Drugs 2024, October

"Ethylmorphine hydrochloride": instructions, analogues

"Ethylmorphine hydrochloride": instructions, analogues

Narcotic drugs are often used in medical practice. For example, for the treatment of bronchi and lungs, as well as an anti-inflammatory agent for pathologies of the organs of vision, "Ethylmorphine hydrochloride" is used. This substance is intermediate in its action between codeine and morphine

Codeine Phosphate: instructions for use, analogues and reviews

Codeine Phosphate: instructions for use, analogues and reviews

Codeine belongs to the opium alkaloids. It is widely used in medicine as a cough suppressant. Refers to drugs of central action, which is often used in combination with other substances, among which terpinhydrate can be distinguished. A very interesting fact is that when using codeine, signs of drug intoxication may appear. There are also pain relieving effects

Dry cough syrup for adults: advice from doctors

Dry cough syrup for adults: advice from doctors

You can treat a cough on your own only with common colds or mild bronchitis. In all other cases, treatment should be under the supervision of a physician. The most affordable remedy to help cure a dry cough is a syrup containing a combination of drugs. Dry cough syrup for adults based on plant extracts has an expectorant and anti-inflammatory effect, reduces the viscosity of sputum and facilitates the course of the disease

Expectorants for dry cough. Syrup expectorant

Expectorants for dry cough. Syrup expectorant

For the treatment of dry cough, drugs that inhibit the cough reflex are mainly used. They can be narcotic and non-narcotic, affect different areas of the brain or directly on the respiratory tract receptors

Analogue of "Rehydron" for children. Reviews, price. How to replace "Regidron"

Analogue of "Rehydron" for children. Reviews, price. How to replace "Regidron"

For the treatment of dehydration in children, you can use all the analogues of Regidron. They do not have contraindications for age and act about the same. It is believed that Hydrovit is the only analogue of Regidron for children, but this is not so

"Smecta" from what helps? Instructions for use, reviews

"Smecta" from what helps? Instructions for use, reviews

The main active ingredient of the powder is a natural mineral extracted from shell rock - dioctahedral smectite. To improve the taste, the manufacturer adds glucose, saccharin and vanillin to the composition of the product - and a preparation with the trade name "Smecta" is obtained. What does the medicine help? It is mainly used for diarrhea of various etiologies

What is the best medicine for bloating? Folk remedies and medicines for bloating

What is the best medicine for bloating? Folk remedies and medicines for bloating

If you have regular increased gas production for no apparent reason, you should consult a doctor. In other cases, from bloating, the medicine can be taken based on the general recommendations set out in the instructions. Drugs that reduce gas formation belong to different pharmacological groups

"Smekta" - analogues. Analogue of "Smecta" for children. "Smekta" or "Polysorb" - which is better?

"Smekta" - analogues. Analogue of "Smecta" for children. "Smekta" or "Polysorb" - which is better?

"Smecta" is an excellent drug for the treatment of food poisoning and other disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. The drug belongs to the group of antidiarrheal drugs. "Smecta", analogues of which may refer to other pharmacological groups, has its own characteristics

"Rehydron" - analogues. "Gidrovit" - instructions, reviews, prices

"Rehydron" - analogues. "Gidrovit" - instructions, reviews, prices

Medications to restore electrolyte balance differ in the concentration and ratio of s alts. The so-called solutions with low osmolality include Regidron. Its analogues, such as Hydrovit, contain less potassium and more sodium and are recommended for the treatment of diarrhea in children

"Smecta" in case of poisoning: instructions for use

"Smecta" in case of poisoning: instructions for use

"Smecta" in case of poisoning is used most often. How to use "Smecta" and what is its advantage over other drugs in this group?

Medicines for diarrhea in adults. How to choose a remedy for diarrhea

Medicines for diarrhea in adults. How to choose a remedy for diarrhea

Many people suffer from the symptoms of diarrhea, especially during dietary changes during travel, stressful situations or eating junk food. With a mild degree of the disease, you can take medicines for diarrhea in adults at home - drugs from the group of enterosorbents and intestinal antiseptics. To restore normal microflora, it is advisable to drink a course of probiotics

Drugs to improve brain function. What drugs and vitamins should be taken to improve brain function?

Drugs to improve brain function. What drugs and vitamins should be taken to improve brain function?

