Best soothing syrup: reviews

Best soothing syrup: reviews
Best soothing syrup: reviews

Modern rhythm of life can exhaust the psyche and lead to nervous exhaustion even the most patient person. Constant traffic jams, conflicts with colleagues, the struggle to fulfill plans, problems with spouses and children - all this, like a snowball, grows and at one fine moment makes itself felt with psychosomatic diseases, panic attacks, psychiatric disorders, symptoms of VVD. It is difficult to list how many consequences this or that violation of the nervous system can entail. Calming syrups are a simple, cheap and effective way to keep your nervous system normal. He althy sleep, good mood, lack of irritability - all this is real if the patient wants to change his condition.

Consequences of nervous overload and chronic stress

Depending on the impact of negative factors on the state of the psycheand nervous system stress can be either physical or psychological.

The first occurs if the body has been exposed to cold, excessive heat (sunburn, bath, etc.), serious physical exertion, when for one reason or another a person has experienced a state of shock or acute pain. Stress of a psychological nature is manifested as a result of conflicts, nervous overwork, strong resentment, experienced crisis situations of various kinds. In psychology, there is a concept as a post-stress state due to both physical and psychological crisis.

By and large, it doesn’t matter for what reason the stressful state developed - the consequences are almost always extremely negative:

  • angina pectoris, arrhythmia, symptoms of vegetative-vascular dystonia (the degree of manifestation depends on the condition of the vessels and the inclination of a particular patient to this pathology, as well as on the state of his cardiovascular system);
  • increased blood sugar is a well-known and proven fact that prolonged stress can develop type 2 diabetes, especially if the patient abuses carbohydrate foods and is overweight;
  • hypertension and blood pressure surges;
  • increased levels of fatty acids, metabolic disorders;
  • gastritis often develops precisely as a result of a psychological long-term stressful state;
  • insomnia, disturbed sleep phases, nightmares, waking up in the middle of the night;
  • gastric ulcer, as a consequence of gastritis, also often develops against a background of nervousexhaustion;
  • disorders in the functioning of the psyche - depressive, anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorders are not uncommon among people who are regularly exposed to stressful situations;
  • decreased appetite, weight loss - as a result, anemia develops, a decrease in hemoglobin, a deterioration in blood composition and a decrease in immunity;
  • susceptibility to colds;
  • women have amenorrhea due to stress or shock-induced weight loss.
effects of stress on humans
effects of stress on humans

Sedative syrup for adults: the most effective drugs

Why is it best to choose the form of release - syrup? The fact is that in liquid form, drugs irritate the gastric mucosa less. This form of release is ideal for people with diseases of the esophagus, stomach, intestines, liver. There is an opinion among patients that a sedative syrup is only suitable for children - this is a delusion. Often, for adult patients of a neurologist, a drug in liquid form is more effective than capsules or tablets.

Which adult sedative syrup to choose? The highest quality and at the same time inexpensive:

  • "Travisil";
  • "Novopassit";
  • syrups with hops, motherwort in the composition (several names);
  • "Valemidin Plus".

It should be taken into account that during the treatment it is necessary to try to minimize the influence of the factor that causes stress. Otherwise, taking a soothing syrup may not live up to expectations. It is also important to completelystop drinking alcohol during treatment. It is a well-known fact that alcohol is a strong depressant that contributes to the multiple death of nerve cells without their subsequent restoration. If the patient takes alcoholic beverages during treatment, then there can be no talk of remission and improvement in the condition.

For children of all ages

Young parents often find themselves in a difficult situation: the child seems to be he althy, but some defects in his behavior prevent him from being happy for the growing child. Tearfulness, bad mood, screaming, irritability, poor sleep and nocturnal awakenings - all these features indicate the presence of problems in neurology. Be sure to show the child to a neurologist. If there are no serious reasons for concern, then the doctor will prescribe a soft and safe sedative syrup "Hare" (instructions are described below) or "Help". "Edas 306" is also popular - parents' reviews of this syrup are positive.

Before you start treating a child with one or another remedy, you should carefully read the instructions. For example, many children's sedative syrups from the age of 2 can be given only if there is confidence that the pathology of the internal organs is not the cause of the baby's nervousness. But be sure to consult with your doctor.

Names of soothing syrups for children:

  • "Edas 306".
  • "Help".
  • "Bunny".
  • "Sleep formula".

