Drugs 2024, October

What effect do stimulant drugs have on the body?

What effect do stimulant drugs have on the body?

Modern stimulant medicines contain various herbal aphrodisiacs, which are most often used in the form of extracts, tinctures and powders

Means for cleansing the stomach and intestines at home

Means for cleansing the stomach and intestines at home

Science has already proven that more than ninety percent of diseases begin due to the colon overflowing with toxins and waste products. Such an intestine serves as a favorable environment for the appearance of pathogenic microflora, and in addition, for the reproduction of various parasites that poison the body and cause all kinds of chronic pathologies. In this regard, it is very important to use means to cleanse the stomach and intestines

Permethrin ointment for demodicosis: reviews, instructions

Permethrin ointment for demodicosis: reviews, instructions

Demodecosis is a disease of the acariasis group. It is caused by parasitism of such a conditionally pathogenic mite as acne gland. Most often, permethrin ointment is used to treat the disease mentioned. Feedback on the effectiveness of this drug will be presented below

Anti-allergic and anti-inflammatory eye drops: list, instructions, doctors' reviews

Anti-allergic and anti-inflammatory eye drops: list, instructions, doctors' reviews

Allergic reactions to dust, blooms or food often appear before the eyes. There may be simple redness of the skin around the eyelids. A lot of concern is caused by toxic-allergic keratitis and uevitis. They can lead to impaired function of the optic nerve and retina. Allergic conjunctivitis and dermatitis are also quite common

Cromoglycic acid. Description, indications, contraindications

Cromoglycic acid. Description, indications, contraindications

What is cromoglycic acid? You will learn about this from the materials of the presented article. We will also tell you about which drugs contain the mentioned substance and what it is

Antihistamine drops: an overview and description of drugs

Antihistamine drops: an overview and description of drugs

In many first aid kits there are medicines, whose purpose, as well as the mechanism of action, people do not understand. Antihistamine drops are classified as such drugs. Most allergy sufferers choose medications on their own, calculate the dosage and course of treatment without consulting a specialist, which, of course, is wrong

Drug "Encephabol" (suspension): indications for use

Drug "Encephabol" (suspension): indications for use

Means "Encephabol" (suspension) is a drug of nootropic action, the main component of which is pyritinol. It is used to treat functional brain disorders in adults and children from the third day of life

Horse joint gel for humans - how effective is it?

Horse joint gel for humans - how effective is it?

Horse Joint Gel is a remedy that was originally intended for animals. But in recent years, a trend has been noticed in the use of this drug by people. Someone, somewhere and once tried to use this remedy for muscle pain, and that's it - away we go

Drug "Maalox": reviews, description of the drug

Drug "Maalox": reviews, description of the drug

The drug "Maalox" is a modern drug that has enveloping, antacid, adsorbing and carminative properties. It is used to reduce gas formation in the intestines

Drug "Alycaps". Instructions for use, price

Drug "Alycaps". Instructions for use, price

Most often, people begin to think about their he alth only when the first symptoms of a disease appear. We postpone the visit to the doctor until the last moment and try not to notice the discomfort that has arisen. This is especially true for men who experience sexual problems. The drug "Alikaps", which will be discussed in this article, is considered an effective tool for improving potency

Drug "Holenzim". Reviews, description of the drug

Drug "Holenzim". Reviews, description of the drug

"Holenzim" is a combined remedy that has a choleretic effect. These are coated tablets, the main active ingredient of which is bile, as well as digestive enzymes

Zinc ointment. Reviews, description of the drug

Zinc ointment. Reviews, description of the drug

Zinc ointment is a complex anti-inflammatory agent for external use. The tool is inexpensive, effective, has virtually no side effects and contraindications

Drug "Cytoflavin": reviews, description

Drug "Cytoflavin": reviews, description

Cytoflavin is a drug that improves brain metabolism. The components that make up the drug, due to the complex effect, improve the stimulation of cellular respiration and energy-forming processes

Treatment with dental gel "Cholisal". Reviews, description of the drug

Treatment with dental gel "Cholisal". Reviews, description of the drug

In medicine, the problem of diseases of the oral cavity is considered one of the most urgent. Periodontitis, gingivitis, stomatitis are among the most common. With the modern pace of life, a drug is urgently needed that can be used independently, without the help of a doctor. Gel "Cholisal" is considered a safe and effective remedy not only for adults, but also for children

