Throughout the day, a person is affected by many negative factors that cause nervous exhaustion, fatigue, depression, stress, and many other problems. They can be solved in various ways, but the most effective and very pleasant is relaxation massage. What is it and why is it needed? About this and other information in the article.

What can a massage do?
A properly performed relaxation massage helps to relax all the muscles of the body as much as possible, get rid of increased excitability, and also create good emotions that will increase tone and provide a surge of good mood and new strength. Therefore, music for relaxation massage is one of the main components.
Relaxing massage has a rather pronounced therapeutic effect, since it prevents possible rather serious illnesses - stomach ulcers, stroke, poor sleep, angina pectoris, heart attack, and often recurring migraines. Everything in mansystems, sensations and organs are interconnected, as a result of which a relaxation massage, if performed correctly, will soothe with tactile sensations, while at the same time having a beneficial effect on the human nervous system, muscle system, and, of course, on the brain.
When blood circulation is activated, fresh oxygen and other equally important nutrients are supplied to all organs and cells of the body. As a result, a person quickly passes any pain, stress and anxiety. According to doctors, lymph outflow occurs through the vessels, metabolic processes are activated in the cells, they will “breathe” much better, effectively getting rid of products harmful to the body.

What are people saying?
Reviews of relaxation massage indicate that it has a mechanical effect on organs, systems and nerve endings, helping to produce endorphins, as well as stimulating human nerve centers. Hormones of pleasure will increase resistance to various stressful situations. Since the lymph and blood depart, the person is relieved of the heaviness of the arms and legs.
With a clear relaxation massage, you can get a lasting desired result. So, after the procedure, a person's skin is noticeably smoothed, it becomes he althier and more beautiful in appearance due to the saturation of the epidermis with a sufficient amount of oxygen, as well as effective cleansing and relaxation.
As the masseur's hands act on the body, the fat layer is activated, givingthe ability to release biologically active substances. In this case, serotonin is released - a hormone that is responsible for the well-being and mood of a person. Relax massage is very effective in eliminating the negative effects of diseases and stress, which are caused by a poor mental state.

Preparation rules
It is not enough to know what it is - relaxation massage. It is worth considering the main rules of preparation. The air temperature in the room where the relaxation massage will be performed should be 22-24 ° C, it is necessary to provide subdued lighting, which will additionally contribute to the maximum relaxation of the body. You also need to prepare the surface for massage (ideally - a special massage table) and heat the necessary aromatic oils.
You need to buy oils that are pleasant for you, which will effectively calm the nerves, and their healing qualities will provide a lasting therapeutic effect. Essential oils, if desired, can also be mixed with the main compositions: olive, almond, purified vegetable, as well as any other.

Who needs a relaxing massage?
So, this type of massage should be done:
- for a bad night's sleep;
- pain in the neck and head;
- not feeling well;
- pain in the spine;
- disturbances in the functioning of the digestive system;
- depression.

Since relaxation massage (what it is, you already know) stimulates the functioning of the circulatory system and improves the state of the nervous system, contributing to the renewal of the body, it is indicated for relaxation in the following pathologies:
- headaches;
- pain in the spine;
- neuralgia and neuritis;
- sprains and muscle bruises;
- osteochondrosis;
- radiculitis;
- arthritis in mild stage;
- paralysis;
- healing fractures.
For what diseases is it prescribed yet?
Therapeutic massage, which will simultaneously relax a person, will help the diseased organ restore its functions, reducing pain. In addition, therapeutic massage has a positive effect on such diseases:
- angina;
- bronchial asthma;
- hypertension;
- pneumonia and bronchitis;
- chronic gastritis.