These drugs can be purchased at almost any pharmacy without a prescription from a doctor. Before use, you must carefully read the instructions, calculate the dosage and duration of administration.

As a soothing syrup for babies, you can use drops "Sub Simplex" or "Baby Calm". The action of these drugs is aimed at normalizing digestion and gas discharge. In most cases, the anxiety and tearfulness of infants are caused by colic, which are formed due to the normalization of the intestinal microflora. Drops containing fennel extract help to gently and safely rid the intestines of accumulated gases.

soothing syrup for babies
soothing syrup for babies

Sedative "Novopassit" for adults and adolescents

The form of release of the drug - tablets and syrup. This is a composition based on plant extracts:

  • valerian rhizome extract - normalizes sleep, has a mild sedative effect. Patients become less irritable. The disadvantage of this component is that it can provoke the development of drowsiness;
  • melissa extract enhances inhibitory processes in the nervous system, making it easier for the patient to fall asleep;
  • St. John's wort extract has a mild antidepressant effect - improves mood, normalizes the psychological state. Non-addictive, unlike most prescription antidepressants;
  • hawthorn extract improves microcirculation in the myocardium, normalizes cardiac activity, improvessleep;
  • hop fruit extract has a mild hypnotic effect.
sedative syrup name
sedative syrup name

Soothing syrup "Novopassit" has the following contraindications for admission:

  • Children under 12;
  • myasthenia gravis;
  • an allergic reaction to any component in the composition.

Reviews about the drug are different. Some patients note that against the background of taking them, irritability has become less worrying, they have become less responsive to conflict situations and squabbles. In addition, there is an improvement in sleep. As you know, he althy and sound sleep is the basis for the normal functioning of the nervous system.

There are also negative reviews about the syrup: patients did not notice any effect and were dissatisfied. As a rule, such a reaction is due to the fact that the dosage was insufficient or the patient violated the rules of the instructions for use when taking it. In no case should you mix a soothing syrup with alcoholic beverages. It is optimal to take the average dosage just an hour or two before bedtime. When taken in the morning, drowsiness, apathy, lethargy may occur.

Novopassit syrup reviews
Novopassit syrup reviews

Sedative with motherwort, St. John's wort, hops

Herbs and infusions from them have long been used to relieve symptoms of anxiety, irritability, insomnia. The most popular sedatives are motherwort, St. John's wort, and hops. Extracts of these herbs are part of Novopassit, but there is another high-quality sedative syrup with similarcharacteristics - "Passiflora Plus".

This drug is not recommended for use by children under 16 years of age, as well as persons with intolerance to the components that make up the composition. Reviews of Passiflora syrup are positive: patients note that it is easier to fall asleep already literally on the second or third day of admission. Anxiety is reduced, replaced by positivity and joy. Since this syrup is not so common on sale, there are not as many reviews about it as about analogues.

passionflower plus reviews
passionflower plus reviews

"Travisil": composition and patient reviews

Release form - syrup and lozenges for resorption. The tool can be purchased at almost any pharmacy without a prescription from a doctor.

5 ml of solution contains 5 mg of dry extract of justice adatoda leaves, 25 mg of dry extract of long pepper fruits, 20 mg of dry extract of black pepper fruits, 5 mg of dry extract of belerica terminalia fruits, 5 mg of dry extract of leaves, roots, holy basil seeds, 5 mg dry extract of terminalia chebula fruit, 12 mg dry extract of medicinal ginger rhizomes, 20 mg of dry extract of medicinal alpinia rhizomes, 20 mg of dry extract of prayer abrus seeds, 17 mg of dry extract of acacia catechu bark, 18 mg of dry fruit extract of common fennel, 10 mg of dry extract of bare licorice root, 16 mg of dry extract of medicinal emblica fruit, 15 mg of dry extract of long turmeric rhizomes.

Reviews of Travisil syrup are different. Most patients still opt for"Novopassite" because of its cost and availability in pharmacies. Patients who took "Travisil" as a course note an improvement in sleep, vigor and energy appear in the morning. Unlike analogues, this tool does not cause drowsiness and apathy at all, so there are practically no negative reviews about it.