Metrogyl medication for acne. Reviews, price, description

Metrogyl medication for acne. Reviews, price, description

It is not uncommon for teenagers and adults to have skin problems that manifest themselves in the form of acne. This is not always a symptom of a transitional period. Most often, acne is the result of hormonal disorders, malnutrition, etc. Metrogyl gel is a drug that effectively fights skin rashes on the face and body

Means "Baby Calm" for newborns. Instructions, application, reviews, price

Means "Baby Calm" for newborns. Instructions, application, reviews, price

Many parents of newborn babies know firsthand what baby colic is. Starting from the third week of life and up to two or three months, the child experiences abdominal pain. The reason for this is the unformed intestinal microflora. One of the remedies that relieve colic is the drug "BabyCalm" (for newborns). Instructions for use describe the product as completely natural

Drug "Subsimplex". Instruction, description, price

Drug "Subsimplex". Instruction, description, price

The drug "Sabsimplex" is a pharmacological drug that has a carminative effect. It prevents the formation of gas bubbles in the intestines and contributes to their destruction

Drug "Monural". Review, description, price

Drug "Monural". Review, description, price

Monural is a broad-spectrum antibiotic. This drug has a detrimental effect on many types of bacteria

Phytolax laxative. Instruction, description, price

Phytolax laxative. Instruction, description, price

Phytolax was developed as a biologically active food supplement. Its main purpose is to stabilize the work of the gastrointestinal tract and provide a mild laxative effect

Drug "Kalgel". Reviews, description, application

Drug "Kalgel". Reviews, description, application

Kalgel is a pharmacological preparation based on local antiseptics and anesthetics. It is used as a pain reliever for teething in children

Drug "Fenistil" (drops for children). Instructions for use

Drug "Fenistil" (drops for children). Instructions for use

There are a number of medicines that are designed to treat allergy symptoms. One of them is the drug "Fenistil" (drops for children). The instruction refers it to the group of non-selective histamine blockers. The tool is considered a highly effective antipruritic and antiallergic drug for external and internal use. It is worth clarifying that the drug "Fenistil" treats only the symptoms, but does not eliminate the cause of the disease

Contraceptive pills "Jess": reviews and description of the drug

Contraceptive pills "Jess": reviews and description of the drug

Today, oral contraception is one of the most effective measures of protection against unwanted pregnancy. Convenience of use and a minimum number of side effects combine contraceptive pills "Jess". Reviews for contraceptives are extremely positive. Doctors confirm the safety and reliability of the drug

When is Elkar prescribed to children? Reviews about the drug, description, dosage

When is Elkar prescribed to children? Reviews about the drug, description, dosage

The energy reserve helps us to live, work, actively spend our free time. If there is not enough energy, there is a feeling of apathy, lethargy, unreasonable anxiety. In cases of emotional and physical overload, the body needs an additional "charge". Children differ little from adults in this respect. Often they also need external support. In such cases, the drug "Elkar" comes to the rescue

Dietary supplement "Feminal": reviews, description

Dietary supplement "Feminal": reviews, description

Means "Feminal" is a dietary supplement. It is used during menopause and during menopause to normalize the female reproductive system

Means "Yarina Plus": reviews and description of the drug

Means "Yarina Plus": reviews and description of the drug

Yarina Plus is a contraceptive designed for women. First of all, for those who have symptoms of fluid retention in the body due to hormone dependence and folate deficiency has been identified. For the treatment of moderate acne, Yarina Plus is also suitable. Reviews of those who used the drug confirm its effectiveness

Oral contraceptive "Median": reviews and description of the drug

Oral contraceptive "Median": reviews and description of the drug

One of the most popular and widely used means of protection is the medicine "Median". Reviews of women taking this drug confirm this fact

Plantex for newborns: reviews and description of the drug

Plantex for newborns: reviews and description of the drug

Which parent has not experienced colic in infants? The baby cries piercingly, refuses to eat and sleep. Perhaps, few people managed to avoid such a situation. At such times it is very important to use reliable and proven tools. One of these can be called "Plantex" for newborns. Reviews of mothers who gave their babies this drug prove its effectiveness

Products of the company "Art life". Customer Reviews

Products of the company "Art life". Customer Reviews

Company "Art life" is one of the leading manufacturers of products for he alth, beauty and longevity, healing the body and proper nutrition. Innovative developments, unique equipment and the latest technologies allow the company to grow, expand and explore new frontiers every year

