Solution "Furacilin" for gargling the throat and mouth: instructions for use

Solution "Furacilin" for gargling the throat and mouth: instructions for use
Solution "Furacilin" for gargling the throat and mouth: instructions for use

Both in pediatrics and in adult practice, the Furacilin solution is often used to rinse the larynx. It is a clear yellow liquid that has a powerful anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effect.

One of the effective methods of therapy for inflammatory lesions of the oropharynx are rinsing with antibacterial, antiseptic agents.

This method is optional and does not exclude the use of antiviral, as well as antimicrobial or antimycotic drugs. It is necessary to know certain proportions for making a solution, indications for use, optimal frequency and limitations.

Pharmacological properties

"Furacilin" is a popular antimicrobial agent that belongs to the group of nitrofurans. Its active substance is nitrofural, which is able to eliminate pathogens and stop them.reproduction.

A characteristic feature of the medicine for pain in the throat is the absence of an instant sterilizing effect. The active component is intended for stable daily use, and in five to ten days it can well disinfect the oral cavity and larynx. Because of this, "Furacilin" in terms of its pharmacological properties is put on the same level with local antimicrobial agents and streptocid.

The therapeutic effects of the drug are:

  1. Growth inhibition of gram-negative as well as gram-positive rods and cocci.
  2. Elimination of Trichomonas and Giardia.
  3. Providing anti-inflammatory action at the site of use.

In most situations, the Furacilin solution for throat diseases is used as a rinse, during which the body eliminates a large number of pathogens.

The remaining microorganisms are eliminated within forty minutes after the procedure. It is known that the active ingredient not only fights bacteria, but also activates local immunity in the oral cavity.

If you wash your throat with a solution of "Furacilin" for viral lesions of the respiratory tract, you can greatly reduce the duration of the disease, reduce the incidence of complications. Thus, when using this antiseptic:

  1. From the tonsils, as well as the back surface of the larynx, plaque, purulent exudate, which spread the infection, are eliminated.
  2. In the oropharynx, conditions are created that prevent the spread andstable activity of pathogens.
  3. Rinsing neutralizes pain in the larynx, cleanses the respiratory system, which alleviates the patient's condition.

An antiseptic drug can rarely be found in pharmacies as a ready-made solution, therefore, as a rule, crushed Furacilin tablets are used for rinsing. You can also buy medicine in the form of capsules at the pharmacy, which dissolve easily.

Issue Forms

The drug "Furacilin" is produced in several forms:

  1. Dispersible tablets. There are ten of them in the package, which contain 0.2 grams of the active ingredient.
  2. Standard tablets (there are 10 pieces of 0.2 g each in a blister).
  3. Sterile solution.
  4. Alcohol solution.
  5. Capsules.

Despite the fact that any of the above forms can be used, as a rule, gargling tablets are most often used. An alcohol solution is prescribed very rarely due to the increased consumption of the substance per day, and also because it is contraindicated in childhood. Effervescent tablets are easy to use as they dissolve faster.

From what helps "Furacilin"

As a rule, an antiseptic is prescribed for pain in the throat during viral, as well as bacterial and mixed infectious processes.

According to the instructions for use, indications for the use of the drug are:

  1. Staphylococcal, streptococcal tonsillitis (acute infectious disease with inflammation of the palatine tonsils).
  2. Acute form of tonsillitis (an infectious disease with local manifestations in the form of acute inflammation of the components of the lymphatic pharyngeal ring).
  3. Glossitis (acute inflammation of the tissues of the tongue, which is characterized by a change in its structure and is localized only in the region of this organ).
  4. Stomatogingivitis (inflammation of the gums and oral mucosa caused by infection).
  5. Gingivitis (inflammation of the gums without violating the integrity of the periodontal junction).
  6. Osteomyelitis (inflammation of the bone marrow, which usually affects all elements of the bone).

For what other diseases is Furacilin prescribed? The drug is recommended for use in the presence of the following conditions:

  1. Purulent wounds.
  2. Abrasions.
  3. Decubituses.
  4. Purulent otitis media (a common otorhinolaryngological pathology characterized by inflammation of the epithelium lining the surface of the inner and middle ear).
  5. Sinusitis (acute or chronic infectious and inflammatory disease of the paranasal cavities of allergic, viral, bacterial or fungal origin).
  6. Keratoconjunctivitis (a serious and dangerous eye disease that often leads to a severe decrease in vision).
  7. Pharyngitis (acute or chronic inflammatory process localized in the pharynx, affecting its mucous membrane and deeper layers, as well as tissues of the soft palate, lymph nodes).
  8. Blepharitis (bilateral recurrent inflammation of the ciliary edge of the eyelids).
  9. Acute bacterialrhinitis (inflammatory disease of the nasal mucosa, accompanied by swelling of the mucous layer and abundant secretion of mucous secretion).

