In the article, consider a list of drops from glaucoma. This is a terrible eye disease that leads to loss of vision. According to statistics, this pathology affects approximately 3% of the population, and in 15% of blind people this disease has caused blindness. The risk group for the development of this disease includes people over 40 years old, however, in ophthalmic practice, there are forms of the disease that affect younger patients (congenital and juvenile glaucoma). The incidence of the disease increases significantly with age.

Glaucoma is a chronic pathology of the eyes, occurring with a constant or periodic increase in intraocular pressure, disorders of the outflow of intraocular fluid, trophic disorders in the optic nerve and retina, which is accompanied by the occurrence of defects in the marginal disc excavationoptic nerves and visual fields.
According to the mechanism of increasing pressure in the eye, closed-angle and primary open-angle glaucoma are distinguished. With angle-closure, there is an internal obstruction in the drainage system of the eye. With the development of an open-angle form, the angle of the anterior chamber is open, but the outflow of fluid is impaired. What is included in the list of drops for glaucoma?
Varieties of drugs for glaucoma
The list of medications indicated for increasing IOP includes several categories of drugs. These are drugs to enhance the outflow of fluid inside the eyes. These include:
- prostaglandins ("Travatan");
- cholinomimetics ("Aceclidin");
- sympathomimetics ("Irifrin").
Everyone wants to make a list of the best eye drops for glaucoma. Medicines that reduce the production of aqueous humor are also used:
- carbonic anhydrase inhibitors ("Trusopt");
- medicines of the combined type ("Azarga");
- beta-blockers (Timolol).
Carboanhydrase inhibitors from the list of eye drops for glaucoma inhibit the production of carbonic anhydrase, an enzyme produced by the ciliary body of the eye to form intraocular moisture. Sympathomimetics increase the circulation of fluid inside the eyes by acting on the sympathetic parts of the nervous system. Cholinomimetics lower intraocular pressure and normalize fluid outflow by opening the angle of the anterior eye chamber.
Prostaglandins contribute to the normalization of the ocular drainage system, as a result of whichthe necessary removal of fluid occurs.

List of glaucoma drops
The selection of medicines against glaucoma is made by an ophthalmologist after carrying out diagnostic measures and identifying the causes of this disease. To navigate among the variety of drugs for glaucoma produced in the form of drops, it is necessary to understand which of them help to cope with certain causes of the pathology and its manifestations. Among the most effective drugs should be noted:
- Timolol.
- Azopt.
- Betaxolol.
- Xalathan.
- Pilocarpine.
- Travatan.
- "Aceclidin".
- Irifrin.
- Fotil.
- Xalacom.
- Azarga.
- Combigan.
The list of eye drops for glaucoma is constantly expanding.
These glaucoma drops are classified as beta-blockers for local use. The active ingredient is timolol maleate. The drug is a blocker of non-selective beta-adrenergic receptors. It has no sympathomimetic activity. When instilled into the eye, it helps to lower IOP by reducing the production of aqueous humor and slightly increasing its outflow. By lowering intraocular pressure, the drug does not affect the size of the pupil and accommodation, as a result of which there is no deterioration in visual acuity or a decrease in the quality of night vision. Drops for the treatment of glaucoma begin to act after about 20 minutesafter injection into the eye, and the maximum therapeutic effect is observed after 1-2 hours. The duration of the drug is 1 day.

Indications for the use of "Timolol" are:
- increased ophthalmotonus;
- close-angle and open-angle glaucoma (as part of combination therapy with miotics);
- uveal, post-traumatic or aphakic secondary glaucoma.
As contraindications to the use of drops, the instructions for the medication indicate: dystrophic pathologies of the cornea, rhinitis, sinus bradycardia, heart failure, cardiogenic shock, lactation period, hypersensitivity.
The drug is dosed as follows - 1 drop twice a day.
What else is on the list of eye drops for glaucoma and cataracts?
This antiglaucoma drug has the main effect - reducing eye pressure. It contains an active element - brinzolamide, which is considered an inhibitor of carbonic anhydrase II. Suppression of its production leads to inhibition of the formation of bicarbonate ions, and a further decrease in the transfer of sodium and fluid, which ultimately leads to a decrease in the influx of intraocular fluid and intraocular pressure.
The main indication for the use of Azopt is high intraocular pressure in open-angle glaucoma or hypertension. In accordance with the instructions for use, the drug is not allowed to be used for individualsensitivity to the composition, with severe disorders of renal function. With caution, it is prescribed for liver diseases and angle-closure glaucoma. Instructions for use: 1 drop 2 times a day.
The list of drops for glaucoma includes the drug "Betaxolol". The drug is included in the group of beta-blockers, is used in the treatment of glaucoma and in order to normalize intraocular pressure. The drops are based on the active element - betaxolol hydrochloride. When applied topically, this substance reduces the pressure inside the eye by slowing down the production of fluid in the eye. Unlike other β-blockers, the use of this drug does not reduce blood flow in the optic nerve. The main substance does not provoke contractions of the ciliary and circular muscles, the development of hemeralopia, the appearance of a "veil" in the eyes.