"Articular doctor" (Adam's root): reviews and instructions for use

"Articular doctor" (Adam's root): reviews and instructions for use

"Articular doctor" - a remedy that helps with diseases of the joints, swelling and bruises. The tool mainly consists of natural ingredients that have an effect due to the beneficial substances that make up their composition

"Artrosilen" (aerosol): instructions for use, analogues and reviews

"Artrosilen" (aerosol): instructions for use, analogues and reviews

Aerosol "Artrosilene" helps to cope with the symptoms of diseases of the musculoskeletal system. The greatest efficiency appears at complex therapy. The drug is sold without a prescription, but it is recommended to consult a doctor before use

Antimalarial tablets "Malaron": instructions for use, analogues, reviews

Antimalarial tablets "Malaron": instructions for use, analogues, reviews

In the instructions for the use of "Malaron" it is said that this drug is used during therapy and for the prevention of malaria. It is especially important for travelers to take this remedy

Potassium permanganate solution (potassium permanganate): use and precautions. 3% and 5% potassium permanganate solution

Potassium permanganate solution (potassium permanganate): use and precautions. 3% and 5% potassium permanganate solution

Potassium permanganate solution, popularly known as potassium permanganate solution, has long been used for many diseases. They save themselves from food and alcohol poisoning, disinfect and cauterize wounds, and use it to prepare baths for bathing babies. What is the secret of this inexpensive, but such an effective tool? How to prepare and apply the solution to avoid burns?

"Palor": reviews of people after use, instructions for the drug

"Palor": reviews of people after use, instructions for the drug

"Palor" belongs to the group of sleeping pills and sedatives. It goes on sale in the form of syrup or tablets. The main active ingredient of the product is an extract of passionflower (passion flower). The article will consider basic information about the drug "Palor": reviews of people after use and instructions for it

Drops "El Macho": instructions, reviews

Drops "El Macho": instructions, reviews

The drug "El Macho" is a remedy that will help restore normal sexual activity without harm to he alth. Due to the combination of the components of the drug, the drops affect not only the sexual sphere of life, but also improve the general condition

The best remedy for erection: list with names, rating, instructions for use and contraindications

The best remedy for erection: list with names, rating, instructions for use and contraindications

Many men suffer from erectile dysfunction today. If desired, this problem can be solved both with the use of medications - various kinds of preparations and ointments, and folk - decoctions and infusions - means

Inhaler "Asterisk" for the nose: instructions, reviews

Inhaler "Asterisk" for the nose: instructions, reviews

The Asterisk inhaler is a relatively new remedy for the treatment of rhinitis. Previously, all people bought the famous "asterisk" in small tin cans. But they didn’t open well, my hands got dirty, I didn’t always want to get the ointment from the first aid kit. Fortunately, the manufacturers took care of people and came up with a tool in a new form of release. Today we will learn how to use the Asterisk pencil correctly, what are its advantages. And also find out what people think about this drug for the treatment of rhinitis

"Anti Psori Nano": reviews of doctors. Psoriasis remedy Anti Psori Nano

"Anti Psori Nano": reviews of doctors. Psoriasis remedy Anti Psori Nano

According to medical statistics, about 5% of the world's population suffers from psoriasis. This disease is not fatal, you can live with it until the end of your days. If the disease is mild, then it may not provide inconvenience at all

Schalcon (solution for lenses): description, types, instructions for use and reviews

Schalcon (solution for lenses): description, types, instructions for use and reviews

The Italian company "Shalkon" is engaged in the production of contact lenses and solutions for them. Previously, the company worked for the domestic segment of the market. Now the company began to sell its goods to the foreign market. Today we will find out what are the features of solutions for lenses of this company, what types of liquids are. Also find out what people think about the products of this organization

Drug "Joint Flex": instructions for use, description, composition and reviews

Drug "Joint Flex": instructions for use, description, composition and reviews

Joint Flex is capsules and cream from Art Life company. A feature of the products of this Russian company is naturalness. All preparations are made from herbal ingredients. Today we will find out what problems the cream can save from, as well as the Joint Flex capsules. We will also find out what the price of these drugs is and what people think about them

What is the best anti-TB drug to use for treatment?

What is the best anti-TB drug to use for treatment?

Timely detected pulmonary tuberculosis is cured in a period of time from 10 calendar months to 1.5 years. How long the treatment will last depends on the severity of the disease process and on the appointment of the most appropriate individually selected drug