Careful cleansing of the nasal cavity with an antiseptic helps to quickly eliminate purulent exudate and facilitate the patient's breathing.

"Furacilin" is also used in the treatment of burns, ulcers and bedsores, with lesions of the pleural cavities, before skin transplantation. With respiratory infections, frequent procedures contribute to the rapid elimination of cough. An alcohol solution of "Furacilin" is also used for gargling. But it is rarely prescribed.

furatsilin instructions for use gargle
furatsilin instructions for use gargle

Contraindications and adverse reactions

"Furacilin" has established itself as an effective and harmless medicine. When applied topically, the active ingredient of the drug is absolutely not absorbed into the bloodstream, so if you use it to treat your throat as a rinse, there should be no negative effects.

According to the instructions for use, the restrictions on the prescription of the drug are:

  1. Chronic kidney failure (gradual decline in kidney function due to nephron death due to chronic kidney disease).
  2. Pyelonephritis (an inflammatory disease of the kidneys characterized by damage to the parenchyma of the kidney, calyces and renal pelvis).
  3. Glomerulonephritis (inflammation of the glomeruli of the kidneys of an autoimmune or infectious-allergicnature, which is manifested by edema, increased blood pressure, decreased urine output).
  4. Cystitis (inflammation of the bladder, which is accompanied by urination disorders).
  5. Lichen (an infectious disease of the skin in which some parts of the body are affected by spores of fungal etiology).
  6. Psoriasis (chronic non-communicable disease, dermatosis, affecting mainly the skin).
  7. Individual intolerance.
  8. Early childhood.
  9. Allergic reactions.
  10. Eczema (an acute or chronic non-contagious inflammatory skin disease characterized by a variable rash, burning sensation, itching, and a tendency to relapse).

If you treat your throat with a solution of "Furacilin", which is diluted in the wrong proportions, or often carry out procedures, the following negative effects may develop:

  1. Nausea.
  2. Vertigo (a symptom known as dizziness, it is characteristic of an ear disorder or, less commonly, a brain lesion).
  3. Gagging.
  4. Irritation of the oral mucosa.
  5. Loss of appetite.
how to dilute furacilin tablets
how to dilute furacilin tablets

"Furacilin" for tonsillitis

Under angina is understood an acute infectious and inflammatory lesion, which is characterized by damage to the tissue of the tonsils.

The main symptoms of the disease are:

  • febrile conditions;
  • chill;
  • pain in the oropharynx;
  • puffiness;
  • bright redness of the oral mucosa;
  • appearance of plaque on the palatine tonsils.

The causative agent, as a rule, are different types of streptococci, as well as staphylococci and Klebsiella. In therapy, systemic antibacterial, antiseptic drugs and rinses are used, in the most difficult situations they resort to infusion treatment, the use of immunoglobulins.

Since with tonsillitis along the palatine tonsils there are almost always raids, which consist of purulent exudate, as well as waste products of pathogens, it is necessary to constantly carry out procedures with a solution.

According to the instructions for use for "Furacilin", gargling helps not only to eliminate the inflammatory process and pain, but also mechanically eliminate plaque.

With angina, an infectious disease is regularly activated after hypothermia, as well as a decrease in immunity and the presence of purulent plugs. Therapy with antiseptic drugs can also be carried out during remission to prevent exacerbations.

furatsilina solution for rinsing the mouth
furatsilina solution for rinsing the mouth

For pharyngitis

Inflammation, which is localized on the back wall of the larynx, is considered acute pharyngitis. The disease proceeds with intoxication, sore throat, as well as an increase in follicles and hyperemia of the mucous membrane.

According to the instructions for use for "Furacilin", gargling is necessary to reduce the inflammatory process, as well as neutralize unpleasant symptoms. The procedure should be carried out threetimes a day.

Elimination of pharyngitis also includes etiotropic drugs, lozenges with antiseptic and anti-inflammatory action.

furatsilin solution for rinsing
furatsilin solution for rinsing

Preparation of the solution "Furacilin" for gargling

Most parents are interested in what medicines are allowed for children, at what age and how many tablets should be diluted in water.

For patients of school age and older, doctors often prescribe a bactericide for sore throats.

Since it is extremely difficult to find a ready-made composition, you need to know in what proportions it is correct to dilute a tablet to obtain a drug. How to prepare a solution of "Furacilin" for gargling?

According to the instructions for use, crush two 0.2 gram tablets to a powder state and mix them in a glass of water (250 milliliters) to get the remedy. The medication may take on a slight yellow tint.

ready-made solution of furacilin for rinsing
ready-made solution of furacilin for rinsing

How to use the medicine

How to make a solution of "Furacilin" for gargling? To prepare a medicine, you need to dissolve two tablets in water or dilute five pieces in a liter of liquid.

