alt, otherwise known as Pakistani s alt, is one of the most expensive and rare varieties in the world, which can be recognized by its rich scarlet color.
- Hawaiian red and Hawaiian black - have the color corresponding to the name, but the origin of both types of s alt is the same - mined from places where lava was formed.
- Persian is the only s alt on the planet that has a blue color and is valued for its unique taste. Used in the preparation of very expensive dishes.
To be sure of the quality of the product, it is better to buy sea s alt in specialized stores or in a pharmacy. Be sure to take into account the inscription on the package before use - for what purposes the product is intended, food or cosmetic (medical).

Sea s alt baths
For these purposes, it is used in large volumes - at least 150 g per 80-90 liters of water (half of a standard bath). Therefore, before immersing in such a concentrated solution, you should make sure that there are no contraindications to the procedure. Specifically for women, this is the state of pregnancy and menstruation, and in the prohibition list for both sexes are:
- open tuberculosis;
- acute infectious diseases;
- cardiovascular disease;
- ulcer and gastritis;
- oncological diseases.
If there are no direct contraindications for baths with sea s alt, then you can cook onefrom the compositions recommended in cosmetology, which include a “base”, that is, ¾ cup of a mineral product, and additional components: decoctions of medicinal herbs suitable for skin type, essential oils, cosmetic clay.
Popular are "Hollywood baths" or "Aphrodite baths", which, in addition to s alt, include a package of dry kelp, or spirulina (algae), half a glass of liquid honey and 1-2 glasses of full-fat milk. Procedures should be carried out in courses, 10-15 baths every other day.
It is important to observe the immersion temperature - up to 400С, and the residence time in the active solution - from 10 to 20 minutes. After taking a bath for 3 hours, you can not go outside, drink cold drinks, apply aromatic compositions to the body.
After a month from the start of the procedures, tired and loose skin will tighten, the number of wrinkles and inflammatory foci will decrease. Such baths are good for acne, psoriasis, postpartum stretch marks. In parallel, the nails will be strengthened and the symptoms of joint diseases will be relieved.

For he althy feet
Sea s alt solution for feet relieves several problems at once - depending on how the concentrated product is used:
- 10% saline solution is used topically, in the form of compresses on the affected areas of the body with dermatitis or trophic ulcers, often resulting from diabetes mellitus;
- 30% solution soak gauze dressings for varicose veins and edema - such lotions shouldfix on problem areas all night;
- warm baths with sea s alt 5% concentration, relax, relieve tension, eliminate unpleasant odor and reduce foot sweating.
To enhance the effect, in case of circulatory disorders in the lower extremities, it is recommended from time to time to massage the feet with coarse sea s alt. To do this, take a handful of s alt, grind it in the palms with a small amount of honey and gently massage the feet with an abrasive mass. The procedure should be done before going to bed, be sure to complete it with a rich nourishing foot cream.

Tooth care
For additional care of the condition of the teeth, edible sea s alt of the finest grinding is used. Solutions and mixtures with the mineral are suitable for periodic sanitation of the oral cavity, however, trying to use them as a treatment for infectious lesions of the teeth and gums (abscess, gingivitis, caries) is irrational and threatens to worsen the condition.
The easiest way to use s alt in oral hygiene is to stimulate blood circulation in the gums with a semi-liquid paste of 2 parts s alt and 1 part tea tree oil. The mass is applied with a finger to the surface of the gums 15-20 minutes before the evening brushing of the teeth, then, for a minute, gently massage the mucous membrane and rinse the mouth well with warm water.
To whiten teeth, remove tobacco plaque and prevent the formation of tartar, multicomponent formulations are used:
- Whitening paste - take half a teaspoonspoons: fine sea s alt, soda (slaked with 2-3 drops of 3% peroxide) and turmeric. Add 3 tablespoons of pharmaceutical alum and dilute the mixture with a little olive oil. Homemade toothpaste is applied to the teeth as usual, but not more than twice a week.
- Sea s alt solution for daily mouthwash - 0.5 cups of warm water diluted with the same amount of strained chamomile or oak bark broth, add a full teaspoon of s alt and stir the liquid well until the crystals dissolve. The resulting solution is rinsed in the oral cavity before going to bed or as needed.
There are ready-made products with sea minerals for teeth on sale, however, the concentration of active substances in them is too low and cannot serve as a worthy alternative to home preparations.

