Antiviral agents have several varieties. Some are effective for influenza and SARS, others help against viral hepatitis and chicken pox. Equally popular are formulations that cope with herpes. As you know, this infection lives in the body of 98% of the people inhabiting the planet. The disease is transmitted sexually, as well as from mother to child during natural childbirth. Herpes worsens with a decrease in immunity. Doctors often prescribe Zovirax to fight such an infection. The price of this medication, according to consumers, is quite high. Patients strive to find an equally effective medicine with a more democratic cost. Today's article will tell you about such drugs and their features.

Description of the drug "Zovirax"
The drug is available in several dosage forms. At the pharmacy, you can buy topical cream or tablets. The first type of drug is more often used. How much does Zovirax ointment cost? The price for a 5-gram tube is about 250 rubles. Consumer reviews say that it is quite expensive. However, this medicationrecognized as effective and very popular. The active ingredient in Zovirax is acyclovir. The drug is effective against the herpes virus of the first and second type. It also eliminates the Epstein-Barr virus and cytomegalovirus infection.
The drug can be used on the skin and mucous membranes. The tablets are taken orally. Use the medicine should be no more than 10 days in a row. If symptoms persist after this interval, consult a doctor. Often, consumers seek to find cheap analogues of Zovirax. It's easy to do. You can replace the drug with any medicine based on acyclovir. Consider the most popular of them.
"Acyclovir", ointment: price, description

This drug contains the active ingredient of the same name. It is an absolute analogue of the Zovirax cream. Pay attention to the fact that for "Acyclovir" (ointment) the price is only 30-50 rubles. For this amount, you will purchase a 10-gram tube, which is twice as much as the expensive Zovirax. It turns out that buying domestic medicine is much more profitable.
This medicine is used for herpes of the skin and mucous membranes. It can also be used for genital localization of a viral infection, herpetic keratitis. But, unlike the expensive predecessor, this medicine cannot be used during pregnancy. If the expectant mother is faced with the question of choosing a drug (“Zovirax” or “Acyclovir”), then it is definitely worth giving preference to the more expensive, but safemedication.
Gerperax: ointment for herpes

Cheap analogues of Zovirax are sold in every pharmacy chain. One such remedy is the Herperax ointment. The cost of a tube of 5 grams is 80-100 rubles. The drug is produced by an Indian pharmaceutical company. It is shown to use the ointment in the same situations as Zovirax. But the drug "Gerperax" is unacceptable to use for the treatment of children under 18 years of age. Doctors say that such a restriction was introduced due to the lack of clinical studies among the younger age group.
Instructions for use warns that this analogue of an antiviral drug should not be applied to mucous membranes and eyes. The medication can cause burning and peeling of the skin. Reviews of pharmacists say that this ointment is not as popular as its predecessors. But it has the same effect on the patient's body.
"Atsik Oftal": a drug that is hard to get

This medicine comes in the form of an ointment. It is applied to the face and mucous surfaces. The medication can also be used to treat a herpes eye infection. It is known that the composition of the drug includes the same acyclovir. The cost of an ointment with a volume of 2 grams is about 100 rubles. According to customer reviews, the drug is hard to find in Russian pharmacies, but it is actively sold in Ukraine.
It is contraindicated to use this composition for children under 12 years old and pregnant women. If necessary, therapy during breastfeedingfeeding the question of its termination is solved. The medicine is used for 10 days. It can cause side reactions: burning, pain in the eyes, glaucoma. If they occur, you should immediately consult a doctor.
"Cyclovir": tablets and ointment
You can choose cheap analogues of Zovirax with the trade name Cyclovir. So, 10 tablets (200 milligrams of acyclovir each) cost no more than 30 rubles. According to consumers, treatment with this drug is very cheap. Because of this, people often prefer it. The medicine belongs to antiviral, antiherpetic drugs. It is prescribed for herpes of different localization: on the face, genitals, lips and mucous membranes. Contraindication to therapy is only hypersensitivity. It is also not recommended to use tablets for the treatment of newborns.

So, you have learned about what are the cheap analogues of Zovirax. It is not worth choosing an alternative on your own. If you cannot purchase the original medicine prescribed by your doctor, then ask for help in choosing a substitute. Remember that all means have their advantages and disadvantages. Statistics and consumer reviews show that the most popular drug replacing Zovirax is Acyclovir. It has an acceptable price. But this medication is prohibited during pregnancy, and expectant mothers so often have a herpes infection against the background of a decrease in immunity.
Doctors say that children often have to prescribe such drugs. This is necessary whenchickenpox or shingles. The sooner you start treatment, the sooner you will achieve a positive result. But remember that remedies such as "Atsik" and "Gerperaks" are contraindicated in young children. If within a week of treatment with the original Zovirax or its inexpensive analogues, you do not feel better, then you need to see a doctor. You will likely need to adjust your appointments. Have a nice day!