In the article we will talk about the best drops for children from the common cold. This pathology in a child always causes a lot of problems. Before treating a runny nose, you need to figure out what factors caused this unpleasant symptom. Nasal congestion in children occurs in several stages:
- Reflex runny nose, the duration of which takes several hours. This pathological condition in children is characterized by the fact that vasoconstriction occurs, the nasal mucosa becomes pale, irritation and dryness appear.
- Catarrhal phase, in which vasodilation occurs, swelling and redness of the mucous membrane develops. The child has difficulty breathing and discharge from the nose. This phase lasts 2-3 days.
- The recovery period, when the functional abilities of the nasal mucosa resume, inflammation stops. There is a disappearance of dryness in the nose, itching and burning. Nasal secretions thicken, their colorchanging.
What drops are better for a child to get a cold, the doctor will tell. With the right approach to treatment, the duration of a runny nose is no more than 10 days. In this case, it is necessary to take into account what medical remedies for the common cold can be used in childhood. Therapy of rhinitis is often complicated by the fact that the range of medicines for children is very limited. At each stage, special means are used, and this should also be borne in mind. At the same time, parents are trying to choose the best drops for children from the common cold.

Vasoconstrictive drops
To alleviate the condition of a child with a runny nose, you can use vasoconstrictors. They are prescribed for a runny nose due to the development of otitis media or an allergic reaction. Such drops should not be the main medicine in the treatment, since they do not eliminate the causes of the disease, but only fight the symptoms.
Vasoconstrictive drops for the nose with a cold for children drops for children are divided into three groups:
- short-acting;
- medium duration;
- long-acting products.
If nasal breathing is impaired due to a cold, long-acting remedies should be used. If the symptom is caused by an allergic reaction, it is best to purchase a short-acting medication. The best drops for children from the common cold are not so easy to find.
Short-acting vasoconstrictor drops
The duration of action of such drops is a maximum of 4 hours. Similarproducts based on substances such as tetrazoline, phenylephrine and naphazoline. Phenylephrine-based medicines are suitable for children of any age. Short acting drop list includes:
- "Naphthyzin" - a drug based on naphazoline. Upon contact with the nasal mucosa, this substance quickly removes swelling and inflammation of the tissues. With catarrhal pathologies, the drug affects the capillary vessels, narrowing them and increasing the volume of air entering through the nose. The vasoconstrictor "Nafthyzin" is contraindicated in children with acute sinusitis and frequent bleeding. In addition, Naphthyzin drops are not prescribed for babies under 1 year old. When using this remedy, some side effects may be noted - dizziness, lethargy, low body temperature, the development of drug-induced rhinitis.
- "Vibrocil" are nasal drops for a runny nose for children, which can be used at the age of 1-6 years. The main active element of the drug is phenylephrine, which has a pronounced vasoconstrictive effect in rhinitis, sinusitis and runny nose, provoked by allergic reactions. A contraindication to its use is atrophic rhinitis, as well as high sensitivity to the drug. The most common side effect in children is dryness and irritation of the nose.
- "Nazol Baby" - suitable drops from the common cold for children under 1 year old. The drug provokes a strong vasoconstrictor effect, which lasts a short period of time. It is recommended to use this remedy only before going to bed. In addition to direct functions, drops"Nazol Baby" soften the nasal mucosa, do not cause discomfort. The main active substance of the drug is phenylephrine hydrochloride, the auxiliary is glycerin. Drops are prescribed for children with a cold, accompanied by a runny nose and sinusitis. The drug easily eliminates allergic reactions that occur with swelling of the nasal mucosa. What are the best cold drops for children is a very subjective question.
- "Polydex" - a remedy for the common cold with vasoconstrictive properties, with anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects. The drug is used only if antibiotic therapy is necessary. The therapeutic effect of this drug is due to the presence of phenylephrine, dexamethasone, neomycin. The drug is often prescribed in the treatment of rhinitis and purulent sinusitis in children from 2 years of age. Contraindications to it, experts call hypersensitivity, inflammation in the sinuses, provoked by the herpes virus. In rare cases, drops for the treatment of rhinitis in children cause irritation in the nose and dryness of the mucous membranes.

Mid-lasting drops
This group of drugs includes medicines that are made on the basis of tramazolin and xylometazoline. Medications containing these elements narrow the capillary vessels of the mucosa for a longer period. These drops work for approximately 8 hours. These include:
"Otrivin" - this medicine is available in the form of drops and sprays. The drug produced for children containsthe main active substance in the amount of 0.05%. "Otrivin" narrows the blood vessels of the paranasal sinuses and nasal mucosa, improves breathing for a long time. The active element of the drug is xylometazoline hydrochloride, which effectively eliminates swelling and hyperemia of the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx, reduces the manifestations of concomitant hypersecretion of mucus and facilitates the drainage of nasal passages blocked by secretions. Thus, these drops improve nasal breathing in a child with a runny nose. The product also contains glycerin, which softens and moisturizes the mucous structures. This vasoconstrictor is non-addictive, so it can be used for chronic sinusitis and rhinitis in children

"Tizin" is a drug based on the active substance tetrizoline. Its dosage for children is 0.05%. Drops contribute to the narrowing of blood vessels. The effect is observed after 5 minutes and persists for more than 10 hours. The drug has some contraindications: hypersensitivity and age up to 2 years. Side effects may include a decrease in temperature, a feeling of irritation and dryness in the nose, and sleep disturbances. The mechanism of action of these drops is similar to that of the Otrivin drug
Long-acting vasoconstrictors for children
It is believed that these are the best drops for children from the common cold. The duration of their effect is ensured by the presence of oxymetazoline in their composition. This element not only stops the swelling of the mucosa, but also reduces the secretion of mucus.during the development of sinusitis in a child. For allergic reactions, medications based on this substance are also used. The main limitation to their use is age - less than 6 years. These drops include:
"Nazivin" - drops containing oxymetazoline, which perfectly relieve swelling of the mucous membrane and normalize nasal breathing in a child. Sometimes such a remedy can provoke side effects in the form of a decrease in body temperature, a feeling of dryness in the nose

