As you know, snoring is not only a medical but also a social problem. It not only causes poor sleep, fatigue and irritation, but can even cause a family quarrel or divorce. Most often, representatives of the strong half of humanity suffer from this disease. Therefore, let's talk today about how to get rid of snoring for a man. We hope that this will help you overcome such an unpleasant ailment.

Why do we snore?
The main cause of this sound phenomenon is the vibration of the airway tissues of the human nasopharynx due to a decrease in muscle tone during sleep. In other words, after a person falls asleep, his muscles relax and the airway decreases. At the same time, during inhalation and exhalation, the walls of the pharynx begin to vibrate and hit each other, causing a familiar sound to all of us.
In general, about one third of the entire population of our planet suffers from snoring. Mostly they are men, but it is not uncommon to find women with such an ailment. In addition, it is possible to traceage pattern: for example, older people are much more likely to snore than young people.

What conditions provoke the occurrence of this disease?
Before you start to figure out how to get rid of snoring for a man, we suggest finding out what can cause this condition. So, the appearance of this disease is provoked by the following factors:
- taking sleeping pills;
- constant smoking and drinking;
- thyroid disease;
- infectious diseases of the respiratory tract (adenoiditis, tonsillitis, polyps in the nasal cavity);
- congenital individual structural features of the human face: micrognathia (too small lower jaw), narrowed oropharynx or narrow nasal passages;
- deviated septum;
- obesity.

Features of male snoring
It is interesting that such a condition, depending on the gender of the person suffering from it, has its own characteristics. So, snoring in men more often than in women is caused by smoking and alcohol abuse. In this regard, often when representatives of the strong half of humanity apply for medical help due to this ailment, doctors first of all recommend giving up bad habits. Another feature of male snoring is that it is more often and faster able to go into a complicated form. Thus, from a small violation, which practically does not threaten human he alth,it becomes one of the signs of sleep apnea syndrome (multiple short pauses in breathing during sleep).
Options on how to get rid of snoring for a man
Reviews of representatives of the strong half of humanity, who were able to get rid of this unpleasant disease, there are very different. Someone was able to recover at home, and someone needed drug therapy or even surgery. Of course, the causes that caused this violation play a significant role in determining the methodology for combating snoring. We offer a closer look at possible treatment options.

How to get rid of snoring for a man with medication
As we have already found out, this ailment quite often occurs or intensifies due to chronic and acute respiratory diseases. In this case, a well-chosen treatment regimen for the underlying disease, including the use of antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial agents, can also save the patient from snoring. So, in order to quickly relieve nasal congestion and improve nasal breathing, nasal drops and sprays with glucocorticosteroids and local drugs that have a vasoconstrictive effect are used.
How to get rid of snoring for a man if it is caused by hypothyroidism? In this case, the fight against this disease, as a rule, occurs in parallel with drug therapy, which is prescribed to the patient by an endocrinologist. It includes taking thyroid hormones.
If snoring is caused by sleeping pillsdrugs, it is logical that in order to get rid of this condition, its direct cause should be eliminated. Check with your doctor, he may recommend another drug that does not have this effect.
Snoring with surgery
This treatment method is an excellent option if the patient has an abnormality in the structure of the upper respiratory tract (for example, too long uvula). In this case, surgery can either permanently save a man from snoring, or significantly reduce its severity. However, first of all, it should be borne in mind that surgical intervention can be beneficial only as long as the disease has not turned into sleep apnea syndrome. If this happens, then the operation will harm the patient rather than help him.

Snoring at home
Most representatives of the strong half of humanity suffering from this disease do not seek medical help, as they believe that this problem does not deserve too close attention. They prefer to be treated at home. It should be noted that quite often this method is effective. So, we propose to learn how to cure snoring in a man at home:
- it is necessary to quit or minimize bad habits in the form of drinking and smoking;
- refuse to eat before bedtime;
- if you are overweight, try to get in shape;
- for sleepuse an orthopedic pillow;
- sleep properly - not on your back and with an elevated headboard;
- during sleep, use special strips that expand the nasal passages, or resort to special intraoral devices;
- apply an anti-snoring bracelet.
Folk methods
To the question of how to get rid of snoring for a man, our grandparents also have answers, who, in the old fashioned way, are accustomed not to trust medicines, but to use the gifts of nature. So, from folk remedies, herbal infusions can be distinguished, which have a tonic effect on the body. They both help the muscles of the pharynx to be in good shape, and relieve excessive fatigue, which can also cause snoring. If the cause of your illness lies in infectious diseases of the respiratory system, then we can recommend using herbal decoctions with antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effects.