Drugs to improve brain function are conditionally divided into several groups. These are primarily nootropics that stimulate the metabolism in the brain, improve the supply of nutrients and oxygen to it

How to take Detralex for varicose veins: instructions and reviews

How to take Detralex for varicose veins: instructions and reviews

"Detralex" is a drug used as part of complex treatment for venous insufficiency. What is unique about this remedy, how long to take "Detralex" for varicose veins, what is the opinion of patients and doctors about this medicine, you can learn from this article

Shelf life of activated carbon and rules for its storage

Shelf life of activated carbon and rules for its storage

Sometimes, looking into the first aid kit for a simple but faithful assistant - activated charcoal, you can find that the drug has long expired. What to do if activated charcoal has expired? Run to the pharmacy for a new pack? Take a risk and take an expired drug? How long can activated charcoal be stored? Read the answers to these questions in the article

Hemobin: reviews, indications, composition, instructions for use, analogues

Hemobin: reviews, indications, composition, instructions for use, analogues

"Hemobin" is a biologically active supplement that, better than any medicine, helps to get rid of iron deficiency anemia in the shortest possible time. "Hemobin" has many advantages - natural composition, no contraindications, long-term effect of treatment. More information about dietary supplements "Hemobin" can be found in this article

"Holisal Dental" - oral care gel: instructions for use, analogues and reviews

"Holisal Dental" - oral care gel: instructions for use, analogues and reviews

"Dental-gel" - the first assistant in diseases of the oral cavity, accompanied by severe pain. This dental gel has a lot of advantages: it can be used for both adults and children, the gel is consumed sparingly, quickly and permanently anesthetizes, and also eliminates inflammation in the tissues. Instructions for the use of dental gel "Holisal Dental", price, customer reviews, as well as analogues of the drug are described in the article

Protein "Maxler" - a good result at a low price

Protein "Maxler" - a good result at a low price

Protein, or protein, has become fashionable to take in the form of a dietary supplement. What is protein for? It is the building material for the cells of the whole organism. This means that all our organs, muscles, bones contain protein in their composition

Tablets "Redugaz": customer reviews, composition, instructions for use

Tablets "Redugaz": customer reviews, composition, instructions for use

Bloating is a very unpleasant sensation caused by the accumulation of gases in the digestive tract. Not only does it physically feel like fullness, accompanied by pain in the digestive system, but it can also lead to the release of these same gases at the most inopportune time

"Nozdrin", nose drops: instructions for use, indications, reviews

"Nozdrin", nose drops: instructions for use, indications, reviews

To treat or not to treat a runny nose? And if treated, then with what? These questions bother us especially often during the rampant colds. Is there a drug that can not only get rid of the common cold, but also protect the body in a natural way? There is! This is "Nozdrin" (drops in the nose). Instructions, reviews and uniqueness of this tool are described in the article

"Ultracain D": instructions for use

"Ultracain D": instructions for use

"Ultracain D" is an effective analgesic drug used in dentistry. What is its feature? Why do most dentists prefer this particular anesthetic? Description of the drug, instructions, reviews and varieties of "Ultracaine" - all this in our article

In what form is zinc sold in pharmacies

In what form is zinc sold in pharmacies

Do you know what are the symptoms of zinc deficiency in the body? These are lethargy, irritability, insatiable hunger or a complete lack of appetite, blurred vision, loss of scent, hair loss, brittle nails, dry and sagging skin, pimples, wounds that do not heal for a long time, and similar troubles. Does it make sense for you to take zinc supplements to improve your well-being? If yes, then run to the pharmacy

"Relip": reviews and analogues

"Relip": reviews and analogues

Insomnia is a real punishment for both physical and mental activity of the body. One of the effective ways to combat this condition is to take sleeping pills. In this article, we will introduce you to one of these tools - Reslip tablets. Reviews, instructions, indications and side effects are described both from the point of view of doctors and pharmacists, and the "testers" of the drug themselves

"Nitroxoline-UBF": description, instructions for use, reviews

"Nitroxoline-UBF": description, instructions for use, reviews

What could be more unpleasant than diseases of the genitourinary system? Such an attack is characterized by pain during urination, urinary incontinence, discomfort and pain in the pelvis and groin, pain in the lumbar region and other unpleasant sensations

Camphor is Definition, use in medicine

Camphor is Definition, use in medicine

Camphor is a substance actively used in medicine. Many years ago, she helped save cholera patients from death, "revived" people who were near death, and served as a smoking incense in various rituals. Its benefits, as well as the dangers, can hardly be overestimated. Therefore, you should carefully follow all the rules for using this drug, then the effect will be positive without complications

Inhalation with saline and "Ambrobene": dosage and instructions

Inhalation with saline and "Ambrobene": dosage and instructions

One of the forms of release of "Ambrobene" is a solution that can be used for drinking and doing inhalation with it. For convenience, a measuring cup is attached to the package with the medicine, which will allow you to correctly dose the product

Ammonia: instructions for use and reviews

Ammonia: instructions for use and reviews

Ammonia solution (ammonia) is used in many life situations. True, most of them belong to the field of economy and gardening, but this solution is used less frequently for treatment. However, ammonia can be very helpful in some situations and he alth problems

Collagen gel "Emalan": customer reviews

Collagen gel "Emalan": customer reviews

A controversial remedy in the fight against acne was the drug "Emalan" hydrogel collagen. Reviews about its effect on acne are very contradictory, although in the description of the drug there is a point that this remedy helps get rid of nasty rosacea and other rashes

Cheap analogues of "Indovazina"

Cheap analogues of "Indovazina"

For pain in the joints, bruises, various bruises, doctors recommend the use of external agents. One of these drugs is the drug "Indovazin". The drug has anti-inflammatory, analgesic, anti-edematous properties. No less effective are analogues of "Indovazin"

Analogues "Combiflox" and reviews about them

Analogues "Combiflox" and reviews about them

Combiflox is an excellent drug for fighting parasites and microbes that live in the human body. It is used in the presence of mixed infectious pathologies that are bacterial in nature. But some patients cannot resort to the help of the original remedy. Naturally, they have many questions. What analogues can be taken? "Combiflox" and its substitutes have the same efficiency?