Beauty recipes
The effect of sea s alt on the skin of the face can be called aggressive, since any peeling or mask with this component literally "eats" the upper stratum corneum of the epidermis. Girls with dry skin are better off removing the mineral from their list of care products, while those with problem skin, on the contrary, need to do a deep s alt cleansing of the pores at least once a week.
Top five popular beauty masks with sea s alt at home:
- Whitening - grind together 2 teaspoons of unsweetened cream and soft cottage cheese, add the same amount of finely ground s alt. A homogeneous mass should be distributed over the face and left for five minutes, then moisten your hands in warmwater and at least a minute carefully, in circular motions from the bottom up, massage the entire treated surface. Rinse off with room temperature water.
- Scrub mask - mix a large pinch of fine s alt and coffee grounds and dilute the dry mixture with 1 teaspoon of cosmetic milk. The mask should first be massaged into the skin, and then lie down calmly with it for 3-5 minutes, then rinse with plenty of water.
- Cleansing - beat the chilled egg white to a stable foam, add 1 teaspoon of sea s alt and spread the mixture over the face. After 15 minutes, the mask should be washed off.
- Rejuvenating - take only 0.5 teaspoons: fine s alt, potato starch, liquid honey. Mix the components and apply the mask with a brush for 15-20 minutes. Rinse off the dried mixture first with warm and then cold water.
- Anti-acne - soak a bar of baby soap without perfume and lather with a shaving brush. Scoop up more of this foam on a cotton pad, pour a pinch of s alt on top and, until the foam has settled, distribute the soap mixture over the skin of the face with light massage movements. After 1-3 minutes, you need to wash with acidified water.
All procedures with sodium chloride as the main ingredient are aimed at a disinfecting, stimulating and regenerating effect. A side effect of the process can be called a burning sensation of the skin. If it becomes too strong, you should reduce the procedure time or reduce the concentration of s alt in the composition of the finished mixture next time.