Types of movements during massage
Even if an inexperienced person at home performs relaxation massage, he will be able to apply elementary relaxation massage techniques. Their technique is quite simple, so mastering it is quite simple.
- Stroking. You have to be in constant contact with your body. Slow strokes should be directed from bottom to top, towards the heart, in order to relax all the muscles and stimulate blood circulation as much as possible. After that, you can smoothly move on to very gentle rubbing in order to warm up the body.
- Rubbing. The masseur does not need to tear offtheir palms away from the body, gently influencing forward and backward movements. It is recommended to alternate them with strokes.
- Kneading. Such movements should be performed deeply, but at the same time progressively, without tearing off the hands. Kneading alternates with twisting, rubbing, stretching and stroking with the hands, as well as circular movements performed with the pads of the fingers, which allows you to stimulate complete relaxation and the most complete blood circulation of the muscles located deep in the body.
- Other massage movements. In relaxation massage, light vibration with fingers, pinching and effleurage are used. These movements should be used when the large muscles are relaxed. They help to fully relieve superficial muscle tension, increase muscle tone, and also stimulate blood circulation. The relaxing massage ends with light, soothing, soft stroking movements.

How is a relaxation massage done?
The technique of this type of massage does not differ between home and professional procedures. So, a person needs to be laid on a hard table or sofa on his stomach so that he relaxes as much as possible and stretches his arms along the length of the body.
The massage therapist should apply a special cream or oil to his hands, warm it up a little with his warmth and begin to knead the feet with soft movements. After that, you can gradually rise to the knees, go to the hips. Since the feet get tired most of the day, they need to be given the maximum amount of attention. You can stretch your fingers andheels, lightly sipping them individually.
During a relaxing relaxation massage with gentle movements affecting the back, shoulders, spine and sides, you need to go down the back. You should carefully work out the shoulders and lower back, as they also get tired very quickly.
To relax the body as much as possible, it is necessary to rub the skin with light movements. Next comes the turn of our assistants - the hands, the muscles of which are relaxed with circular gentle movements performed from the elbow to the shoulder.
When performing a relaxation massage for men and women, you need to constantly monitor the reaction of a person: if certain techniques cause unpleasant and uncomfortable sensations, you need to weaken the effect or stop completely.
At the final stage, you should perform relaxing touches on the tissues located around the spine, without touching it. A separate complex was developed by professionals for facial massage. If desired, you can do a head massage: first you need to knead the head, ears and temples.
Thumbs should be at the top of the head. Then the ears are gently kneaded, gradually moving to the cheekbones. To relax the neck, you need to slightly raise the lower jaw, press several times on the center of the forehead, at the point between the eyebrows. There are a large number of active points in the temple area, so this area must be massaged in circular, very gentle movements.
Despite the effectiveness and benefits of classic relaxation massage, it has some contraindications. If the execution technique is not followed,wrong touching can hurt a person even more.
So, relaxation massage is highly undesirable in case of:
- violations and wounds on the skin;
- high temperature;
- open wounds, scratches and abrasions;
- development of inflammation in the area of the lymph nodes;
- allergic reaction;
- in the place of stitches after previous operations.
Presented massage is best done before bedtime. The room should be comfortable and warm enough. There should be no drafts, it is desirable to provide comfortable subdued lighting, the absence of loud sounds. Music for relaxation massage is given a huge place. After all, it should be such that it plunges a person into a drowsy state. During the procedure, it is desirable to use melodic and light tunes, as well as certain aromatic oils that are pleasant for a person.
You need to choose massage oil very carefully. Its components are absorbed into the heated and open skin. If a person has an allergic reaction to the components of the products used, he should tell the massage therapist about it.
In most cases, refined olive or quality baby oil is used. But it is best to use organic vegetable oil for relaxation massage. Particular attention should be paid to the aroma, which should be optimally combined with a relaxing environment. After the session, it is advisable to apply body lotion or cream.
Massage is recommended fora certain time period - usually 20-40 minutes. The final time will depend on when the person is completely relaxed. Also, the session should be performed without gaps so as not to lose contact between the human body and the masseur's hands.
After you know what it is - relaxation massage and when it helps, you should experience it for yourself in order to relax as much as possible and bring your morale back to normal. Following the above instructions, the massage therapist will be able to perform the procedure with his own hands! The main thing is to do everything correctly, without worsening the well-being of a person.