"Valemidin Plus": instructions for use, patient reviews

This syrup contains an extract of valerian, motherwort, hawthorn, peppermint. The drug has the following properties:

  1. Helps to normalize the emotional background, eliminate irritability, anxiety and anxiety.
  2. Reduces the effects of both physical and mental stress.
  3. Increases stress resistance.
  4. Normalizes sleep, improves the process of falling asleep, restores sleep phases.
  5. Helps reduce high blood pressure, relieve symptoms of arrhythmias and normalize heart rhythm.
  6. Does not cause daytime sleepiness, apathy, anhedonia, lethargy or decreased performance.

Reviews about the drug are positive. Patients note that they become much calmer - and this is without the appearance of drowsiness and apathy, which are characteristic of taking similar drugs. Depending on the dosage, side effects can be observed, the severity of which largely depends on the level of stress and the environment in which the patient is.

Syrup for children "Help": description and reviews

This is an excellent soothing syrup for children from 3 years old, in the compositionwhich includes the following main active ingredients: infusion of vegetable raw materials from sea buckthorn leaves, rose hips, chamomile fruits, mint inflorescences, leaves of nettle, St. John's wort, marigold flowers (calendula), infusion of black currant fruits, honey propolis extract, citric acid.

The cost of a 100 ml bottle is about 90 rubles. The recommended dosage for children from 3 to 11 years old is 2 teaspoons per day, from 11 to 15 years old - 3-4 teaspoons per day. The syrup has a pleasant taste, even babies drink it with pleasure.

Reviews of this soothing syrup are positive. Parents note that babies become much more balanced, tearfulness disappears, sleep normalizes. The child is more receptive to learning. Parents note that the assimilation of new information on the background of treatment becomes much better. Therefore, neurologists often recommend this syrup not only for babies, but also for older children. Often syrup helps even teenagers become more collected and attentive, solve problems with sleep and irritability.

Syrup "Edas 306": instructions, composition and feedback on the application

Children's soothing syrup "Edas 306" is a modern and safe remedy that can be used for children from one year and older. If there are contraindications to use (allergies, kidney problems), then it is better to refuse to use. Indications for taking the sedative children's syrup "Edas 306" - astheno-neurotic syndrome, hysterical conditions, psychosomatic pain, problemswith sleep, restlessness and irritability.

Main active ingredients: ambergris grisea, red-white passionflower, purified water, valerian tincture. If some lethargy is noted during the reception, then the dosage should be halved. If after that the child is characterized by apathy and drowsiness, then you should discuss with the attending neurologist the change of the drug to another one.

Reviews of the sedative syrup for children "Edas 306" are different. Some parents note that they did not notice a positive effect on the psycho-emotional state of the child at all. But there are also positive reviews about the soothing syrup for children "Edas 306". They contain information that the child has become much calmer on the background of the reception. Night awakenings disappear, the baby learns with pleasure, becomes more assiduous, is not distracted by trifles. Tearfulness and irritability pass.

Edas 306 syrup reviews
Edas 306 syrup reviews

Instructions for use and reviews of the soothing syrup "Bunny"

Often young parents cannot understand what is happening to the child - he becomes whiny, cannot fall asleep for a long time, wakes up at night from nightmares. Such a condition does not at all indicate the presence of a neurological diagnosis - perhaps the baby was simply afraid of something or is experiencing nervous overload. This condition should not be left to chance, as in the long run it can lead to he alth problems (the consequences of stress were described at the beginning of the article). Soothing syrup "Hare" will come to the aid of parents. The instruction says that the remedy can be given to children older than one year. Possible side effects are allergies, indigestion.

reviews of syrup Hare
reviews of syrup Hare

Instructions for soothing syrup "Hare" also informs that if an allergic reaction (rash, itching, etc.) occurs, you should immediately stop taking it. Some parents neglect this rule, as a result of which allergy symptoms only worsen and can become chronic. This is the most common side effect of sedatives.

Syrup for children "Hare" affects children in different ways. Parent reviews report that some children become lethargic, they are overcome by drowsiness. In this case, it is better to stop taking and refuse further use. But there are also many positive reviews: sleep is normalized, the child becomes attentive, the ability to concentrate and learn increases. Some neurologists prescribe "Rabbit" syrup for mild hyperactivity (there is no diagnosis of ADHD, but the disinhibition of the nervous system is obvious). The syrup is not addictive and is well tolerated by almost all children - a great alternative to prescription tranquilizers.