Antacids-drugs. List and application of popular tools

Antacids-drugs. List and application of popular tools

With painful cramps and pains in the abdomen in ancient times, people used drugs. It is these herbs that can be called the first antacids. After all, drugs, getting into the gastrointestinal tract, affected hydrochloric acid, the main culprit of most problems in the stomach. Antacids also play the same role. The list of such drugs is truly huge. That is why sometimes it is very difficult to find the right drug

An analogue of "Veroshpiron" is cheap and effective

An analogue of "Veroshpiron" is cheap and effective

In medical practice, such diseases are often observed in which there is a need to take potassium-sparing diuretics. Such a drug is Veroshpiron. Medicines included in the group of potassium-sparing diuretics are allowed to be used for a long time. After all, their peculiarity lies in the fact that they do not remove sodium and potassium from the human body

Aminoglycosides: drugs (list, names, classification, instructions for use)

Aminoglycosides: drugs (list, names, classification, instructions for use)

The appearance on the pharmacological market of new antibiotics with a wide range of effects, such as fluoroquinolones, cephalosporins, has led to the fact that doctors have become extremely rare to prescribe aminoglycosides (drugs). The list of medicines included in this group is quite extensive, and includes such well-known drugs as Penicillin, Gentamicin, Amikacin

Shampoo "Etrivex": instructions for use, indications

Shampoo "Etrivex": instructions for use, indications

Psoriasis of the scalp is a non-communicable disease. Pathology does not threaten a person's life, but seriously spoils the appearance of a person. That is why the disease often becomes a source of various complexes. Etrivex shampoo is often recommended for the treatment of psoriasis. Instructions for use of the tool allows you to familiarize yourself with it

Prostatinol drug: instructions for use and reviews

Prostatinol drug: instructions for use and reviews

Men, as a rule, absolutely do not like to talk about prostate diseases. Meanwhile, sometimes she really needs adequate and timely therapy. An excellent tool that can come to the aid of the stronger sex is the drug "Prostatinol". Instructions for use will allow you to get acquainted with the medicine in more detail

"Doctor Theiss" - ointment for colds for children: instructions for use, reviews

"Doctor Theiss" - ointment for colds for children: instructions for use, reviews

Most colds are usually accompanied by such an unpleasant symptom as a cough. In addition, the pathology is usually accompanied by nasal congestion, fever, general weakness. A proven and reliable way to treat such signs is "Doctor Theiss" (ointment). The tool is ideal for both adults and the smallest patients

Eye drops "Artificial tear": instructions for use, composition, analogues

Eye drops "Artificial tear": instructions for use, composition, analogues

Eye drops "Artificial tear" is a drug that is used in the field of ophthalmology for patients of any age. The remedy is used for any disorders of the lacrimal glands. Drops protect against drying out and help the eyes relax

Ultrix vaccine: manufacturer, instructions. What is the difference between Ultrix and Grippol vaccines?

Ultrix vaccine: manufacturer, instructions. What is the difference between Ultrix and Grippol vaccines?

The population is faced with influenza epidemics every year. Experts say that the Ultrix vaccine can significantly increase the body's resistance to attacks by pathogenic pathogens

"Vizarsin": reviews of men, instructions for use, contraindications, reviews of doctors

"Vizarsin": reviews of men, instructions for use, contraindications, reviews of doctors

Erectile dysfunction is a serious male problem. You can solve it with the help of Vizarsin tablets. You should consult your doctor before using them

Rimantadine hydrochloride: indications for use, side effects, trade name

Rimantadine hydrochloride: indications for use, side effects, trade name

Colds are a generalized name for a large group of acute respiratory infections, which are manifested by a catarrhal inflammation of the mucous cavities of the upper respiratory organs. The drug is available in tablets, which are intended for the etiotropic treatment of viral infections, in particular influenza. The trade name for rimantadine hydrochloride is "Rimantadine"

Prevention and treatment of gynecological diseases. Useful information and reviews. "Gynekol" - a natural remedy that relieves many troubles

Prevention and treatment of gynecological diseases. Useful information and reviews. "Gynekol" - a natural remedy that relieves many troubles

Tablets "Gynekol" is not a drug, but a dietary supplement that is used to prevent inflammatory processes in the genitourinary system in women. The drug can be produced both in tablets and in the form of an alcohol tincture (drops)