Betaxolol is indicated for the treatment of open-angle glaucoma and ocular hypertension. Contraindications to its use are:
- myasthenia gravis;
- cardiogenic shock;
- arterial hypotension;
- bronchial asthma;
- obstructive respiratory failure in severe course;
- sinus bradycardia;
- sinus node weakness;
- heart failure;
- under 18;
- sensitivity to ingredients.
Instructions for use: 1 drop twice a day.
List of drops to treat glaucoma bettercheck with your doctor.
Drug with antiglaucoma effects, based on the active substance - latanoprost. This component acts as an analogue of prostaglandin F2α, which is included in the category of selective prostaglandin F agonists. The drug reduces intraocular pressure, accelerates the outflow of moisture from the eye through the trabecular meshwork and uveoscleral route. The effect is noted approximately 3-4 hours after instillation, and lasts about 8-12 hours. Studies have shown that latanoprost has little effect on fluid production and on the blood-ophthalmic barrier. During the use of this drug in therapeutic dosages, there is no significant pharmacological effect on the respiratory system and heart.
Indications for the use of Xalatan drops are: lowering IOP with increased ophthalmotonus and open-angle glaucoma. Contraindications: hypersensitivity to the drug and age less than 1 year. Instructions for use: instill 1 drop once a day (preferably in the evening).

The active substance of the same name in these eye drops for glaucoma is a derivative of methylimidazole, which has a direct m-cholinomimetic effect. The drug has antiglaucoma and miotic properties, is an m-cholinomimetic. During its application, there is a contraction of the circular and ciliary muscles, the permeability of the trabecular zone and the angle of the anterior chamber of the eye increase,the outflow of moisture from the eye is normalized. As a result, there is a decrease in IOP.
Indications for the use of Pilocapin are:
- acute attacks of glaucoma;
- chronic open-angle glaucoma;
- secondary glaucoma (obstruction of the arteries of the retina, its pigmentary degeneration or thrombosis of the central vein, as well as atrophy of the optic nerves);
- corneal abscess.
These eye drops are also prescribed after the introduction of mydriatics, if pupillary constriction is necessary.
Contraindications to the use of the remedy are: iritis, iridocyclitis, eye conditions in which miosis is undesirable, age under 18, sensitivity to components.
Instructions for use: for primary glaucoma - 1-2 drops 2-4 times a day. With an attack of angle-closure glaucoma: for 1 drop every 15 minutes (1 hour), 1 drop every 30 minutes (2 and 3 hours), 1 drop per hour (from 4 to 6 hours of the attack). Further, the medication is used 1 drop up to 6 times a day. And what is included in the list of drops for open-angle glaucoma?

These are prostaglandin eye drops for glaucoma. Travoprost is the main substance of this medical product, an analogue of F2a prostaglandin, its selective antagonist, which has an increased level of similarity to prostaglandin receptors. The tool effectively reduces IOP, increases the outflow of fluid from the eye.
This medication is shown in order to lower intraocular pressure, the increase in whichdue to open-angle glaucoma or high ophthalmotonus. Contraindications are the age of up to 18 years and intolerance to the components.
Instructions for use: 1 drop 1 time per day.
The list of the best eye drops for open-angle glaucoma includes "Aceclidin". It is an effective cholinomimetic that has a miotic effect. The drug has an antiglaucoma and miotic effect, is an m-cholinomimetic. During its application, the circular and ciliary muscles contract, the permeability of the trabecular zone and the angle of the anterior chamber of the eye increase, and the outflow of liquid moisture from the eye normalizes. As a result, there is a decrease in IOP.
Indications for the use of the drug "Aceclidin"" are:
- chronic open-angle glaucoma;
- acute attacks of glaucoma;
- corneal abscess;
- secondary glaucoma (obstruction of the arteries of the retina, its pigmentary degeneration or thrombosis of the central vein, as well as atrophy of the optic nerves).
Contraindications: iridocyclitis, iritis, conditions in which eye miosis is undesirable, age less than 18 years, sensitivity to the composition. Eye drops "Aceclidin" are instilled 3-6 times a day.
The list of drops for angle-closure glaucoma is also quite extensive. "Irifrin" is a drug with an alpha-adrenomimetic effect, a sympathomimetic that is not characterized by a stimulating effect on the central nervous system. When applied topically, phenylephrine (active substance) constricts the conjunctival vessels, enhancesremoval of intraocular moisture and dilates the pupil. The active component also has a stimulating effect on postsynaptic alpha-adrenergic receptors, and has a slight effect on the function of beta-adrenergic receptors in the heart.

Indications for its use:
- iridocyclitis;
- glaucoma-cyclic crises;
- red eye syndrome;
- accommodation spasm;
- for diagnostic purposes and during surgical interventions.
To eliminate glaucoma-cyclic crises, the medication should be instilled into the eyes 2-3 times a day.
The list of eye drops for glaucoma includes the drug "Fotil". This is a combined type remedy, based on two active ingredients: pilocarpine hydrochloride and timolol maleate. This medication for glaucoma belongs to the category of beta-blockers for topical use. The drug is a non-selective beta-adrenergic blocker, has no sympathomimetic activity. When instilled into the eye, it promotes a rapid decrease in pressure in the eye by reducing the production of aqueous humor and slightly increasing its outflow.
Reducing intraocular pressure, the drug does not affect the size of the pupil and accommodation, as a result of which there is no deterioration in visual acuity or a decrease in the quality of night vision. Drops begin to act approximately 20 minutes after injection into the eye, and the maximum therapeutic effect is observed after 1-2 hours. The duration of the drug is 1 day.
Indications for the use of Fotil are:
- increased ophthalmotonus;
- close-angle and open-angle glaucoma (as part of combination therapy with miotics);
- uveal, post-traumatic or aphakic secondary glaucoma.
As contraindications to the use of drops, the instructions for the medication indicate: dystrophic pathologies of the cornea, rhinitis, sinus bradycardia, heart failure, lactation period, hypersensitivity.
The drug is dosed as follows - 1 drop twice a day.
We reviewed the list of eye drops for glaucoma.