Use for ENTdiseases
Saline solution, obtained from water with the addition of sea s alt, is almost an absolute analogue of modern sprays and nasal drops that have no contraindications and age restrictions. Doctors do not recommend using sea s alt solutions to wash he althy mucous membranes, since such prophylaxis can be detrimental to the natural microflora that moisturizes the inner walls of the nasal cavity. However, with diagnosed diseases - rhinitis, sinusitis, sinusitis, tonsillitis - it is better to use a freshly prepared homemade solution than to spend money on expensive pharmacy counterparts.
Based on the degree of nasal congestion and the level of risk of complications, it is recommended to prepare one type of solution out of three:
- Low concentration. Indications: mild colds, SARS, mild allergic rhinitis. Take 0.5 teaspoons of s alt in a glass of warm water and use the prepared solution for washing an adult or a child after 3 years and for instillation for children of annoying age.
- Average concentration. Indications: neglected rhinitis and allergic rhinitis, prevention of sinusitis. Take 1 teaspoon of s alt in a glass of warm water and use the solution for children from 7 years old and adults.
- Strong concentration. Indications: sinusitis, adenoids. Put 2 teaspoons of s alt into a glass of warm water and add 1-2 drops of iodine. Not suitable for children under 12 and adults with weak nasal mucosa.
Pregnant women, young children and the elderly (over 60) are allowed touse nasal solutions with sea s alt, only the lowest concentration. The finished mixture is stored for about two days. Before use, the liquid must be heated to 28-33 0C.
Use for weight loss
In weight loss, sea s alt has auxiliary functions, since the mineral itself does not affect extra pounds. The action of sodium chloride ensures the maintenance of skin condition during a period of rapid weight loss: it accelerates cellular metabolism, enhances oxygen supply at the cell level, saturates tissues with useful substances, and stimulates blood flow in the upper layer of the epidermis.
Methods of using the sea mineral for weight loss are divided into passive (wraps, baths) and active (massages, peelings, drinking solutions):
- Baths. For 100 liters of water (2/3 filling a standard bath) take 350-450 g of s alt, 0.5 packs of soda and two glasses of a steep decoction of herbs suitable for skin type. The full course is 12-14 procedures carried out every other day, the time of each procedure is 10-15 minutes. Baths should be taken an hour and a half before the main meal.
- Wraps. Wraps work best on warm, clean skin after a bath or intense massage. A handful of sea s alt is mixed with 2 tbsp. spoons of warm honey and 5-7 drops of almond (nut) oil. The paste is quickly applied by rubbing with strong movements on the problem area and the treated areas of the body are tightly wrapped with ordinary cling film. The exposure time of the s alt compress is 40 minutes, after which the paste is washed off under a warm shower. Total Required10-14 treatments.
- Massage + scrub. The most effective procedure aimed at a strong anti-cellulite effect and renewal of the epidermis. Manipulations are recommended to be carried out after taking a hot bath or wraps, and the abrasive mass is formed based on the needs of the target result. The basic basis is sea s alt, according to women, it is one of the best natural abrasives. Auxiliary elements are: honey, shower gels, natural juices (pomegranate, lemon, etc.), cosmetic oils.
When used as a drinking solution, the benefits and harms of sea s alt for the body can be equivalent. Since the solution is drunk on an empty stomach, all chronic and acute diseases of the digestive tract, edema, adrenal diseases will be a contraindication to the procedures.

Colour Cleansing
The method of forced bowel movement through drinking large amounts of s alt water is a popular yogic technique for treating "a hundred diseases." Actually, the essence of the method comes down to periodic (once every 2-3 months) scrubbing of the rectum, after which the entire indicated period the body copes with self-cleansing much easier and better perceives any type of treatment and diet.
Prepare for the “Day X” itself in advance - three days before they exclude fatty foods from the menu (pork, sausages, smoked meats), two days before – confectionery sweets, heavy food. On the eve of the procedure, or rather, 12-16 hours before, it is allowed to eat only light, better - vegetarian soups, fresh and boiledvegetables, fruits.
In the morning of the appointed day, a saline solution is prepared - take 3 teaspoons of sea s alt into a one and a half liter jar of purified heated water and divide the entire volume of the resulting solution into 6 servings - a glass each. According to the technology of the method, the patient must drink one portion of s alt water every hour, then, over the next 30 minutes, perform a set of exercises aimed at improving intestinal motility - these are various inclinations, exercises lying and sitting, rotation of the pelvis and tension of the muscles of the back and abdomen.
Due to the constant stimulation of the rectum and the provocation of peristalsis, the entire period of cleansing procedures will be accompanied by numerous acts of defecation. Normally, after the sixth glass drunk, you can achieve clean, unclouded water from the intestines. If this happens, the cleansing can be considered complete, and you should return to it no earlier than two months later.
Harm of sea s alt
The benefits of sea s alt in the diet or medical and cosmetic procedures can be discussed if the following factors are absent in the patient's history:
- open tuberculosis;
- hypertension;
- chronic and acute kidney and liver diseases;
- untreated infectious diseases;
- sexually transmitted diseases
Special attention and preliminary assessment of the state of he alth require cases when it is supposed to carry out a course of treatment with sea s alt, when consumed in large quantities. In addition, it should be taken into accountthat the mineral itself is, according to the International Agency for Research on Cancer, a highly carcinogenic product, which, if misused and overestimated, can cause the development of benign tumors.