"Afrin" - a remedy that, when it comes into contact with the nasal mucosa, promotes rapid and prolonged vasoconstriction and elimination of edema. The drug significantly improves nasal breathing and reduces blood flow to the vessels of the nose. The therapeutic effect is noted quickly - approximately 5 minutes after the introduction of the drops, and lasts about 7 hours
Moisturizing drops
What other cold drops for children can I buy? Means of this category can be used even in the treatment of rhinitis in newborns. They contain sea isotonic water, which is filtered and controlled for its sterility. The drops contain the same concentration of s alt as human cells.
Seawater-based baby drops work by loosening and softening nasal mucus, which helps to clear the nasal passages of crusts, allowing the child to breathe easier, sleep and eat easier. In addition, such medical products effectively cleanse the nasal passages of bacteria and viruses, as well asallergens and irritants - house dust and pollen.
Treatment of a runny nose in babies up to a year old will be much easier when using drops of this group. The group of isotonic nasal solutions includes:
- Aqualor Baby.
- Aquamaris.
- Marimer.
- Morenasal.
- Fluimarin.
These are good cold drops. A child at 1 year old can safely bury them.

Homeopathic drops
The main advantage of homeopathic nasal preparations is their safety when used in childhood, since they contain only natural ingredients, and there are practically no side effects. These medications include:
- Xlear is a product based on xylitol, which normalizes the processes of natural cleansing of the child's nose. Xylitol prevents the penetration of irritants and pathogenic microorganisms through the mucous membranes, prevents irritation and the development of a secondary infection. This drug not only relieves the symptoms of the disease, but also prevents their occurrence, so you can use it for preventive purposes.
- Seagate is a natural remedy, the main ingredient of which is olive leaf extract. This drug reduces the formation of mucus in the nose and relieves breathing difficulties.
Oil drops for kids
Oil-based nose drops are used to moisturize and soften the nasal cavity in children. To date, with various types of rhinitis, the following drugs have earned the greatest popularity:
"Pinosol" - drops from the common cold, which are used in children from 1 year old. This tool contains a mixture of essential and vegetable oils with antimicrobial action. It improves blood circulation in tissues and restores its functions. Drops "Pinosol" is a complex medication that has anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and antiviral effects. They reduce the intensity of exudative inflammation, reduce the viscosity of nasal mucus, and facilitate its separation. In the case of a chronic disease in a child, the drug increases blood flow in the nasal area, and helps restore the functions of the mucous membrane

"Pinovit" - drops that are used in the treatment of various forms of rhinitis. They reduce inflammation, swelling, have a thinning effect on mucus. The drug is contraindicated in children prone to allergies and is prescribed after the age of 2 years
Other oil-based nasal drops with a similar therapeutic effect are Ekvasept, Vitaon, Sinusan.
Antiviral drops
At the heart of almost all antiviral drops that treat the common cold in children is an immunostimulating substance - interferon. The list of such medications includes:
- "Grippferon" - antiviral nasal drops that have a powerful immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory effect. The undoubted advantage of this tool is the absoluteabsence of adverse reactions and contraindications. These drops are suitable for a cold and children up to a year.
- "Ingaron" - a medicine in the form of a powder from which a nasal solution is made. The drops are based on the main substance - gamma-interferon, which is more effective than simple interferon on viruses and has a wide spectrum of influence. This remedy can be prescribed to children under 7 years old.
- "Derinat" - drops that differ from other antiviral agents in that there is no interferon in its content. The main component of this medication is deoxyribonucleate. The drug has a fairly strong immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory effect. Children's dosage is calculated individually.

Antibacterial drops
This group of medications is used only in exceptional cases, when a runny nose in a child has become protracted or purulent. Such drops help to cure diseases of the nose that are not amenable to conventional therapy, since they consist of potent substances that eliminate the infection and facilitate the course of the disease. These medications include:
- "Polydex" - nasal drops based on the active elements of polymyxin and neomycin. These substances allow you to destroy a wide range of pathogenic microbes. The drug contains a hormonal component, so it is used only for severe rhinitis and the presence of complications in the child. Appointed at the age of 3 years.
- "Isofra" - drops from the common cold based onframycetin. This antibacterial medication fights only certain types of infection, it eliminates all groups of aerobic microorganisms. There is a child and adult form of the drug.

Inexpensive cold drops for kids
The quality and price of many drugs today often do not match. Therefore, the principle “the more expensive the better” does not work in this case. Many inexpensive cold drops for children are often more effective than expensive drugs, so the cost criterion is the least important here. Among the effective and inexpensive vasoconstrictor drugs can be noted: "Nafthyzin", "Rinostop", "Xilen", "Otrivin". Among all isotonic nasal solutions, Aquamaris is considered the cheapest, and among nasal antibiotics, Isofra.
Reviews of cold drops for children
Each parent periodically faces the problem of a runny nose in a child, so there are a lot of reviews about nasal drops, but they are all quite diverse. Vibrocil is considered a very popular such remedy, which is well tolerated by children and quickly eliminates nasal congestion. There are also many positive reviews about Otrivin and Nazol Baby medicines.

Aqualor is a popular preparation based on sea water - parents respond positively to it, they consider it a very effective remedy.
Among antibiotics, a large number of good reviews are observed about Polydex drops. Parentsnote that this remedy easily eliminates the cause of a runny nose, as a result of which the child recovers faster.