The medicine in the glass should be warm. The procedure must be carried out by taking a little solution into the mouth, slightly throwing back the head and gargling for one or two minutes. Nothing complicated!

In addition, a ready-made solution is also used"Furacilina" for rinsing the mouth. Do this for dental diseases, three to five times a day.

According to the instructions for use, the composition can be used to wash the nasal cavity, as well as make wet compresses on the hearing organs with external or middle otitis media.

But only a doctor can prescribe such procedures, because sometimes the treatment of such inflammatory processes requires the use of stronger antibacterial agents.

In addition, with the help of a solution, wet dressings are made to eliminate burns, the affected cavities are washed with medicine, as well as wound surfaces, for the prevention or treatment of suppuration. The drug is used to eliminate conjunctivitis, osteomyelitis and to treat the skin during medical procedures.

In addition, a solution of "Furacilin" is used to rinse the gums. It is an effective antimicrobial medication that helps eliminate pathogens that have appeared in the oral cavity, as well as eliminate inflammation.

how to make a solution of furacilin for gargling
how to make a solution of furacilin for gargling

Can a child gargle with "Furacilin"

The mechanism of the procedure does not differ from the use of the drug by adults. At what age can children gargle? As a rule, little patients can rinse their own mouths at the age of six or seven.

If children do not have this skill, it is better to use lozenges for sucking. How to dilute Furacilin tablets?

At two years old, treat the larynx of a childpossible thanks to a pear-syringe or gauze. In the first situation, you need to dissolve the tablet in 100 milliliters of water and draw the drug into a rubber bulb.

The baby's head is slightly tilted forward over the sink, then the oropharynx is gently irrigated with a solution of "Furacilin 0.02" for gargling.

In the second situation, a finger wrapped in gauze is dipped in antiseptic medicine, after which the mucous membrane is treated.

furatsilin solution for rinsing
furatsilin solution for rinsing

"Interesting position" and lactation

Women are not prohibited from using the Furacilin solution for rinsing during pregnancy and lactation. It is necessary to abandon the funds in the first trimester. Otherwise, the ratios are the same.

In addition to gargling, the solution is also used for inhalation. It is safe and can be used for the treatment of young children in the elimination of infectious lesions of the bronchial tree and nasopharynx. But before therapy, it is necessary to coordinate them with the pediatrician.

In order to make a solution for inhalation, one tablet is enough, which is dissolved in half a glass of water. For a single inhalation, 4-5 milliliters of the solution is sufficient. The procedure is repeated twice a day. Every day, a new portion of the medicine should be diluted.


How long does the "Furacilin" solution keep? Every day it is necessary to prepare a new composition, even if the previous one has not ended. Before gargling, the medicine should be slightly warmed up and stirred.

Afterrinse, a person should not eat or drink water for thirty minutes, so as not to reduce the pharmacological effect of the antiseptic drug.

When using "Furacilin" for washing the organs of vision, a new cotton swab is taken, and movements are carried out in the direction from the outer corner to the inner one.

The drug can be used in pediatrics, but young patients should only gargle with a solution under the supervision of an adult to prevent the drug from entering the respiratory system or accidentally swallowing it.

"Furacilin" has no effect on psychomotor reactions. The solution is used only externally or topically, the tablets are not intended for oral use.


"Furacilin" has a number of substitute drugs:

  1. "Kombutek".
  2. "Chlorhexidine".
  3. "Lifuzol".
  4. "Prontosan".
  5. Furaplast.
  6. "Betadine".
  7. "Lifuzol".
  8. "Aquazan".
  9. "Miraseptin".
  10. "Miramistin".
  11. "Antiseptol".

When changing the prescribed medicine with one of the substitutes, you must thoroughly familiarize yourself with the annotation.

Storage conditions

According to the instructions for use, tablets are dispensed from pharmacies freely, this is not a doctor's prescription. Keep the drug should be in a dark place, at a temperature of plus twenty-five degrees. Keep away from children. Termshelf life - forty-eight months. The cost of the drug "Furacilin" varies from 60 to 150 rubles.


"Furacilin" is a time-tested effective medicine for the elimination of inflammatory processes of various types. The drug is considered a universal drug in the elimination of microbes and bacteria. And the low price makes the drug available to everyone. In addition, everyone knows how to dilute Furacilin tablets, it's quite simple.

The structure of the active ingredient allows it to be used in different dosage forms, selecting the type of effect for specific pharmacological tasks and achieving maximum effectiveness.

"Furacilin" is universal in its use for therapy and prevention among people of different age groups, and it can be used by women in position, which makes it indispensable in the elimination of infectious diseases during pregnancy.
